protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { iLoginClient objService = new iLoginClient(); try { CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); objService.ClearTempDataBySessionID(Session.SessionID, profile.Personal.UserID.ToString(), profile.DBConnection._constr); Session.RemoveAll(); Session.Abandon(); } catch { } finally { objService.Close(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Lang"] == "") { Session["Lang"] = Request.UserLanguages[0]; } loadstring(); txtConfirmNewPassword.Attributes.Add("onblur", "CheckPassword();"); if (!IsPostBack) { CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); lblLoginName.Text = profile.UserName; } }
protected void Page_PreInit(Object sender, EventArgs e) { CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); if (profile.Personal.Theme == null || profile.Personal.Theme == string.Empty) { Page.Theme = "Blue"; } else { Page.Theme = profile.Personal.Theme; } //var onBlurScript = Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(txtConfirmNewPassword, "OnBlur"); //txtConfirmNewPassword.Attributes.Add("onblur", onBlurScript); }
public static void ErrorHandling(Exception ex, string header, string errorCause) { CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(); BrilliantWMS.LoginService.iLoginClient log = new BrilliantWMS.LoginService.iLoginClient(); ErrorLog err = new ErrorLog(); err.Data = ex.Data.ToString(); err.Source = ex.Source.ToString(); err.Message = ex.Message.ToString() + "/" + header + "/" + errorCause; err.GetType = ex.GetType().ToString(); err.UserID = profile.Personal.UserID.ToString(); if (profile.DBConnection._constr != null) { log.ErrorTracking1(err.Data, err.Source, "Error", err.Message, errorCause, DateTime.Now, err.UserID, profile.DBConnection._constr); //log.ErrorTracking(err, profile.DBConnection._constr); //switch (ex.Message) //{ // case "Input string was not in a correct format.": // { // WebMsgBox.MsgBox.Show(ex.Message + "Please fill currect Informations"); // break; // } // case "An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.": // { // WebMsgBox.MsgBox.Show(ex.Message); // break; // } // default: // { // WebMsgBox.MsgBox.Show("An unexpected error has occured"); // break; // } //} } else { WebMsgBox.MsgBox.Show("An unexpected error has occured"); } }