コード例 #1
ファイル: PureComponent.cs プロジェクト: widra/Bridge.React
        protected PureComponent(TProps props, params Union <ReactElement, string>[] children)
            // To ensure that a single "template" (ie. React component) is created per unique class, a static "_reactComponentClasss" dictionary is maintained. If it has no entry
            // for the current type then this must be the first instantiation of that type and so a component class will be created and added to the dictionary, ready for re-use
            // by any subsequent component instances.
            var    currentType = ((object)this).GetType();          // Cast to object first in case derived class uses [IgnoreGeneric] - see http://forums.bridge.net/forum/bridge-net-pro/bugs/3343
            object reactComponentClass;

            if (!_reactComponentClasses.TryGetValue(currentType, out reactComponentClass))
                reactComponentClass = ReactComponentClassCreator.CreateClass(this, baseComponent: typeof(PureComponent <TProps>));
                _reactComponentClasses[currentType] = reactComponentClass;

            // Now that the React component class is certain to have been defined (once per unique C# component class), this instance requires a React element to be created
            // for it. The internal React mechanism means that the component's constructor will not be executed, which is why ALL configuration options for a component must
            // be contained within the props. Note: In most cases where children are specified as a params array, we don't want the "children require unique keys" warning
            // from React (you don't get it if you call DOM.Div(null, "Item1", "Item2"), so we don't want it in most cases here either - to achieve this, we prepare an
            // arguments array and pass that to React.createElement in an "apply" call.
            Array createElementArgs = new object[] { reactComponentClass, ComponentPropsHelpers.WrapProps(props) };

            if (children != null)
                createElementArgs = createElementArgs.Concat(children);
            _reactElement = Script.Write <ReactElement>("React.createElement.apply(null, createElementArgs)");
コード例 #2
        protected StatelessComponent(TProps props, params Union <ReactElement, string>[] children)
            // When preparing the "_reactStatelessRenderFunction" reference, a local "reactStatelessRenderFunction" alias is used - this is just so that the JavaScript
            // code further down (which calls React.createElement) can use this local alias and not have to know how Bridge stores static references.
            Func <TProps, ReactElement> reactStatelessRenderFunction;
            var currentType = ((object)this).GetType();             // Cast to object first in case derived class uses [IgnoreGeneric] - see http://forums.bridge.net/forum/bridge-net-pro/bugs/3343

            if (!_reactStatelessRenderFunctions.TryGetValue(currentType, out reactStatelessRenderFunction))
                reactStatelessRenderFunction = CreateStatelessRenderFunction();
                _reactStatelessRenderFunctions[currentType] = reactStatelessRenderFunction;

            // When we pass the props reference to React.createElement, React's internals will rip it apart and reform it - which will cause problems if TProps is a
            // class with property getters and setters (or any other function) defined on the prototype, since members from the class prototype are not maintained
            // in this process. Wrapping the props reference into a "value" property gets around this problem, we just have to remember to unwrap them again when
            // we render. In most cases where children are specified as a params array, we don't want the "children require unique keys" warning from React (you
            // don't get it if you call DOM.Div(null, "Item1", "Item2"), so we don't want it in most cases here either - to achieve this, we prepare an arguments
            // array and pass that to React.createElement in an "apply" call. Similar techniques are used in the stateful component.
            Array createElementArgs = new object[] { reactStatelessRenderFunction, ComponentPropsHelpers.WrapProps(props) };

            if (children != null)
                createElementArgs = Script.Write <Array>("{0}.concat({1})", createElementArgs, children);                // Since upgrading from Bridge 1.7.6 to 1.7.9, I'm getting an error that Concat doesn't exist so I'll just do this
            _reactElement = Script.Write <ReactElement>("React.createElement.apply(null, {0})", createElementArgs);
コード例 #3
ファイル: StaticComponent.cs プロジェクト: widra/Bridge.React
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this if the props type does not support shallow comparisons
        /// </summary>
        public static ReactElement Stateless <TProps>(Func <TProps, ReactElement> renderer, TProps props)
             * var namedScopeBoundFunction;
             * eval("namedScopeBoundFunction = function " + renderer.name + "(props) { return renderer(props ? props.value : props); };");
            var wrappedProps = ComponentPropsHelpers.WrapProps(props);

            return(Script.Write <ReactElement>("React.createElement(namedScopeBoundFunction, wrappedProps)"));
コード例 #4
ファイル: StaticComponent.cs プロジェクト: widra/Bridge.React
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this if the props type supports shallow comparison (which generally requires immutable types to be used for all of the props values) - the resulting component
        /// will automatically be assigned a ShouldComponentUpdate function so that re-renders of the component may be avoided if the props data has not changed.
        /// </summary>
        public static ReactElement Pure <TProps>(Func <TProps, ReactElement> renderer, TProps props)
             * var componentClass = renderer.$$componentClass;
             * if (!componentClass) {
             *      var doPropsReferencesMatch = this.doPropsReferencesMatch;
             *      componentClass = React.createClass({
             *              displayName: renderer.name,
             *              render: function () {
             *                      return renderer(this.props.value);
             *              },
             *              shouldComponentUpdate: function (nextProps, nextState) {
             *                      return !doPropsReferencesMatch(this.props ? this.props.value : null, nextProps ? nextProps.value : null);
             *              }
             *      });
             *      renderer.$$componentClass = componentClass;
             * }
            var wrappedProps = ComponentPropsHelpers.WrapProps(props);

            return(Script.Write <ReactElement>("React.createElement(componentClass, wrappedProps)"));