コード例 #1
ファイル: DetailsControl.cs プロジェクト: pgava/FlowTasks
        private void Control_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs args)
            if (IsDesignTime)

            // Find the current upload context
            string postBackID = Page.Request.Params["postBackID"];
            string barID      = Page.Request.Params["barID"];

            // Set the status to Cancelled if requested.
            if (Page.Request.Params["cancelled"] == "true")

            IUploadProgressState progressState = new UploadProgressState();

            UploadModule.BindProgressState(postBackID, barID, progressState);

            if (progressState.Status == UploadStatus.Unknown)
                // Status is unknown, so try to find the last post back based on the lastPostBackID param.
                // If successful, use the status of the last post back.
                string lastPostBackID = Page.Request.Params["lastPostBackID"];
                if (lastPostBackID != null && lastPostBackID.Length > 0 && Page.Request.Params["refresher"] == null)
                    UploadModule.BindProgressState(lastPostBackID, barID, progressState);
                    if (progressState.FileBytesRead == 0 &&
                        progressState.ProcessingState == null)
                        progressState.Status = UploadStatus.Unknown;

            Status = progressState.Status;
            ProgressInfo progress = null;

            progress = (ProgressInfo)progressState.ProcessingState;
            if (progress != null && Status == UploadStatus.Completed)
                Status = UploadStatus.ProcessingCompleted;

            Attributes["status"] = Status.ToString();

            if (WhenStatus != null)
                string[] matchingStatuses = WhenStatus.Split(' ');
                if (Array.IndexOf(matchingStatuses, Status.ToString()) == -1)
                    this.Visible = false;
コード例 #2
        private void SetupContext()
            // Find the current upload context
            PostBackID    = Request.Params["postBackID"];
            ProgressBarID = Request.Params["barID"];
            UploadModule.BindProgressState(PostBackID, ProgressBarID, this);
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("Status " + Status + " when SessionID = "
                          + (HttpContext.Current.Session != null ? HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID : null));

            if (Status == UploadStatus.Unknown)
                CurrentStatus = UploadStatus.Unknown;
                // Status is unknown, so try to find the last post back based on the lastPostBackID param.
                // If successful, use the status of the last post back.
                string lastPostBackID = Page.Request.Params["lastPostBackID"];
                if (lastPostBackID != null && lastPostBackID.Length > 0 && Page.Request.Params["refresher"] == null)
                    UploadModule.BindProgressState(lastPostBackID, ProgressBarID, this);
                    if (FileBytesRead == 0 && ProcessingState != null)
                        Status = UploadStatus.Unknown;
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("In ProgressPage, PostBackID = " + PostBackID);
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("In ProgressPage, Status = " + Status);
                CurrentStatus = Status;
コード例 #3
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string postBackID = context.Request.Params["postBackID"];
            string controlID  = context.Request.Params["controlID"];
            string cancel     = context.Request.Params["cancel"];

            if (cancel != null && Boolean.Parse(cancel))

            UploadModule.BindProgressState(postBackID, controlID, this);
            string message = "";

            if (Status == UploadStatus.Rejected)
                message = Rejection.Message;
            else if (Status == UploadStatus.Failed)
                message = Failure.Message;
            context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";

            double       percentComplete     = Math.Floor(100 * FractionComplete);
            string       processingStateJson = "null";
            ProgressInfo progressInfo        = ProcessingState as ProgressInfo;

            if (progressInfo != null)
                percentComplete     = Math.Floor(100.0 * progressInfo.Value / progressInfo.Maximum);
                processingStateJson = String.Format(@"{{ ""Value"" : {0}, ""Maximum"" : {1}, ""Units"" : ""{2}"", ""Text"" : ""{3}"" }}",
                                                    progressInfo.Value, progressInfo.Maximum, Quote(progressInfo.Units), progressInfo.Text != null ? Quote(progressInfo.Text) : "");

            System.Text.StringBuilder filesJson = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            bool isFirstFile = true;

            for (int i = 0; Files != null && i < Files.Count; i++)
                UploadedFile file = Files[i];
                if (Status == UploadStatus.NormalInProgress || Status == UploadStatus.ChunkedInProgress || Status == UploadStatus.ProcessingInProgress)
                    AppendFileJson(filesJson, file, ref isFirstFile);
                    // If the upload isn't in progress, the file might have been disposed which
                    // can cause exceptions, so we only make a best effort.
                        AppendFileJson(filesJson, file, ref isFirstFile);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // File was probably disposed so ignore the error.

            string jsonFormat = @"{{ 
      ""Status"" : ""{0}"",
      ""BytesRead"" : {1},
      ""BytesTotal"" : {2},
      ""PercentComplete"" : {3},
      ""BytesPerSec"" : {4},
      ""Message"" : ""{5}"",
      ""SecsRemaining"" : {6},
      ""SecsElapsed"" : {7},
      ""CurrentFileName"" : ""{8}"",
      ""ProcessingState"" : {9},
      ""Files"" : [{10}]  
            string json       = String.Format(jsonFormat,
                                              Status, BytesRead, BytesTotal, percentComplete, BytesPerSec, Quote(message),
                                              Math.Floor(TimeRemaining.TotalSeconds), Math.Floor(TimeElapsed.TotalSeconds), Quote(CurrentFileName), processingStateJson, filesJson.ToString());
