コード例 #1
        private DataProperty ParseCsdlComplexProperty(StructuralType parentType, JObject csdlProperty)
            // Complex properties are never nullable ( per EF specs)
            // var isNullable = csdlProperty.nullable === 'true' || csdlProperty.nullable == null;

            var complexTypeName = GetClientTypeNameFromClrTypeName((String)csdlProperty["type"]);
            // can't set the name until we go thru namingConventions and these need the dp.
            var nameOnServer = (String)csdlProperty["name"];
            var name         = NamingConvention.ServerPropertyNameToClient(nameOnServer, parentType);
            var dp           = parentType.GetDataProperty(name);

            if (dp == null)
                MetadataStore.OnMetadataMismatch(parentType.Name, name, MetadataMismatchType.MissingCLRDataProperty);

            if (!dp.IsComplexProperty)
                var detail = "Defined as a ComplexProperty on the server but not on the client";
                MetadataStore.OnMetadataMismatch(parentType.Name, name, MetadataMismatchType.InconsistentCLRPropertyDefinition, detail);

            CheckProperty(dp, dp.ComplexType.Name, complexTypeName, "ComplexTypeName");
コード例 #2
        private DataProperty ParseCsdlSimpleProperty(StructuralType parentType, JObject csdlProperty, List <String> keyNamesOnServer)
            var typeVal            = (String)csdlProperty["type"];
            var nameVal            = (String)csdlProperty["name"];
            var nullableVal        = (String)csdlProperty["nullable"];
            var maxLengthVal       = (String)csdlProperty["maxLength"];
            var concurrencyModeVal = (String)csdlProperty["concurrencyMode"];

            var dataType = DataType.FromEdmType(typeVal);

            if (dataType == DataType.Undefined)
                parentType.Warnings.Add("Unable to recognize DataType for property: " + nameVal + " DateType: " + typeVal);

            var dpName = NamingConvention.ServerPropertyNameToClient(nameVal, parentType);
            var dp     = parentType.GetDataProperty(dpName);

            if (dp == null)
                MetadataStore.OnMetadataMismatch(parentType.Name, dpName, MetadataMismatchType.MissingCLRDataProperty);

            var  isNullable         = nullableVal == "true" || nullableVal == null;
            var  entityType         = parentType as EntityType;
            bool isPartOfKey        = false;
            bool isAutoIncrementing = false;

            if (entityType != null)
                isPartOfKey = keyNamesOnServer != null && keyNamesOnServer.IndexOf(nameVal) >= 0;
                if (isPartOfKey && entityType.AutoGeneratedKeyType == AutoGeneratedKeyType.None)
                    if (IsIdentityProperty(csdlProperty))
                        isAutoIncrementing = true;
                        entityType.AutoGeneratedKeyType = AutoGeneratedKeyType.Identity;

            Object defaultValue;
            var    rawDefaultValue = csdlProperty["defaultValue"];

            if (rawDefaultValue == null)
                defaultValue = isNullable ? null : dataType.DefaultValue;
                defaultValue = rawDefaultValue.ToObject(dataType.ClrType);

            // TODO: nit - don't set maxLength if null;
            var maxLength       = (maxLengthVal == null || maxLengthVal == "Max") ? (Int64?)null : Int64.Parse(maxLengthVal);
            var concurrencyMode = concurrencyModeVal == "fixed" ? ConcurrencyMode.Fixed : ConcurrencyMode.None;

            CheckProperty(dp, dp.DataType, dataType, "DataType");
            CheckProperty(dp, dp.IsScalar, true, "IsScalar");

            dp.IsPartOfKey  = isPartOfKey;
            dp.IsNullable   = isNullable;
            dp.MaxLength    = maxLength;
            dp.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
            // fixedLength: fixedLength,
            dp.ConcurrencyMode    = concurrencyMode;
            dp.IsAutoIncrementing = isAutoIncrementing;

            if (dataType == DataType.Undefined)
                dp.RawTypeName = typeVal;