GetMissingFKHandling() public method

Determine the generator behaves if a foreign key data property cannot be found for the given navigation property.
public GetMissingFKHandling ( Type type, PropertyInfo propertyInfo ) : MissingKeyHandling
type System.Type Entity type for which metadata is being generated
propertyInfo System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Scalar navigation/association property
return MissingKeyHandling
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Make association property metadata for the entity.
        /// Also populates the ForeignKeyMap which is used for related-entity fixup in NHContext.FixupRelationships
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyInfo">Property info describing the property</param>
        /// <param name="containingType">Type containing the property</param>
        /// <param name="dataProperties">Data properties already collected for the containingType.  "isPartOfKey" may be added to a property.</param>
        /// <param name="isKey">Whether the property is part of the key</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <string, object> MakeAssociationProperty(Type containingType, PropertyInfo propertyInfo, List <Dictionary <string, object> > dataProperties, bool isKey)
            var nmap = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            var name = propertyInfo.Name;

            nmap.Add("nameOnServer", name);

            var propType          = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
            var isCollection      = IsCollectionType(propType);
            var relatedEntityType = isCollection ? GetElementType(propType) : propType;

            relatedEntityType = _describer.Replace(relatedEntityType, _allTypes);
            nmap.Add("entityTypeName", relatedEntityType.Name + ":#" + relatedEntityType.Namespace);
            nmap.Add("isScalar", !isCollection);

            AddAttributesToNavProperty(propertyInfo, nmap);

            var entityRelationship = containingType.FullName + '.' + name;

            // Add assocation.  The associationName will be resolved later, when both ends are known.
            nmap.Add("__association", new Association(containingType, relatedEntityType, name));

            if (!isCollection)
                // For scalar navigation properties, we need to identify the foreign key
                var missingFKHandling = _describer.GetMissingFKHandling(containingType, propertyInfo);

                Dictionary <string, object> dataProp = null;
                // Find the matching key in the data properties for this entity
                // First see if a data property was identified on an attribute of the navigation property
                var fkNames = nmap.Get("foreignKeyNamesOnServer") as string[];
                if (fkNames != null)
                    // find the matching data prop using its fk name
                    var fkName = (fkNames)[0];
                    dataProp = FindEntry(dataProperties, "nameOnServer", fkName);
                if (dataProp == null)
                    // Next see if a data property was marked as a foreign key during attribute processing
                    dataProp = FindEntry(dataProperties, "__foreignKey", name);
                if (dataProp == null)
                    // Use the descriptor to guess the foreign key
                    var dataPropertyName = _describer.GetForeignKeyName(containingType, propertyInfo);
                    if (dataPropertyName != null)
                        dataProp = FindEntry(dataProperties, "nameOnServer", dataPropertyName);
                if (dataProp == null && missingFKHandling == MissingKeyHandling.Add)
                    // Add a new dataproperty to represent the foreign key
                    var dataPropertyName = _describer.GetForeignKeyName(containingType, propertyInfo);
                    dataProp = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    dataProp.Add("nameOnServer", dataPropertyName);
                    dataProp.Add("custom", "fk_generated");

                    string dataType = null;
                    // find the related entity so we can get the datatype of the key
                    var relatedEntityProperties = relatedEntityType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    var relatedKey = relatedEntityProperties.Where(p => _describer.IsKeyProperty(relatedEntityType, p)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (relatedKey != null)
                        dataType = _describer.GetDataPropertyType(relatedEntityType, relatedKey).Name;
                    if (dataType == null)
                        dataType = "Guid";
                    dataProp.Add("dataType", dataType);

                if (dataProp != null)
                    fkNames = new string[] { dataProp["nameOnServer"].ToString() };
                    nmap["foreignKeyNamesOnServer"] = fkNames;

                    // if the navigation property is defined as part of the key, set the fk data property instead
                    if (isKey)
                        dataProp["isPartOfKey"] = true;

                    // For many-to-one and one-to-one associations, save the relationship in ForeignKeyMap for re-establishing relationships during save
                    _map.ForeignKeyMap.Add(entityRelationship, string.Join(",", fkNames));
                    if (missingFKHandling == MissingKeyHandling.Error)
                        throw new Exception("Cannot find foreign key property on type " + containingType.Name + " for navigation property " + propertyInfo.Name);
                    else if (missingFKHandling == MissingKeyHandling.Log)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot find foreign key property on type " + containingType.Name + " for navigation property " + propertyInfo.Name);
                        _map.ForeignKeyMap.Add(entityRelationship, "ERROR - NOT FOUND");
