Inheritance: IDisposable
コード例 #1
        public override void OnPopulate()
            _linker = new ModelLinker(Header);
            _assets = new AssetStorage(_linker);
                //Set def flags
                _hasMix = _hasOpa = _hasTree = _hasXlu = false;
                if (_linker.Defs != null)
                    foreach (ResourcePair p in *_linker.Defs)
                        if (p.Name == "NodeTree") _hasTree = true;
                        else if (p.Name == "NodeMix") _hasMix = true;
                        else if (p.Name == "DrawOpa") _hasOpa = true;
                        else if (p.Name == "DrawXlu") _hasXlu = true;

                //These cause some complications if not parsed...


                if (Version >= 10)

                _objGroup.Parse(this); //Parse objects last!

            finally //Clean up!
                //We'll use the linker to access the bone cache
                //_linker = null;

                //Don't dispose assets, in case an object is replaced
                //_assets = null;


                //Check for model errors
                if (_errors.Count > 0)
                    string message = _errors.Count + (_errors.Count > 1 ? " errors have" : " error has") + " been found in the model " + _name + ".\n" + (_errors.Count > 1 ? "These errors" : "This error") + " will be fixed when you save:";
                    foreach (string s in _errors)
                        message += "\n - " + s;
コード例 #2
        public PrimitiveManager(MDL0Object* polygon, AssetStorage assets, IMatrixNode[] nodes, MDL0ObjectNode p)
            _polygon = p;

            byte*[] pAssetList = new byte*[12];
            byte*[] pOutList = new byte*[12];
            int id;

            //This relies on the header being accurate!
            _indices = new UnsafeBuffer(2 * (_pointCount = polygon->_numVertices));
            _faceCount = polygon->_numFaces;

            //Compile decode script by reading the polygon def list
            //This sets how to read the facepoints
            ElementDescriptor desc = new ElementDescriptor(polygon);

            //Grab asset lists in sequential order.
            if ((id = polygon->_vertexId) >= 0 && desc.HasData[0] && assets.Assets[0] != null)
                pOutList[0] = (byte*)(_faceData[0] = new UnsafeBuffer(12 * _pointCount)).Address;
                pAssetList[0] = (byte*)assets.Assets[0][id].Address;
            if ((id = polygon->_normalId) >= 0 && desc.HasData[1] && assets.Assets[1] != null)
                pOutList[1] = (byte*)(_faceData[1] = new UnsafeBuffer(12 * _pointCount)).Address;
                pAssetList[1] = (byte*)assets.Assets[1][id].Address;
            for (int i = 0, x = 2; i < 2; i++, x++)
                if ((id = ((bshort*)polygon->_colorIds)[i]) >= 0 && desc.HasData[x] && assets.Assets[2] != null)
                    pOutList[x] = (byte*)(_faceData[x] = new UnsafeBuffer(4 * _pointCount)).Address;
                    pAssetList[x] = (byte*)assets.Assets[2][id].Address;
            for (int i = 0, x = 4; i < 8; i++, x++)
                if ((id = ((bshort*)polygon->_uids)[i]) >= 0 && desc.HasData[x] && assets.Assets[3] != null)
                    pOutList[x] = (byte*)(_faceData[x] = new UnsafeBuffer(8 * _pointCount)).Address;
                    pAssetList[x] = (byte*)assets.Assets[3][id].Address;

            //Extract primitives, using our descriptor and asset lists
            fixed (byte** pOut = pOutList)
            fixed (byte** pAssets = pAssetList)
                ExtractPrimitives(polygon, ref desc, pOut, pAssets);

            //Compile merged vertex list
            _vertices = desc.Finish((Vector3*)pAssetList[0], nodes);

            ushort* pIndex = (ushort*)_indices.Address;
            for (int x = 0; x < _pointCount; x++)
                if (pIndex[x] >= 0 && pIndex[x] < _vertices.Count)