public static unsafe void PMD2MDL0(MDL0Node model) { model._version = 9; model._isImport = true; Collada._importOptions = BrawlLib.Properties.Settings.Default.ColladaImportOptions; Collada._importOptions._forceCCW = true; Collada._importOptions._fltVerts = true; Collada._importOptions._fltNrms = true; Collada._importOptions._fltUVs = true; model.InitGroups(); List<MDL0BoneNode> BoneCache = new List<MDL0BoneNode>(); int index = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_header._modelNameEnglish)) model.Name = _header._modelNameEnglish; else model.Name = _header._modelName; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_header._commentEnglish)) MessageBox.Show(_header._commentEnglish); else MessageBox.Show(_header._comment); ModelBone parent = null; foreach (ModelBone b in _bones) { MDL0BoneNode bone = new MDL0BoneNode(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(b._boneNameEnglish)) bone._name = b._boneNameEnglish; else bone._name = b._boneName; bone._entryIndex = index++; if (b._parentBoneIndex != ushort.MaxValue) { parent = _bones[b._parentBoneIndex]; foreach (MDL0BoneNode v in model._boneGroup._children) AssignParent(v, b, bone, parent); } else { bone.Parent = model._boneGroup; bone._bindState._scale = new Vector3(1.0f); bone._bindState._translate = new Vector3(b._wPos[0], b._wPos[1], b._wPos[2]); bone._bindState.CalcTransforms(); bone.RecalcBindState(); } BoneCache.Add(bone); } MDL0ShaderNode texSpa = null, tex = null, colorSpa = null, color = null; index = 0; foreach (ModelMaterial m in _materials) { MDL0MaterialNode mn = new MDL0MaterialNode(); mn.Name = "Material" + index++; MDL0MaterialRefNode texRef = null; MDL0MaterialRefNode spaRef = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m._textureFileName)) if (m._textureFileName.Contains('*')) { string[] names = m._textureFileName.Split('*'); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(names[0])) { texRef = new MDL0MaterialRefNode(); texRef.Name = names[0].Substring(0, names[0].IndexOf('.')); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(names[1])) { spaRef = new MDL0MaterialRefNode(); spaRef.Name = names[1].Substring(0, names[1].IndexOf('.')); spaRef.MapMode = MDL0MaterialRefNode.MappingMethod.EnvCamera; spaRef.UWrapMode = MDL0MaterialRefNode.WrapMode.Clamp; spaRef.VWrapMode = MDL0MaterialRefNode.WrapMode.Clamp; spaRef.Projection = Wii.Graphics.TexProjection.STQ; spaRef.InputForm = Wii.Graphics.TexInputForm.ABC1; spaRef.Coordinates = Wii.Graphics.TexSourceRow.Normals; spaRef.Normalize = true; } } else { texRef = new MDL0MaterialRefNode(); texRef.Name = m._textureFileName.Substring(0, m._textureFileName.IndexOf('.')); texRef.Coordinates = Wii.Graphics.TexSourceRow.TexCoord0; } if (texRef != null) { (texRef._texture = model.FindOrCreateTexture(texRef.Name))._references.Add(texRef); texRef._parent = mn; mn._children.Add(texRef); } if (spaRef != null) { (spaRef._texture = model.FindOrCreateTexture(spaRef.Name))._references.Add(spaRef); spaRef._parent = mn; mn._children.Add(spaRef); } mn._chan1._matColor = new RGBAPixel((byte)(m._diffuseColor[0] * 255), (byte)(m._diffuseColor[1] * 255), (byte)(m._diffuseColor[2] * 255), 255); mn._chan1.ColorMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Register; if (texRef != null && spaRef != null) { if (texSpa == null) { MDL0ShaderNode n = TexSpaShader; n._parent = model._shadGroup; model._shadList.Add(n); texSpa = n; } mn.ShaderNode = texSpa; } else if (texRef != null) { if (tex == null) { MDL0ShaderNode n = TexShader; n._parent = model._shadGroup; model._shadList.Add(n); tex = n; } mn.ShaderNode = tex; } else if (spaRef != null) { if (colorSpa == null) { MDL0ShaderNode n = ColorSpaShader; n._parent = model._shadGroup; model._shadList.Add(n); colorSpa = n; } mn.ShaderNode = colorSpa; } else { if (color == null) { MDL0ShaderNode n = ColorShader; n._parent = model._shadGroup; model._shadList.Add(n); color = n; } mn.ShaderNode = color; } mn._parent = model._matGroup; model._matList.Add(mn); } model._numFaces = 0; model._numFacepoints = 0; int x = 0; int offset = 0; foreach (ModelMaterial m in _materials) { PrimitiveManager manager = new PrimitiveManager() { _pointCount = (int)m._faceVertCount }; MDL0ObjectNode p = new MDL0ObjectNode() { _manager = manager, _opaMaterial = (MDL0MaterialNode)model._matList[x] }; p._opaMaterial._objects.Add(p); p._manager._vertices = new List<Vertex3>(); p.Name = "polygon" + x++; p._parent = model._objGroup; model._numFaces += p._numFaces = manager._faceCount = manager._pointCount / 3; model._numFacepoints += p._numFacepoints = manager._pointCount; p._manager._indices = new UnsafeBuffer((int)m._faceVertCount * 2); p._manager._faceData[0] = new UnsafeBuffer((int)m._faceVertCount * 12); p._manager._faceData[1] = new UnsafeBuffer((int)m._faceVertCount * 12); p._manager._faceData[4] = new UnsafeBuffer((int)m._faceVertCount * 8); p._manager._dirty[0] = true; p._manager._dirty[1] = true; p._manager._dirty[4] = true; ushort* Indices = (ushort*)p._manager._indices.Address; Vector3* Vertices = (Vector3*)p._manager._faceData[0].Address; Vector3* Normals = (Vector3*)p._manager._faceData[1].Address; Vector2* UVs = (Vector2*)p._manager._faceData[4].Address; manager._triangles = new NewPrimitive((int)m._faceVertCount, BeginMode.Triangles); uint[] pTriarr = manager._triangles._indices; uint pTri = 0; index = 0; List<int> usedVertices = new List<int>(); List<int> vertexIndices = new List<int>(); for (int s = offset, l = 0; l < (int)m._faceVertCount; l++, s++) { ushort i = _faceIndices[s]; ModelVertex mv = _vertices[i]; ushort j = 0; if (!usedVertices.Contains(i)) { Influence inf; BoneWeight weight1 = null, weight2 = null; float weight = ((float)mv._boneWeight / 100.0f).Clamp(0.0f, 1.0f); if (weight > 0.0f && weight < 1.0f) { weight1 = new BoneWeight(BoneCache[mv._boneIndex[0]], weight); weight2 = new BoneWeight(BoneCache[mv._boneIndex[1]], 1.0f - weight); } else if (weight == 0.0f) weight1 = new BoneWeight(BoneCache[mv._boneIndex[1]]); else weight1 = new BoneWeight(BoneCache[mv._boneIndex[0]]); if (weight2 != null) inf = new Influence(new List<BoneWeight> { weight1, weight2 }); else inf = new Influence(new List<BoneWeight> { weight1 }); Vector3 t = new Vector3(); Vertex3 v; t._x = mv._position[0]; t._y = mv._position[1]; t._z = mv._position[2]; if (inf._weights.Count > 1) { inf = model._influences.FindOrCreate(inf, true); inf.CalcMatrix(); v = new Vertex3(t, inf); } else { MDL0BoneNode bone = inf._weights[0].Bone; v = new Vertex3(t * bone._inverseBindMatrix, bone); } p._manager._vertices.Add(v); vertexIndices.Add(usedVertices.Count); usedVertices.Add(i); j = (ushort)(usedVertices.Count - 1); } else j = (ushort)vertexIndices[usedVertices.IndexOf(i)]; *Indices++ = j; pTriarr[pTri++] = (uint)l; *Vertices++ = p._manager._vertices[j]._position; *Normals++ = mv._normal; *UVs++ = mv._texCoord; } model._objList.Add(p); offset += (int)m._faceVertCount; } //Check each polygon to see if it can be rigged to a single influence if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) { IMatrixNode node = null; bool singlebind = true; foreach (Vertex3 v in p._manager._vertices) if (v._matrixNode != null) { if (node == null) node = v._matrixNode; if (v._matrixNode != node) { singlebind = false; break; } } if (singlebind && p._matrixNode == null) { //Increase reference count ahead of time for rebuild if (p._manager._vertices[0]._matrixNode != null) p._manager._vertices[0]._matrixNode.ReferenceCount++; foreach (Vertex3 v in p._manager._vertices) if (v._matrixNode != null) v._matrixNode.ReferenceCount--; p._nodeId = -2; //Continued on polygon rebuild } } //foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) // foreach (MDL0MaterialNode m in model._matList) // { // MDL0MaterialNode m2 = p.OpaMaterialNode; // if (m2 == null || m2.ShaderNode != m.ShaderNode || m2.Children.Count != m.Children.Count) // continue; // for (int i = 0; i < m.Children.Count; i++) // if (m2.Children[i].Name != m.Children[i].Name) // continue; // p.OpaMaterialNode = m; // break; // } //for (int i = 0; i < model._matList.Count; i++) // if (((MDL0MaterialNode)model._matList[i])._objects.Count == 0) // model._matList.RemoveAt(i--); model.CleanGroups(); model.BuildFromScratch(null); }
public MDL0Node ImportModel(string filePath) { MDL0Node model = new MDL0Node() { _name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) }; model.InitGroups(); if (_importOptions._setOrigPath) model._originalPath = filePath; //Parse the collada file and use the data to create an MDL0 using (DecoderShell shell = DecoderShell.Import(filePath)) try { model._version = _importOptions._modelVersion; Error = "There was a problem reading the model."; //Extract images, removing duplicates foreach (ImageEntry img in shell._images) { string name; MDL0TextureNode tex; if (img._path != null) name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(img._path); else name = img._name != null ? img._name : img._id; tex = model.FindOrCreateTexture(name); img._node = tex; } //Extract materials and create shaders int tempNo = -1; foreach (MaterialEntry mat in shell._materials) { tempNo += 1; MDL0MaterialNode matNode = new MDL0MaterialNode(); matNode._parent = model._matGroup; matNode._name = mat._name != null ? mat._name : mat._id; if (tempNo == 0) { MDL0ShaderNode shadNode = new MDL0ShaderNode(); shadNode._parent = model._shadGroup; shadNode._name = "Shader" + tempNo; model._shadList.Add(shadNode); } matNode.Shader = "Shader0"; matNode.ShaderNode = (MDL0ShaderNode)model._shadGroup.Children[0]; mat._node = matNode; matNode._cull = _importOptions._culling; //Find effect if (mat._effect != null) foreach (EffectEntry eff in shell._effects) if (eff._id == mat._effect) //Attach textures and effects to material if (eff._shader != null) foreach (LightEffectEntry l in eff._shader._effects) if (l._type == LightEffectType.diffuse && l._texture != null) { string path = l._texture; foreach (EffectNewParam p in eff._newParams) if (p._sid == l._texture) { path = p._sampler2D._url; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p._sampler2D._source)) { foreach (EffectNewParam p2 in eff._newParams) if (p2._sid == p._sampler2D._source) path = p2._path; } } foreach (ImageEntry img in shell._images) if (img._id == path) { MDL0MaterialRefNode mr = new MDL0MaterialRefNode(); (mr._texture = img._node as MDL0TextureNode)._references.Add(mr); mr._name = mr._texture.Name; matNode._children.Add(mr); mr._parent = matNode; mr._minFltr = mr._magFltr = 1; mr._index1 = mr._index2 = mr.Index; mr._uWrap = mr._vWrap = (int)_importOptions._wrap; break; } } matNode._numTextures = (byte)matNode.Children.Count; model._matList.Add(matNode); } Say("Extracting scenes..."); //Extract scenes foreach (SceneEntry scene in shell._scenes) { //Parse joints first NodeEntry[] joints = scene._nodes.Where(x => x._type == NodeType.JOINT).ToArray(); NodeEntry[] nodes = scene._nodes.Where(x => x._type != NodeType.JOINT).ToArray(); foreach (NodeEntry node in joints) EnumNode(node, model._boneGroup, scene, model, shell); foreach (NodeEntry node in nodes) EnumNode(node, model._boneGroup, scene, model, shell); } //If there are no bones, rig all objects to a single bind. if (model._boneGroup._children.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { MDL0BoneNode bone = new MDL0BoneNode(); bone.Scale = new Vector3(1); bone._bindMatrix = bone._inverseBindMatrix = Matrix.Identity; switch (i) { case 0: bone._name = "TopN"; model._boneGroup._children.Add(bone); bone._parent = model._boneGroup; break; case 1: bone._name = "TransN"; model._boneGroup._children[0]._children.Add(bone); bone._parent = model._boneGroup._children[0]; bone.ReferenceCount = model._objList.Count; break; } } if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode poly in model._objList) { poly._nodeId = 0; poly.MatrixNode = (MDL0BoneNode)model._boneGroup._children[0]._children[0]; } } else { //Check each polygon to see if it can be rigged to a single influence if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) { IMatrixNode node = null; bool singlebind = true; foreach (Vertex3 v in p._manager._vertices) if (v._matrixNode != null) { if (node == null) node = v._matrixNode; if (v._matrixNode != node) { singlebind = false; break; } } if (singlebind && p._matrixNode == null) { //Increase reference count ahead of time for rebuild if (p._manager._vertices[0]._matrixNode != null) p._manager._vertices[0]._matrixNode.ReferenceCount++; foreach (Vertex3 v in p._manager._vertices) if (v._matrixNode != null) v._matrixNode.ReferenceCount--; p._nodeId = -2; //Continued on polygon rebuild } } } //Remove original color buffers if option set if (_importOptions._ignoreColors) { if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) for (int x = 2; x < 4; x++) if (p._manager._faceData[x] != null) { p._manager._faceData[x].Dispose(); p._manager._faceData[x] = null; } } //Add color buffers if option set if (_importOptions._addClrs) { RGBAPixel pixel = _importOptions._dfltClr; //Add a color buffer to objects that don't have one if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) if (p._manager._faceData[2] == null) { RGBAPixel* pIn = (RGBAPixel*)(p._manager._faceData[2] = new UnsafeBuffer(4 * p._manager._pointCount)).Address; for (int i = 0; i < p._manager._pointCount; i++) *pIn++ = pixel; } } //Apply defaults to materials if (model._matList != null) foreach (MDL0MaterialNode p in model._matList) { if (_importOptions._mdlType == 0) { p._lSet = 20; p._fSet = 4; p._ssc = 3; p.C1ColorEnabled = true; p.C1AlphaMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Vertex; p.C1ColorMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Vertex; p.C1ColorDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Clamped; p.C1ColorAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Spotlight; p.C1AlphaEnabled = true; p.C1AlphaDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Clamped; p.C1AlphaAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Spotlight; p.C2ColorDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Disabled; p.C2ColorAttenuation = GXAttnFn.None; p.C2AlphaDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Disabled; p.C2AlphaAttenuation = GXAttnFn.None; } else { p._lSet = 0; p._fSet = 0; p._ssc = 1; p._chan1.Color = new LightChannelControl(1795); p._chan1.Alpha = new LightChannelControl(1795); p._chan2.Color = new LightChannelControl(1795); p._chan2.Alpha = new LightChannelControl(1795); } } //Set materials to use register color if option set if (_importOptions._useReg && model._objList != null) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) { MDL0MaterialNode m = p.OpaMaterialNode; if (m != null && p._manager._faceData[2] == null && p._manager._faceData[3] == null) { m.C1MaterialColor = _importOptions._dfltClr; m.C1ColorMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Register; m.C1AlphaMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Register; } } //Remap materials if option set if (_importOptions._rmpMats && model._matList != null && model._objList != null) { foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) foreach (MDL0MaterialNode m in model._matList) if (m.Children.Count > 0 && m.Children[0] != null && p.OpaMaterialNode != null && p.OpaMaterialNode.Children.Count > 0 && p.OpaMaterialNode.Children[0] != null && m.Children[0].Name == p.OpaMaterialNode.Children[0].Name && m.C1ColorMaterialSource == p.OpaMaterialNode.C1ColorMaterialSource) { p.OpaMaterialNode = m; break; } //Remove unused materials for (int i = 0; i < model._matList.Count; i++) if (((MDL0MaterialNode)model._matList[i])._objects.Count == 0) model._matList.RemoveAt(i--); } Error = "There was a problem writing the model."; //Clean the model and then build it! if (model != null) { model.CleanGroups(); model.BuildFromScratch(this); } } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot continue importing this model.\n" + Error + "\n\nException:\n" + x.ToString()); model = null; Close(); } finally { //Clean up the mess we've made GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced); } return model; }