コード例 #1
 public PolygonGroupExport(PolygonGroup poly)
     Name = poly.Name;
     Polygons = new List<PolygonExport>(poly.Children.Count);
     foreach (Polygon polygon in poly.Children)
         Polygons.Add(new PolygonExport(polygon));
コード例 #2
        public static void Clean(PolygonGroup group)
            var shape = group.ToShape();

            var partitioned = new Dictionary<int, List<List<Vector2>>>();
            for (var i = 0; i < shape.Vertices.Count; i++)
                var polygon = shape.Vertices[i];
                var farseerVertices = new Vertices(polygon);

                if (farseerVertices.IsConvex())
                    partitioned.Add(i, new List<List<Vector2>> { polygon });

                var simplified = SimplifyTools.CollinearSimplify(farseerVertices);
                var partition = Triangulate.ConvexPartition(simplified, TriangulationAlgorithm.Bayazit);
                var vertices = partition.Select(verts => verts.Select(v => new Vector2(v.X, v.Y)).ToList()).ToList();
                partitioned.Add(i, vertices);

            var polygons = @group.Children.Cast<Polygon>().ToList();

            var index = 0;
            var hash = polygons.ToDictionary(k => index++, v=>v.Name);

            for (var i = 0; i < partitioned.Count; i++)
                var name = hash[i];
                var partition = partitioned[i];

                if (partition.Count == 1)
                    TransformPolygon(@group, partition[0], name);
                    for (var j = 0; j < partition.Count; j++)
                        var n = j > 0 ? name + "-" + (j + 1) : name;
                        var p = partition[j];
                        TransformPolygon(@group, p, n);
コード例 #3
        public bool CheckAgainstOtherGroup(PolygonGroup otherGroup)
            //if the names aren't the same we shouldn't even compare kids
            if (Name != otherGroup.Name)
                return false;
            //obv, if the count of poly's in the group is different, then it's different.
            if (Children.Count != otherGroup.Children.Count)
                return false;
            //check each poly using the same index because if the polys are in a different order then like above, it's diff
            for (int index = 0; index < Children.Count; index++)
                Polygon child = Children[index] as Polygon;
                Polygon otherChild = otherGroup.Children[index] as Polygon;

                //check to see if they are the same polygroup
                if (child.Name == otherChild.Name)
                    if (child.Children.Count == 0 && otherChild.Children.Count == 0)
                        return true;
                    //then we compare all the children within that polygon (after doing a count check first)
                    if (child.Children.Count != otherChild.Children.Count)
                        return false;

                    //We'll compare both points with one forloop because either way, if the points have different coords but have the same
                    //count, then it's different anyways therefore needs user INTERVENTION (damn alcholic polyPoints...)
                    for (int i = 0; i < child.Children.Count; i++)
                        PolyPoint point = child.Children[i] as PolyPoint;

                        PolyPoint otherPoint = otherChild.Children[i] as PolyPoint;

                        if (point.X != otherPoint.X || point.Y != otherPoint.Y)
                            return false;

                        //if it gets through even once that the points aren't the same then we should just stop
                        //and say it's not the same therefore it needs to be reviewed.
            return true;
コード例 #4
        public ImageViewer()
            _instance = this;

            _mode = Mode.Center;
            _paused = false;
            _poly = null;
            _polyGroup = null;
            _moving = null;
            if (!DesignMode)
                _arrowNormCursor = new Cursor("Cursors/ArrowNorm.cur");
                _arrowOverCursor = new Cursor("Cursors/ArrowOver.cur");
                _penCursor = new Cursor("Cursors/Pen.cur");
                _penOverCursor = new Cursor("Cursors/PenOver.cur");
                _movingCursor = Cursors.Hand;

            Timer refreshTimer = new Timer();
            refreshTimer.Interval = (int)(1000 * 1 / 30.0f);
            refreshTimer.Tick += Refresh;
コード例 #5
        //when we hit enter in the mainwindow and we are on a pgroup we want to jump to the next frame and open the same p group
        public void JumpToNextImageFrame()
            //if we have an polygroup selected go up to the parent imagedata and go to the next child frame and then open to the polygroup.
            if (_currentSelectedNode is PolygonGroup)
                //Close all the previous children
                var parentFrame = ((_currentSelectedNode as PolygonGroup).Parent as ImageFrame);
                if ( parentFrame != null)
                    parentFrame.Expanded = false;
                    foreach (var child in parentFrame.Children)
                        (child as NodeWithName).Expanded = false;
                        (child as NodeWithName).IsSelected = false;

                //Get the index of the current Frame from the ImageData and close and deselect the imageFrame
                var index = (parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children.IndexOf(parentFrame);
                ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as
                    ImageFrame).IsSelected = false;
                ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as
                    ImageFrame).Expanded = false;

                //Check to see if there is another frame or not
                if (index + 1 < ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children.Count))
                    //Set the viewmodellocator varialbes and Open the next Frame
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame = ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as ImageFrame);
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Expanded = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Polygon = null;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonGroupTextBox = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonTextBox = false;
                    CurrentView = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView;
                    var pGroup = new PolygonGroup();
                    foreach (var groups in _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children)
                        if (groups.Name == _lastPolygonGroupName)
                            pGroup = groups as PolygonGroup;
                    if (pGroup.Name == "New Polygon Group" && _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children.Count >0)
                        pGroup = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children[0] as PolygonGroup;
                    else if (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children.Count == 0)
                        _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.IsSelected = true;

                    (pGroup as PolygonGroup).Expanded = true;

                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.PolygonGroup = pGroup as PolygonGroup;
                    //Set the current node to the first Polygon of the group
                    if ((pGroup as NodeWithName).Children.Count != 0)
                        _currentSelectedNode = (pGroup as NodeWithName).Children[0] as Polygon;
                        ((pGroup as PolygonGroup).Children[0] as Polygon).IsSelected = true;
                        (pGroup as PolygonGroup).IsSelected = true;
                        _currentSelectedNode = (pGroup as NodeWithName);
                //if we are about to go OVER the count of children, we should try to go to the next image entirely
                    var folder = _viewModelLocator.ImageView.Image.Parent as Folder;
                    //find the image index in the folder(since every image has to at some point be in a folder this shouldn't be a problem
                    var imageIndex = folder.Images.IndexOf(parentFrame.Parent as ImageData);

                    if (imageIndex + 1 < folder.Images.Count)

                    var nextImage = folder.Images[imageIndex];

                    //right before we change image and frames, we de expand them first.
                    parentFrame.Expanded = false;
                    (parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Expanded = false;

                    //Set the viewmodellocator varialbes and Open the next Frame
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame = nextImage.Children[0] as ImageFrame;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Expanded = true;
                    (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Parent as ImageData).Expanded = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Polygon = null;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonGroupTextBox = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonTextBox = false;
                    CurrentView = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView;

                    var pGroup = new PolygonGroup();
                    foreach (var groups in _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children)
                        if (groups.Name == _lastPolygonGroupName)
                            pGroup = groups as PolygonGroup;
                    if (pGroup.Name == "New Polygon Group")
                        pGroup = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children[0] as PolygonGroup;

                    (pGroup as PolygonGroup).Expanded = true;

                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.PolygonGroup = pGroup as PolygonGroup;
                    //Set the current node to the first Polygon of the group
                    if ((pGroup as NodeWithName).Children.Count != 0)
                        _currentSelectedNode = (pGroup as NodeWithName).Children[0] as Polygon;
                        ((pGroup as PolygonGroup).Children[0] as Polygon).IsSelected = true;
                        (pGroup as PolygonGroup).IsSelected = true;
                        _currentSelectedNode = (pGroup as NodeWithName);
                //pretty the same as the above just with the currentselected as the polygon itself so you don't have to go back up to the parent Polygroup
            else if (_currentSelectedNode is Polygon)
                //Close all the previous children
                var parentFrame = ((_currentSelectedNode as Polygon).Parent as PolygonGroup).Parent as ImageFrame;
                if (parentFrame != null)
                    parentFrame.Expanded = false;
                    foreach (var child in parentFrame.Children)
                        (child as NodeWithName).Expanded = false;
                        (child as NodeWithName).IsSelected = false;

                var index = (parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children.IndexOf(parentFrame);
                ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as
                    ImageFrame).IsSelected = false;
                ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as
                    ImageFrame).Expanded = false;

                if (index + 1 < ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children.Count))
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame = ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as ImageFrame);
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Expanded = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Polygon = null;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonGroupTextBox = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonTextBox = false;
                    CurrentView = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView;

                    if(_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children.Count >0)
                        var pGroup = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children.First(t => t.Name == _lastPolygonGroupName);

                        (pGroup as PolygonGroup).Expanded = true;

                        //double check if there is a polygon to set onto next frame else just select the group
                        if ((pGroup as PolygonGroup).Children.Count != 0)
                            ((pGroup as PolygonGroup).Children[0] as Polygon).IsSelected = true;
                            _currentSelectedNode = (pGroup as NodeWithName).Children[0] as Polygon;
                            (pGroup as PolygonGroup).IsSelected = true;
                            _currentSelectedNode = (pGroup as NodeWithName);
                        _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.PolygonGroup = pGroup as PolygonGroup;
                        _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.IsSelected = true;
                //if we are about to go OVER the count of children, we should try to go to the next image entirely
                    var folder = _viewModelLocator.ImageView.Image.Parent as Folder;
                    //find the image index in the folder(since every image has to at some point be in a folder this shouldn't be a problem
                    var imageIndex = folder.Images.IndexOf(parentFrame.Parent as ImageData);

                    if (imageIndex + 1 < folder.Images.Count)

                    var nextImage = folder.Images[imageIndex];

                    //right before we change image and frames, we de expand them first.
                    parentFrame.Expanded = false;
                    (parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Expanded = false;

                    //Set the viewmodellocator varialbes and Open the next Frame
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame = nextImage.Children[0] as ImageFrame;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Expanded = true;
                    (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Parent as ImageData).Expanded = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Polygon = null;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonGroupTextBox = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonTextBox = false;
                    CurrentView = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView;
                    var pGroup = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children.First(t => t.Name == _lastPolygonGroupName);

                    (pGroup as PolygonGroup).Expanded = true;

                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.PolygonGroup = pGroup as PolygonGroup;
                    //Set the current node to the first Polygon of the group
                    if ((pGroup as NodeWithName).Children.Count != 0)
                        _currentSelectedNode = (pGroup as NodeWithName).Children[0] as Polygon;
                        ((pGroup as PolygonGroup).Children[0] as Polygon).IsSelected = true;
                        (pGroup as PolygonGroup).IsSelected = true;
                        _currentSelectedNode = (pGroup as NodeWithName);
            else if (CurrentSelectedNode is ImageFrame)
                //Close all the previous children
                var parentFrame = _currentSelectedNode as ImageFrame;
                if (parentFrame != null)
                    parentFrame.Expanded = false;
                    foreach (var child in parentFrame.Children)
                        (child as NodeWithName).Expanded = false;
                        (child as NodeWithName).IsSelected = false;
                //Close the last imageframe we had open.
                var index = (parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children.IndexOf(parentFrame);
                ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as ImageFrame).IsSelected = false;
                ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as ImageFrame).Expanded = false;

                //if there's frames left in the image, we'll open the next one
                if (index + 1 < ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children.Count))
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame = ((parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Children[index] as ImageFrame);
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Expanded = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Polygon = null;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonGroupTextBox = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonTextBox = false;
                    CurrentView = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView;
                    if (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children.Count > 0)
                        (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children[0] as PolygonGroup).IsSelected = true;
                        _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.IsSelected = true;
                    var folder = _viewModelLocator.ImageView.Image.Parent as Folder;
                    //find the image index in the folder(since every image has to at some point be in a folder this shouldn't be a problem
                    var imageIndex = folder.Images.IndexOf(parentFrame.Parent as ImageData);

                    if (imageIndex + 1 < folder.Images.Count)

                    var nextImage = folder.Images[imageIndex];

                    //right before we change image and frames, we de expand them first.
                    parentFrame.Expanded = false;
                    (parentFrame.Parent as ImageData).Expanded = false;

                    //Set the viewmodellocator varialbes and Open the next Frame
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame = nextImage.Children[0] as ImageFrame;
                    //expand and select it.
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Expanded = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.IsSelected = true;
                    //expand the image itself to show the frames
                    (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Parent as ImageData).Expanded = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Polygon = null;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonGroupTextBox = true;
                    _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.ShowPolygonTextBox = false;
                    CurrentView = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView;
                    //Try to open the first polygroup if there is one
                    if (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children.Count > 0)
                        (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children[0] as PolygonGroup).IsSelected = true;
                        _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.IsSelected = true;
コード例 #6
        public void ExecutePasteCommand(object o)
            //Setting the data to the Polygon itself doesn't raise propertyChanged so you have to do it directly to the collection
            //This updates in the view automatically as well.  This only changes the points within the poly and nothing else
            //(makes sense to me that it doesn't change the name and such but that is easy to implement as well if desired)

            if(_copyData is Polygon)
                var clone = new Polygon().ClonePolygon(_copyData as Polygon);
                switch (_currentSelectedNode.Type)
                    case "Polygon":
                        //set the parent of the clone to the polygongroup that you're pasting into.
                        clone.Parent = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.PolygonGroup;
                        _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Polygon.Children = clone.Children;

                    case "PolygonGroup":
                        clone.Parent = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.PolygonGroup;
                        if (_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.PolygonGroup.Children.Count != 0)
                            _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.PolygonGroup.Children[0] = clone;
                    case "ImageFrame":
                        //in the case of wanting to drop a polygon into a image frame, we'll check the Polygroup that it's from and see if there is a
                        //group that matches, if there is, we then paste the polygon into the first spot, overwriting whatever is there.
                        foreach (var child in _currentSelectedNode.Children)
                            if (child.Name == clone.Parent.Name)
                                clone.Parent = child;
                                if (child.Children.Count == 0)
                                    child.Children[0] = clone;

            else if(_copyData is PolygonGroup)
                var clone = new PolygonGroup();
                foreach (var child in _copyData.Children)
                    var temp = new Polygon().ClonePolygon(child as Polygon);
                    temp.Parent = clone;
                clone.Name = _copyData.Name;

                switch (_currentSelectedNode.Type)
                    case "PolygonGroup":
                        clone.Parent = _currentSelectedNode.Parent;
                        _currentSelectedNode.Children = clone.Children;
                    case "ImageFrame":
                        //in the case of wanting to drop a polygon into a image frame, we'll check the Polygroup that it's from and see if there is a
                        //group that matches, if there is, we then paste the polygon into the first spot, overwriting whatever is there.
                        var target =_viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame.Children.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == clone.Name);
                        if (target != null)
                            //rewire the parents of the children to be the target now
                            foreach (var child in clone.Children)
                                child.Parent = target;
                            clone.Parent = _viewModelLocator.ImageFrameView.Frame;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ImageFrame.cs プロジェクト: TravisEvashkevich/boxer
 public void ExecuteNewPolygonGroupCommand(object o)
     var polygonGroup = new PolygonGroup();
コード例 #8
ファイル: ImageFrame.cs プロジェクト: TravisEvashkevich/boxer
        public void ExecuteAutoTraceCommand(object o)
            var dialog = new AutoTraceWindow();

            var vm = dialog.DataContext as AutoTraceWindowVM;

            if (vm.IsOk)
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Data))
                    var imageBitmap = Image.FromStream(ms);
                    var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    var shape = TraceService.CreateComplexShape(imageBitmap, 20000, errorBuilder,

                    if (shape != null)
                        var polygonGroup = new PolygonGroup("Body");

                        var count = 1;
                        foreach (var polygon in shape.Vertices)
                            var poly = new Polygon() { Name = "Polygon " + count };

                            foreach (var point in polygon)
                                poly.AddChild(new PolyPoint((int)point.X, (int)point.Y));




コード例 #9
        private static void AddPlatformBoxStub(ImageFrame frame)
            var platformGroup = new PolygonGroup { Name = "Platform", Parent = frame };

            var attack = new Polygon { Name = "Polygon 1", Parent = platformGroup };
コード例 #10
        private static void AddLandingBoxStub(ImageFrame frame)
            var landingGroup = new PolygonGroup { Name = "Landing", Parent = frame };

            var attack = new Polygon { Name = "Polygon 1", Parent = landingGroup};
コード例 #11
        private static void AddDefaultFootBox(ImageFrame frame)
            var footGroup = new PolygonGroup { Name = "Foot", Parent = frame };

            var foot = new Polygon { Name = "Foot", Parent = footGroup };

            var bottom = frame.TrimRectangle.Bottom - 1;
            var left = frame.TrimRectangle.Left;
            var right = frame.TrimRectangle.Right;
            var width = frame.TrimRectangle.Width;

            var tl = new PolyPoint(left + (int)(width * 0.25f), bottom - 2) { Parent = foot };
            var tr = new PolyPoint(right - (int)(width * 0.25f), bottom - 2) { Parent = foot };
            var br = new PolyPoint(right - (int)(width * 0.25f), bottom) { Parent = foot };
            var bl = new PolyPoint(left + (int)(width * 0.25f), bottom) { Parent = foot };


コード例 #12
        private static void AddDefaultDepthBox(ImageFrame frame)
            var depthGroup = new PolygonGroup { Name = "Depth", Parent = frame };

            var depth = new Polygon { Name = "Depth", Parent = depthGroup };

            var bottom = frame.TrimRectangle.Bottom - 1;
            var left = frame.TrimRectangle.Left;
            var right = frame.TrimRectangle.Right;
            var width = frame.TrimRectangle.Width;

            var defaultDepthPercentage = (int)(frame.TrimRectangle.Height * 0.125f);
            const float defaultWidthBorder = 0.9f; // 10% on each side = 80%

            var tl = new PolyPoint(left + (int)(width * defaultWidthBorder), bottom - defaultDepthPercentage) { Parent = depth };
            var tr = new PolyPoint(right - (int)(width * defaultWidthBorder), bottom - defaultDepthPercentage) { Parent = depth };
            var br = new PolyPoint(right - (int)(width * defaultWidthBorder), bottom) { Parent = depth };
            var bl = new PolyPoint(left + (int)(width * defaultWidthBorder), bottom) { Parent = depth };

コード例 #13
        private static void AddBodyTrace(ImageFrame frame)
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(frame.Data))
                var imageBitmap = Image.FromStream(ms);
                var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                var bodyGroup = new PolygonGroup { Name = "Body", Parent = frame };

                var shape = TraceService.CreateSimpleShape(imageBitmap, 200, errorBuilder);
                if (shape == null)
                    frame.FailsAutoTrace = true;

                var count = 1;
                foreach (var polygon in shape.Vertices)
                    var poly = new Polygon { Name = "Polygon " + count, Parent = bodyGroup };
                    foreach (var point in polygon)
                        var x = (int)ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(point.X);
                        var y = (int)ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(point.Y);

                        x += (int)(frame.Width * 0.5f);
                        y += (int)(frame.Height * 0.5f);
                        poly.AddChild(new PolyPoint(x, y) { Parent = poly });

コード例 #14
        private static void AddAttackBoxStub(ImageFrame frame)
            var attackGroup = new PolygonGroup { Name = "Attack", Parent = frame};

            var attack = new Polygon { Name = "Polygon 1", Parent = attackGroup };