コード例 #1
        private static Dictionary <string, object> GenerateScoreKeywordCard(SkillResult result, dynamic boxBody)
            var card = GetSkillCardTemplate(SkillType.keyword, boxBody, "Support Score", result.duration);

            var entry = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "type", "text" },
                { "text", $"Value: {result.supportScore}" }

            ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)card["entries"]).Add(entry);

            if (result.supportScore <= 0m)
                entry = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", "text" },
                    { "text", "Followup: Negative" }
                ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)card["entries"]).Add(entry);
            else if (result.supportScore > 2.5m)
                entry = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", "text" },
                    { "text", "Followup: Positive" }
                ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)card["entries"]).Add(entry);

コード例 #2
        private static void CalculateSupportScore(ref SkillResult result)
            var score = 1m;

            foreach (var check in result.scriptChecks)
                score += check.Value ? .5m : -.75m;

            if (result.resultsBySpeakerSentiment[result.supportIndex].ContainsKey(NEGATIVE))
                score += 1m - (0.05m * result.resultsBySpeakerSentiment[result.supportIndex][NEGATIVE].Count);

            //TODO: bucketize across time and aggregate sentiment to see if moves from lower to higher (slope)
            foreach (var tuple in result.resultsBySpeakerSentiment)
                if (tuple.Key == result.supportIndex)
                if (tuple.Value.ContainsKey(NEGATIVE))
                    score += 0m - (0.05m * tuple.Value[NEGATIVE].Count);
                if (tuple.Value.ContainsKey(POSITIVE))
                    score += (0.1m * tuple.Value[POSITIVE].Count);

            result.supportScore = score;
コード例 #3
 private static void AggregateSpeakerSentiment(ref SkillResult result)
     foreach (var speaker in result.resultBySpeaker.Keys)
         var sentimentAg = new Dictionary <string, List <SpeakerResult> >();
         result.resultsBySpeakerSentiment.Add(speaker, new Dictionary <string, List <SpeakerResult> >());
         foreach (var speakerResult in result.resultBySpeaker[speaker])
             var sentString = speakerResult?.sentiment?.Sentiment?.Value;
             //if (!sentString.Equals("NEUTRAL"))
             if (sentString != null)
                 if (!sentimentAg.ContainsKey(sentString))
                     sentimentAg.Add(sentString, new List <SpeakerResult>());
         foreach (var sentValue in sentimentAg.Keys)
             //capitalized first char
             var formattedSentValue = sentValue.Remove(1) + sentValue.ToLower().Remove(0, 1);
             result.resultsBySpeakerSentiment[speaker].Add(formattedSentValue, sentimentAg[sentValue]);
コード例 #4
        public static async Task GenerateCards(SkillResult result, dynamic boxBody)
            var boxConfig = new BoxConfig(string.Empty, string.Empty, new Uri(config.BoxApiUrl));
            var session   = new OAuthSession(boxBody.token.write.access_token.Value, string.Empty, 3600, "bearer");
            var client    = new BoxClient(boxConfig, session);

            if (client == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to create box client");

            Console.WriteLine("======== BoxHelper Result =========");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None));

            var cards = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >
                GenerateSupportHeaderCard(result, boxBody),
                GenerateScoreKeywordCard(result, boxBody),
                GenerateTopicsKeywordCard(result, boxBody),
                GenerateScriptAdherenceKeywordCard(result, boxBody),
                GenerateTranscriptCard(result, boxBody)

            cards.AddRange(GeneateSentimentTimelineCards(result, boxBody));

            Console.WriteLine("======== Cards =========");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cards, Formatting.None));

            var skillsMetadata = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "cards", cards }

            try {
                await client.MetadataManager.CreateFileMetadataAsync(boxBody.source.id.Value, skillsMetadata, "global", "boxSkillsCards");

                Console.WriteLine("Created metadata");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("Exception creating metadata. Trying update");
                BoxMetadataUpdate updateObj = new BoxMetadataUpdate
                    Op    = MetadataUpdateOp.replace,
                    Path  = "/cards",
                    Value = cards
                    await client.MetadataManager.UpdateFileMetadataAsync(boxBody.source.id.Value, new List <BoxMetadataUpdate>() { updateObj }, "global", "boxSkillsCards");
                } catch (Exception e2) {
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception updating metadata. giving up");
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully updated metadata");
コード例 #5
 public static void ProcessTranscriptionResults(ref SkillResult result)
     GenerateScriptAdherence(ref result);
     AggregateSpeakerSentiment(ref result);
     AdjustSpeakerTitles(ref result);
     CalculateSupportScore(ref result);
     Console.WriteLine("======== SkillResult =========");
     Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None));
コード例 #6
        private static void AdjustSpeakerTitles(ref SkillResult result)
            result.speakerLabels[result.supportIndex] = "Support";
            var spIdx = 1;

            for (var i = 0; i < result.speakerLabels.Count; i++)
                if (i != result.supportIndex)
                    result.speakerLabels[i] = "Customer" + (result.speakerLabels.Count == 2?"":$" {spIdx++}");
コード例 #7
        public static Dictionary <string, object> GenerateScriptAdherenceKeywordCard(SkillResult result, dynamic boxBody)
            var card = GetSkillCardTemplate(SkillType.keyword, boxBody, "Script Adherence", result.duration);

            foreach (var phraseKey in result.scriptChecks.Keys)
                var entry = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", "text" },
                    { "text", $"{phraseKey}: {result.scriptChecks[phraseKey]}" },
                    { "appears", new List <Dictionary <string, object> >() }

                ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)card["entries"]).Add(entry);
コード例 #8
        public static Dictionary <string, object> GenerateSupportHeaderCard(SkillResult result, dynamic boxBody)
            var     card     = GetSkillCardTemplate(SkillType.timeline, boxBody, "Support Representative", result.duration);
            dynamic images   = config.PeopleImages["support"];
            string  imageUrl = images[random.Next(0, images.Count - 1)].Value;

            var entry = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "type", "image" },
                { "text", "Support Rep" },
                { "image_url", imageUrl }

            ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)card["entries"]).Add(entry);

コード例 #9
        private async Task <SkillResult> ProcessTranscriptionJob(TranscriptionJob finishedJob)
            var result = new SkillResult();

            if (finishedJob?.TranscriptionJobStatus.Value == JobStatus.FAILED)
                Console.WriteLine($"Transcription job failed with reason:  {finishedJob.FailureReason}");
            else if (finishedJob.TranscriptionJobStatus.Value == JobStatus.COMPLETED)
                Console.WriteLine($"Transcription file located @: {finishedJob.Transcript.TranscriptFileUri}");

                var json = GetJobResultsForAnalsys(finishedJob.Transcript.TranscriptFileUri);

                JObject transcriptionResults = JObject.Parse(json);
                result = await ProcessTranscriptionResults(transcriptionResults);

コード例 #10
        //Run through results, grouping words and saving the locations in the media file. Create card with top 20
        //words more than 5 characters.
        // TODO: should have common word list to ignore instead of <5 chars
        // TODO: should calculate proximity to find phrases that appear together
        public static Dictionary <string, object> GenerateTopicsKeywordCard(SkillResult result, dynamic boxBody)
            var card   = GetSkillCardTemplate(SkillType.keyword, boxBody, "Topics", result.duration);
            var topics = new List <string>(result.topicLocations.Keys);
            var count  = 0;

            topics.Sort(delegate(string a, string b)

            foreach (var topic in topics)
                if (count++ == 20)
                var entry = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", "text" },
                    { "text", topic },
                    { "appears", new List <Dictionary <string, object> >() }

                foreach (var speakerResult in result.topicLocations[topic])
                    var location = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "start", speakerResult.start },
                        { "end", speakerResult.end }
                    ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)entry["appears"]).Add(location);
                ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)card["entries"]).Add(entry);

コード例 #11
        private static Dictionary <string, object> GenerateTranscriptCard(SkillResult result, dynamic boxBody)
            var card = GetSkillCardTemplate(SkillType.transcript, boxBody, "Transcript", result.duration);

            foreach (var speakerResult in result.resultByTime)
                var entry = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", "text" },
                    { "text", $"[{result.speakerLabels[speakerResult.speaker]}]  {speakerResult.text}" },
                    { "appears", new List <Dictionary <string, object> >()
                          new Dictionary <string, object>()
                              { "start", speakerResult.start },
                              { "end", speakerResult.end }
                      } }

                ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)card["entries"]).Add(entry);
コード例 #12
        private async Task <SkillResult> ProcessTranscriptionResults(JObject transcriptionResults)
            var result = new SkillResult();

            StringBuilder         speakerText = new StringBuilder();
            TranscribeAlternative alternative = null;

            var segments           = transcriptionResults["results"]["speaker_labels"]["segments"].ToObject <List <Segment> >();
            var transciptionsItems = transcriptionResults["results"]["items"].ToObject <List <TranscribeItem> >();

            Console.WriteLine($"items: {transciptionsItems?.Count} segments: {segments.Count}");

            var           speakerLabel         = string.Empty;
            var           lastSpeaker          = "nobody";
            SpeakerResult currentSpeakerResult = new SpeakerResult();

            var itemIdx = 0;

            var ti = transciptionsItems;

            // sements have a begin and end, however the items contained in it also
            // have begin and ends. the range of the items have a 1 to 1 correlation to the 'pronunciation' transcription
            // item types. These also have ends which are outside the range of the segement strangely. So will be using segment to
            // get the speaker, then will create an inclusive range for all items under it using the being of first and end of last.
            foreach (var segment in segments)
                if (segment.items.Length == 0)

                result.duration = segment.end_time;

                if (!lastSpeaker.Equals(segment.speaker_label))
                    // these lines do nothing the first iteration, but tie up last
                    // speaker result when the speaker is changing
                    currentSpeakerResult.text = speakerText.ToString();
                    speakerText = new StringBuilder();

                    // create new speaker result for new speaker - or first speaker on first iteration
                    var idx = result.speakerLabels.IndexOf(segment.speaker_label);
                    if (idx == -1)
                        idx = result.speakerLabels.Count;
                        result.resultBySpeaker.Add(idx, new List <SpeakerResult>());

                    currentSpeakerResult         = new SpeakerResult();
                    currentSpeakerResult.speaker = idx;
                    ConfigureTimeRange(ref currentSpeakerResult, segment);
                    lastSpeaker = segment.speaker_label;

                    ConfigureTimeRange(ref currentSpeakerResult, segment);

                for (; itemIdx < ti.Count &&
                     ((currentSpeakerResult.start <= ti[itemIdx].start_time && ti[itemIdx].end_time <= currentSpeakerResult.end) ||
                      (ti[itemIdx].start_time == 0m))
                     ; itemIdx++)
                    alternative = ti[itemIdx].alternatives.First();
                    if (alternative.content.Equals("[SILENCE]"))
                    speakerText.Append(" ");
            currentSpeakerResult.text = speakerText.ToString();

            // Call AWS Comprehend client to get sentiment for all speaker results
            List <int> keyList = new List <int>(result.resultBySpeaker.Keys);

            for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < keyList.Count; keyIdx++)
                var spkKey = keyList[keyIdx];
                for (int resultIdx = result.resultBySpeaker[spkKey].Count - 1; resultIdx >= 0; resultIdx--)
                    if (!IsBlankText(result.resultBySpeaker[spkKey][resultIdx].text))
                        var speakerResult = result.resultBySpeaker[spkKey][resultIdx];
                        speakerResult.sentiment = await DetermineSentiment(result.resultBySpeaker[spkKey][resultIdx].text);

                        var topics = await DetermineTopic(result.resultBySpeaker[spkKey][resultIdx].text);

                        foreach (var topic in topics)
                            if (!result.topicLocations.ContainsKey(topic.Text))
                                result.topicLocations.Add(topic.Text, new List <SpeakerResult>());

コード例 #13
        public static List <Dictionary <string, object> > GeneateSentimentTimelineCards(SkillResult result, dynamic boxBody)
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > cards = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (var speaker in result.resultsBySpeakerSentiment.Keys)
                var card = GetSkillCardTemplate(SkillType.timeline, boxBody, $"{result.speakerLabels[speaker]} Sentiment", result.duration);
                foreach (var sentValue in result.resultsBySpeakerSentiment[speaker].Keys)
                    dynamic image = config.SentimentImages[sentValue.ToLower()];
                    var     entry = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "type", "text" },
                        { "text", sentValue },
                        { "image_url", image.Value },
                        { "appears", new List <Dictionary <string, object> >() }

                    foreach (var speakerResult in result.resultsBySpeakerSentiment[speaker][sentValue])
                        var location = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                            { "start", speakerResult.start },
                            { "end", speakerResult.end }
                        ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)entry["appears"]).Add(location);
                    ((List <Dictionary <string, object> >)card["entries"]).Add(entry);

コード例 #14
        public static void GenerateScriptAdherence(ref SkillResult result)
            //TODO: should use algorithm for symantic difference, but doing something quick for poc
            //      close text search

            //we don't know which speaker is the support agent. So for each speaker, we will
            //try to match all of the phrases. If we get more than 2 matches, we'll assume that
            //is the support agent. Otherwise assume the first speaker and that they didn't
            //follow the script
            Console.WriteLine("======== Script Adherence =========");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None));

            int lastPhraseCount = 0;

            foreach (var speaker in result.resultBySpeaker.Keys)
                var scriptChecks = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
                var phraseCount  = 0;
                foreach (var phraseKey in scriptPhrases.Keys)
                    foreach (var results in result.resultBySpeaker[speaker])
                        var found = LevenshteinDistance.SearchPercent(scriptPhrases[phraseKey], CleanText(results.text));
                        //var found = CleanText(results.text).Contains(scriptPhrases[phraseKey]);
                        if (found >= .8m)
                            scriptChecks.Add(phraseKey, true);
                    if (scriptChecks.ContainsKey(phraseKey))
                        scriptChecks.Add(phraseKey, false);
                if (phraseCount > lastPhraseCount)
                    lastPhraseCount     = phraseCount;
                    result.supportIndex = speaker;
                    result.scriptChecks = scriptChecks;

                    // With two matches, assume this has to be the support rep, so
                    // don't bother processing remaining speakers
                    if (phraseCount > 2)
            if (result.scriptChecks.Keys.Count == 0)
                // no one matched anything, assume speaker one is support
                result.supportIndex = 0;
                foreach (var phraseKey in scriptPhrases.Keys)
                    result.scriptChecks.Add(phraseKey, false);