private void Save() { if (tbQty.Value <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Enter Quantity"); tbQty.Value = 0; tbQty.Focus(); } else if (!recDate.SelectedDate.HasValue) { MessageBox.Show("Purchased date is required"); recDate.Focus(); } else { int?maxCount = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Where(p => p.BoxCode == _boxCode).Select(p => p.SeriesNo).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max(); int count = maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + 1; if (maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() == 0) { for (int i = count; i <= tbQty.Value; i++) { //MessageBox.Show(i.ToString()); tbl_BoxSeries _tb2 = new tbl_BoxSeries() { BoxCode = _boxCode, SeriesNo = i, IsDisposed = false, IsUsed = false, IsDelivered = false, IsReturned = false, IsIssuedToProduction = false, IsIssuedToWareHouse = false, EncodedBy = _name, DateEncoded = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Add(_tb2); tbl_PurchasedHistory tbldata = new tbl_PurchasedHistory() { ItemCode = _boxCode + "-" + i.ToString(), DatePurchased = recDate.SelectedDate.Value }; dbContext.tbl_PurchasedHistory.Add(tbldata); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); } else { for (int i = maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + 1; i <= maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + tbQty.Value; i++) { tbl_BoxSeries _tb2 = new tbl_BoxSeries() { BoxCode = _boxCode, SeriesNo = i, IsDisposed = false, IsUsed = false, IsDelivered = false, IsReturned = false, IsIssuedToProduction = false, IsIssuedToWareHouse = false, EncodedBy = _name, DateEncoded = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Add(_tb2); tbl_PurchasedHistory tbldata = new tbl_PurchasedHistory() { ItemCode = _boxCode + "-" + i.ToString(), DatePurchased = recDate.SelectedDate.Value }; dbContext.tbl_PurchasedHistory.Add(tbldata); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); } var a = from data in dbContext.tbl_BoxMaster join boxSeries in dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries on data.BoxCode equals boxSeries.BoxCode into UP from boxSeries in UP.DefaultIfEmpty() where data.BoxCode == _boxCode orderby boxSeries.SeriesNo select new { BoxCode = data.BoxCode, SeriesNo = boxSeries.SeriesNo, IsDisposed = boxSeries.IsDisposed, IsUsed = boxSeries.IsUsed, IsIssuedToProduction = boxSeries.IsIssuedToProduction, IsIssuedToWareHouse = boxSeries.IsIssuedToWareHouse, IsDelivered = boxSeries.IsDelivered, IsReturned = boxSeries.IsReturned, BoxSeriesCode = boxSeries.BoxCode + "-" + boxSeries.SeriesNo }; string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "Encoded New Box Series Quantity", CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Quantity successfully added"); tbQty.Value = 0; tbQty.Focus(); LoadData(); } }
private void TbCode_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Enter) { try { bool isexists = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Any(x => x.BoxCode + "-" + x.SeriesNo.ToString() == tbCode.Text.Trim() && x.IsUsed == true && x.IsIssuedToProduction == false && x.IsIssuedToWareHouse == false && x.IsDelivered == false && x.IsReturned == false && x.IsDisposed == false); if (isexists) { var a = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Where(x => x.BoxCode + "-" + x.SeriesNo.ToString() == tbCode.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_BoxSeries tbl = a as tbl_BoxSeries; tbl.IsIssuedToProduction = true; tbl.IsIssuedToWareHouse = false; tbl.IsDelivered = false; tbl.IsReturned = false; dbContext.Entry(tbl).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "Issued Item: " + tbCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbCode.Clear(); //tbCode.Focus(); LoadData(); } else { var b = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Where(x => x.PartitionCode + "-" + x.Part_SeriesNo.ToString() == tbCode.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_PartitionSeries tbl = b as tbl_PartitionSeries; tbl.IsIssuedToProduction = true; tbl.IsIssuedToWareHouse = false; tbl.IsDelivered = false; tbl.IsReturned = false; dbContext.Entry(tbl).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "Issued Item: " + tbCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbCode.Clear(); //tbCode.Focus(); LoadData(); } } catch { if (gridBox.Items.Count == 0 && gridPartition.Items.Count == 0) { divIssuance.IsEnabled = true; tbCode.Clear(); tbQty.Value = 0; tbQty.Focus(); } else { divIssuance.IsEnabled = false; tbQty.Value = 0; tbCode.Clear(); tbCode.Focus(); } } } }
private void Issue() { var a = dbContext.tbl_BoxMaster.Where(t => t.BoxCode == _boxcode).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_BoxMaster _tb = a as tbl_BoxMaster; _usage = _tb.UsagePerBox.GetValueOrDefault(); var countInventory = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Count(p => p.BoxCode == _boxcode && p.IsUsed == false); var countInventory_Partition = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Count(p => p.BoxCode == _boxcode && p.IsUsed == false); int QtyInStock_Box = countInventory; int QtyInStock_Partition = countInventory_Partition; int neededBox = Convert.ToInt32(tbQty.Value); int neededPartition = neededBox * _usage; if (QtyInStock_Box >= neededBox) { if (QtyInStock_Partition >= neededPartition) { IssueBox(neededBox); IssuePartition(neededPartition); LoadData(); tbQty.Value = 0; string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "Preparing for Box Issuance", CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Records Ready For Scanning"); } else { int boxtogive = QtyInStock_Partition / _usage; int partitionToGive = boxtogive * _usage; IssueBox(boxtogive); IssuePartition(partitionToGive); LoadData(); tbQty.Value = 0; string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "Preparing for Box Issuance", CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Records Ready For Scanning"); } } else if (QtyInStock_Box < neededBox && QtyInStock_Box > 0) { int boxtogive = QtyInStock_Box; int partitionToGive = boxtogive * _usage; IssueBox(boxtogive); IssuePartition(partitionToGive); LoadData(); tbQty.Value = 0; string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "Preparing for Box Issuance", CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Records Ready For Scanning"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Cannot issue box. No available stocks"); LoadData(); tbQty.Value = 0; } //if (countInventory >= Convert.ToInt32(tbQty.Value)) //{ // //Count Box // int QtyInStock = countInventory; // int neededQty = Convert.ToInt32(tbQty.Value); // int div = QtyInStock / neededQty; //quotient // int mod = QtyInStock % neededQty; //remainder // //Check Partition // //Needed Partition // int totalPartition = QtyInStock * _usage; // //Count Partition // var countInventory_Partition = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Count(p => p.BoxCode == _boxcode && p.IsUsed == false); // int divPartition = countInventory_Partition / totalPartition; //quotient // int modPartition = countInventory_Partition % totalPartition; //remainder // //If stock partition is greater than the quantity needed // if (countInventory_Partition > totalPartition) // { // //if (modPartition > 0) // //{ // //MessageBoxResult results = MessageBox.Show("Cannot issue some partitions." + Environment.NewLine // // + "Total Box To Be Issued: " + QtyInStock + Environment.NewLine // // + "Total Partitions To Be Issued: " + divPartition + Environment.NewLine // // //+ "Remaining Quantity From Needed Quantity: " + modPartition.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine // // + "Do you want to continue?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); // //if (results == MessageBoxResult.Yes) // //{ // // // Do this // // //Set As Issued // // var dataBox = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Where(p => p.BoxCode == _boxcode && p.IsUsed == false).Take(QtyInStock).ToList(); // // dataBox.ForEach(p => p.IsUsed = true); // // dbContext.SaveChanges(); // // //Set as Issued // // var dataPartition = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Where(p => p.BoxCode == _boxcode && p.IsUsed == false).Take(divPartition).ToList(); // // dataBox.ForEach(p => p.IsUsed = true); // // dbContext.SaveChanges(); // // MessageBox.Show("Record Successfully Saved"); // //} // //} // //else // //{ // // Do this // //Set As Issued // IssueBox(QtyInStock); // //Set as Issued // IssuePartition(totalPartition); // MessageBox.Show("Record Successfully Saved"); // //} // } // else // { // int boxToBeFilled = countInventory_Partition / _usage; // int partTogive = boxToBeFilled * _usage; // MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("The remaining partitions will no longer be sufficient to fill the required quantity? " + // "Needed Partition: " + totalPartition.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine + // "Remaining Partition: " + countInventory_Partition.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine + // "Boxes To Be Filled By Remaining Quantity: " + boxToBeFilled.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine + // "Do you want to continue?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); // if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) // { // // Do this // //Set As Issued // IssueBox(boxToBeFilled); // //Set as Issued // IssuePartition(partTogive); // } // } //} //else if (countInventory == 0) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Cannot issue box. No available stocks"); // tbQty.Value = 0; //} //else //{ // //Count Box // var countInventoryRemaining = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Count(p => p.BoxCode == _boxcode && p.IsUsed == false); // MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Needed quantity is more than the stock boxes? " + Environment.NewLine + // "Needed Quantity: " + tbQty.Value.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine + // "Remaining Quantity: " + countInventoryRemaining.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine + // "Do you want to continue?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); // if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) // { // //Check Partition // //Needed Partition // int totalPartition = countInventoryRemaining * _usage; // //Count Partition // var countInventory_Partition = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Count(p => p.BoxCode == _boxcode && p.IsUsed == false); // int divPartition = countInventory_Partition / totalPartition; //quotient // int modPartition = countInventory_Partition % totalPartition; //remainder // //If stock partition is greater than the quantity needed // if (countInventory_Partition > totalPartition) // { // if (modPartition > 0) // { // MessageBoxResult results = MessageBox.Show("Cannot issue some partitions." + Environment.NewLine // + "Total Box To Be Issued: " + countInventoryRemaining + Environment.NewLine // + "Total Partitions To Be Issued: " + divPartition + Environment.NewLine // + "Remaining Quantity From Needed Quantity: " + modPartition.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine // + "Do you want to continue?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); // if (results == MessageBoxResult.Yes) // { // // Do this // //Set As Issued // IssueBox(countInventoryRemaining); // //Set as Issued // IssuePartition(divPartition); // MessageBox.Show("Record Successfully Saved"); // } // } // else // { // // Do this // //Set As Issued // IssueBox(countInventoryRemaining); // //Set as Issued // IssuePartition(divPartition); // MessageBox.Show("Record Successfully Saved"); // } // } // else // { // if (_usage < divPartition) // { // MessageBox.Show("Cannot Issue Box"); // } // else // { // int boxToBeFilled = countInventory_Partition / _usage; // int partTogive = boxToBeFilled * _usage; // if (boxToBeFilled >= countInventoryRemaining && boxToBeFilled != 0) // { // MessageBoxResult result3 = MessageBox.Show("The remaining partitions will no longer be sufficient to fill the required quantity? " + // "Needed Partition: " + totalPartition.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine + // "Remaining Partition: " + countInventory_Partition.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine + // "Boxes To Be Filled By Remaining Quantity: " + boxToBeFilled.ToString().Trim() + Environment.NewLine + // "Do you want to continue?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); // if (result3 == MessageBoxResult.Yes) // { // // Do this // //Set As Issued // IssueBox(boxToBeFilled); // //Set as Issued // IssuePartition(partTogive); // } // } // else // { // MessageBox.Show("Cannot Issue Box"); // } // } // } // } //} }
private void RadButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to continue?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { if (!recDate.SelectedDate.HasValue || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbItemCode.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please complete all fields"); } else { bool isexists = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Any(x => x.BoxCode + "-" + x.SeriesNo.ToString() == tbItemCode.Text.Trim()); if (isexists) { var a = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Where(x => x.BoxCode + "-" + x.SeriesNo.ToString() == tbItemCode.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_BoxSeries tbl = a as tbl_BoxSeries; tbl.IsDisposed = true; tbl.ModifiedBy = _name; tbl.DateModified = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Entry(tbl).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbl_DisposalHistory dataDisposal = new tbl_DisposalHistory() { ItemCode = tbItemCode.Text, QtyDisposed = 1, DisposalDate = recDate.SelectedDate.Value, DisposedBy = _name }; dbContext.tbl_DisposalHistory.Add(dataDisposal); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = _name, TransactionDetails = "Disposed Item: " + tbItemCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbItemCode.Clear(); tbItemCode.Focus(); recDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; } else { var b = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Where(x => x.PartitionCode + "-" + x.Part_SeriesNo.ToString() == tbItemCode.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_PartitionSeries tbl = b as tbl_PartitionSeries; tbl.IsDisposed = true; tbl.ModifiedBy = _name; tbl.DateModified = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Entry(tbl).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbl_DisposalHistory dataDisposal = new tbl_DisposalHistory() { ItemCode = tbItemCode.Text, QtyDisposed = 1, DisposalDate = recDate.SelectedDate.Value, DisposedBy = _name }; dbContext.tbl_DisposalHistory.Add(dataDisposal); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = _name, TransactionDetails = "Disposed Item: " + tbItemCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbItemCode.Clear(); tbItemCode.Focus(); recDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; } } } else { recDate.Focus(); } }
private Boolean Save() { Boolean _isValid = false; _isValid = _isValidFields(); if (!_isValid) { return(false); } int?maxCount = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Where(p => p.BoxCode == _boxCode && p.PartitionCode == _partCode.Trim()).Select(p => p.Part_SeriesNo).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max(); int count = maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + 1; if (maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() == 0) { for (int i = count; i <= tbQty.Value; i++) { tbl_PartitionSeries _tb2 = new tbl_PartitionSeries() { BoxCode = _boxCode, PartitionCode = _partCode, Part_SeriesNo = i, IsDisposed = false, IsUsed = false, IsDelivered = false, IsReturned = false, IsIssuedToProduction = false, IsIssuedToWareHouse = false, EncodedBy = _name, DateEncoded = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Add(_tb2); tbl_PurchasedHistory tbldata = new tbl_PurchasedHistory() { ItemCode = _partCode + "-" + i.ToString(), DatePurchased = recDate.SelectedDate.Value }; dbContext.tbl_PurchasedHistory.Add(tbldata); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); } else { for (int i = maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + 1; i <= maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + tbQty.Value; i++) { tbl_PartitionSeries _tb2 = new tbl_PartitionSeries() { BoxCode = _boxCode, PartitionCode = _partCode, Part_SeriesNo = i, IsDisposed = false, IsUsed = false, IsDelivered = false, IsReturned = false, IsIssuedToProduction = false, IsIssuedToWareHouse = false, EncodedBy = _name, DateEncoded = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Add(_tb2); tbl_PurchasedHistory tbldata = new tbl_PurchasedHistory() { ItemCode = _partCode + "-" + i.ToString(), DatePurchased = recDate.SelectedDate.Value }; dbContext.tbl_PurchasedHistory.Add(tbldata); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); } string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "Encoded New Partition Series Quantity", CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Quantity successfully added"); tbQty.Value = 0; tbQty.Focus(); LoadPartitionSeries(); return(true); }
private void TbCode_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Enter) { try { if (stat == false) { GetBoxCode(); var a = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Where(x => x.BoxCode + "-" + x.SeriesNo.ToString() == tbCode.Text.Trim() ).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_BoxSeries tbl = a as tbl_BoxSeries; tbl.IsIssuedToProduction = false; tbl.IsIssuedToWareHouse = false; tbl.IsDelivered = true; tbl.IsReturned = false; dbContext.Entry(tbl).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); var dataBox = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Where(p => p.BoxCode == _boxcodes && p.IsUsed == true && p.IsIssuedToProduction == false && p.IsIssuedToWareHouse == true && p.IsDelivered == false && p.IsReturned == false && p.IsDisposed == false).Take(_usage).ToList(); //Update data dataBox.ForEach(p => { p.IsUsed = true; p.IsIssuedToProduction = false; p.IsIssuedToWareHouse = false; p.IsDelivered = true; p.IsReturned = false; p.IsDisposed = false; } ); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = _name, TransactionDetails = "Delivered Item: " + tbCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); LoadData(); tbCode.Clear(); tbCode.Focus(); } else { bool isexists = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Any(x => x.BoxCode + "-" + x.SeriesNo.ToString() == tbCode.Text.Trim()); if (isexists) { var a = dbContext.tbl_BoxSeries.Where(x => x.BoxCode + "-" + x.SeriesNo.ToString() == tbCode.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_BoxSeries tbl = a as tbl_BoxSeries; tbl.IsIssuedToProduction = false; tbl.IsIssuedToWareHouse = false; tbl.IsDelivered = false; tbl.IsReturned = false; tbl.IsUsed = false; dbContext.Entry(tbl).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = _name, TransactionDetails = "Received Item: " + tbCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbCode.Clear(); tbCode.Focus(); LoadData(); } else { var b = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Where(x => x.PartitionCode + "-" + x.Part_SeriesNo.ToString() == tbCode.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_PartitionSeries tbl = b as tbl_PartitionSeries; tbl.IsIssuedToProduction = false; tbl.IsIssuedToWareHouse = false; tbl.IsDelivered = false; tbl.IsReturned = false; tbl.IsUsed = false; dbContext.Entry(tbl).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = _name, TransactionDetails = "Received Item: " + tbCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); tbCode.Clear(); tbCode.Focus(); LoadData(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("No Records Found"); } } }
private void BtnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var lstCodes1 = dbContext.tblBarcodeToPrints.ToList(); if (lstCodes1 != null) { dbContext.tblBarcodeToPrints.RemoveRange(lstCodes1); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } var lstCodes = dbContext.tblBarcodeToPrints.ToList(); if (lstCodes != null) { dbContext.tblBarcodeToPrints.RemoveRange(lstCodes); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } for (int i = 0; i < gridBoxCode.Items.Count; i++) { var mycheckbox = gridBoxCode.Columns[0].GetCellContent(gridBoxCode.Items[i]) as CheckBox; TextBlock itemCode = gridBoxCode.Columns[1].GetCellContent(gridBoxCode.Items[i]) as TextBlock; TextBlock itemTag = gridBoxCode.Columns[2].GetCellContent(gridBoxCode.Items[i]) as TextBlock; if (mycheckbox.IsChecked == true) { tblBarcodeToPrint data = new tblBarcodeToPrint() { ItemCode = itemCode.Text, ItemDesc = itemTag.Text }; dbContext.tblBarcodeToPrints.Add(data); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = _name, TransactionDetails = "Print Item: " + itemCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); } } dbContext.SaveChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < gridPartition.Items.Count; i++) { var mycheckbox2 = gridPartition.Columns[0].GetCellContent(gridPartition.Items[i]) as CheckBox; TextBlock itemCode2 = gridPartition.Columns[1].GetCellContent(gridPartition.Items[i]) as TextBlock; TextBlock itemTag2 = gridPartition.Columns[2].GetCellContent(gridPartition.Items[i]) as TextBlock; if (mycheckbox2.IsChecked == true) { tblBarcodeToPrint data = new tblBarcodeToPrint() { ItemCode = itemCode2.Text, ItemDesc = itemTag2.Text }; dbContext.tblBarcodeToPrints.Add(data); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = _name, TransactionDetails = "Print Item: " + itemCode2.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); } } dbContext.SaveChanges(); PrintPreview frm = new PrintPreview(); frm.ShowDialog(); }
private void Save() { string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } int?maxCount = dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Where(p => p.BoxCode == _boxCode && p.PartitionCode == tbPartitionCode.Text.Trim()).Select(p => p.Part_SeriesNo).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max(); int count = maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + 1; if (maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() == 0) { for (int i = count; i <= tbQty.Value; i++) { tbl_PartitionSeries _tb2 = new tbl_PartitionSeries() { BoxCode = _boxCode, PartitionCode = tbPartitionCode.Text.Trim(), Part_SeriesNo = i, IsDisposed = false, IsUsed = false, IsDelivered = false, IsReturned = false, IsIssuedToProduction = false, IsIssuedToWareHouse = false, EncodedBy = _name, DateEncoded = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Add(_tb2); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "New Item Inserted: " + tbPartitionCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); //dbContext.SaveChanges(); } else { for (int i = maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + 1; i <= maxCount.GetValueOrDefault() + tbQty.Value; i++) { tbl_PartitionSeries _tb2 = new tbl_PartitionSeries() { BoxCode = _boxCode, PartitionCode = tbPartitionCode.Text.Trim(), Part_SeriesNo = i, IsDisposed = false, IsUsed = false, IsDelivered = false, IsReturned = false, IsIssuedToProduction = false, IsIssuedToWareHouse = false, EncodedBy = _name, DateEncoded = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_PartitionSeries.Add(_tb2); tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "New Item Inserted: " + tbPartitionCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var user = dbContext.tblUsers.Where(x => x.EmpID == tbUsername.Text).FirstOrDefault(); tblUser data = user as tblUser; if (user != null) { var data2 = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(data.EmpID).Take(1).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(data2).Rows) { _name = dr["FullName_FnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = _name, TransactionDetails = "Login", CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); if (data.RoleID == "01" || data.RoleID == "02") { BoxAndPartitionMaster frm = new BoxAndPartitionMaster(); frm._empID = data.EmpID; frm._role = data.RoleID; frm.Show(); this.Hide(); } else if (data.RoleID == "03") { Production frm = new Production(); frm._empID = data.EmpID; frm._role = data.RoleID; frm.Show(); this.Hide(); } else if (data.RoleID == "04") { Warehouse frm = new Warehouse(); frm._empID = data.EmpID; frm._role = data.RoleID; frm.Show(); this.Hide(); } } }
private Boolean Insert() { Boolean _result = false; _result = _isValidFields(); if (!_result) { return(false); } bool isexists = dbContext.tbl_BoxMaster.Any(x => x.BoxCode == tbBoxCode.Text.Trim()); if (!isexists) { tbl_BoxMaster _tb = new tbl_BoxMaster() { BoxCode = tbBoxCode.Text, BoxDescription = tbBoxDesc.Text, UsagePerBox = Convert.ToInt32(tbUsage.Value), ItemTag = tbItemTag.Text, CusCode = cboCustomer.SelectedValue.ToString() }; dbContext.tbl_BoxMaster.Add(_tb); dbContext.SaveChanges(); string empname = string.Empty; var empdata = dbHRIS.SKPI_GetAllEmployeesByEmpID(_empID).ToList(); foreach (DataRow dr in ConvertToDataTable(empdata).Rows) { empname = dr["FullName_LnameFirst"].ToString(); } tbl_TransactionMaster transact = new tbl_TransactionMaster() { TransactBy = empname, TransactionDetails = "New Item Inserted: " + tbBoxCode.Text.Trim(), CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now }; dbContext.tbl_TransactionMaster.Add(transact); dbContext.SaveChanges(); BoxAndPartitionMaster.gridBox.ItemsSource = dbContext.tbl_BoxMaster.ToList(); MessageBox.Show("Record successfully saved"); tbBoxCode.Text = tbBoxDesc.Text = tbItemTag.Text = string.Empty; cboCustomer.SelectedIndex = -1; tbBoxCode.Focus(); } else { } return(true); }