コード例 #1
ファイル: StaticModel.cs プロジェクト: holtkampw/UH-Engine
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor consisting of a given model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Model for use</param>
        public StaticModel(Model newModel, Vector3 position)
            this.model = newModel;

            game = ScreenManager.Game;
            CollisionMesh = new CollisionMesh(model, 4, position);
コード例 #2
        public override void Update(TimeSpan elapsedTime, CollisionMesh collisionMesh,
            GamePadState gamepadState, KeyboardState keyboardState)
            if (collisionMesh == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("collisionMesh");

            float timeSeconds = (float)elapsedTime.TotalSeconds;

            float speedBoost = 0.0f;
            if (gamepadState.Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed)
                speedBoost = 1.0f;
            if (keyboardState != null && keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                speedBoost = 1.0f;

            float rotSpeed = 2.0f * timeSeconds;
            float moveSpeed = (400.0f + 600.0f * speedBoost) * timeSeconds;

            Vector3 position = world.Translation;

            Vector3 axisX = new Vector3(world.M11, world.M12, world.M13);
            Vector3 axisY = new Vector3(world.M21, world.M22, world.M23);
            Vector3 axisZ = new Vector3(world.M31, world.M32, world.M33);

            Vector3 translate, rotate;
            GetInputVectors(gamepadState, keyboardState, out translate, out rotate);
            if (gamepadState.Buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed)
                rotate.X = rotate.Y = 0;

            Vector3 newPosition = position;
            newPosition += axisX * (moveSpeed * translate.X);
            newPosition += axisY * (moveSpeed * translate.Y);
            newPosition -= axisZ * (moveSpeed * translate.Z);

            collisionMesh.BoxMove(box, position, newPosition,
                                1, 0, 3, out newPosition);

            Matrix rotX = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axisX, -rotSpeed * rotate.X);
            Matrix rotY = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axisY, -rotSpeed * rotate.Y);
            Matrix rotZ = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axisZ, rotSpeed * rotate.Z);

            world.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            world = world * (rotX * rotY * rotZ);

            world.Translation = newPosition;

            Orthonormalize(ref world);

            view = Matrix.Invert(world);

            frustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection);
コード例 #3
        public override void Update(TimeSpan elapsed_time, ref CollisionMesh collision_mesh,
            GamePadState gamepad_state, KeyboardState keyboard_state)
            float time_seconds = (float)elapsed_time.TotalSeconds;

            float speed_boost = 0.0f;
            if (gamepad_state.Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed)
                speed_boost = 1.0f;
            if (keyboard_state != null && keyboard_state.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                speed_boost = 1.0f;

            float rot_speed = 2.0f * time_seconds;
            float move_speed = (400.0f + 600.0f * speed_boost) * time_seconds;

            Vector3 position = world.Translation;

            Vector3 axis_x = new Vector3(world.M11, world.M12, world.M13);
            Vector3 axis_y = new Vector3(world.M21, world.M22, world.M23);
            Vector3 axis_z = new Vector3(world.M31, world.M32, world.M33);

            Vector3 translate, rotate;
            GetInputVectors(gamepad_state, keyboard_state, out translate, out rotate);
            if (gamepad_state.Buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed)
                rotate.X = rotate.Y = 0;

            Vector3 new_position = position;
            new_position += axis_x * (move_speed * translate.X);
            new_position += axis_y * (move_speed * translate.Y);
            new_position -= axis_z * (move_speed * translate.Z);

            collision_mesh.BoxMove(box, position, new_position, 1.0f, 0.0f, 3, out new_position);

            Matrix rot_x = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis_x, -rot_speed * rotate.X);
            Matrix rot_y = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis_y, -rot_speed * rotate.Y);
            Matrix rot_z = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis_z, rot_speed * rotate.Z);

            world.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            world = world * (rot_x * rot_y * rot_z);

            world.Translation = new_position;

            Orthonormalize(ref world);

            view = Matrix.Invert(world);

            frustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ChaseCamera.cs プロジェクト: CS583/The3dgamesample
        /// <summary>
        /// Animates the camera from its current position towards the desired offset
        /// behind the chased object. The camera's animation is controlled by a simple
        /// physical spring attached to the camera and anchored to the desired position.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update(float elapsedTime, CollisionMesh collision)

            // Calculate spring force
            Vector3 stretch = position - desiredPosition;
            Vector3 force = -stiffness * stretch - damping * velocity;

            // Apply acceleration
            Vector3 acceleration = force / mass;
            velocity += acceleration * elapsedTime;

            // Apply velocity
            position += velocity * elapsedTime;
            collisionPosition = position;

            // test camera for collision with world
            if (collision != null)
                float collisionDistance;
                Vector3 collisionPoint, collisionNormal;
                if (collision.PointIntersect(lookAt, position, out collisionDistance,
                    out collisionPoint, out collisionNormal))
                    Vector3 dir = Vector3.Normalize(collisionPoint - lookAt);
                    collisionPosition = collisionPoint - 10 * dir;

コード例 #5
 public abstract void Update(
     TimeSpan elapsedTime, CollisionMesh collisionMesh,
     GamePadState gamepadState, KeyboardState keyboardState);
コード例 #6
        public override void Update(TimeSpan elapsed_time, ref CollisionMesh collision_mesh,
            GamePadState gamepad_state, KeyboardState keyboard_state)
            float time_seconds = (float)elapsed_time.TotalSeconds;

            float speed_boost = gamepad_state.Triggers.Left;
            if (keyboard_state.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                speed_boost = 1.0f;

            float rot_speed = 2.0f * time_seconds;
            float move_speed = (300.0f + 400.0f * speed_boost) * time_seconds;

            if (on_ground == false)
                velocity.Y -= gravity * time_seconds;
                if (gamepad_state.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed ||
                    velocity.Y = (float)Math.Sqrt(gravity * 2.0f * jump_height);
                    on_ground = false;
                    velocity.Y = 0.0f;

            Vector3 position = transform.Translation;

            Vector3 axis_x = new Vector3(transform.M11, transform.M12, transform.M13);
            Vector3 axis_y = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector3 axis_z = new Vector3(transform.M31, transform.M32, transform.M33);

            Vector3 translate, rotate;
            GetInputVectors(gamepad_state, keyboard_state, out translate, out rotate);

            Vector3 new_position = position;
            new_position += axis_x * (move_speed * translate.X);
            new_position -= axis_z * (move_speed * translate.Z);
            new_position += velocity * time_seconds;

            float move_y = 12.5f * step_height * time_seconds;
            if (auto_move_y >= 0)
                if (move_y > auto_move_y)
                    move_y = auto_move_y;
                move_y = -move_y;
                if (move_y < auto_move_y)
                    move_y = auto_move_y;
            new_position.Y += move_y;
            auto_move_y = 0;

            collision_mesh.BoxMove(box, position, new_position, 1.0f, 0.0f, 3, out new_position);

            if (Math.Abs(new_position.Y - position.Y) < 0.0001f && velocity.Y > 0.0f)
                velocity.Y = 0.0f;

            float dist;
            Vector3 pos, norm;
            if (velocity.Y <= 0)
                if (true == collision_mesh.BoxIntersect(box,
                                                        new_position + new Vector3(0, -2 * step_height, 0),
                                                        out dist, out pos, out norm))
                    if (norm.Y > 0.70710678f)
                        on_ground = true;
                        auto_move_y = step_height - dist;
                        on_ground = false;
                    on_ground = false;

            up_down_rot -= rot_speed * rotate.X;
            if (up_down_rot > 1)
                up_down_rot = 1;
                if (up_down_rot < -1)
                    up_down_rot = -1;

            Matrix rot_x = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis_x, up_down_rot);
            Matrix rot_y = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis_y, -rot_speed * rotate.Y);

            transform.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            transform = transform * rot_y;
            Orthonormalize(ref transform);

            world.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            world = transform * rot_x;

            transform.Translation = new_position;
            new_position.Y += head_height;
            world.Translation = new_position;

            view = Matrix.Invert(world);

            frustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection);
コード例 #7
        public override void Update(
            TimeSpan elapsedTime,
            CollisionMesh collisionMesh,
            GamePadState gamepadState,
            KeyboardState keyboardState)
            if (collisionMesh == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("collisionMesh");

            float timeSeconds = (float)elapsedTime.TotalSeconds;

            float speedBoost = gamepadState.Triggers.Left;

            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                speedBoost = 1.0f;

            float rotSpeed  = 2.0f * timeSeconds;
            float moveSpeed = (300.0f + 400.0f * speedBoost) * timeSeconds;

            if (onGround == false)
                velocity.Y -= gravity * timeSeconds;
                if (gamepadState.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed ||
                    velocity.Y = (float)Math.Sqrt(gravity * 2.0f * jumpHeight);
                    onGround   = false;
                    velocity.Y = 0.0f;

            Vector3 position = transform.Translation;

            Vector3 axisX = new Vector3(transform.M11, transform.M12, transform.M13);
            Vector3 axisY = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector3 axisZ = new Vector3(transform.M31, transform.M32, transform.M33);

            Vector3 translate, rotate;

            GetInputVectors(gamepadState, keyboardState, out translate, out rotate);

            Vector3 newPosition = position;

            newPosition += axisX * (moveSpeed * translate.X);
            newPosition -= axisZ * (moveSpeed * translate.Z);
            newPosition += velocity * timeSeconds;

            float moveY = 12.5f * stepHeight * timeSeconds;

            if (autoMoveY >= 0)
                if (moveY > autoMoveY)
                    moveY = autoMoveY;
                moveY = -moveY;
                if (moveY < autoMoveY)
                    moveY = autoMoveY;
            newPosition.Y += moveY;
            autoMoveY      = 0;

            collisionMesh.BoxMove(box, position, newPosition,
                                  1, 0, 3, out newPosition);

            if (Math.Abs(newPosition.Y - position.Y) < 0.0001f && velocity.Y > 0.0f)
                velocity.Y = 0.0f;

            float   dist;
            Vector3 pos, norm;

            if (velocity.Y <= 0)
                if (true == collisionMesh.BoxIntersect(box, newPosition,
                                                       newPosition + new Vector3(0, -2 * stepHeight, 0),
                                                       out dist, out pos, out norm))
                    if (norm.Y > 0.70710678f)
                        onGround  = true;
                        autoMoveY = stepHeight - dist;
                        onGround = false;
                    onGround = false;

            upDownRot -= rotSpeed * rotate.X;
            if (upDownRot > 1)
                upDownRot = 1;
            if (upDownRot < -1)
                upDownRot = -1;

            Matrix rotX = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axisX, upDownRot);
            Matrix rotY = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axisY, -rotSpeed * rotate.Y);

            transform.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            transform             = transform * rotY;
            Orthonormalize(ref transform);

            world.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            world             = transform * rotX;

            transform.Translation = newPosition;
            newPosition.Y        += headHeight;
            world.Translation     = newPosition;

            view = Matrix.Invert(world);

            frustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection);
コード例 #8
 public abstract void Update(
     TimeSpan elapsedTime, CollisionMesh collisionMesh,
     GamePadState gamepadState, KeyboardState keyboardState);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Scene.cs プロジェクト: Oliverreason/xnafpsframework
        public override void Initialize()
            float aspectRatio = this.device.Viewport.Width /

            this.collisionMesh = new CollisionMesh(sceneModel, 1);
            this.sceneObjects = new GameEntityList();

            XmlLoaderHelper.LoadPlayerAttributes(xmlDoc, aspectRatio, ref this.camera, ref this.player);
            XmlLoaderHelper.LoadGunsAttributes(xmlDoc, ref this.sceneObjects);
            XmlLoaderHelper.LoadAmmoPacksAttributes(xmlDoc, ref this.sceneObjects);
            XmlLoaderHelper.LoadMedPacksAttributes(xmlDoc, ref this.sceneObjects);
            XmlLoaderHelper.LoadEnemiesAttributes(this.Game, xmlDoc, ref this.enemies);

            //Create collisionbox for each dynamic entity
            if (this.sceneObjects != null)
                foreach (String meshName in this.sceneObjects.Keys)
                    ModelMesh mesh = null;

                    this.sceneModel.Meshes.TryGetValue(meshName, out mesh);

                    if (mesh == null)

                    GameEntity geOut = null;

                    this.sceneObjects.TryGetValue(meshName, out geOut);

                    if (geOut != null)
                        geOut.ModelMesh = mesh;
                        mesh.Tag = new object(); //only marks it as a dynamic object

                foreach (String meshName in this.enemies.Keys)
                    ModelMesh mesh = null;

                    this.sceneModel.Meshes.TryGetValue(meshName, out mesh);

                    if (mesh == null)

                    Enemy eOut = null;

                    this.enemies.TryGetValue(meshName, out eOut);

                    if (eOut != null)
                        eOut.ModelMesh = mesh;
                        Vector3 pos = mesh.BoundingSphere.Center;
                        eOut.Position = pos;
                        mesh.Tag = null; //don't render mesh marker

コード例 #10
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Enemy e, Vector3 cameraPos, ref Matrix view, 
            ref Matrix projection, ref CollisionMesh collision)
            /*Vector3 direction = Vector3.Subtract(e.Position, cameraPos);

            Matrix rotation = Matrix.CreateRotationY(e.YawAngle);
            Vector3 initialFacing = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.Up);

            initialFacing = Vector3.Transform(initialFacing, rotation);

            float res = Vector3.Dot(initialFacing, direction);

            float x = direction.X - e.Position.X;
            float y = direction.Y - e.Position.Y;
            float desiredAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(y, x);

            if (desiredAngle >= MathHelper.ToRadians(30.0f))
                float speed = 0.25f;

                float difference = Enemy.WrapAngle(desiredAngle - e.YawAngle);
                difference = MathHelper.Clamp(difference, -speed, speed);

                e.YawAngle = Enemy.WrapAngle(e.YawAngle + difference);
                e.ActualAnimationState = GameEntityAnimationState.Idle;
                e.ActualAnimationState = GameEntityAnimationState.Walk;
                Vector3 pos01 = e.Position;

                pos01.X -= e.WalkSpeed * direction.X;
                pos01.Z -= e.WalkSpeed * direction.Z;

                e.Position = pos01;

            float time_seconds = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            float rot_speed = 2.0f * time_seconds;
            float move_speed = (300.0f + 400.0f) * time_seconds;

            if (e.OnGround == false)
                Vector3 vector = e.Velocity;
                vector.Y -= 2000.0f * time_seconds;

            Vector3 position = e.Position;

            Vector3 axis_x = new Vector3(e.Matrix.M11, e.Matrix.M12, e.Matrix.M13);
            Vector3 axis_y = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector3 axis_z = new Vector3(e.Matrix.M31, e.Matrix.M32, e.Matrix.M33);

            Vector3 translate = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 rotate = Vector3.Zero;

            Vector3 new_position = position;
            new_position += axis_x * (move_speed * translate.X);
            new_position -= axis_z * (move_speed * translate.Z);
            new_position += e.Velocity * time_seconds;

            float move_y = 12.5f * time_seconds;
            if (e.AutoMoveY >= 0)
                if (move_y > e.AutoMoveY)
                    move_y = e.AutoMoveY;
                move_y = -move_y;
                if (move_y < e.AutoMoveY)
                    move_y = e.AutoMoveY;

            collision.BoxMove(e.Box, position, new_position, 1.0f, 0.0f, 3, out new_position);

            if (Math.Abs(new_position.Y - position.Y) < 0.0001f && e.Velocity.Y > 0.0f)
                Vector3 v = e.Velocity;
                v.Y = 0.0f;
                e.Velocity = v;

            float dist;
            Vector3 pos, norm;

            if (e.Velocity.Y <= 0)
                if (true == collision.BoxIntersect(e.Box,
                                                        new_position + new Vector3(0, -2, 0),
                                                        out dist, out pos, out norm))
                    if (norm.Y > 0.70710678f)
                        e.AutoMoveY = dist;
                        e.OnGround = false;
                    e.OnGround = false;

            Matrix rot_y = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis_y, -rot_speed * rotate.Y);

            Matrix m = e.Matrix;
            m.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            m = m * rot_y;

            CollisionCamera.Orthonormalize(ref m);

            m.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            m.Translation = new_position;*/
            Vector3 direction = Vector3.Subtract(e.Position, cameraPos);

            Matrix rotation = Matrix.CreateRotationY(e.YawAngle);
            Vector3 initialFacing = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.Up);

            initialFacing = Vector3.Transform(initialFacing, rotation);

            float res = Vector3.Dot(initialFacing, direction);

            float x = direction.X - e.Position.X;
            float y = direction.Y - e.Position.Y;
            float desiredAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(y, x);

            if (desiredAngle >= MathHelper.ToRadians(30.0f))
                float speed = 0.25f;

                float difference = Enemy.WrapAngle(desiredAngle - e.YawAngle);
                difference = MathHelper.Clamp(difference, -speed, speed);

                e.YawAngle = Enemy.WrapAngle(e.YawAngle + difference);
                e.ActualAnimationState = GameEntityAnimationState.Idle;
                e.ActualAnimationState = GameEntityAnimationState.Walk;
                Vector3 pos01 = e.Position;

                pos01.X -= e.WalkSpeed * direction.X;
                pos01.Z -= e.WalkSpeed * direction.Z;

                e.Box.min.X -= e.WalkSpeed * direction.X;
                e.Box.min.Z -= e.WalkSpeed * direction.Z;
                e.Box.max.X -= e.WalkSpeed * direction.X;
                e.Box.max.Z -= e.WalkSpeed * direction.Z;

                e.Position = pos01;

            float time_seconds = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            float rot_speed = 2.0f * time_seconds;
            float move_speed = (300.0f + 400.0f) * time_seconds;

            if (e.OnGround == false)
                Vector3 vector = e.Velocity;
                vector.Y -= 2000.0f * time_seconds;

            Vector3 position = e.Position;

            Vector3 axis_x = new Vector3(e.Matrix.M11, e.Matrix.M12, e.Matrix.M13);
            Vector3 axis_y = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector3 axis_z = new Vector3(e.Matrix.M31, e.Matrix.M32, e.Matrix.M33);

            Vector3 translate = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 rotate = Vector3.Zero;

            Vector3 new_position = position;
            new_position += axis_x * (move_speed * translate.X);
            new_position -= axis_z * (move_speed * translate.Z);
            new_position += e.Velocity * time_seconds;

            float move_y = 12.5f * time_seconds;
            if (e.AutoMoveY >= 0)
                if (move_y > e.AutoMoveY)
                    move_y = e.AutoMoveY;
                move_y = -move_y;
                if (move_y < e.AutoMoveY)
                    move_y = e.AutoMoveY;

            collision.BoxMove(e.Box, position, new_position, 1.0f, 0.0f, 3, out new_position);

            if (Math.Abs(new_position.Y - position.Y) < 0.0001f && e.Velocity.Y > 0.0f)
                Vector3 v = e.Velocity;
                v.Y = 0.0f;
                e.Velocity = v;

            float dist;
            Vector3 pos, norm;

            if (e.Velocity.Y <= 0)
                if (true == collision.BoxIntersect(e.Box,
                                                        new_position + new Vector3(0, -2, 0),
                                                        out dist, out pos, out norm))
                    if (norm.Y > 0.70710678f)
                        e.AutoMoveY = dist;
                        e.OnGround = false;
                    e.OnGround = false;

            Matrix rot_y = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis_y, -rot_speed * rotate.Y);

            Matrix m = e.Matrix;
            m.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            m = m * rot_y;

            CollisionCamera.Orthonormalize(ref m);

            m.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            m.Translation = new_position;*/
コード例 #11
 public abstract void Update(TimeSpan elapsed_time, ref CollisionMesh collision_mesh,
     GamePadState gamepad_state, KeyboardState keyboard_state);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Gun.cs プロジェクト: Oliverreason/xnafpsframework
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, CollisionMesh collision_mesh)
            if (this.isCatched == false)
                if (this.isRotatable)
                    this.Rotate(gameTime, this.angleOffset);
                BulletList deads = new BulletList();

                foreach (Bullet b in this.bullets)

                    if (b.Dead)

                foreach (Bullet b in deads)


            base.Update(gameTime, collision_mesh);
コード例 #13
ファイル: GameManager.cs プロジェクト: CS583/The3dgamesample
        /// <summary>
        /// Unload game files
        /// </summary>
        public void UnloadFiles()
            // unload level
            levelColor = null;
            levelCollision = null;
            levelSpawns = null;
            levelLights = null;

            // unload poasticles
            particleTextures = null;
            // unload animated sprites
            animatedSpriteTextures = null;
            // unload projectiles
            projectileModels = null;
            // unload powerups
            powerupModels = null;

            // unload players
            for (int i = 0; i < GameOptions.MaxPlayers; i++)
                // must displose player so that it releases its effects
                if (players[i] != null)
                players[i] = null;

            // unload hud
            hudCrosshair = null;
            hudEnergy = null;
            hudMissile = null;
            hudScore = null;
            hudBars = null;

            // unload damage texture
            damageTexture = null;

            // unload powerups
コード例 #14
ファイル: GameManager.cs プロジェクト: CS583/The3dgamesample
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the game files (level, ships, wepons, etc...)
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadFiles(ContentManager content)
            String level = levelFile + "/" + levelFile;

            // load level model
            levelColor = content.Load<Model>("levels/" + level);

            // load collision model
            Model collisionModel = content.Load<Model>(
                                        "levels/" + level + "_collision");
            levelCollision = new CollisionMesh(collisionModel,
            collisionModel = null;

            // load spawns and lights
            levelSpawns = EntityList.Load("content/levels/" + level + "_spawns.xml");
            levelLights = LightList.Load("content/levels/" + level + "_lights.xml");

            // load particle textures
            if (particleTextures == null)
                int i, j = particleFiles.GetLength(0);
                particleTextures = new Texture2D[j];
                for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
                    particleTextures[i] = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                            "particles/" + particleFiles[i]);

            // load animated sprite textures
            if (animatedSpriteTextures == null)
                int i, j = animatedSpriteFiles.GetLength(0);
                animatedSpriteTextures = new Texture2D[j];
                for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
                    animatedSpriteTextures[i] = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                            "explosions/" + animatedSpriteFiles[i]);

            // load projectile models
            if (projectileModels == null)
                int i, j = projectileFiles.GetLength(0);
                projectileModels = new Model[j];
                for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
                    projectileModels[i] = content.Load<Model>(
                            "projectiles/" + projectileFiles[i]);

            // load powerup models
            if (powerupModels == null)
                int i, j = powerupFiles.GetLength(0);
                powerupModels = new Model[j];
                for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
                    powerupModels[i] = content.Load<Model>(
                            "powerups/" + powerupFiles[i]);

            // cerate players
            for (int i = 0; i < GameOptions.MaxPlayers; i++)
                if (shipFile[i] != null)
                    Model ShipModel = content.Load<Model>(
                            "ships/" + shipFile[i]);

                    EntityList ShipEnities = EntityList.Load(
                            "content/ships/" + shipFile[i] + ".xml");

                    players[i] = new PlayerShip(this, i,
                        ShipModel, ShipEnities, GameOptions.CollisionBoxRadius);
                    players[i] = null;

            // create powerups
            EntityList powerups = EntityList.Load(
                            "content/levels/" + level + "_powerups.xml");

            foreach (Entity entity in powerups.Entities)
                switch (entity.name)
                    case "energy":
                        AddPowerup(PowerupType.Energy, entity.transform);
                    case "missile":
                        AddPowerup(PowerupType.Missile, entity.transform);

            // load hud textures
            if (gameMode == GameMode.SinglePlayer)
                hudCrosshair = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudEnergy = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudMissile = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudScore = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudBars = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudCrosshair = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudEnergy = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudMissile = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudScore = content.Load<Texture2D>(
                hudBars = content.Load<Texture2D>(

            // load damage indicator texture
            damageTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("screens/damage");
コード例 #15
ファイル: PlayerShip.cs プロジェクト: CS583/The3dgamesample
        // level spawn points
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the player ship for given elapsed time
        /// </summary>
        public void Update(
            float elapsedTime,          // elapsed time on this frame
            CollisionMesh collision,    // level collision mesh
            EntityList entities)
            if (collision == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("collision");
            if (entities == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entities");

            // updates damage screen time (zero for no damage indication)
            damageTime = Math.Max(0.0f, damageTime - elapsedTime);

            // if player dead
            if (IsAlive == false)
                // disable engine particle system
                particleBoost.Enabled = false;

                // updates dead time (if zero, player is alive)
                deadTime = Math.Max(0.0f, deadTime - elapsedTime);

                // if player dead time expires, respawn
                if (IsAlive == true)
                    // reset player to a random spawn point

                    // add spawn animated sprite in front of player
                    Vector3 Pos = movement.position + 10 * movement.rotation.Forward;
                                    Pos, 140, 80, 30, DrawMode.Additive, playerIndex);

                    // play spawn sound

                    // reset energy, shield and boost
                    energy = 1.0f;
                    shield = 1.0f;
                    boost = 1.0f;
                    missileCount = 3;


            // hold position before movement
            Vector3 lastPostion = movement.position;

            // update movement

            // test for collision with level
            Vector3 collisionPosition;
            if (collision.BoxMove(box, lastPostion, movement.position,
                                1.0f, 0.0f, 3, out collisionPosition))
                // update to valid position after collision
                movement.position = collisionPosition;

                // compute new velocity after collision
                Vector3 newVelocity =
                    (collisionPosition - lastPostion) * (1.0f / elapsedTime);

                // if collision sound enabled
                if (collisionSound)
                    // test collision angle to play collision sound
                    Vector3 WorldVel = movement.WorldVelocity;
                    float dot = Vector3.Dot(
                        Vector3.Normalize(WorldVel), Vector3.Normalize(newVelocity));
                    if (dot < 0.7071f)
                        // play collision sound

                        // set rumble intensity
                        dot = 1 - 0.5f * (dot + 1);
                        gameManager.SetVibration(playerIndex, dot * 0.5f);

                        // disable collision sounds until ship stops colliding
                        collisionSound = false;

                // set new velocity after collision
                movement.WorldVelocity = newVelocity;
                // clear of collisions, re-enable collision sounds
                collisionSound = true;

            // update player transform
            transform = movement.rotation;
            transform.Translation = movement.position;

            // compute inverse transform
            transformInverse = Matrix.Invert(transform);

            // get normalized player velocity
            float velocityFactor = movement.VelocityFactor;

            // update bobbing
            bobbingTime += elapsedTime;
            float bobbingFactor = 1.0f - velocityFactor;
            float time = GameOptions.ShipBobbingSpeed * bobbingTime %
                (2 * MathHelper.TwoPi);
            float distance = bobbingFactor * GameOptions.ShipBobbingRange;
            bobbing.M41 = distance * (float)Math.Sin(time * 0.5f);
            bobbing.M42 = distance * (float)Math.Sin(time);
            bobbingInverse.M41 = -bobbing.M41;
            bobbingInverse.M42 = -bobbing.M42;

            // compute transform with bobbing
            Matrix bobbingTransform = bobbing * transform;

            // update particle system position
            particleBoost.Enabled = true;
            particleBoost.SetTransform(boostTransform * bobbingTransform);

            // if shield active
            if (shieldUse)
                // update shield position
                animatedSpriteShield.Position = bobbingTransform.Translation +
                    10f * bobbingTransform.Forward;

                // update shiled charge
                shield -= elapsedTime / GameOptions.ShieldUse;

                // if shield charge depleted
                if (shield < 0)
                    // disable shield
                    shieldUse = false;
                    shield = 0;

                    // kill shield animated sprite
                    animatedSpriteShield = null;
                // change shield
                shield = Math.Min(1.0f,
                            shield + elapsedTime / GameOptions.ShieldRecharge);

            // if boost active
            if (boostUse)
                // increase ship maximum velocity
                movement.maxVelocity = GameOptions.MovementVelocityBoost;
                // apply impulse force forward
                AddImpulseForce(transform.Forward * GameOptions.BoostForce);

                // set particle system velocity scale
                particleBoost.VelocityScale = Math.Min(1.0f,
                    particleBoost.VelocityScale + 4.0f * elapsedTime);

                // update shield charge
                boost -= elapsedTime / GameOptions.BoostUse;

                // if  boost depleated
                if (boost < 0)
                    // disable boost
                    boostUse = false;
                    boost = 0;
                // slowly returns ship maximum velocity to normal levels
                if (movement.maxVelocity > GameOptions.MovementVelocity)
                    movement.maxVelocity -= GameOptions.BoostSlowdown * elapsedTime;

                // slowly returns particle system velocity scale to normal levels
                particleBoost.VelocityScale = Math.Max(0.1f,
                    particleBoost.VelocityScale - 2.0f * elapsedTime);

                // charge boost
                boost = Math.Min(1.0f,
                            boost + elapsedTime / GameOptions.BoostRecharge);

            // charge blaster
            blaster = Math.Min(1.0f,
                            blaster + elapsedTime / GameOptions.BlasterChargeTime);

            // charge missile
            missile = Math.Min(1.0f,
                            missile + elapsedTime / GameOptions.MissileChargeTime);

            // update chase camera
            chaseCamera.ChasePosition = transform.Translation;
            chaseCamera.ChaseDirection = transform.Forward;
            chaseCamera.Up = transform.Up;
            chaseCamera.Update(elapsedTime, collision);
コード例 #16
        public override void Update(TimeSpan elapsedTime, CollisionMesh collisionMesh,
                                    GamePadState gamepadState, KeyboardState keyboardState)
            if (collisionMesh == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("collisionMesh");

            float timeSeconds = (float)elapsedTime.TotalSeconds;

            float speedBoost = 0.0f;

            if (gamepadState.Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed)
                speedBoost = 1.0f;
            if (keyboardState != null && keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                speedBoost = 1.0f;

            float rotSpeed  = 2.0f * timeSeconds;
            float moveSpeed = (400.0f + 600.0f * speedBoost) * timeSeconds;

            Vector3 position = world.Translation;

            Vector3 axisX = new Vector3(world.M11, world.M12, world.M13);
            Vector3 axisY = new Vector3(world.M21, world.M22, world.M23);
            Vector3 axisZ = new Vector3(world.M31, world.M32, world.M33);

            Vector3 translate, rotate;

            GetInputVectors(gamepadState, keyboardState, out translate, out rotate);
            if (gamepadState.Buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed)
                rotate.X = rotate.Y = 0;

            Vector3 newPosition = position;

            newPosition += axisX * (moveSpeed * translate.X);
            newPosition += axisY * (moveSpeed * translate.Y);
            newPosition -= axisZ * (moveSpeed * translate.Z);

            collisionMesh.BoxMove(box, position, newPosition,
                                  1, 0, 3, out newPosition);

            Matrix rotX = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axisX, -rotSpeed * rotate.X);
            Matrix rotY = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axisY, -rotSpeed * rotate.Y);
            Matrix rotZ = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axisZ, rotSpeed * rotate.Z);

            world.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            world = world * (rotX * rotY * rotZ);

            world.Translation = newPosition;

            Orthonormalize(ref world);

            view = Matrix.Invert(world);

            frustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection);
コード例 #17
ファイル: PlayGame.cs プロジェクト: holtkampw/UH-Engine
        private void SetupLevel()
            stage = new StaticModel(ScreenManager.Game.Content.Load<Model>(@"Levels\uhEnginePlayground"), Vector3.Zero);
            stage.Scale = 100;

            collideStage = new StaticModel(ScreenManager.Game.Content.Load<Model>(@"Levels\uhEnginePlayground"), Vector3.Zero);

            levelCollision = new CollisionMesh(stage.model, 1);
コード例 #18
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, CollisionMesh collision_mesh)
            this.Position = this.camera.transform.Translation;

            if (this.actualGun != null)
                this.ActualGun.Update(gameTime, collision_mesh);