public int AddSong(Song newSong, Location location) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newSong.Info.Uri)) { return(-1); } if (!HasSong(newSong.Info)) { lock (m_mutex) { newSong.SetPlaylist(this); m_playlistCollection.Add(newSong); if (location == Location.Last) { m_activePlaylist.AddLast(newSong); } else { m_activePlaylist.AddFirst(newSong); } } m_currentQueueTime = m_currentQueueTime.Add(newSong.Duration); UpdatePlaylist(); Logging.LogInfo(LogType.Bot, $"New Song {newSong.Name} added to playlist {Name} on server {GuildName}."); return(m_activePlaylist.Count); } else { lock (m_mutex) { newSong.SetPlaylist(this); m_playlistCollection.Add(newSong); if (location == Location.Last) { m_activePlaylist.AddLast(newSong); } else { m_activePlaylist.AddFirst(newSong); } } m_currentQueueTime = m_currentQueueTime.Add(newSong.Duration); Logging.LogInfo(LogType.Bot, $"New Song {newSong.Name} added to playlist {Name} on server {GuildName}."); return(m_activePlaylist.Count); } //Logging.LogInfo(LogType.Bot, $"Failed to add Song {newSong.Name} added to playlist {Name} on server {GuildName} as it already exists."); //return -1; }
private void LoadPlaylist(string name) { if (m_guild == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { Logging.LogError(LogType.Bot, $"Server or playlist name is empty ignoring playlist."); m_isValid = false; return; } string fileLocation = Path.Combine(Utilities.DataFolder, m_guild.Id.ToString(), c_playlistFolder, $"{name}.xml"); if (!File.Exists(fileLocation)) { CreateNew(name, fileLocation); return; } XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(fileLocation); XElement root = doc.Root; XElement info = root.Element("Info"); string xmlName = string.Empty; if (info.TryGetAttribute("Name", out xmlName)) { if (xmlName != name) { Logging.LogError(LogType.Bot, $"Xml document {fileLocation} has info Name {xmlName} but Name {name} was used for loading playlist in server {m_guild.Name}."); m_isValid = false; return; } m_name = xmlName; bool repeat = false; if (info.TryGetAttribute("Repeat", out repeat)) { m_repeat = repeat; } bool shuffle = false; if (info.TryGetAttribute("Shuffle", out shuffle)) { m_suffleOnLoad = shuffle; } float volume = 1.0f; if (info.TryGetAttribute("Volume", out volume)) { m_volume = Utilities.Clamp(0.0f, 1.0f, volume); SongStream.Volume = m_volume; } XElement songs = root.Element("Songs"); if (songs.HasElements) { foreach (var song in songs.Elements("Song")) { SongInfo songInfo = GetSongInfoFromXml(song); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(songInfo.Title)) { Song addSong = new Song(songInfo); addSong.SetPlaylist(this); m_playlistCollection.Add(addSong); m_activePlaylist.AddLast(addSong); } } } if (m_suffleOnLoad) { Shuffle(); } m_playlistFile = fileLocation; UpdatePlaylist(); m_isValid = true; return; } }
public async Task Play(IAudioClient client) { if (Paused) { return; } if (client != null && client.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Connected && m_activePlaylist.Count != 0) { lock (m_mutex) { m_currentSong = m_activePlaylist.First.Value; m_activePlaylist.RemoveFirst(); if (m_lastSong != null) { m_currentQueueTime = m_currentQueueTime.Subtract(m_lastSong.Duration); } Logging.LogInfo(LogType.Bot, $"Changing song to {m_currentSong.Name} on server {GuildName}"); } if (!await Utilities.CheckUriAsync(m_currentSong.Info.Uri)) { Logging.LogInfo(LogType.Bot, $"Changing song to {m_currentSong.Name} has an dead link re-resolving song on server {GuildName}"); m_currentSong = (await MediaPlayer.ResolveSong(m_currentSong.Info.Query)).FirstOrDefault(); if (m_currentSong != null) { m_currentSong.SetPlaylist(this); UpdateSong(m_currentSong); } else { Logging.LogInfo(LogType.Bot, $"Song {m_currentSong.Name} failed to re-resolving dead link on server {GuildName}"); RemoveSong(m_currentSong.Name); m_currentSong = m_lastSong; return; } } try { if (HasSong(m_currentSong.Info)) { await m_currentSong.Play(client, m_songCancellationSource.Token); RepeatSong(); m_lastSong = m_currentSong; m_currentSong = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogException(LogType.Bot, ex, $"Exception occured in playlist {Name} for server {GuildName}."); } finally { if (!m_songCancellationSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { m_songCancellationSource.Cancel(); } m_songCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); } } else if (m_activePlaylist.Count == 0 && m_currentSong == null && m_currentQueueTime != new TimeSpan(0)) { m_currentQueueTime = new TimeSpan(0); } await Task.Delay(500).ConfigureAwait(false); }