public void DetailsShouldAuthorsBooks() { var author1 = new Author() { Name = "Author1", Biography = "Biography1", PictureUrl = "myPicture1.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; var book1 = new Book { Title = "Oliver Orphan", Author = author1.Name, AgeRange = "0~2", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; var book2 = new Book { Title = "Oliver Orphan2", Author = author1.Name, AgeRange = "0~2", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1) }; UsingSession((session) => { var repository = new Repository(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(repository); controller.Create(author1); repository.Create(book1); repository.Create(book2); }); using (var session = _documentStore.OpenSession()) { var author = WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var result = (ViewResult) controller.Details(author.Id); var authorViewModel = (AuthorViewModel) result.Model; AuthorsContollerTestHelper.AssertEqual(authorViewModel.Author, author1); var books = authorViewModel.Books; Assert.AreEqual(2, books.Count()); Assert.IsFalse(authorViewModel.HasMoreBooks); Assert.AreEqual(book1.Title, books.First().Title); Assert.AreEqual(book2.Title, books.Last().Title); } }
public void DetailsShouldHaveAuthorInfoAndListAuthorBooks() { var author = new Author() { Id = 3, Name = "Author", Biography = "Biography", PictureUrl = "Pic.jpg" }; var books = new List<Book> {new Book(), new Book(), new Book(), new Book()}; var mockedRepo = new Mock<Repository>(); mockedRepo.Setup(repo => repo.Get<Author>(3)).Returns(author); mockedRepo.Setup(r => r.Search(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Book, bool>>>())).Returns(books); var controller = new AuthorsController(mockedRepo.Object); var result = controller.Details(3); var model = (AuthorViewModel)result.Model; AuthorsContollerTestHelper.AssertEqual(author, model.Author); Assert.AreEqual(4, model.Books.Count()); }
public void ShouldCreateNewAuthor() { var model = new Author() { Name = "Author", Biography = "Biography", PictureUrl = "myPicture.jpg" }; RedirectToRouteResult actionResult = null; UsingSession((session) => { var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); actionResult = (RedirectToRouteResult) (controller.Create(model)); Assert.AreEqual("Authors", actionResult.RouteValues["controller"]); Assert.AreEqual("Details", actionResult.RouteValues["action"]); }); UsingSession((session) => { var author = WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); Assert.AreEqual(author.Id, actionResult.RouteValues["id"]); AuthorsContollerTestHelper.AssertEqual(model, author); }); }
public void ShouldRetrieveTheAuthorToEdit() { var author1 = new Author() { Name = "Author1", Biography = "Biography1", PictureUrl = "myPicture1.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; UsingSession((session) => { var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); controller.Create(author1); }); UsingSession((session) => { var author = WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var viewResult = controller.Edit(author.Id); var authorInView = (Author)(viewResult.Model); AuthorsContollerTestHelper.AssertEqual(author1, authorInView); }); }
public void ShouldOnlyListAuthorFirst4BooksInAuthorDetailPage() { var author1 = new Author() { Name = "Author1", Biography = "Biography1", PictureUrl = "myPicture1.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; UsingSession((session) => { var repository = new Repository(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(repository); controller.Create(author1); Enumerable.Range(1, 9) .ToList() .ForEach(i => repository.Create(new Book() { Title = "Book " + i, Author = author1.Name, CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-i)})); }); UsingSession((session) => { var author = WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var viewResult = controller.Details(author.Id); var authorViewModel = (AuthorViewModel) (viewResult.Model); Assert.AreEqual(4, authorViewModel.Books.Count); Assert.IsTrue(authorViewModel.HasMoreBooks); }); }
public void ShouldNotEditAuthorNameToAnExsitingOne() { var author1 = new Author() { Name = "Author1", Biography = "Biography1", PictureUrl = "myPicture1.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; var author2 = new Author() { Name = "Author2", Biography = "Biography2", PictureUrl = "myPicture2.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; UsingSession((session) => { var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); controller.Create(author1); controller.Create(author2); }); UsingSession((session) => { WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); var author = session.Query<Author>().First(a => a.Name == author2.Name); author.Name = author1.Name; var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var viewResult = (System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult)(controller.Edit(author)); Assert.AreEqual("An author with this name already exists", controller.TempData["flashError"]); Assert.AreEqual("", viewResult.MasterName); }); }
public void ShouldNotCreateExistingAuthor() { var model = new Author() { Name = "Author", Biography = "Biography", PictureUrl = "myPicture.jpg" }; UsingSession((session) => { var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); controller.Create(model); }); UsingSession((session) => { WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var viewResult = (System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult) (controller.Create(model)); Assert.AreEqual("An author with this name already exists", controller.TempData["flashError"]); Assert.AreEqual("", viewResult.MasterName); }); }
public void ShouldListAuthorsWithPagination() { UsingSession((session) => { var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); Enumerable.Range(1, 9) .ToList() .ForEach(i => controller.Create(new Author {Name = "Author " + i, Biography = "Biography " + i})); }); UsingSession((session) => { WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var viewResult = controller.List(1, 4); var authors = (IPagedList<Author>)(viewResult.Model); Assert.AreEqual(4, authors.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, authors.PageCount); }); }
public void ShouldListAuthors() { var author1 = new Author() { Name = "Author1", Biography = "Biography1", PictureUrl = "myPicture1.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; var author2 = new Author() { Name = "Author2", Biography = "Biography2", PictureUrl = "myPicture2.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1) }; UsingSession((session) => { var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); controller.Create(author1); controller.Create(author2); }); UsingSession((session) => { WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var viewResult = controller.List(); var authors = (IPagedList<Author>)(viewResult.Model); Assert.AreEqual("", viewResult.MasterName); Assert.AreEqual("Authors", viewResult.ViewBag.Title); Assert.AreEqual(2, authors.Count); AuthorsContollerTestHelper.AssertEqual(author1, authors.ElementAt(0)); AuthorsContollerTestHelper.AssertEqual(author2, authors.ElementAt(1)); }); }
public void ShouldListAuthorBooksWithPagination() { var author1 = new Author() { Name = "Author1", Biography = "Biography1", PictureUrl = "myPicture1.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; UsingSession((session) => { var repository = new Repository(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(repository); controller.Create(author1); Enumerable.Range(1, 22) .ToList() .ForEach(i => repository.Create(new Book() { Title = "Book " + i, Author = author1.Name, CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-i) })); }); UsingSession((session) => { var author = WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var viewResult = controller.Books(author.Id); var books = (IPagedList<Book>)(viewResult.Model); Assert.AreEqual(9, books.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, books.PageCount); viewResult = controller.Books(author.Id, 3, 9); books = (IPagedList<Book>)(viewResult.Model); Assert.AreEqual(4, books.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, books.PageCount); Assert.AreEqual(author.Name, ((Author)(viewResult.ViewBag.Author)).Name); }); }
public void ShouldEditAuthor() { var author1 = new Author() { Name = "Author1", Biography = "Biography1", PictureUrl = "myPicture1.jpg", CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; UsingSession((session) => { var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); controller.Create(author1); }); Author updatedAuthorInfo = null; UsingSession((session) => { var author = WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); updatedAuthorInfo = new Author() { Id = author.Id, Name = "Author updated", Biography = "Biography updated", PictureUrl = "myPictureupdated.jpg", }; var controller = new AuthorsController(new Repository(session)); var actionResult = (RedirectToRouteResult)(controller.Edit(updatedAuthorInfo)); Assert.AreEqual("Authors", actionResult.RouteValues["controller"]); Assert.AreEqual("Details", actionResult.RouteValues["action"]); Assert.AreEqual(author.Id, actionResult.RouteValues["id"]); }); UsingSession((session) => { var updatedAuthor = WaitForTheLastWrite<Author>(session); AuthorsContollerTestHelper.AssertEqual(updatedAuthorInfo, updatedAuthor); }); }