public static int createTextBook(Textbook book) { int BookId = -1; try { DataAccess da = new DataAccess(); DataTable dt ="ISBN = '{0}'", book.ISBN), "TextBooks", NumRows : 1); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { Dictionary<string, object> textbook = new Dictionary<string, object>(); textbook.Add("ISBN", book.ISBN); textbook.Add("BookTitle", book.BookTitle); textbook.Add("Author", book.Author); textbook.Add("CourseId", book.CourseId); textbook.Add("BookImageURL", book.BookImageUrl); textbook.Add("StorePrice", book.StorePrice); textbook.Add("IsActive", 1); textbook.Add("IsDeleted", 0); textbook.Add("CreatedDate", DateTime.Now); textbook.Add("ModifiedDate", DateTime.Now); BookId = da.insert(textbook, "TextBooks"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } return BookId; }
public TransactionDetailModel(Transaction transaction) { Textbook textbook = TextbookHandler.getTextbook(transaction.TextbookId); SellerPost = PostHandler.getPost(transaction.SellerPostId); BuyerPost = PostHandler.getPost(transaction.BuyerPostId); this.BookTitle = textbook.BookTitle; this.ISBN = textbook.ISBN; this.Price = SellerPost.Price; this.FinalPrice = transaction.FinalPrice; this.Condition = SellerPost.BookCondition; this.CourseName = CourseHandler.getCourseName(textbook.CourseId); this.StorePrice = textbook.StorePrice; this.transaction = transaction; }
public static IEnumerable<Textbook> getAllTextbooks() { List<Textbook> textbooks = new List<Textbook>(); try { DataAccess DAL = new DataAccess(); DataTable dt ="", "TextBooks"); if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { int textbookId = Convert.ToInt32(row["TextBookId"]); string bookTitle = Convert.ToString(row["BookTitle"]); string isbn = Convert.ToString(row["ISBN"]); string author = Convert.ToString(row["Author"]); string bookImageUrl = row["BookImageURL"] is DBNull ? null : Convert.ToString(row["BookImageURL"]); int courseId = Convert.ToInt32(row["CourseId"]); string courseName = CourseHandler.getCourseName(courseId); decimal? storePrice = row["StorePrice"] is DBNull ? (decimal?) null : Convert.ToDecimal(row["StorePrice"]); int isActive = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsActive"]); int isDeleted = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsDeleted"]); DateTime createdDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["CreatedDate"]); DateTime modifiedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["ModifiedDate"]); Textbook textbook = new Textbook( textbookId, bookTitle, isbn, author, courseId, courseName, bookImageUrl, storePrice, isActive, isDeleted, createdDate, modifiedDate ); textbooks.Add(textbook); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("ERROR: An error occured in retrieving all textbooks --- " + ex.Message); } return textbooks; }
public static Textbook getTextbook(int textbookId) { Textbook book = null; try { DataAccess da = new DataAccess(); DataTable dt ="TextBookId = '{0}' AND IsActive = 1 AND IsDeleted = 0", textbookId), "TextBooks", NumRows : 1); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; string bookTitle = Convert.ToString(row["BookTitle"]); string isbn = Convert.ToString(row["ISBN"]); string author = Convert.ToString(row["Author"]); string bookImageUrl = row["BookImageURL"] is DBNull ? null : Convert.ToString(row["BookImageURL"]); int courseId = Convert.ToInt32(row["CourseId"]); string courseName = CourseHandler.getCourseName(courseId); decimal? storePrice = row["StorePrice"] is DBNull ? (decimal?)null : Convert.ToDecimal(row["StorePrice"]); int isActive = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsActive"]); int isDeleted = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsDeleted"]); DateTime createdDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["CreatedDate"]); DateTime modifiedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["ModifiedDate"]); book = new Textbook( textbookId, bookTitle, isbn, author, courseId, courseName, bookImageUrl, storePrice, isActive, isDeleted, createdDate, modifiedDate ); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } return book; }
public ActionResult CreatePost(CreatePostModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { int textbookId = model.TextBookId; // if we have a new textbook, store it if (model.IsNewBook) { // proceed if course id exists; otherwise create the course first Course course = CourseHandler.getCourseByName(model.CourseName); if (course == null) { model.CourseId = CourseHandler.CreateCourse(model.CourseName); } var newTextbook = new Textbook( -1, // id doesnt matter here model.BookTitle, model.ISBN, model.Author, model.CourseId, model.CourseName, model.BookImageUrl, null, 1, 0, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now ); textbookId = TextbookHandler.createTextBook(newTextbook); } int profileId = ProfileHandler.GetProfileId(User.Identity.Name); int price = model.Price; ActionBy actionBy = model.ActionBy; if (model.IsNegotiable) { if (actionBy == ActionBy.Buyer) { price = int.MaxValue; } else { price = 0; } } var newPost = new Post( -1, // id doesnt matter here profileId, textbookId, actionBy, price, model.BookCondition, 0, 1, 0, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now ); int postId = PostHandler.createPost(newPost); newPost.PostId = postId; Task.Run(() => QueueWorker.AddPost(newPost)); // TODO: redirect to special "you've successfully created post" page // with links to create another buy/sell post return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form IEnumerable<Textbook> textBookCollection = TextbookHandler.getAllTextbooks(); // test data //for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // Textbook book = new Textbook( // i, // "Financial Accounting " + i, // "100000000000" + i, // "Author " + i, // 100 + i, // "AFM 10" + i, // null, // 10 + i, // 1, // 0, // DateTime.Now, // DateTime.Now // ); // textBookCollection.Add(book); //} model.PostTypes = SelectListUtility.getPostTypes(); model.BookConditions = SelectListUtility.getBookConditions(); model.Textbooks = textBookCollection; return View("CreatePost", model); }