public static int createPost(Post newPost) { int id = -1; try { DataAccess da = new DataAccess(); Dictionary<string, object> post = new Dictionary<string, object>(); post.Add("UserId", newPost.UserId); post.Add("TextBookId", newPost.TextBookId); post.Add("ActionBy ", (int) newPost.ActionBy); // enum must be casted to int before we can store it in db post.Add("Price", newPost.Price); post.Add("BookCondition", (int) newPost.BookCondition); // enum must be casted to int before we can store it in db post.Add("IsTransacting", newPost.IsTransacting); post.Add("IsActive", 1); post.Add("IsDeleted", 0); post.Add("CreatedDate", DateTime.Now); post.Add("ModifiedDate", DateTime.Now); id = da.insert(post, "Posts"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } return id; }
/* * Given a new post, match it with the most appropriate post (if possible). * * Conditions * ---------- * * If the new post was made by a buyer, then the matching post must have: * -price less than or equal to that specified by buyer * -book condition better than or equal to that specified by buyer * * If the new post was made by a seller, then the matching post must have: * -price greater than or equal to that specified by seller * -book condition worse than or equal to that specified by seller * */ public static void Match(Post newPost) { if (!PostHandler.isPostAvailable(newPost.PostId)) { return; } Post matchingPost = PostHandler.findMatchingPost(newPost); if (matchingPost != null) { int buyerPostId = -1; int sellerPostId = -1; int buyerUserId = -1; int sellerUserId = -1; int initialPrice; if (newPost.ActionBy == ActionBy.Buyer) { buyerPostId = newPost.PostId; sellerPostId = matchingPost.PostId; buyerUserId = newPost.UserId; sellerUserId = matchingPost.UserId; initialPrice = matchingPost.Price; } else { buyerPostId = matchingPost.PostId; sellerPostId = newPost.PostId; buyerUserId = matchingPost.UserId; sellerUserId = newPost.UserId; initialPrice = newPost.Price; } // Create transaction and transactionhistory for the matched buyer & seller Transaction newTransaction = new Transaction( -1, // id doesnt matter here newPost.TextBookId, sellerUserId, buyerUserId, sellerPostId, buyerPostId, null, null, initialPrice, 0, 1, 0, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now ); PostHandler.updatePostState(newPost.PostId, 1); PostHandler.updatePostState(matchingPost.PostId, 1); int transactionId = TransactionHandler.CreateTransaction(newTransaction); newTransaction.TransactionId = transactionId; TransactionHandler.CreateTransactionHistory(transactionId, buyerUserId); TransactionHandler.CreateTransactionHistory(transactionId, sellerUserId); } }
public static void AddPost(Post newPost) { BookQueueSingleton.Instance.Add(newPost); }
public ActionResult CreatePost(CreatePostModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { int textbookId = model.TextBookId; // if we have a new textbook, store it if (model.IsNewBook) { // proceed if course id exists; otherwise create the course first Course course = CourseHandler.getCourseByName(model.CourseName); if (course == null) { model.CourseId = CourseHandler.CreateCourse(model.CourseName); } var newTextbook = new Textbook( -1, // id doesnt matter here model.BookTitle, model.ISBN, model.Author, model.CourseId, model.CourseName, model.BookImageUrl, null, 1, 0, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now ); textbookId = TextbookHandler.createTextBook(newTextbook); } int profileId = ProfileHandler.GetProfileId(User.Identity.Name); int price = model.Price; ActionBy actionBy = model.ActionBy; if (model.IsNegotiable) { if (actionBy == ActionBy.Buyer) { price = int.MaxValue; } else { price = 0; } } var newPost = new Post( -1, // id doesnt matter here profileId, textbookId, actionBy, price, model.BookCondition, 0, 1, 0, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now ); int postId = PostHandler.createPost(newPost); newPost.PostId = postId; Task.Run(() => QueueWorker.AddPost(newPost)); // TODO: redirect to special "you've successfully created post" page // with links to create another buy/sell post return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form IEnumerable<Textbook> textBookCollection = TextbookHandler.getAllTextbooks(); // test data //for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // Textbook book = new Textbook( // i, // "Financial Accounting " + i, // "100000000000" + i, // "Author " + i, // 100 + i, // "AFM 10" + i, // null, // 10 + i, // 1, // 0, // DateTime.Now, // DateTime.Now // ); // textBookCollection.Add(book); //} model.PostTypes = SelectListUtility.getPostTypes(); model.BookConditions = SelectListUtility.getBookConditions(); model.Textbooks = textBookCollection; return View("CreatePost", model); }
public static Post findMatchingPost(Post post) { Post matchingPost = null; try { var counterparty = post.ActionBy == ActionBy.Buyer ? ActionBy.Seller : ActionBy.Buyer; string query = String.Format("UserId <> {0} AND TextBookId = {1} AND ActionBy = {2} " + "AND IsTransacting = 0 AND IsActive = 1 AND IsDeleted = 0", post.UserId, post.TextBookId, (int)counterparty ); List<SortColumn> sortColumns = new List<SortColumn>(); if (post.ActionBy == ActionBy.Buyer) //buyer { query += String.Format("AND Price <= {0} AND BookCondition >= {1}", post.Price, (int)post.BookCondition ); sortColumns.Add(new SortColumn("Price", "ASC")); } else //seller { query += String.Format("AND Price >= {0} AND BookCondition <= {1}", post.Price, (int)post.BookCondition ); sortColumns.Add(new SortColumn("Price", "DESC")); } DataAccess da = new DataAccess(); DataTable dt =, "Posts", NumRows : 1, SortColumns : sortColumns); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; int postId = Convert.ToInt32(row["PostId"]); int profileId = Convert.ToInt32(row["UserId"]); int textBookId = Convert.ToInt32(row["TextBookId"]); ActionBy actionBy = (ActionBy)Convert.ToInt32(row["ActionBy"]); int price = Convert.ToInt32(row["Price"]); BookCondition bookCondition = (BookCondition)Convert.ToInt32(row["BookCondition"]); int isTransacting = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsTransacting"]); int isActive = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsActive"]); int isDeleted = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsDeleted"]); DateTime createdDate = (DateTime)row["CreatedDate"]; DateTime modifiedDate = (DateTime)row["ModifiedDate"]; matchingPost = new Post( postId, profileId, textBookId, actionBy, price, bookCondition, isTransacting, isActive, isDeleted, createdDate, modifiedDate ); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } return matchingPost; }
public static Post getPost(int postId) { Post post = null; try { DataAccess da = new DataAccess(); DataTable dt ="PostId = '{0}' AND IsDeleted = 0", postId), "Posts", NumRows : 1); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; int profileId = Convert.ToInt32(row["UserId"]); int textbookId = Convert.ToInt32(row["TextBookId"]); ActionBy actionBy = (ActionBy)Convert.ToInt32(row["ActionBy"]); int price = Convert.ToInt32(row["Price"]); BookCondition bookCondition = (BookCondition)Convert.ToInt32(row["BookCondition"]); int isTransacting = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsTransacting"]); int isActive = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsActive"]); int isDeleted = Convert.ToInt32(row["IsDeleted"]); DateTime createdDate = (DateTime)row["CreatedDate"]; DateTime modifiedDate = (DateTime)row["ModifiedDate"]; post = new Post( postId, profileId, textbookId, actionBy, price, bookCondition, isTransacting, isActive, isDeleted, createdDate, modifiedDate ); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } return post; }