public override void PropagateChanges(MethodInvocationExpression eval, List chain) { ExpressionCollection expressions = new ExpressionCollection(); foreach (object local1 in chain.Reversed) { if (!(local1 is ProcessAssignmentsToSpecialMembers.ChainItem)) { } ProcessAssignmentsToSpecialMembers.ChainItem item = (ProcessAssignmentsToSpecialMembers.ChainItem) RuntimeServices.Coerce(local1, typeof(ProcessAssignmentsToSpecialMembers.ChainItem)); if (item.Container is MethodInvocationExpression) { break; } if (item.Container is SlicingExpression) { SlicingExpression expression = item.Container; Expression[] expressionArray1 = new Expression[] { expression.get_Target().CloneNode(), expression.get_Indices().get_Item(0).get_Begin().CloneNode(), this.get_CodeBuilder().CreateReference(item.Local) }; expressions.Add(this.CreateConstructorInvocation(this._sliceValueTypeChangeConstructor, expressionArray1)); break; } MemberReferenceExpression container = item.Container; Expression[] args = new Expression[] { container.get_Target().CloneNode(), this.get_CodeBuilder().CreateStringLiteral(container.get_Name()), this.get_CodeBuilder().CreateReference(item.Local) }; expressions.Add(this.CreateConstructorInvocation(this._valueTypeChangeConstructor, args)); } MethodInvocationExpression expression3 = this.get_CodeBuilder().CreateMethodInvocation(this._propagateChanges); IArrayType type = this._valueTypeChangeType.MakeArrayType(1); expression3.get_Arguments().Add(this.get_CodeBuilder().CreateArray(type, expressions)); eval.get_Arguments().Add(expression3); }
private void BlockTag(string tag, IDictionary attributes, ICallable block) { Output.Write("<{0}", tag); List<string> attributeValues = new List<string>(); if (null != attributes) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in attributes) { attributeValues.Add(string.Format("{0}=\"{1}\"", entry.Key, entry.Value)); } } if (0 != attributeValues.Count) { Output.Write(" "); Output.Write(string.Join(" ", attributeValues.ToArray())); } Output.Write(">"); if(block!=null) { block.Call(null); } Output.Write("</{0}>", tag); }
public void CurrentStep() { var pipeline = new CompilerPipeline(); var step1 = new ActionStep(delegate {}); pipeline.Add(step1); ActionStep step2 = null; step2 = new ActionStep(() => Assert.AreSame(step2, pipeline.CurrentStep)); pipeline.Add(step2); var currentSteps = new Boo.Lang.List(); pipeline.Before += (sender, args) => currentSteps.Add(pipeline.CurrentStep); pipeline.BeforeStep += (sender, args) => currentSteps.Add(pipeline.CurrentStep); pipeline.AfterStep += (sender, args) => currentSteps.Add(pipeline.CurrentStep); pipeline.After += (sender, args) => currentSteps.Add(pipeline.CurrentStep); pipeline.Run(new CompilerContext()); Assert.AreEqual( new object[] { null, step1, step1, step2, step2, null }, currentSteps.ToArray()); }
public static string CreateUXMLTemplate(string folder) { UxmlSchemaGenerator.UpdateSchemaFiles(); string[] pathComponents = folder.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Boo.Lang.List <string> backDots = new Boo.Lang.List <string>(); foreach (var s in pathComponents) { if (s == ".") { continue; } if (s == ".." && backDots.Count > 0) { backDots.RemoveAt(backDots.Count - 1); } else { backDots.Add(".."); } } backDots.Add(UxmlSchemaGenerator.k_SchemaFolder); string schemaDirectory = string.Join("/", backDots.ToArray()); string xmlnsList = String.Empty; string schemaLocationList = String.Empty; Dictionary <string, string> namespacePrefix = UxmlSchemaGenerator.GetNamespacePrefixDictionary(); foreach (var prefix in namespacePrefix) { if (prefix.Key == String.Empty) { continue; } if (prefix.Value != String.Empty) { xmlnsList += " xmlns:" + prefix.Value + "=\"" + prefix.Key + "\"\n"; } schemaLocationList += " " + prefix.Key + " " + schemaDirectory + "/" + UxmlSchemaGenerator.GetFileNameForNamespace(prefix.Key) + "\n"; } // The noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute should be sufficient to reference all namespaces // but Rider does not support it very well, so we add schemaLocation to make it happy. string uxmlTemplate = String.Format(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <engine:{0} xmlns:xsi="""" {1} xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""{2}/UIElements.xsd"" xsi:schemaLocation="" {3}"" > <engine:Label text=""Hello World! From UXML"" /> </engine:{0}>", UXMLImporterImpl.k_RootNode, xmlnsList, schemaDirectory, schemaLocationList); return(uxmlTemplate); }
public EvaluationContext() { if (!this.$initialized__UnityScript_Scripting_EvaluationContext$) { this._activeScripts = new List(); this.$initialized__UnityScript_Scripting_EvaluationContext$ = true; } this._container = new SimpleEvaluationDomainProvider(); }
protected override void CustomizeCompiler(Boo.Lang.Compiler.BooCompiler compiler, Boo.Lang.Compiler.CompilerPipeline pipeline, string[] urls) { compiler.Parameters.Ducky = true; List<Assembly> asmss = new List<Assembly>(); if (ReferAllLoadedAssemblies) { asmss.AddRange(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()); } if (ReferencedAssemblies != null) asmss.AddRange(ReferencedAssemblies); foreach (Assembly asm in asmss) { try { string loc = asm.Location; if (!compiler.Parameters.References.Contains(asm)) compiler.Parameters.References.Add(asm); } catch (Exception) { log.Debug("Error adding assembly dependency: {0}", asm.FullName); } } pipeline.Insert(1, new ImplicitBaseClassCompilerStep( typeof(MessageHandlerBase), "Prepare", _namespaces)); //pipeline.Insert(2, new AutoReferenceFilesCompilerStep()); }
private void OnClickRemoveNode(Node node) { if (_connections != null) { Boo.Lang.List <Connection> connectionsToRemove = new Boo.Lang.List <Connection>(); for (int i = 0; i < _connections.Count; i++) { if (_connections[i].inPoint == node.inPoint || _connections[i].outPoint == node.outPoint) { connectionsToRemove.Add(_connections[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < connectionsToRemove.Count; i++) { _connections.Remove(connectionsToRemove[i]); } connectionsToRemove = null; } _nodes.Remove(node); }
public ForeignReferenceCollector() { _references = new List(); _recursiveReferences = new List(); _referencedEntities = new Hash(); }
public void Index8() { object[] objArray1 = new object[] { 1, 2 }; List list1 = new List(objArray1, true); this.PropertyBag.Add("items", list1); }
public override List WalkMemberChain(MemberReferenceExpression memberRef) { List list = new List(); while (true) { MemberReferenceExpression node = memberRef.get_Target() as MemberReferenceExpression; if ((node == null) || (this.IsSpecialMemberTarget(node) && this.IsReadOnlyMember(node))) { this.get_Warnings().Add(CompilerWarningFactory.AssignmentToTemporary(memberRef)); return null; } if (this.IsSpecialMemberTarget(node) && !this.IsFieldReference(node)) { list.Insert(0, new ProcessAssignmentsToSpecialMembers.ChainItem(node)); } if ((node.get_Target() is MethodInvocationExpression) || (node.get_Target() is SlicingExpression)) { list.Insert(0, new ProcessAssignmentsToSpecialMembers.ChainItem(node.get_Target())); return list; } if (this.IsTerminalReferenceNode(node.get_Target())) { return list; } memberRef = node; } }
public ListEnumerator(List list) { _list = list; _items = list._items; _count = list._count; _index = 0; }
void InnerCollect(List target, Predicate condition) { for (int i=0; i<_count; ++i) { object item = _items[i]; if (condition(item)) { target.Add(item); } } }
public List Collect(List target, Predicate condition) { if (null == target) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } if (null == condition) { throw new ArgumentNullException("condition"); } InnerCollect(target, condition); return target; }
public UnityScriptParser(ParserSharedInputState state) : base(state, 2) { if (!this.$initialized__UnityScript_Parser_UnityScriptParser$) { this._attributes = new AttributeCollection(); this._loopStack = new List(); this.$initialized__UnityScript_Parser_UnityScriptParser$ = true; } this.initialize(); }
public UnityScriptParser(TokenBuffer tokenBuf) : this(tokenBuf, 2) { if (!this.$initialized__UnityScript_Parser_UnityScriptParser$) { this._attributes = new AttributeCollection(); this._loopStack = new List(); this.$initialized__UnityScript_Parser_UnityScriptParser$ = true; } }
public ScriptDSLBase() { DataRecords = new List<DataRecord>(); Out = new StringWriter(); }
public UnityScriptParser(TokenStream lexer) : this(lexer, 2) { if (!this.$initialized__UnityScript_Parser_UnityScriptParser$) { this._attributes = new AttributeCollection(); this._loopStack = new List(); this.$initialized__UnityScript_Parser_UnityScriptParser$ = true; } }
public Expression array_initializer() { Expression expression = null; List<Expression> dimensions = new List<Expression>(1); try { TypeReference elementType = this.simple_type_reference(); this.match(0x44); Expression item = this.sum(); if (base.inputState.guessing == 0) { dimensions.Add(item); } while (this.LA(1) == 0x43) { this.match(0x43); item = this.sum(); if (base.inputState.guessing == 0) { dimensions.Add(item); } } this.match(0x45); if (base.inputState.guessing == 0) { expression = CodeFactory.NewArrayInitializer(elementType.get_LexicalInfo(), elementType, dimensions); } } catch (RecognitionException exception) { if (base.inputState.guessing != 0) { throw; } this.reportError(exception); this.recover(exception, tokenSet_20_); return expression; } return expression; }
protected UnityScriptParser(TokenStream lexer, int k) : base(lexer, k) { if (!this.$initialized__UnityScript_Parser_UnityScriptParser$) { this._attributes = new AttributeCollection(); this._loopStack = new List(); this.$initialized__UnityScript_Parser_UnityScriptParser$ = true; } this.initialize(); }
public static List operator +(List lhs, IEnumerable rhs) { List result = new List(lhs.Count); result.Extend(lhs); result.Extend(rhs); return result; }
public List Collect(Predicate condition) { if (null == condition) { throw new ArgumentNullException("condition"); } List newList = new List(); InnerCollect(newList, condition); return newList; }
public static Array array(Type elementType, IEnumerable enumerable) { if (null == enumerable) { throw new ArgumentNullException("enumerable"); } if (null == elementType) { throw new ArgumentNullException("elementType"); } // future optimization, check EnumeratorItemType of enumerable // and get the fast path whenever possible List l = null; if (RuntimeServices.IsPromotableNumeric(Type.GetTypeCode(elementType))) { l = new List(); foreach (object item in enumerable) { object value = RuntimeServices.CheckNumericPromotion(item).ToType(elementType, null); l.Add(value); } } else { l = new List(enumerable); } return l.ToArray(elementType); }
public SuppressWarnings(List<string> suppressed) { this._suppressed = suppressed; }