private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (update == false) { try { Client c = new Client(null, this.tbxFirstName.Text, this.tbxLastName.Text, this.tbxAddress.Text, this.tbxPostalCode.Text, this.tbxCity.Text, this.tbxPhoneNumber.Text, this.tbxEmail.Text, 0); if (new Database().Insert(Database.TableName.Clients, c.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))) { if (fmOrigin.GetType() == typeof(FormMain)) { FormMain fm = (FormMain)fmOrigin; fm.FormNewClient_CloseOnAdd(); } this.Close(); } else MessageBox.Show("Failed to add new user"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to add new user"); } } else { try { if(new Database().Update(Database.TableName.Clients, new String[] { "Address", "PostalCode", "City", "PhoneNumber", "Email" }, new String[] { this.tbxAddress.Text, this.tbxPostalCode.Text, this.tbxCity.Text, this.tbxPhoneNumber.Text, this.tbxEmail.Text }, id)) { if (fmOrigin.GetType() == typeof(FormMain)) { FormMain fm = (FormMain)fmOrigin; fm.FormNewClient_CloseOnAdd(); } this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to edit new user"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to edit new user"); } } }
public override List<Client> GetClientListByName(string name) { List<Client> result = new List<Client>(); string statement = String.Format("SELECT * FROM Clients WHERE Name LIKE @Name"); try { using (SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())) { sqlConn.Open(); if (sqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { SqlCommand sqlQuery = new SqlCommand(statement, sqlConn); sqlQuery.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", "%" + name + "%"); SqlDataReader sqlDR = sqlQuery.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { Client c = new Client(); c.ClientID = Convert.ToUInt64(sqlDR["ClientID"]); c.FirstName = sqlDR["Name"].ToString().Split(' ')[0]; c.LastName = (sqlDR["Name"].ToString().Replace(c.FirstName, "")).Remove(0, 1); c.Address = sqlDR["Address"].ToString(); c.PostalCode = sqlDR["PostalCode"].ToString(); c.City = sqlDR["City"].ToString(); c.PhoneNumber = sqlDR["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); c.Email = sqlDR["Email"].ToString(); c.Visits = (int)sqlDR["Visits"]; result.Add(c); } } return result; } } catch(Exception ex) { return result; } }
public override Client GetClient(ulong clientID) { Client result = Client.Null; string statement = "SELECT * FROM Clients WHERE ClientID=@ID"; try { using (SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())) { sqlConn.Open(); if (sqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { SqlCommand sqlQuery = new SqlCommand(statement, sqlConn); sqlQuery.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", (int)clientID); SqlDataReader sqlDR = sqlQuery.ExecuteReader(); if (sqlDR.Read()) { Client c = new Client(); c.ClientID = Convert.ToUInt64(sqlDR["ClientID"]); c.FirstName = sqlDR["Name"].ToString().Split(' ')[0]; c.LastName = (sqlDR["Name"].ToString().Replace(c.FirstName, "")).Remove(0, 1); c.Address = sqlDR["Address"].ToString(); c.PostalCode = sqlDR["PostalCode"].ToString(); c.City = sqlDR["City"].ToString(); c.PhoneNumber = sqlDR["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); c.Email = sqlDR["Email"].ToString(); c.Visits = (int)sqlDR["Visits"]; return c; } result = Client.Null; } } } catch { result = Client.Null; } return result; }
public override List<Client> GetAllClients() { List<Client> clnt = new List<Client>(); string statement = "SELECT * FROM Clients"; try { using (SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())) { sqlConn.Open(); if (sqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { SqlCommand sqlQuery = new SqlCommand(statement, sqlConn); SqlDataReader sqlDR = sqlQuery.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { Client c = new Client(); c.ClientID = Convert.ToUInt64(sqlDR["ClientID"]); c.FirstName = sqlDR["Name"].ToString().Split(' ')[0]; c.LastName = (sqlDR["Name"].ToString().Replace(c.FirstName, "")).Remove(0,1); c.Address = sqlDR["Address"].ToString(); c.PostalCode = sqlDR["PostalCode"].ToString(); c.City = sqlDR["City"].ToString(); c.PhoneNumber = sqlDR["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); c.Email = sqlDR["Email"].ToString(); c.Visits = (int)sqlDR["Visits"]; clnt.Add(c); } return clnt; } return null; } } catch { return null; } }