public BombList(Player player, int capacity) { array = new Bomb[capacity]; for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) { array[i] = new Bomb(player); } }
public void SetFrom(Bomb b) { active = b.isActive; if (active) { direction = b.direction; px = b.px; py =; speed = b.GetSpeed(); flags = 0; flags |= b.IsJelly() ? FLAG_JELLY : 0; flags |= b.IsTrigger() ? FLAG_TRIGGER : 0; } }
private void DrawBomb(Context context, Bomb bomb) { float drawX = bomb.GetPx(); float drawY = bomb.GetPy(); AnimationInstance anim = bomb.currentAnimation; anim.Draw(context, drawX, drawY + 0.5f * cellHeight, bomb.IsBlocked ? Color.Red : Color.White); if (CVars.g_drawBombDir.boolValue) { TextureImage dirImage = dirLookup[bomb.direction]; context.DrawImage(dirImage, drawX - 0.5f * dirImage.GetWidth(), drawY - 0.5f * dirImage.GetHeight()); } context.DrawRect( * cellWidth, * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight, Color.White); context.DrawRect(bomb.px - 0.5f * cellWidth, - 0.5f * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight, Color.Red); }
private void WriteBombState(NetBuffer msg, Bomb b) { msg.Write(b.isActive); if (b.isActive) { msg.WriteTime(NetTime.Now + b.timeRemains, false); msg.Write(b.px); msg.Write(; msg.Write((byte)b.direction); msg.Write(b.GetSpeed()); msg.Write(b.IsJelly()); msg.Write(b.IsTrigger()); } }
/* Player is moving, bomb is still */ private bool HandlePlayerMovingBombStillCollision(Bomb bomb) { Debug.Assert(IsMoving()); Debug.Assert(!bomb.IsMoving()); if (CheckCell2CellCollision(bomb)) // player and bomb share the cell { return false; } if (CheckBounds2CellCollision(bomb)) // player bounds collide bomb`s cell { if (IsMovingTowards(bomb)) // check if player is moving towards the bomb { if (HasKick()) { TryKick(bomb); } else { MoveOutOfCell(bomb); } return true; } } return false; }
private void AddThrownBomb(Bomb bomb) { Debug.AssertNotContains(m_thrownBombs, bomb); m_thrownBombs.Add(bomb); }
private void ReadBombState(NetIncomingMessage msg, Player p, Bomb b) { bool active = msg.ReadBoolean(); if (active) { float remains = (float)(msg.ReadTime(false) - NetTime.Now); float px = msg.ReadFloat(); float py = msg.ReadFloat(); Direction dir = (Direction)msg.ReadByte(); float speed = msg.ReadFloat(); bool jelly = msg.ReadBoolean(); bool trigger = msg.ReadBoolean(); if (!b.isActive) { b.player = p; b.Activate(); game.Field.SetBomb(b); } b.timeRemains = remains; b.SetPos(px, py); b.SetSpeed(speed); b.SetJelly(jelly); b.SetTrigger(trigger); // TODO: jelly & trigger } else if (b.isActive) { b.Deactivate(); b.RemoveFromField(); } }
/* Player is moving, bomb is moving */ private bool HandlePlayerMovingBombMovingCollision(Bomb bomb) { Debug.Assert(IsMoving()); Debug.Assert(bomb.IsMoving()); bool hasKick = HasKick(); if (direction == Util.Opposite(bomb.direction)) // moving in opposite directions { if (IsMovingTowards(bomb)) { if (CheckCell2BoundsCollision(bomb) || CheckBounds2CellCollision(bomb)) { if (hasKick) { // move bomb out of player`s cell bomb.MoveOutOfCell(this); // kick in the moving direction TryKick(bomb); return true; } // treat player as an obstacle bomb.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); // make sure player is out of bomb`s cell MoveOutOfCell(bomb); return true; } } } else if (direction == bomb.direction) // moving in the same direction { if (bomb.IsMovingTowards(this)) // bomb`s following player? { if (bomb.CheckBounds2CellCollision(this)) // bomb bounds should collide player`s cell { // treat player as an obstacle bomb.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return true; } } else if (IsMovingTowards(bomb)) // player`s following bomb { if (CheckCell2BoundsCollision(bomb) || CheckBounds2CellCollision(bomb)) { if (hasKick) { // kick in the moving direction TryKick(bomb); return true; } // make sure player is out of bomb`s cell MoveOutOfCell(bomb); return true; } } } else // player and bomb move in perpendicular directions { if (CheckCell2CellCollision(bomb)) { return false; } if (CheckBounds2CellCollision(bomb) && CheckBounds2BoundsCollision(bomb)) { if (IsMovingTowards(bomb)) { if (hasKick) { TryKick(bomb); } MoveOutOfCell(bomb); return true; } } if (bomb.CheckBounds2BoundsCollision(this)) { if (bomb.IsMovingTowards(this)) { bomb.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return true; } } } return false; }
// should be only called from PlayeList internal void Kill() { Debug.Assert(m_alive); m_alive = false; StopMoving(); if (m_bombInHands != null) { m_bombInHands.isActive = false; m_bombInHands = null; } m_diseases.CureAll(); UpdateAnimation(); }
/** Should only be called from Bomb.Blow() */ public void BlowBomb(Bomb bomb) { int cx = bomb.GetCx(); int cy = bomb.GetCy(); bomb.RemoveFromField(); SetFlame(bomb, cx, cy); bomb.player.OnBombBlown(bomb); bool up = true, down = true, left = true, right = true; int radius = bomb.GetRadius(); for (int i = 1; i <= radius && (up || down || left || right); ++i) { left = left && SetFlame(bomb, cx - i, cy); up = up && SetFlame(bomb, cx, cy - i); down = down && SetFlame(bomb, cx, cy + i); right = right && SetFlame(bomb, cx + i, cy); } }
/* Player is still, bomb is still */ private bool HandlePlayerStillBombStillCollision(Bomb bomb) { Debug.Assert(!IsMoving()); Debug.Assert(!bomb.IsMoving()); return false; }
private bool TryKick(Bomb bomb) { Debug.Assert(HasKick()); Debug.Assert(IsMoving()); MoveOutOfCell(bomb); if (!bomb.HasNearObstacle(direction)) { KickBomb(bomb); return true; } return false; }
private bool TryThrowBomb() { if (IsHoldingBomb()) { AddThrownBomb(m_bombInHands); m_bombInHands.Throw(); m_bombInHands = null; IsPickingUpBomb = false; return true; } return false; }
private bool TryGrab() { Bomb underlyingBomb = GetField().GetBomb(cx, cy); if (underlyingBomb != null) { underlyingBomb.Grab(); m_bombInHands = underlyingBomb; IsPickingUpBomb = true; return true; } return false; }
private void RemoveThrownBomb(Bomb bomb) { bool removed = m_thrownBombs.Remove(bomb); Debug.Assert(removed); }
private void KickBomb(Bomb bomb) { Debug.Assert(IsMoving()); Debug.Assert(HasKick()); // kick in the moving direction bomb.Kick(direction); // make sure player is out of the bomb`s cell MoveOutOfCell(bomb); }
private bool HandleCollision(Bomb other) { bool moving1 = IsMoving(); bool moving2 = other.IsMoving(); Debug.Assert(moving1 || moving2); if (moving1 && moving2) { if (direction == Util.Opposite(other.direction)) // moving in opposite directions { bool backBlocked1 = HasJellyBlockingObstacle(Util.Opposite(direction)); bool backBlocked2 = other.HasJellyBlockingObstacle(Util.Opposite(other.direction)); bool cell2cell = CheckCell2CellCollision(other); bool bounds2cell = CheckBounds2CellCollision(other); bool cell2bounds = CheckCell2BoundsCollision(other); bool bounds2bounds = CheckBounds2BoundsCollision(other); if (backBlocked1 && backBlocked2) { if (cell2cell) { switch (direction) { case Direction.LEFT: case Direction.RIGHT: { float shift = 0.5f * OverlapX(other); MoveBackX(shift); other.MoveBackX(shift); break; } case Direction.UP: case Direction.DOWN: { float shift = 0.5f * OverlapY(other); MoveBackY(shift); other.MoveBackY(shift); break; } } } } else if (backBlocked1) { if (bounds2cell) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); if (bounds2bounds) { other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); } return(true); } } else if (backBlocked2) { if (cell2bounds) { other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); if (bounds2bounds) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); } return(true); } } else { if (!bounds2bounds) { return(false); } } HandleObstacleCollistion(other); other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return(true); } else if (direction == other.direction) { if (IsMovingTowards(other)) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); return(true); } other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return(true); } else // perpendicular directions { if (CheckBounds2CellCollision(other)) { if (IsMovingTowards(other)) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); return(true); } } else if (other.CheckBounds2CellCollision(this)) { if (other.IsMovingTowards(this)) { other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return(true); } } if (CheckBounds2BoundsCollision(this)) { if (IsMovingTowards(other)) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); return(true); } if (other.IsMovingTowards(this)) { other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return(true); } } } return(false); } if (moving1) { if (IsMovingTowards(other)) { return(HandleObstacleCollistion(other)); } return(false); } if (moving2) { if (other.IsMovingTowards(this)) { return(other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this)); } return(false); } return(false); }
/* Returns true if can be spread more */ private bool SetFlame(Bomb bomb, int cx, int cy) { if (!IsInsideField(cx, cy)) { return false; } FieldCellSlot slot = GetSlot(cx, cy); FieldCell staticCell = slot.staticCell; if (staticCell != null) { if (staticCell.IsSolid()) { return false; } if (staticCell.IsBrick()) { BrickCell brick = staticCell.AsBrick(); if (!brick.destroyed) { brick.Destroy(); } return false; } if (staticCell.IsPowerup()) { staticCell.AsPowerup().RemoveFromField(); return false; } } if (slot.MovableCount() > 0) { LinkedList<FieldCell> tempList = new LinkedList<FieldCell>(); slot.GetCells(tempList); foreach (FieldCell cell in tempList) { if (cell.IsBomb()) { cell.AsBomb().Blow(); } else if (cell.IsPlayer()) { KillPlayer(cell.AsPlayer()); } } } SetFlame(bomb.player, cx, cy); return true; }
public void OnBombBlown(Bomb bomb) { TrySchedulePoops(); }
/* Player is still, bomb is moving */ private bool HandlePlayerStillBombMovingCollision(Bomb bomb) { Debug.Assert(!IsMoving()); Debug.Assert(bomb.IsMoving()); if (CheckCell2BoundsCollision(bomb)) // player`s cell should collide bomb`s bounds { if (bomb.IsMovingTowards(this)) // bomb is moving towards the player { bomb.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return true; } } return false; }
public void SetBomb(Bomb bomb) { AddCell(bomb); FieldCellSlot slot = GetSlot(bomb); PowerupCell powerup = slot.GetPowerup(); if (powerup != null) { powerup.RemoveFromField(); } else { FlameCell flame = slot.GetFlame(); if (flame != null) { bomb.Blow(); } } }
public void OnBombLanded(Bomb bomb) { RemoveThrownBomb(bomb); bomb.SetCell(); GetField().SetBomb(bomb); }
private bool HandleCollision(Bomb other) { bool moving1 = IsMoving(); bool moving2 = other.IsMoving(); Debug.Assert(moving1 || moving2); if (moving1 && moving2) { if (direction == Util.Opposite(other.direction)) // moving in opposite directions { bool backBlocked1 = HasJellyBlockingObstacle(Util.Opposite(direction)); bool backBlocked2 = other.HasJellyBlockingObstacle(Util.Opposite(other.direction)); bool cell2cell = CheckCell2CellCollision(other); bool bounds2cell = CheckBounds2CellCollision(other); bool cell2bounds = CheckCell2BoundsCollision(other); bool bounds2bounds = CheckBounds2BoundsCollision(other); if (backBlocked1 && backBlocked2) { if (cell2cell) { switch (direction) { case Direction.LEFT: case Direction.RIGHT: { float shift = 0.5f * OverlapX(other); MoveBackX(shift); other.MoveBackX(shift); break; } case Direction.UP: case Direction.DOWN: { float shift = 0.5f * OverlapY(other); MoveBackY(shift); other.MoveBackY(shift); break; } } } } else if (backBlocked1) { if (bounds2cell) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); if (bounds2bounds) { other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); } return true; } } else if (backBlocked2) { if (cell2bounds) { other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); if (bounds2bounds) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); } return true; } } else { if (!bounds2bounds) { return false; } } HandleObstacleCollistion(other); other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return true; } else if (direction == other.direction) { if (IsMovingTowards(other)) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); return true; } other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return true; } else // perpendicular directions { if (CheckBounds2CellCollision(other)) { if (IsMovingTowards(other)) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); return true; } } else if (other.CheckBounds2CellCollision(this)) { if (other.IsMovingTowards(this)) { other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return true; } } if (CheckBounds2BoundsCollision(this)) { if (IsMovingTowards(other)) { HandleObstacleCollistion(other); return true; } if (other.IsMovingTowards(this)) { other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); return true; } } } return false; } if (moving1) { if (IsMovingTowards(other)) { return HandleObstacleCollistion(other); } return false; } if (moving2) { if (other.IsMovingTowards(this)) { return other.HandleObstacleCollistion(this); } return false; } return false; }
internal bool HandleCollision(Bomb bomb) { if (IsMoving()) { if (bomb.IsMoving()) { return HandlePlayerMovingBombMovingCollision(bomb); } return HandlePlayerMovingBombStillCollision(bomb); } if (bomb.IsMoving()) { return HandlePlayerStillBombMovingCollision(bomb); } return HandlePlayerStillBombStillCollision(bomb); }