コード例 #1
ファイル: ComplexLens.cs プロジェクト: VIPERWorld/bokehlab
        public Ray ConvertParametersToFrontSurfaceRay(
            LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters parameters)
            Vector3d       canonicalNormal  = -Vector3d.UnitZ;
            double         surfaceSinTheta  = frontSurfaceSinTheta;
            Sphere         sphericalSurface = frontSphericalSurface;
            ElementSurface surface          = ElementSurfaces.Last();

                                                 canonicalNormal, surfaceSinTheta, sphericalSurface, surface));
コード例 #2
        public void CompareInterpolatedLrtfValueWithOriginalOnes()
            ComplexLens lens = ComplexLens.CreateDoubleGaussLens(Materials.Fixed.AIR, 4.0);
            LensRayTransferFunction lrtf = new LensRayTransferFunction(lens);

            int sampleCount = 128;
            string filename = string.Format(@"data\lrtf_double_gauss_{0}.bin", sampleCount);
            var table = lrtf.SampleLrtf3DCached(sampleCount, filename);

            Random random = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                var incomingParams = new LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters(
                    random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble(),
                    random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble()
                var outgoingParamsOriginal = lrtf.ComputeLrtf(incomingParams).ToVector4d();
                var outgoingParamsInterpolated = table.EvaluateLrtf3D(incomingParams).ToVector4d();
                //AssertEqualVector4d(outgoingParamsOriginal, outgoingParamsInterpolated);
コード例 #3
        private void Recompute()
            if (!initialized)

            double positionTheta = (double)positionThetaNumeric.Value;
            double positionPhi = (double)positionPhiNumeric.Value;
            double directionTheta = (double)directionThetaNumeric.Value;
            double directionPhi = (double)directionPhiNumeric.Value;
            var inputRay = new LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters(
                positionTheta, positionPhi, directionTheta, directionPhi);

            var variableParam = (LensRayTransferFunction.VariableParameter)

            outgoingRays = lrtf.SampleLrtf1D(inputRay, variableParam, sampleCount);

コード例 #4
 public void ComputeLrtfForRandomInput()
     ComplexLens lens = ComplexLens.CreateDoubleGaussLens(Materials.Fixed.AIR, 4.0);
     LensRayTransferFunction lrtf = new LensRayTransferFunction(lens);
     Random random = new Random();
     for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
         var incomingParams = new LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters(
             random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble(),
             random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble()
         LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters outgoingParams = lrtf.ComputeLrtf(incomingParams);
         if (outgoingParams != null)
             if (outgoingParams.DirectionTheta < 0 || outgoingParams.DirectionTheta > 1 ||
                 outgoingParams.DirectionPhi < 0 || outgoingParams.DirectionPhi > 1 ||
                 outgoingParams.PositionTheta < 0 || outgoingParams.PositionTheta > 1 ||
                 outgoingParams.PositionPhi < 0 || outgoingParams.PositionPhi > 1)
                 Console.WriteLine("Warning: parameter outside [0; 1] interval.");
                 Console.WriteLine("incoming: {0}", incomingParams);
                 Console.WriteLine("outgoing: {0}", outgoingParams);
             //Assert.InRange(outgoingParams.DirectionTheta, 0.0, 1.0);
             //Assert.InRange(outgoingParams.DirectionPhi, 0.0, 1.0);
             //Assert.InRange(outgoingParams.PositionTheta, 0.0, 1.0);
             //Assert.InRange(outgoingParams.PositionPhi, 0.0, 1.0);
コード例 #5
 public void ComputeLrtf()
     ComplexLens lens = ComplexLens.CreateDoubleGaussLens(Materials.Fixed.AIR, 4.0);
     LensRayTransferFunction lrtf = new LensRayTransferFunction(lens);
     var incomingParams = new LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters(0.5, 0.5, 0.7000000000000004, 0.0);
     LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters outgoingParams = lrtf.ComputeLrtf(incomingParams);
     Console.WriteLine("IN: {0}", incomingParams);
     Console.WriteLine("OUT: {0}", outgoingParams);
     if (outgoingParams != null)
         Console.WriteLine("  {0}", lens.ConvertParametersToFrontSurfaceRay(outgoingParams));
コード例 #6
 public void SampleLrtf()
     ComplexLens lens = ComplexLens.CreateDoubleGaussLens(Materials.Fixed.AIR, 4.0);
     LensRayTransferFunction lrtf = new LensRayTransferFunction(lens);
     var defaultParameters = new LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5);
     var table = lrtf.SampleLrtf1D(defaultParameters,
         LensRayTransferFunction.VariableParameter.DirectionTheta, 101);
     //int i = 0;
     //foreach (LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters rayParams in table)
     //    Console.WriteLine("[{0}]: {1}", i, rayParams);
     //    if (rayParams != null)
     //    {
     //        //Console.WriteLine("  {0}", lens.ConvertParametersToFrontSurfaceRay(rayParams));
     //    }
     //    i++;
     Console.WriteLine("{{ {0} }}", string.Join(",\n", table.Select((item) => (item != null) ? item.ToString() : "Null").ToArray()));
コード例 #7
 public void ComputeLrtfResultInCorrectInterval()
     ComplexLens lens = ComplexLens.CreateDoubleGaussLens(Materials.Fixed.AIR, 4.0);
     LensRayTransferFunction lrtf = new LensRayTransferFunction(lens);
     var incomingParams = new LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters(0.835057026164167, 0.375245163857585, 0.854223355117358, 0.000161428470239708);
     LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters outgoingParams = lrtf.ComputeLrtf(incomingParams);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample the LRTF with fixed position and direction phi parameters,
        /// ie. vary the respective theta parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampleCount">Number of sample in each of the two
        /// variable dimensions.</param>
        /// <returns>Table of rays in parametrized representation.</returns>
        public Parameters[] SampleLrtf1D(LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters parameters,
                                         VariableParameter variableParam, int sampleCount)
            Parameters[] table = new Parameters[sampleCount];

            switch (variableParam)
            case VariableParameter.PositionTheta:
                parameters.PositionTheta = 0;

            case VariableParameter.PositionPhi:
                parameters.PositionPhi = 0;

            case VariableParameter.DirectionTheta:
                parameters.DirectionTheta = 0;

            case VariableParameter.DirectionPhi:
                parameters.DirectionPhi = 0;


            double param = 0.0;
            double step  = 1 / (double)(sampleCount - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                switch (variableParam)
                case VariableParameter.PositionTheta:
                    parameters.PositionTheta = param;

                case VariableParameter.PositionPhi:
                    parameters.PositionPhi = param;

                case VariableParameter.DirectionTheta:
                    parameters.DirectionTheta = param;

                case VariableParameter.DirectionPhi:
                    parameters.DirectionPhi = param;

                var outputParams = ComputeLrtf(parameters);
                if (!outputParams.IsDefined)
                    outputParams = null;
                table[i] = outputParams;
                param   += step;
コード例 #9
ファイル: ComplexLens.cs プロジェクト: VIPERWorld/bokehlab
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a ray with origin at the back or front lens surface from
        /// its parametric representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Position on lens surface in parameteric
        /// representation (normalized hemispherical coordinates).</param>
        /// <param name="direction">Direction of the ray with respect to the
        /// local frame in parameteric representation (normalized hemispherical
        /// coordinates).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="canonicalNormal">Normal of the lens surface
        /// hemisphere (typically (0,0,1) for the back surface or (0,0,-1) for
        /// the front surface).</param>
        /// <param name="surfaceSinTheta">Sine of the surface spherical cap
        /// theta angle.</param>
        /// <param name="sphericalSurface">Lens surface represented as a
        /// sphere.</param>
        /// <param name="surface">Lens surface with its normal field.</param>
        /// <returns>Ray corresponding to its parametric representation.
        /// </returns>
        public Ray ConvertParametersToSurfaceRay(
            LensRayTransferFunction.Parameters parameters,
            Vector3d canonicalNormal, double surfaceSinTheta,
            Sphere sphericalSurface, ElementSurface surface)

            //Console.WriteLine("position parameters: {0}", parameters.Position);
            // uniform spacing sampling for LRTF sampling
            Vector3d unitSpherePos = Sampler.SampleSphereWithUniformSpacing(
                parameters.Position, surfaceSinTheta, 1);

            //Console.WriteLine("unit sphere position: {0}", unitSpherePos);
            unitSpherePos.Z *= canonicalNormal.Z;

            Vector3d lensPos = sphericalSurface.Center + sphericalSurface.Radius * unitSpherePos;
            //Console.WriteLine("ray origin: {0}", lensPos);

            // - get normal N at P
            Vector3d normalLocal = surface.SurfaceNormalField.GetNormal(lensPos);
            // - compute direction D from spherical coordinates (wrt normal Z = (0,0,+/-1))
            double   theta      = 0.5 * Math.PI * parameters.DirectionTheta;
            double   phi        = 2 * Math.PI * parameters.DirectionPhi;
            double   cosTheta   = Math.Cos(theta);
            Vector3d directionZ = new Vector3d(
                Math.Cos(phi) * cosTheta,
                Math.Sin(phi) * cosTheta,
                Math.Sin(theta) * canonicalNormal.Z);

            // - rotate D from Z to N frame
            //   - using a (normalized) quaternion Q
            //   - N and Z should be assumed to be already normalized
            //   - more efficient method: Efficiently building a matrix to
            //     rotate one vector to another [moller1999]

            normalLocal.Normalize(); // TODO: check if it is unnecessary
            //Console.WriteLine("abs. direction: {0}", directionZ);
            //Console.WriteLine("local normal: {0}", normalLocal);
            Vector3d rotationAxis = Vector3d.Cross(canonicalNormal, normalLocal);
            //Console.WriteLine("rotation axis: {0}", rotationAxis);

            Vector3d rotatedDir = directionZ;

            if (rotationAxis.Length > 0)
                double angle = Math.Acos(Vector3d.Dot(canonicalNormal, normalLocal));
                //Console.WriteLine("angle: {0}", angle);
                // first the local direction must be rotated around using the position phi!
                //Console.WriteLine("position phi: {0}", parameters.PositionPhi);
                Matrix4d rotMatrix = Matrix4d.CreateRotationZ(2 * Math.PI * parameters.PositionPhi);
                // only then can be transformed to the frame of the local normal
                rotMatrix  = rotMatrix * Matrix4d.CreateFromAxisAngle(rotationAxis, angle);
                rotatedDir = Vector3d.Transform(directionZ, rotMatrix);
            if (surface.Convex)
                rotatedDir = -rotatedDir;
            //Console.WriteLine("local direction: {0}", rotatedDir);

            Ray result = new Ray(lensPos, rotatedDir);
