コード例 #1
		protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
			if (!Usr.Current.IsAdmin)
				throw new Exception("");

			Usr u = new Usr(ContainerPage.Url["UsrK"]);
			Mailer sm = new Mailer();
			sm.UsrRecipient = u;
			sm.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser;
			sm.Body = "<p>Your profile photo has been deleted</p>";
			sm.Body += "<p>This could have been for one of several reasons:</p>";
			sm.Body += "<ul>";
			sm.Body += "<li>Profile pictures <b>MUST BE OF YOUR FACE</b>.</li>";
			sm.Body += "<li>Profile pictures must show your face clearly - make sure you <b>ZOOM IN</b>.</li>";
			sm.Body += "<li>The face must match your sex";
			if (u.IsMale || u.IsFemale)
				sm.Body += " (you currently have <b>" + (u.IsMale ? "MALE" : "FEMALE") + "</b> selected as your sex)";
			sm.Body += " - see the <a href=\"[LOGIN(/pages/mydetails)]\">My details</a> page to change your selected sex.</li>";
			sm.Body += "</ul>";
			sm.Body += "<p>You can create a new profile picture on the <a href=\"[LOGIN(/pages/mypicture)]\">Create my picture</a> page.</p>";
			sm.Subject = "Your DontStayIn profile photo has been deleted";
			sm.RedirectUrl = "/pages/mypicture";

コード例 #2
ファイル: Chat.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
			public string GetMoreInfoHtml()

				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
				if (RoomType == RoomType.Normal && ObjectType == Model.Entities.ObjectType.None)
					sb.Append("<p>This is the general chat room.</p>");
				else if (RoomType == RoomType.PrivateChat)
					if (Usr.Current == null || (Usr.Current.K != this.ObjectK && Usr.Current.K != this.SecondObjectK))
						sb.Append("<p>This is a private chat room.</p>");
						Usr otherUsr = new Usr(Usr.Current.K == this.ObjectK ? this.SecondObjectK : this.ObjectK);
						sb.Append("<p>This is a private chat room between you and ");
						otherUsr.LinkAppend(sb, false);

						if (otherUsr.HasPic)
								sb.AppendAttribute("href", otherUsr.Url());
									sb.AppendAttribute("src", Storage.Path(otherUsr.Pic));
									sb.AppendAttribute("class", "BorderBlack All");
									sb.AppendAttribute("width", "100");
									sb.AppendAttribute("height", "100");



				else if (RoomType == RoomType.Normal)
					//sb.Append(string.Format("This is {0} chat room.", this.ObjectType.ToString().PrefixWithAOrAn(false)));
					string s = "";
					switch (ObjectType)
						case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Country: { s = "This is a country chat room."; break; }
						case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Place: { s = "This is a place chat room."; break; }
						case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Venue: { s = "This is a venue chat room."; break; }
						case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Event: { s = "This is an event chat room."; break; }
						case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Article: { s = "This is an article chat room. All chat in this room will be posted as comments in the main article topic."; break; }
						case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group: { s = "This is a group chat room."; break; }
						case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Photo: { s = "This is a photo chat room. All chat in this room will be posted as comments in the main photo topic."; break; }
						case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Thread: { s = "This is a topic chat room. All chat in this room will be posted as comments in the topic."; break; }
						default: { s = ""; break; }

					if ((this.ObjectBob is IPic && ((IPic)ObjectBob).HasPic) || ObjectType == Model.Entities.ObjectType.Photo)
						if (this.ObjectBob is IPage)
							sb.AppendAttribute("href", ((IPage)ObjectBob).Url());
							if (ObjectType == Model.Entities.ObjectType.Photo)
								sb.AppendAttribute("src", Storage.Path(((Photo)ObjectBob).Icon));
								sb.AppendAttribute("src", Storage.Path(((IPic)ObjectBob).Pic));
							sb.AppendAttribute("class", "BorderBlack All");
							sb.AppendAttribute("width", "100");
							sb.AppendAttribute("height", "100");
						if (this.ObjectBob is IPage)
					if (ObjectBob is IPage && ObjectBob is IReadableReference)
							sb.AppendAttribute("href", ((IPage)ObjectBob).Url());

					//sb.Append("<p>No info available. This is " + RoomType.ToString().PrefixWithAOrAn(false) + " room.</p>");

					string s = "";
					switch (RoomType)
						case RoomType.BuddyAlerts: { s = "This is the buddy alerts room. Alerts from your buddies get posted here."; break; }
						case RoomType.InboxUpdates: { s = "This is the inbox updates room. New comments in topics you are watching get posted here."; break; }
						case RoomType.Laughs: { s = "This is the laughs room. You'll get an alert here whenever anyone clicks the laugh button."; break; }
						case RoomType.NewPhotosAll: { s = "This is a photos room. As new photos and videos get uploaded to the site, they appear in here."; break; }
						case RoomType.NewPhotosBuddies: { s = "This is a photos room. As your buddies upload photos and videos, they appear in here."; break; }
						case RoomType.NewPhotosProSpotters: { s = "This is a photos room. As pro spotters upload photos and videos, they appear in here."; break; }
						case RoomType.NewPhotosSpotters: { s = "This is a photos room. As spotters upload photos and videos, they appear in here."; break; }
						case RoomType.NewVideosAll: { s = "This is a videos room. As new videos get uploaded to the site, they appear in here."; break; }
						case RoomType.Orphans: { s = "This is the orphans room. Messages that we can't find rooms for get posted here. It's just for debugging."; break; }
						case RoomType.PrivateChatRequestsBuddies: { s = "This is a private chat requests room. When one of your buddies tries to private chat with you, an alert is sent here."; break; }
						case RoomType.PrivateChatRequestsStrangers: { s = "This is a private chat requests room. When someone not on you buddy list are tries to private chat with you, an alert is sent here."; break; }
						case RoomType.PrivateChatRequests: { s = "This is a private chat requests room. When someone tries to private chat with you, an alert is sent here."; break; }
						case RoomType.RandomChat: { s = "This is the random chat room. All comments posted in public topics create an alert in here ."; break; }
						case RoomType.SystemMessages: { s = "This is the system messages room. It's just for testing."; break; }
						default: { s = ""; break; }


				//if (!IsReadOnly && !IsDefaultRoom)
				//    Query q = new Query();
				//    q.TableElement = new Join(Usr.Columns.K, RoomPin.Columns.UsrK);
				//    q.QueryCondition = new And(
				//        new Q(RoomPin.Columns.RoomGuid, this.Guid),
				//        new Q(RoomPin.Columns.Pinned, true));
				//    q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Usr.Columns.DateTimeLastPageRequest, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending);
				//    q.Columns = Usr.LinkColumns;
				//    UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q);
				//    if (us.Count > 0)
				//    {
				//        sb.Append(string.Format("<p>{0} {1} {2} this room pinned:</p>", us.Count.ToString("#,##0"), us.Count == 1 ? "person" : "people", us.Count == 1 ? "has" : "have"));
				//        sb.Append("<p class=\"CleanLinks\">");

				//        int count = 0;
				//        foreach (Usr u in us)
				//        {
				//            string shading = u.LoggedInNow ? "selected-onyellow" : "shaded40-onyellow";
				//            sb.Append(count == 0 ? "" : "<br />");
				//            sb.Append(u.LoggedInNow ? "" : "<small>");
				//            u.LinkAppend(sb, false);
				//            sb.Append(u.LoggedInNow ? "" : "</small>");

				//            u.PresenceIconAppend(sb, shading);

				//            if (Usr.Current != null && u.K != Usr.Current.K)
				//            {
				//                RoomSpec c = new RoomSpec(u.K, Usr.Current.K);
				//                c.PinHtmlAppend(sb, shading);
				//            }
				//            count++;

				//            if (count > 100)
				//            {
				//                break;
				//            }
				//        }
				//        sb.Append("</p>");
				//        if (count > 100)
				//            sb.Append("<p><small>(only showing 100 people)</small></p>");
				//    }
				//else if (!IsReadOnly && IsDefaultRoom)
				//    sb.Append("<p>This is a default room - everybody has it pinned.</p>");

				return sb.ToString();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Usr.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		private void SendEmailToNotifyThePersonWhoWasSpotted(Photo photo, Usr currentUsr)
			Mailer sm = new Mailer();
			sm.RedirectUrl = photo.Url();
			sm.Subject = "You've been spotted!";
			string intro = "A friend of yours";
			if (currentUsr != null)
				intro = "Your buddy, <a href=\"[LOGIN(" + currentUsr.Url() + ")]\">" + currentUsr.NickNameSafe + "</a>";

			sm.Body = "<p>" + intro + " has spotted you in a photo, shown below:</p>" +
				"<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"[LOGIN(" + photo.Url() + ")]\"><img src=\"" + photo.WebPath + "\" height=\"" + photo.WebHeight + "\" width=\"" + photo.WebWidth + "\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" border=\"0\"></a></p>" +
				"<p>If you're not in this photo, please click the link below to log in, and click the <b>Remove me from this photo</b> " +
				"button under the photo.</p>";

			sm.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser;
			sm.UsrRecipient = this;
			sm.To = this.Email;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Thread.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		public int Invite(
			List<int> inviteKs,
			Usr invitingUsr,
			DateTime inviteDateTime,
			List<int> alertedUsrs,
			bool isNewThread,
			Comment postedComment,
			bool joinChatRoom)
			IDiscussable Parent = this.ParentForumObject;
			Query qInvites = new Query();

			List<Q> qList = new List<Q>();
			qList.Add(new Q(false));
			if (inviteKs != null && inviteKs.Count > 0)
				qList.Add(new InListQ(Usr.Columns.K, inviteKs));
			qInvites.QueryCondition = new Or(qList.ToArray());
			qInvites.Columns = new ColumnSet(
			UsrSet usInvites = new UsrSet(qInvites);

			int count = 0;

			GroupUsr guInvitingUsr = null;
			if (this.GroupK > 0)
				guInvitingUsr = this.Group.GetGroupUsr(invitingUsr);

			List<int> addedThreadUsrsUsrKs = new List<int>();

			foreach (Usr u in usInvites)
				if (!alertedUsrs.Contains(u.K))
						ThreadUsr tuInvite = new ThreadUsr(this.K, u.K);
					catch (Bobs.BobNotFound)
						bool sendInviteAlerts = true;
						bool addThreadUsr = true;

						if (this.GroupK > 0)
							GroupUsr gu = this.Group.GetGroupUsr(u);

							if (this.GroupPrivate || this.PrivateGroup)
								//if this thread is private to the group or in a private group, there's a danger that we're 
								//inviting someone to a thread that they can't see. Also - if the group is made public, many 
								//threads may appear in peoples inboxes. This bit stops us sending these dodgy invites out...
								if (gu == null)
									//if they don't have a GroupUsr record, lets send a group invite, but hold off on the thread alert
									sendInviteAlerts = false;
									this.Group.Invite(u, gu, invitingUsr, guInvitingUsr, "", false);
								else if (gu.IsMember)
									//if they are a member, we can send the thread invite
								else if (gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Recommend) ||
									gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.RecommendRejected) ||
									gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Request) ||
									//if we might be able to invite or join them to the group, we give it a try (the outcome will depend on some rather complex code)
									this.Group.Invite(u, gu, invitingUsr, guInvitingUsr, "", false);

									if (!gu.IsMember)
										//if we didn't join them straight up, they still won't be able to see the thread, so we hold off on the thread alert email
										sendInviteAlerts = false;

										if (!gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Invite))
											//if we didn't join them straight up AND we didn't invite them, lets not bother inviting them to the thread
											addThreadUsr = false;
									//ok so they have a GroupUsr, but they're not a member, and we can't invite or join them, so we're not going to bother inviting them to the thread
									addThreadUsr = false;

						//We still add this user to the alertedusers list (even if !addThreadUsr) - this just makes sure we don't attempt to send them an invite a second time.

						if (addThreadUsr)
							ThreadUsr tu = this.GetThreadUsr(u);
							tu.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.NewInvite, DateTime.Now, false, false);
							catch { }
							tu.InvitingUsrK = invitingUsr.K;
							tu.StatusChangeObjectK = invitingUsr.K;
							tu.StatusChangeObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr;


							#region sendInviteAlerts
							if (sendInviteAlerts)
									Mailer usrMail = new Mailer();
									if (isNewThread && this.Private && this.ParentObjectType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Photo))
										usrMail.Subject = invitingUsr.NickName + " sent you a photo";
										usrMail.Body += "<h1>" + invitingUsr.NickName + " sent you a photo</h1>";
										usrMail.Body += "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"[LOGIN]\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + this.ParentPhoto.WebPath + "\" width=\"" + this.ParentPhoto.WebWidth + "\" height=\"" + this.ParentPhoto.WebHeight + "\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" /></a></p>";
									else if (isNewThread)
										usrMail.Subject = invitingUsr.NickName + " posts: \"" + this.SubjectSnip(40) + "\"";
										usrMail.Body += "<h1>" + invitingUsr.NickName + " has posted a new topic</h1>";
										usrMail.Subject = invitingUsr.NickName + " invites you to: \"" + this.SubjectSnip(40) + "\"";
										usrMail.Body += "<h1>" + invitingUsr.NickName + " invites you to a topic</h1>";

									usrMail.Body += "<p>The subject is: \"" + this.Subject + "\"</p>";
									usrMail.Body += "<p>To read " + invitingUsr.HisString(false) + " message, check out the <a href=\"[LOGIN]\">topic page</a>.</p>";
									usrMail.Body += "<p>If you want to stop " + invitingUsr.HimString(false) + " inviting you to topics, click the <i>Stop " + invitingUsr.NickName + " inviting me to chat topics</i> button on <a href=\"[LOGIN(" + invitingUsr.Url() + ")]\">" + invitingUsr.HisString(false) + " profile page</a>.</p>";
									usrMail.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser;
									usrMail.RedirectUrl = this.UrlDiscussion();
									usrMail.UsrRecipient = u;
									usrMail.Bulk = false; // This is interesting... if people are invited by email, they should get the invite really...
									usrMail.Inbox = true;
								catch (Exception ex) { Global.Log("1d3726bf-0715-4404-9059-4e53ca9e3dc5", ex); }

								//    if (u.IsLoggedOn && u.DateTimeLastPageRequest > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-5))
								//    {
								//        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
								//        XmlNode n = xmlDoc.CreateElement("privateMessageAlert");
								//        n.AddAttribute("nickName", invitingUsr.NickNameSafe);
								//        n.AddAttribute("stmu", invitingUsr.StmuParams);
								//        n.AddAttribute("usrK", invitingUsr.K.ToString());
								//        if (invitingUsr.HasPic)
								//            n.AddAttribute("pic", invitingUsr.Pic.ToString());
								//        else
								//            n.AddAttribute("pic", "0");
								//        n.AddAttribute("k", this.K.ToString());
								//        if (postedComment == null)
								//        {
								//            n.InnerText = this.Url();
								//        }
								//        else
								//        {
								//            n.InnerText = postedComment.Url(this);
								//        }
								//        Chat.SendChatItem(ItemType.Invite, n, DateTime.Now.Ticks, u.K, Guid.NewGuid());

								//    }
								//catch (Exception ex) { Global.Log("2902fd82-e8a4-49c2-9e33-ccfca01ca1f9", ex); }

			if (joinChatRoom)
				Guid room = this.GetRoomSpec().Guid;
				Chat.JoinRoom(room, addedThreadUsrsUsrKs.ToArray());

			return count;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Venue.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		public DeleteReturnStatus DeleteAllUsr(Usr u)
			if (!u.IsSuper && u.K!=this.OwnerUsrK)
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailNoPermission;

			if (this.PromoterK>0 && this.PromoterStatus.Equals(Venue.PromoterStatusEnum.Confirmed))
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;

			if (this.TotalComments>10)
				Mailer smComments = new Mailer();
				smComments.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") attempted to delete venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				smComments.Body+="<p>This operation failed because "+this.Name+" has "+this.TotalComments+" comments.</p>";
				smComments.Subject="Delete venue operation failed because too many comments in venue";
				smComments.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailComments;

			if (this.Events.Count>3)
				Mailer smEvents = new Mailer();
				smEvents.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") attempted to delete venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				smEvents.Body+="<p>This operation failed because "+this.Name+" has "+this.Events.Count+" events.</p>";
				smEvents.Subject="Delete venue operation failed because too many events";
				smEvents.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailEvents;

			int totalPhotos = 0;
			foreach (Event ev in this.Events)
				totalPhotos += ev.TotalPhotos;
			if (totalPhotos>5)
				Mailer smPhotos = new Mailer();
				smPhotos.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") attempted to delete venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				smPhotos.Body+="<p>This operation failed because events at "+this.Name+" have "+totalPhotos+" photos.</p>";
				smPhotos.Subject="Delete venue operation failed because too many photos in events";
				smPhotos.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPhotos;

			Query qBanners = new Query();
			qBanners.TableElement=new Join(Banner.Columns.EventK, Event.Columns.K);
			qBanners.QueryCondition=new Q(Event.Columns.VenueK,this.K);
			BannerSet bs = new BannerSet(qBanners);
			if (bs.Count>0)
				Mailer smBanner = new Mailer();
				smBanner.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") attempted to delete venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				smBanner.Body+="<p>This operation failed because "+this.Name+" has "+bs.Count+" banner"+(bs.Count==1?"":"s")+".</p>";
				smBanner.Subject="Delete venue operation failed because venue has a banner";
				smBanner.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;
			Query qGuestlists = new Query();
			qGuestlists.QueryCondition=new And(new Q(Event.Columns.HasGuestlist,true),new Q(Event.Columns.VenueK,this.K));
			EventSet es = new EventSet(qGuestlists);
			if (es.Count>0)
				Mailer smGuestlist = new Mailer();
				smGuestlist.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") attempted to delete venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				smGuestlist.Body+="<p>This operation failed because "+this.Name+" has "+es.Count+" guestlist"+(es.Count==1?"":"s")+".</p>";
				smGuestlist.Subject="Delete venue operation failed because venue has a guestlist";
				smGuestlist.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;
			Query qComp = new Query();
			qComp.TableElement=new Join(Comp.Columns.EventK, Event.Columns.K);
			qComp.QueryCondition=new Q(Event.Columns.VenueK,this.K);
			CompSet cs = new CompSet(qComp);
			if (cs.Count>0)
				Mailer smComp = new Mailer();
				smComp.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") attempted to delete venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				smComp.Body+="<p>This operation failed because "+this.Name+" has "+cs.Count+" competition"+(cs.Count==1?"":"s")+".</p>";
				smComp.Subject="Delete venue operation failed because venue has a competition";
				smComp.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;
			Query qDonated = new Query();
			qDonated.QueryCondition=new And(new Q(Event.Columns.VenueK,this.K),new Q(Event.Columns.Donated,true));
			EventSet esDon = new EventSet(qDonated);
			if (esDon.Count>0)
				Mailer smDonate = new Mailer();
				smDonate.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") attempted to delete venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				smDonate.Body+="<p>This operation failed because "+this.Name+" has "+esDon.Count+" events with donations.</p>";
				smDonate.Subject="Delete venue operation failed because venue has an event donation";
				smDonate.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;
            //ticket runs?
            Query qTicketRuns = new Query();
            qTicketRuns.QueryCondition = new Q(Event.Columns.VenueK, this.K);
            qTicketRuns.TableElement = new Join(Event.Columns.VenueK, Venue.Columns.K);
            qTicketRuns.ReturnCountOnly = true;
            EventSet esTix = new EventSet(qTicketRuns);
            if (esTix.Count > 0)
                Mailer smDonate = new Mailer();
                smDonate.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete venue " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
                smDonate.Body += "<p>This operation failed because " + this.Name + " has " + esTix.Count + " events with ticket runs.</p>";
                smDonate.Subject = "Delete venue operation failed because venue has at least one event with a ticket run";
                smDonate.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
                smDonate.To = "*****@*****.**";
                return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;


				//Mailer smDone = new Mailer();
				//smDone.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") deleted venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				//smDone.Subject="Venue "+this.K.ToString()+" deleted";
				//smDone.To = "*****@*****.**";

				return DeleteReturnStatus.Success;
			catch(Exception ex)
				Mailer smException = new Mailer();
				smException.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") attempted to delete venue "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				smException.Body+="<p>This operation failed because of an unhandled exception:</p><p>"+ex.ToString()+"</p>";
				smException.Subject="Delete venue operation failed because of exception";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailException;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Misc.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		public static Misc UploadFile(HtmlInputFile inputFile, Usr uploadUsr, Promoter promoter, Banner banner, string folder, List<string> acceptedFileExtensions)
			if (inputFile.PostedFile != null)
				#region Upload file
				Misc m = new Misc();

				m.UsrK = uploadUsr.K;

				if (promoter != null)
					m.PromoterK = promoter.K;

				m.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
				m.Folder = folder;

				m.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();

				if (inputFile.PostedFile.FileName.IndexOf(".") == -1)
					m.Extention = "";
					m.Extention = inputFile.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(inputFile.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower();

				if (m.Extention.Equals("jpeg") || m.Extention.Equals("jpe"))
					m.Extention = "jpg";

				if (!acceptedFileExtensions.Contains(m.Extention))
					string listOfFileExtensions = "";
					foreach(string s in acceptedFileExtensions)
						listOfFileExtensions += s + ", ";
					throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("You can only upload " + listOfFileExtensions.Substring(0, listOfFileExtensions.Length-2) + " files with this page.");

				if (promoter != null && m.Extention.Equals("swf"))
					if (m.Size <= 150 * 1024)
						m.NeedsAuth = true;
				byte[] bytes = new byte[inputFile.PostedFile.InputStream.Length];
				inputFile.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)inputFile.PostedFile.InputStream.Length);
				m.Size = inputFile.PostedFile.ContentLength;

				m.Name = inputFile.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(inputFile.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

				if (m.Extention.Equals("jpg") || m.Extention.Equals("gif") || m.Extention.Equals("png"))
					using (System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(bytes)))
						m.Width = image.Width;
						m.Height = image.Height;


					Storage.AddToStore(bytes, Storage.Stores.Pix, m.Guid, m.Extention, m, "");
				catch (Exception ex)
					throw ex;

				if (promoter != null)
					if (promoter != null && m.NeedsAuth)
						Mailer adminMail = new Mailer();
						adminMail.Subject = "New files waiting to be approved!!! uploaded by" + uploadUsr.NickNameSafe;
						adminMail.To = "*****@*****.**";
						adminMail.Body += "<p>New FILES uploaded by <a href=\"[LOGIN(" + uploadUsr.Url() + ")]\">" + uploadUsr.NickNameSafe + "</a></p>";
						if (promoter != null)
							adminMail.Body += "<p>... for promoter <a href=\"[LOGIN(" + promoter.Url() + ")]\">" + promoter.Name + "</a></p>";
						adminMail.Body += "<h2>Files:</h2>";
						adminMail.Body += "<p><a href=\"" + m.Url() + "\">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(m.Name) + "</a> - " + m.FileSizeString + "</p>";
						adminMail.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
						adminMail.RedirectUrl = uploadUsr.Url();

				if (banner != null)

				return m;

				return null;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Event.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		public DeleteReturnStatus DeleteAllUsr(Usr u)
			if (!u.IsSuper && u.K != this.OwnerUsrK)
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailNoPermission;

			if (this.TotalComments > 10)
				Mailer smComments = new Mailer();
				smComments.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smComments.Body += "<p>This operation failed because " + this.Name + " has " + this.TotalComments + " comments.</p>";
				smComments.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because too many comments in event";
				smComments.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smComments.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailComments;

			if (this.TotalPhotos > 5)
				Mailer smPhotos = new Mailer();
				smPhotos.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smPhotos.Body += "<p>This operation failed because " + this.Name + " has " + this.TotalPhotos + " photos.</p>";
				smPhotos.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because too many photos in event";
				smPhotos.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smPhotos.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPhotos;

			Query qBanners = new Query();
			qBanners.QueryCondition = new Q(Banner.Columns.EventK, this.K);
			qBanners.ReturnCountOnly = true;
			BannerSet bs = new BannerSet(qBanners);
			if (bs.Count > 0)
				Mailer smBanner = new Mailer();
				smBanner.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smBanner.Body += "<p>This operation failed because " + this.Name + " has " + bs.Count + " banner" + (bs.Count == 1 ? "" : "s") + ".</p>";
				smBanner.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because event has a banner";
				smBanner.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smBanner.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;
			if (this.HasGuestlist)
				Mailer smGuestlists = new Mailer();
				smGuestlists.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smGuestlists.Body += "<p>This operation failed because " + this.Name + " has a guestlist.</p>";
				smGuestlists.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because event has a guestlist";
				smGuestlists.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smGuestlists.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;
			Query qComp = new Query();
			qComp.QueryCondition = new Q(Comp.Columns.EventK, this.K);
			qComp.ReturnCountOnly = true;
			CompSet cs = new CompSet(qComp);
			if (cs.Count > 0)
				Mailer smComp = new Mailer();
				smComp.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smComp.Body += "<p>This operation failed because " + this.Name + " has " + cs.Count + " competition" + (cs.Count == 1 ? "" : "s") + ".</p>";
				smComp.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because event has a competition";
				smComp.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smComp.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;
			//ticket runs?
			if (this.TicketRuns.Count > 0)
				string ticketRuns = (this.TicketRuns.Count > 1 ? "ticket runs" : "a ticket run");
				Mailer smTicketRuns = new Mailer();
				smTicketRuns.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smTicketRuns.Body += "<p>This operation failed because " + this.Name + " has " + ticketRuns + ".</p>";
				smTicketRuns.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because event has " + ticketRuns;
				smTicketRuns.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smTicketRuns.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;
			if (this.Donated)
				Mailer smDonated = new Mailer();
				smDonated.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smDonated.Body += "<p>This operation failed because the event has donated.</p>";
				smDonated.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because event has a donation";
				smDonated.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smDonated.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPromoter;

			if (this.TotalPhotos > 5)
				Mailer smPhotos = new Mailer();
				smPhotos.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smPhotos.Body += "<p>This operation failed because " + this.Name + " has " + this.TotalPhotos + " photos.</p>";
				smPhotos.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because too many photos in event";
				smPhotos.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smPhotos.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailPhotos;

				//Mailer smDone = new Mailer();
				//smDone.Body+="<p><a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+u.Url()+"\">"+u.NickNameSafe+"</a> ("+u.Email+") deleted event "+this.K+" (<a href=\"http://"+Vars.DomainName+this.Url()+"\">"+this.FriendlyName+"</a>).</p>";
				//smDone.Subject="Event "+this.K.ToString()+" deleted";

				return DeleteReturnStatus.Success;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Mailer smException = new Mailer();
				smException.Body += "<p><a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + u.Url() + "\">" + u.NickNameSafe + "</a> (" + u.Email + ") attempted to delete event " + this.K + " (<a href=\"http://" + Vars.DomainName + this.Url() + "\">" + this.FriendlyName + "</a>).</p>";
				smException.Body += "<p>This operation failed because of an unhandled exception:</p><p>" + ex.ToString() + "</p>";
				smException.Subject = "Delete event operation failed because of exception";
				smException.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote;
				smException.To = "*****@*****.**";
				return DeleteReturnStatus.FailException;
コード例 #8
ファイル: FacebookPost.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		public static void CreateNewBuddy(Usr u, Usr u1, bool meInit)
			Query q = new Query();
			q.QueryCondition = new And(
				new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)),
				new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.FacebookUid, u.Facebook.Uid),
				new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.Type, TypeEnum.NewBuddy));
			FacebookPostSet fps = new FacebookPostSet(q);
			if (fps.Count < 15)
				Query q1 = new Query();
				q1.QueryCondition = new And(
					new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.FacebookUid, u.Facebook.Uid),
					new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.DataInt, u1.K),
					new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.Type, TypeEnum.NewBuddy));
				FacebookPostSet fps1 = new FacebookPostSet(q1);
				if (fps1.Count == 0)

					FacebookPost fp = new FacebookPost();
					fp.Hits = 0;
					fp.FacebookUid = u.Facebook.Uid;
					fp.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
					fp.Type = TypeEnum.NewBuddy;
					fp.Content = "UsrK=" + u1.K.ToString();
					fp.DataInt = u1.K;
					fp.UsrK = u.K;

					//send facebook message
					Dictionary<string, object> par = new Dictionary<string, object>();
					if (u1.HasPicNotFacebook)
						par["picture"] = u1.PicPath;
					par["link"] = "http://" + Vars.DomainName + u1.Url() + "?fbpk=" + fp.K.ToString();
					par["name"] = u1.NickName;
					par["caption"] = "Don't Stay In";
					par["description"] = "";
					u.Facebook.PutWallPost(meInit ? ("I just added " + u1.NickName + " as a buddy.") : (u1.NickName + " just added me as a buddy."), par);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Group.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		private void InvitePrivate(Usr InvitedUsr, GroupUsr InvitedGroupUsr, Usr InvitingUsr, GroupUsr InvitingGroupUsr, 
			string InviteMessage)
			string inviteMessageStripped = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(InviteMessage,true,true,false,true);
			if (InvitedGroupUsr==null)
				InvitedGroupUsr = new GroupUsr();
				InvitedGroupUsr.UsrK = InvitedUsr.K;
				InvitedGroupUsr.GroupK = this.K;
			InvitedGroupUsr.Status = GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Invite;
			InvitedGroupUsr.StatusChangeDateTime = DateTime.Now;
			InvitedGroupUsr.StatusChangeUsrK = InvitingUsr.K;
			if (InvitedGroupUsr.InviteUsrK==0)
				InvitedGroupUsr.InviteUsrK = InvitingUsr.K;
				InvitedGroupUsr.InviteMessage = inviteMessageStripped;
			else if (InvitedGroupUsr.InviteUsrK != InvitingUsr.K)
				//already had an inviting usr
				InvitingUsr = InvitedGroupUsr.InviteUsr;
				InvitingGroupUsr = GetGroupUsr(InvitingUsr);
				InviteMessage = InvitedGroupUsr.InviteMessage;
				inviteMessageStripped = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(InviteMessage, true, true, false, true);

			if (InvitedUsr.AddedByGroupK!=this.K)
				string messageString = "";
				if (InviteMessage.Length>0)
					messageString = "</p><p>"+InvitedGroupUsr.InviteUsr.LinkEmail()+" left you this messsage:</p><p><b>"+inviteMessageStripped+"</b></p><p>";

				Mailer sm = new Mailer();
				sm.UsrRecipient = InvitedUsr;

				sm.RedirectUrl = this.Url();

				sm.Subject = InvitingUsr.NickName + @" has invited you to " + (InvitingGroupUsr!=null && InvitingGroupUsr.Moderator ? InvitingUsr.HisString(false) : "a") + @" group: " + this.FriendlyName;
				string pic = "<p>";
				string picEnd = "</p>";
				if (InvitingUsr.HasPic)
					pic = @"<table cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" border=""0"" style=""margin:10px 5px 5px 1px;""><tr><td valign=""top"" style=""padding:0px 10px 0px 0px;"">";
					pic += "<a href=\"[LOGIN(" + InvitingUsr.Url() + ")]\"><img src=\"" + InvitingUsr.PicPath + "\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" vspace=\"3\" border=\"0\"></a></td><td valign=\"top\">";
					picEnd = "</td></tr></table>";
				string members = "";
				if (this.TotalMembers>5)
					Query q = new Query();
					q.TableElement = Usr.GroupJoin;
					q.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(Group.Columns.K, this.K), new Q(Usr.Columns.Pic,QueryOperator.NotEqualTo,Guid.Empty));
					q.OrderBy=new OrderBy(OrderBy.OrderDirection.Random);
					UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q);
					if (us.Count==5)
						members = @"<p><b>"+this.FriendlyName+@"</b> has "+this.TotalMembers.ToString("#,##0")+@" members. Here's a few of them:</p>";
						members += @"<table cellspacing=""4"" cellpadding=""4"" border=""0"" width=""100%""><tr>";
						foreach (Usr uPic in us)
							members += "<td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\"><center><a href=\"[LOGIN(" + uPic.Url() + ")]\"><img src=\"" + uPic.PicPath + "\" width=\"75\" height=\"75\" style=\"margin:0px 0px 5px 0px;\" class=\"BorderBlack All\"><br>" + Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(uPic.NickName, 12) + "</a></center></td>";
						members += @"</tr></table>";
				string inviteMessage = "";
				if (Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(InviteMessage,true,true,true,true).Length==0)
					inviteMessage = "Hi!";
					inviteMessage = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(InviteMessage,true,true,false,true).Replace("\n","<br>");

<i style=""font-size:18px;""><b>""</b>"+inviteMessage+@"<b>""</b></i>
<p>" + InvitingUsr.LinkEmail() + @" has invited you to " + (InvitingGroupUsr != null && InvitingGroupUsr.Moderator ? InvitingUsr.HisString(false) : "a") + @" group!
You can use this to keep in contact with your friends. Here's a quick 
description of <b>" +this.FriendlyName+@"</b>:</p>
"+members+ @"
<p align=""center"" style=""margin:10px 0px 8px 0px;"">
<a href=""[LOGIN("+this.UrlApp("join")+@")]"" style=""font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;"">Join the group</a> | <a href=""[LOGIN]"" style=""font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;"">decline the invite</a>

コード例 #10
ファイル: Group.cs プロジェクト: davelondon/dontstayin
		public Return InviteReject(Usr TargetUsr, GroupUsr TargetGroupUsr)
			Return r = new Return();

			if (this.Restriction.Equals(Group.RestrictionEnum.Custom))
				r.MessageHtml="The "+this.FriendlyName+" group is a special group - the membership "+
					"is automatically controlled. You can't decline an invite to this group.";
				return r;

			if (TargetGroupUsr==null)
				r.MessageHtml="You haven't been invited to the "+this.FriendlyName+" group!";
				return r;
			else if (TargetGroupUsr.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Invite))
				TargetGroupUsr.Status = GroupUsr.StatusEnum.InviteRejected;
				TargetGroupUsr.StatusChangeDateTime = DateTime.Now;
				TargetGroupUsr.StatusChangeUsrK = TargetUsr.K;

				GroupUsr gu = this.GetGroupUsr(TargetGroupUsr.InviteUsr);
				if (gu.MemberAdminNewUserEmails)
					Mailer m = new Mailer();
					m.UsrRecipient = TargetGroupUsr.InviteUsr;
					m.Subject = "Your invitation for " + TargetUsr.NickName + " to join the " + this.FriendlyName + " group has been rejected.";
					m.Body = "<p>Your invitation for " + TargetUsr.LinkEmail() + " to join the " + this.FriendlyName + " group has been rejected. " + TargetUsr.LinkEmail() + " did not want to join the group.</p>";
					m.RedirectUrl = TargetUsr.Url();


				return r;
				r.MessageHtml="You haven't been invited to the "+this.FriendlyName+" group!";
				return r;