private void WriteObjectToTar (TarOutputStream tar_out, FileSystemObject fso, EventTracker tracker) { MemoryStream memory = null; TarHeader header; header = new TarHeader (); StringBuilder name_builder; name_builder = new StringBuilder (fso.FullName); name_builder.Remove (0, this.FullName.Length+1); header.Name = name_builder.ToString (); header.ModTime = fso.Timestamp; if (fso is DirectoryObject) { header.Mode = 511; // 0777 header.TypeFlag = TarHeader.LF_DIR; header.Size = 0; } else { header.Mode = 438; // 0666 header.TypeFlag = TarHeader.LF_NORMAL; memory = new MemoryStream (); ((FileObject) fso).AddToStream (memory, tracker); header.Size = memory.Length; } TarEntry entry; entry = new TarEntry (header); tar_out.PutNextEntry (entry); if (memory != null) { tar_out.Write (memory.ToArray (), 0, (int) memory.Length); memory.Close (); } tar_out.CloseEntry (); // If this is a directory, write out the children if (fso is DirectoryObject) foreach (FileSystemObject child in fso.Children) WriteObjectToTar (tar_out, child, tracker); }
private void WriteObjectToZip (ZipOutputStream zip_out, FileSystemObject fso, EventTracker tracker) { MemoryStream memory = null; string name; name = fso.FullName.Substring (this.FullName.Length + 1); if (fso is DirectoryObject) name += "/"; ZipEntry entry; entry = new ZipEntry (name); entry.DateTime = fso.Timestamp; if (fso is DirectoryObject) entry.Size = 0; else { memory = new MemoryStream (); ((FileObject) fso).AddToStream (memory, tracker); entry.Size = memory.Length; } zip_out.PutNextEntry (entry); if (memory != null) { zip_out.Write (memory.ToArray (), 0, (int) memory.Length); memory.Close (); } // If this is a directory, write out the children if (fso is DirectoryObject) foreach (FileSystemObject child in fso.Children) WriteObjectToZip (zip_out, child, tracker); }
public bool HammerOnce (DirectoryObject dir, EventTracker tracker) { FileObject target; target = dir.PickChildFile (); if (target == null) return false; Log.Info ("Deleted file '{0}'", target.ShortName); target.Parent.RemoveChild (target, tracker); return true; }
public bool HammerOnce (DirectoryObject dir, EventTracker tracker) { FileObject created; created = new TextFileObject (); // FIXME: or an archive DirectoryObject parent; parent = dir.PickDirectory (); parent.AddChild (created, tracker); Log.Info ("Created file '{0}'", created.ShortName); return true; }
public bool HammerOnce (DirectoryObject dir, EventTracker tracker) { DirectoryObject created; created = new DirectoryObject (); DirectoryObject parent; parent = dir.PickDirectory (); parent.AddChild (created, tracker); Log.Info ("Created directory {0}", created.ShortName); return true; }
override public void AddOnDisk (EventTracker tracker) { FileStream stream; stream = new FileStream (FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); AddToStream (stream, tracker); stream.Close (); // Stamp the right timestamp onto the file FileInfo info; info = new FileInfo (FullName); info.LastWriteTime = Timestamp; }
public Abuse (DirectoryObject root, EventTracker tracker, ICollection hammers) { this.root = root; this.tracker = tracker; this.hammers = new IHammer [hammers.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (IHammer hammer in hammers) this.hammers [i++] = hammer; idle_handler = new GLib.IdleHandler (AbuseWorker); timeout_handler = new GLib.TimeoutHandler (RescheduleAbuse); verified_handler = new Daemon.VerifiedHandler (VerifiedWorker); }
override public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker) { if (tracker != null) tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri)); UnclosableStream unclosable; unclosable = new UnclosableStream (stream); ZipOutputStream zip_out; zip_out = new ZipOutputStream (unclosable); foreach (FileSystemObject fso in Children) WriteObjectToZip (zip_out, fso, tracker); zip_out.Finish (); zip_out.Close (); }
override public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker) { if (tracker != null) tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri)); // We can't just use a StreamWriter here, since that // will close the underlying stream when it gets // disposed. UnclosableStream unclosable = new UnclosableStream (stream); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (unclosable); foreach (string str in body) writer.WriteLine (str); writer.Close (); }
public bool HammerOnce (DirectoryObject dir, EventTracker tracker) { // We randomly pick an IHammer, and call HammerOnce on it. // If it returns false, we try the next IHammer until we // find one that returns true or until we've exhausted // all possibilities. int i; i = random.Next (hammers.Count); for (int j = 0; j < hammers.Count; ++j) { int k = (i + j) % hammers.Count; IHammer hammer; hammer = hammers [k] as IHammer; if (hammer.HammerOnce (dir, tracker)) return true; } return false; }
public bool HammerOnce (DirectoryObject dir, EventTracker tracker) { FileObject victim; do { victim = dir.PickChildFile (); } while (victim != null && victim.IsWritable); if (victim == null) return false; // Create an object w/ the right type FileObject created; created = TreeBuilder.NewFile (5, 10, victim.Extension, 0.1, 0.5, null); // FIXME: stupid magic numbers Log.Info ("Clobbered file '{0}'", victim.ShortName); victim.Parent.ClobberingAddChild (created, victim, tracker); return true; }
override public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker) { if (ChildCount > 1) throw new Exception ("Bzip2 file " + Uri + " has " + ChildCount + " children"); if (tracker != null) tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri)); UnclosableStream unclosable; unclosable = new UnclosableStream (stream); BZip2OutputStream bz2_out; bz2_out = new BZip2OutputStream (unclosable); MemoryStream memory; memory = new MemoryStream (); // There should just be one child foreach (FileObject file in Children) file.AddToStream (memory, tracker); bz2_out.Write (memory.ToArray (), 0, (int) memory.Length); memory.Close (); bz2_out.Close (); }
static void Main(string [] args) { args = CommandLine.Process(typeof(BludgeonMain), args); // BU.CommandLine.Process returns null if --help was passed if (args == null) { return; } if (list_hammers) { foreach (string hammer in Toolbox.HammerNames) { Console.WriteLine(" - {0}", hammer); } return; } ArrayList hammers_to_use; hammers_to_use = new ArrayList(); foreach (string name in args) { IHammer hammer; hammer = Toolbox.GetHammer(name); if (hammer != null) { hammers_to_use.Add(hammer); } else { Log.Failure("Unknown hammer '{0}'", name); } } root = CreateTestRoot(); TreeBuilder.Build(root, 30, // number of directories 100, // number of files 0, //0.1, // no archives 0, //0.5, // archive decay, which does nothing here false, // build all directories first, not in random order null); // no need to track events if (!root.VerifyOnDisk()) { throw new Exception("VerifyOnDisk failed for " + root.FullName); } EventTracker tracker; tracker = new EventTracker(); abuse = new Abuse(root, tracker, hammers_to_use); abuse.TotalCount = total_count; abuse.TotalTime = total_time; abuse.Cycles = cycles; abuse.MinCycles = min_cycles; abuse.MaxCycles = max_cycles; abuse.Pause = pause; abuse.MinPause = min_pause; abuse.MaxPause = max_pause; GLib.Idle.Add(new GLib.IdleHandler(Startup)); main_loop = new GLib.MainLoop(); main_loop.Run(); }
public bool HammerOnce (DirectoryObject dir, EventTracker tracker) { DirectoryObject new_parent; new_parent = dir.PickDirectory (); // 10 is a stupid magic number here. FileSystemObject target = null; for (int i = 0; i < 10 && target == null; ++i) { target = PickTarget (dir); if (target == null) return false; if (target.IsAncestorOf (new_parent)) target = null; } if (target == null) return false; Log.Spew ("Moved {0} to {1}", target.ShortName, new_parent.ShortName); target.Parent.MoveChild (target, new_parent, tracker); return true; }
abstract public void AddToStream(Stream stream, EventTracker tracker);
// We assume that the FileSystemObject is in the tree, it its new position // when we call this. virtual public void MoveOnDisk (string old_full_name, EventTracker tracker) { throw new Exception ("MoveOnDisk undefined for " + FullName); }
public virtual void MoveChild (FileSystemObject child, FileSystemObject new_parent, EventTracker tracker) { if (child.parent != this) throw new Exception (child.Uri.ToString () + " is not a child of " + Uri.ToString ()); if (new_parent == null || new_parent == child.parent) return; // We can't move child into new_parent if child is // already above new_parent in the tree. if (child.IsAncestorOf (new_parent)) throw new Exception ("Can't move " + child.Uri.ToString () + " to " + new_parent.Uri.ToString ()); string old_full_name; old_full_name = child.FullName; // FIXME: We need to handle the case of the moved // child clobbering another w/ the same name. child.parent = new_parent; this.children.Remove (child.Name); new_parent.children [child.Name] = child; // FIXME: What if this is not rooted, but new_parent is? if (new_parent.IsRooted) child.MoveOnDisk (old_full_name, tracker); }
public virtual void ClobberingAddChild (FileSystemObject child, FileSystemObject victim, EventTracker tracker) { if (children == null) throw new Exception ("Can't add a child to " + Uri.ToString ()); if (child.parent != null) throw new Exception ("Can't add parented child " + child.Uri.ToString () + " to " + Uri.ToString ()); if (victim.parent != this) throw new Exception ("Victim " + victim.Uri.ToString () + " is not a child of " + Uri.ToString ()); if (child.Extension != victim.Extension) throw new Exception ("Extension mismatch: " + child.Extension + " vs. " + victim.Extension); victim.parent = null; child.parent = this; =; child.base_name = victim.base_name; = null; children [child.Name] = child; if (IsRooted) child.AddOnDisk (tracker); }
static public void Build(DirectoryObject root, int n_directories, int n_files, double p_archive, double archive_decay, bool build_in_random_order, EventTracker tracker) { //Log.Info ("BUILD {0} {1} {2}", n_directories, n_files, p_archive); Random random; random = new Random(); // First, create the list of all of the directories we could // put things in. ArrayList all_dirs; all_dirs = new ArrayList(); GetAllSubdirectories(root, all_dirs); int nd = n_directories, nf = n_files; // Next, we construct the directories and files. while (nd > 0 || nf > 0) { // If we are not building in a random order, // we create all of the directories first. bool create_dir; if (build_in_random_order) { create_dir = (random.Next(nd + nf) < nd); } else { create_dir = (nd > 0); } if (create_dir) { DirectoryObject dir; dir = new DirectoryObject(); FileSystemObject parent; parent = (FileSystemObject)all_dirs [random.Next(all_dirs.Count)]; parent.AddChild(dir, tracker); all_dirs.Add(dir); //Log.Spew ("dir {0}: {1}", n_directories - nd, dir.FullName); --nd; } else { FileObject file; file = NewFile(n_directories, n_files, null, p_archive, archive_decay, random); FileSystemObject parent; parent = (FileSystemObject)all_dirs [random.Next(all_dirs.Count)]; parent.AddChild(file, tracker); #if false // Commented out because it breaks queries // 20% of the time make the file unwritable, which prevents us from // being able to set extended attributes and makes us fall back to // our sqlite store. if (random.Next(5) == 0) { Syscall.chmod(file.FullName, (FilePermissions)292); // 0444 } #endif //Log.Spew ("file {0}: {1}", n_files - nf, file.FullName); --nf; } } }
override public void DeleteOnDisk (EventTracker tracker) { // Recursively delete the children foreach (FileSystemObject fso in children.Values) fso.DeleteOnDisk (tracker); // Then delete ourselves Syscall.rmdir (FullName); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// override public void AddOnDisk (EventTracker tracker) { string full_name; full_name = FullName; if (full_name == null) throw new Exception ("Attempt to instantiate something other than a real file: " + Uri); if (is_root) { // Root directories must already exist. if (! Directory.Exists (full_name)) throw new Exception ("Missing root directory " + full_name); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory (full_name); timestamp = Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (full_name); } if (tracker != null) tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri)); // Recursively add the children foreach (FileSystemObject fso in children.Values) fso.AddOnDisk (tracker); }
public override void MoveChild (FileSystemObject child, FileSystemObject new_parent, EventTracker tracker) { int d_files, d_dirs; GetCountDeltas (child, out d_files, out d_dirs); DirectoryObject curr; curr = this; while (curr != null) { curr.n_files_below -= d_files; curr.n_dirs_below -= d_dirs; curr = (DirectoryObject) curr.Parent; } curr = (DirectoryObject) new_parent; while (curr != null) { curr.n_files_below += d_files; curr.n_dirs_below += d_dirs; curr = (DirectoryObject) curr.Parent; } base.MoveChild (child, new_parent, tracker); }
public override void RemoveChild (FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker) { // Likewise, we have to walk up the tree and adjust // the n_*_below counts when we remove a child. int d_files, d_dirs; GetCountDeltas (child, out d_files, out d_dirs); DirectoryObject curr; curr = this; while (curr != null) { curr.n_files_below -= d_files; curr.n_dirs_below -= d_dirs; curr = (DirectoryObject) curr.Parent; } base.RemoveChild (child, tracker); }
override public void MoveOnDisk(string old_full_name, EventTracker tracker) { Syscall.rename(old_full_name, FullName); // FIXME: adjust tracker }
override public void DeleteOnDisk(EventTracker tracker) { Syscall.unlink(FullName); // FIXME: adjust tracker }
static public void Build (DirectoryObject root, int n_directories, int n_files, double p_archive, double archive_decay, bool build_in_random_order, EventTracker tracker) { //Log.Info ("BUILD {0} {1} {2}", n_directories, n_files, p_archive); Random random; random = new Random (); // First, create the list of all of the directories we could // put things in. ArrayList all_dirs; all_dirs = new ArrayList (); GetAllSubdirectories (root, all_dirs); int nd = n_directories, nf = n_files; // Next, we construct the directories and files. while (nd > 0 || nf > 0) { // If we are not building in a random order, // we create all of the directories first. bool create_dir; if (build_in_random_order) create_dir = (random.Next (nd + nf) < nd); else create_dir = (nd > 0); if (create_dir) { DirectoryObject dir; dir = new DirectoryObject (); FileSystemObject parent; parent = (FileSystemObject) all_dirs [random.Next (all_dirs.Count)]; parent.AddChild (dir, tracker); all_dirs.Add (dir); //Log.Spew ("dir {0}: {1}", n_directories - nd, dir.FullName); --nd; } else { FileObject file; file = NewFile (n_directories, n_files, null, p_archive, archive_decay, random); FileSystemObject parent; parent = (FileSystemObject) all_dirs [random.Next (all_dirs.Count)]; parent.AddChild (file, tracker); #if false // Commented out because it breaks queries // 20% of the time make the file unwritable, which prevents us from // being able to set extended attributes and makes us fall back to // our sqlite store. if (random.Next (5) == 0) Syscall.chmod (file.FullName, (FilePermissions) 292); // 0444 #endif //Log.Spew ("file {0}: {1}", n_files - nf, file.FullName); --nf; } } }
static void Main (string [] args) { args = CommandLine.Process (typeof (BludgeonMain), args); // BU.CommandLine.Process returns null if --help was passed if (args == null) return; if (list_hammers) { foreach (string hammer in Toolbox.HammerNames) Console.WriteLine (" - {0}", hammer); return; } ArrayList hammers_to_use; hammers_to_use = new ArrayList (); foreach (string name in args) { IHammer hammer; hammer = Toolbox.GetHammer (name); if (hammer != null) hammers_to_use.Add (hammer); else Log.Failure ("Unknown hammer '{0}'", name); } root = CreateTestRoot (); TreeBuilder.Build (root, 30, // number of directories 100, // number of files 0, //0.1, // no archives 0, //0.5, // archive decay, which does nothing here false, // build all directories first, not in random order null); // no need to track events if (! root.VerifyOnDisk ()) throw new Exception ("VerifyOnDisk failed for " + root.FullName); EventTracker tracker; tracker = new EventTracker (); abuse = new Abuse (root, tracker, hammers_to_use); abuse.TotalCount = total_count; abuse.TotalTime = total_time; abuse.Cycles = cycles; abuse.MinCycles = min_cycles; abuse.MaxCycles = max_cycles; abuse.Pause = pause; abuse.MinPause = min_pause; abuse.MaxPause = max_pause; GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (Startup)); main_loop = new GLib.MainLoop (); main_loop.Run (); }
abstract public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker);
public virtual void AddChild (FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker) { if (children == null) throw new Exception ("Can't add a child to " + Uri.ToString ()); if (child.parent != null) throw new Exception ("Can't add parented child " + child.Uri.ToString () + " to " + Uri.ToString ()); // FIXME: Need to handle the case of the added child // clobbering another w/ the same name. child.parent = this; children [child.Name] = child; if (IsRooted) child.AddOnDisk (tracker); }
public override void MoveChild(FileSystemObject child, FileSystemObject new_parent, EventTracker tracker) { int d_files, d_dirs; GetCountDeltas(child, out d_files, out d_dirs); DirectoryObject curr; curr = this; while (curr != null) { curr.n_files_below -= d_files; curr.n_dirs_below -= d_dirs; curr = (DirectoryObject)curr.Parent; } curr = (DirectoryObject)new_parent; while (curr != null) { curr.n_files_below += d_files; curr.n_dirs_below += d_dirs; curr = (DirectoryObject)curr.Parent; } base.MoveChild(child, new_parent, tracker); }
public virtual void RemoveChild (FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker) { if (child.parent != this) throw new Exception (child.Uri.ToString () + " is not a child of " + Uri.ToString ()); if (IsRooted) child.DeleteOnDisk (tracker); child.parent = null; children.Remove (child.Name); }
override public void DeleteOnDisk (EventTracker tracker) { Syscall.unlink (FullName); // FIXME: adjust tracker }
// We assume that the FileSystemObject is still in the tree (has a .parent // set, etc.) when we call this. virtual public void DeleteOnDisk (EventTracker tracker) { throw new Exception ("DeleteOnDisk undefined for " + FullName); }
override public void MoveOnDisk (string old_full_name, EventTracker tracker) { Syscall.rename (old_full_name, FullName); // FIXME: adjust tracker }
public override void AddChild (FileSystemObject child, EventTracker tracker) { // Every time we add a child, we walk up the tree // and adjust the n_*_below counts for every node // above us. int d_files, d_dirs; GetCountDeltas (child, out d_files, out d_dirs); DirectoryObject curr; curr = this; while (curr != null) { curr.n_files_below += d_files; curr.n_dirs_below += d_dirs; curr = (DirectoryObject) curr.Parent; } base.AddChild (child, tracker); }
override public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker) { if (tracker != null) tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri)); UnclosableStream unclosable; unclosable = new UnclosableStream (stream); TarOutputStream tar_out; tar_out = new TarOutputStream (unclosable); foreach (FileSystemObject fso in Children) WriteObjectToTar (tar_out, fso, tracker); // This calls close on the underlying stream, // which is why we wrapped the stream in an // UnclosableStream. tar_out.Close (); }