コード例 #1
        public delegate EditingView Factory();        //autofac uses this

        public EditingView(EditingModel model, PageListView pageListView, TemplatePagesView templatePagesView,
                           CutCommand cutCommand, CopyCommand copyCommand, PasteCommand pasteCommand, UndoCommand undoCommand, DuplicatePageCommand duplicatePageCommand,
                           DeletePageCommand deletePageCommand, NavigationIsolator isolator)
            _model                = model;
            _pageListView         = pageListView;
            _templatePagesView    = templatePagesView;
            _cutCommand           = cutCommand;
            _copyCommand          = copyCommand;
            _pasteCommand         = pasteCommand;
            _undoCommand          = undoCommand;
            _duplicatePageCommand = duplicatePageCommand;
            _deletePageCommand    = deletePageCommand;
            _browser1.Isolator   = isolator;
            _splitContainer1.Tag = _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance;            //save it
            //don't let it grow automatically
//            _splitContainer1.SplitterMoved+= ((object sender, SplitterEventArgs e) => _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = (int)_splitContainer1.Tag);
            _browser1.SetEditingCommands(cutCommand, copyCommand, pasteCommand, undoCommand);

            _browser1.GeckoReady += new EventHandler(OnGeckoReady);

            _menusToolStrip.Renderer = new FixedToolStripRenderer();

            //we're giving it to the parent control through the TopBarControls property
コード例 #2
ファイル: EditingView.cs プロジェクト: jorik041/BloomDesktop
        //autofac uses this
        public EditingView(EditingModel model, PageListView pageListView, TemplatePagesView templatePagesView,
			CutCommand cutCommand, CopyCommand copyCommand, PasteCommand pasteCommand, UndoCommand undoCommand, DeletePageCommand deletePageCommand)
            _model = model;
            _pageListView = pageListView;
            _templatePagesView = templatePagesView;
            _cutCommand = cutCommand;
            _copyCommand = copyCommand;
            _pasteCommand = pasteCommand;
            _undoCommand = undoCommand;
            _deletePageCommand = deletePageCommand;
            _splitContainer1.Tag = _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance;//save it
            //don't let it grow automatically
            //            _splitContainer1.SplitterMoved+= ((object sender, SplitterEventArgs e) => _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = (int)_splitContainer1.Tag);
            _browser1.SetEditingCommands(cutCommand, copyCommand,pasteCommand, undoCommand);

            _browser1.GeckoReady+=new EventHandler(OnGeckoReady);

            _menusToolStrip.Renderer = new FixedToolStripRenderer();

            //we're giving it to the parent control through the TopBarControls property
コード例 #3
        //autofac uses this
        public EditingView(EditingModel model, PageListView pageListView,
			CutCommand cutCommand, CopyCommand copyCommand, PasteCommand pasteCommand, UndoCommand undoCommand,
			DuplicatePageCommand duplicatePageCommand,
			DeletePageCommand deletePageCommand, NavigationIsolator isolator, ControlKeyEvent controlKeyEvent)
            _model = model;
            _pageListView = pageListView;
            _cutCommand = cutCommand;
            _copyCommand = copyCommand;
            _pasteCommand = pasteCommand;
            _undoCommand = undoCommand;
            _duplicatePageCommand = duplicatePageCommand;
            _deletePageCommand = deletePageCommand;
            _browser1.Isolator = isolator;
            _splitContainer1.Tag = _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance; //save it
            //don't let it grow automatically
            //            _splitContainer1.SplitterMoved+= ((object sender, SplitterEventArgs e) => _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = (int)_splitContainer1.Tag);
            _browser1.SetEditingCommands(cutCommand, copyCommand, pasteCommand, undoCommand);

            _browser1.GeckoReady += new EventHandler(OnGeckoReady);

            _browser1.ControlKeyEvent = controlKeyEvent;



            // Adding this renderer prevents a white line from showing up under the components.
            _menusToolStrip.Renderer = new FixedToolStripRenderer();

            //we're giving it to the parent control through the TopBarControls property
            #if __MonoCS__
            // The inactive button images look garishly pink on Linux/Mono, but look okay on Windows.
            // Merely introducing an "identity color matrix" to the image attributes appears to fix
            // this problem.  (The active form looks okay with or without this fix.)
            // See http://issues.bloomlibrary.org/youtrack/issue/BL-3714.
            float[][] colorMatrixElements = {
                new float[] {1,  0,  0,  0,  0},		// red scaling factor of 1
                new float[] {0,  1,  0,  0,  0},		// green scaling factor of 1
                new float[] {0,  0,  1,  0,  0},		// blue scaling factor of 1
                new float[] {0,  0,  0,  1,  0},		// alpha scaling factor of 1
                new float[] {0,  0,  0,  0,  1}};		// three translations of 0.0
            var colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(colorMatrixElements);
            _duplicatePageButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _deletePageButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _undoButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _cutButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _pasteButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _copyButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
コード例 #4
        public PageListView(PageSelection pageSelection,  RelocatePageEvent relocatePageEvent, EditingModel model,
			HtmlThumbNailer thumbnailProvider, NavigationIsolator isolator, ControlKeyEvent controlKeyEvent)
            _pageSelection = pageSelection;
            _model = model;
            this.Font= SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont;

            _thumbNailList.Thumbnailer = thumbnailProvider;
            _thumbNailList.CanSelect = true;
            _thumbNailList.PreferPageNumbers = true;
            _thumbNailList.KeepShowingSelection = true;
            _thumbNailList.RelocatePageEvent = relocatePageEvent;
            _thumbNailList.PageSelectedChanged+=new EventHandler(OnPageSelectedChanged);
            _thumbNailList.Isolator = isolator;
            _thumbNailList.ControlKeyEvent = controlKeyEvent;
            // First action determines whether the menu item is enabled, second performs it.
            var menuItems = new List<WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec>();
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec() {
                    Label = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.DuplicatePageButton", "Duplicate Page"), // same ID as button in toolbar));
                    EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && !page.Required && !_model.CurrentBook.LockedDown,
                    ExecuteCommand = (page) => _model.DuplicatePage(page)});
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec() {
                    Label = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.DeletePageButton", "Remove Page"),  // same ID as button in toolbar));
                    EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && !page.Required && !_model.CurrentBook.LockedDown,
                    ExecuteCommand = (page) =>
                        if (ConfirmRemovePageDialog.Confirm())
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec() {
                    Label = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.ChooseLayoutButton", "Choose Different Layout"),
                    EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && !page.Required && !_model.CurrentBook.LockedDown,
                    ExecuteCommand = (page) => _model.ChangePageLayout(page)});
            // This adds the desired menu items to the Gecko context menu that happens when we right-click
            _thumbNailList.ContextMenuProvider = args =>
                var page = _thumbNailList.GetPageContaining(args.TargetNode);
                if (page == null)
                    return true; // no page-related commands if we didn't click on one.
                if(page != _pageSelection.CurrentSelection)
                    return true; //it's too dangerous to let users do thing to a page they aren't seeing
                foreach (var item in menuItems)
                    var menuItem = new MenuItem(item.Label, (sender, eventArgs) => item.ExecuteCommand(page));
                    menuItem.Enabled = item.EnableFunction(page);
                return true;
            // This sets up the context menu items that will be shown when the user clicks the
            // arrow in the thumbnail list.
            _thumbNailList.ContextMenuItems = menuItems;
コード例 #5
 public PageListView(PageSelection pageSelection, RelocatePageEvent relocatePageEvent, EditingModel model, HtmlThumbNailer thumbnailProvider)
     _pageSelection = pageSelection;
     _model         = model;
     this.Font      = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont;
     _thumbNailList.Thumbnailer          = thumbnailProvider;
     _thumbNailList.CanSelect            = true;
     _thumbNailList.PreferPageNumbers    = true;
     _thumbNailList.KeepShowingSelection = true;
     _thumbNailList.RelocatePageEvent    = relocatePageEvent;
     _thumbNailList.PageSelectedChanged += new EventHandler(OnPageSelectedChanged);
コード例 #6
ファイル: PageListView.cs プロジェクト: JohnThomson/testBloom
 public PageListView(PageSelection pageSelection,  RelocatePageEvent relocatePageEvent, EditingModel model,HtmlThumbNailer thumbnailProvider)
     _pageSelection = pageSelection;
     _model = model;
     this.Font= SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont;
     _thumbNailList.Thumbnailer = thumbnailProvider;
     _thumbNailList.CanSelect = true;
     _thumbNailList.PreferPageNumbers = true;
     _thumbNailList.KeepShowingSelection = true;
     _thumbNailList.RelocatePageEvent = relocatePageEvent;
     _thumbNailList.PageSelectedChanged+=new EventHandler(OnPageSelectedChanged);
コード例 #7
        private DateTime _lastButtonClickedTime = DateTime.Now;         // initially, instance creation time

        public PageControlsApi(EditingModel model)
            _editingModel    = model;
            _webSocketServer = _editingModel.EditModelSocketServer;
            _editingModel.PageSelectModelChangesComplete += PageSelectModelChangesCompleteHandler;
コード例 #8
        public PageListView(PageSelection pageSelection, RelocatePageEvent relocatePageEvent, EditingModel model,
                            HtmlThumbNailer thumbnailProvider, NavigationIsolator isolator, ControlKeyEvent controlKeyEvent, PageListApi pageListApi, BloomWebSocketServer webSocketServer)
            _pageSelection = pageSelection;
            _model         = model;
            this.Font      = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont;
            _thumbNailList.PageListApi     = pageListApi;
            _thumbNailList.WebSocketServer = webSocketServer;
            this.BackColor = Palette.SidePanelBackgroundColor;

            _thumbNailList.Thumbnailer          = thumbnailProvider;
            _thumbNailList.RelocatePageEvent    = relocatePageEvent;
            _thumbNailList.PageSelectedChanged += new EventHandler(OnPageSelectedChanged);
            _thumbNailList.ControlKeyEvent      = controlKeyEvent;
            _thumbNailList.Model = model;
            _thumbNailList.BringToFront();             // needed to get DockStyle.Fill to work right.
            // First action determines whether the menu item is enabled, second performs it.
            var menuItems = new List <WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec>();

                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec()
                Label          = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.DuplicatePageButton", "Duplicate Page"),
                EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && _model.CanDuplicatePage,
                ExecuteCommand = (page) => _model.DuplicatePage(page)
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec()
                Label          = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.CopyPage", "Copy Page"),
                EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && _model.CanCopyPage,
                ExecuteCommand = (page) => _model.CopyPage(page)
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec()
                Label          = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.PastePage", "Paste Page"),
                EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && _model.CanAddPages && _model.GetClipboardHasPage(),
                ExecuteCommand = (page) => _model.PastePage(page)
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec()
                Label          = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.DeletePageButton", "Remove Page"),
                EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && _model.CanDeletePage,
                ExecuteCommand = (page) =>
                    if (ConfirmRemovePageDialog.Confirm())
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec()
                Label          = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.ChooseLayoutButton", "Choose Different Layout"),
                EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && !page.Required && !_model.CurrentBook.LockedDown,
                ExecuteCommand = (page) => _model.ChangePageLayout(page)
            // This adds the desired menu items to the Gecko context menu that happens when we right-click
            _thumbNailList.ContextMenuProvider = args =>
                var page = _thumbNailList.GetPageContaining(args.TargetNode);
                if (page == null)
                    return(true);                    // no page-related commands if we didn't click on one.
                if (page != _pageSelection.CurrentSelection)
                    return(true);                    //it's too dangerous to let users do thing to a page they aren't seeing
                foreach (var item in menuItems)
                    var menuItem = new MenuItem(item.Label, (sender, eventArgs) => item.ExecuteCommand(page));
                    menuItem.Enabled = item.EnableFunction(page);
            // This sets up the context menu items that will be shown when the user clicks the
            // arrow in the thumbnail list.
            _thumbNailList.ContextMenuItems = menuItems;