コード例 #1
        // HTTP POST /archive/{slug}
        public async Task<ActionResult> CreateBlogComment(string slug, CommentPostRequestModel requestModel)
            // TODO: 1-) Check whether the post/dynamic-page exists and comments enabled for that.
            //       2-) Check whether model state is valid.
            //       3-) Check  whether captcha is valid.
            //       4-) Check whether the spam check is enabled or not. If enabled, check against spam.
            //           4.1-) If spam, log the info as warning and mark the comment as spam.
            //           4.2-) If spam check throws an exception, log the error message and continue our way as the comment is not spam.
            //       5-) If not spam, write the comment as OK into the right place.

            // 1-) Check whether the post/dynamic-page exists and comments enabled for that.
            BlogPost blogPost = await RetrieveBlogPostAsync(slug);
            if(blogPost == null)
                Logger.Warn(string.Format("Blog post could not be found for comment post. Slug: {0}", slug));
                return HttpNotFound();

            BlogPostPageViewModel viewModel = await ConstructBlogPostViewModelWithCommentsAsync(blogPost, slug);

            // 2-) Blog post exists. Check whether model state is valid.
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // 3-) Model State is valid. Check  whether captcha is valid.
                if (_configManager.IsRecaptchaEnabled && !ReCaptcha.Validate(_configManager.RecaptchaPrivateKey))
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, ValidationResources.Captcha);
                    // 4-) Check whether the spam check is enabled or not. If enabled, check against spam.
                    bool isSpam = false;
                    if (_configManager.IsAkismetEnabled)
                        // Spam check enabled. Check against spam.
                        isSpam = await CheckCommentIfSpamAsync(slug, requestModel);

                    BlogPostComment blogPostComment = ConstructBlogPostComment(blogPost, requestModel, isSpam);
                    await DocumentSession.StoreAsync(blogPostComment);
                    await DocumentSession.SaveChangesAsync();
                    ViewBag.IsCommentSuccess = true;

                    return View(viewModel);

            viewModel.CommentPostRequestModel = requestModel;
            return View(viewModel);
コード例 #2
        private AkismetCommentRequestModel ConstructAkismetComment(CommentPostRequestModel requestModel)
            AkismetCommentRequestModel akismetComment = _mapper.Map<CommentPostRequestModel, AkismetCommentRequestModel>(requestModel);
            akismetComment.CommentType = "Comment";
            if (Request.Url != null) akismetComment.Permalink = Request.Url.ToString();
            if (Request.UrlReferrer != null) akismetComment.Referrer = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
            akismetComment.UserAgent = Request.UserAgent;
            akismetComment.UserIp = Request.UserHostName;

            return akismetComment;
コード例 #3
        private BlogPostComment ConstructBlogPostComment(BlogPost blogPost, CommentPostRequestModel requestModel, bool isSpam)
            BlogPostComment blogPostComment = _mapper.Map<CommentPostRequestModel, BlogPostComment>(requestModel);
            blogPostComment.BlogPostId = blogPost.Id;
            blogPostComment.IsApproved = !isSpam;
            blogPostComment.IsSpam = isSpam;
            blogPostComment.IsByAuthor = false;
            blogPostComment.CreationIp = Request.UserHostAddress;
            blogPostComment.LastUpdateIp = Request.UserHostAddress;
            blogPostComment.CreatedOn = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            blogPostComment.LastUpdatedOn = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            if (Identity != null && Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                string userId = RetrieveUserId(Identity);
                if (userId == blogPost.AuthorId)
                    blogPostComment.IsByAuthor = true;

            return blogPostComment;
コード例 #4
        private async Task<bool> CheckCommentIfSpamAsync(string slug, CommentPostRequestModel requestModel)
            bool isSpam = true;
                AkismetCommentRequestModel akismetComment = ConstructAkismetComment(requestModel);
                AkismetResponse<bool> akismetResponse = await _akismetClient.CheckCommentAsync(akismetComment);
                if (akismetResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    isSpam = akismetResponse.Entity;
                    Logger.Error(string.Format("Akismet spam check didn't return success status code for bog post '{0}'. Status Code: {1}, Error Message: {2}", slug, (int)akismetResponse.Status, akismetResponse.ErrorMessage));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error(string.Format("Error occured during the spam check for bog post '{0}'", slug), ex);

            return isSpam;
コード例 #5
 public BlogPostPageViewModel()
     CommentPostRequestModel = new CommentPostRequestModel();