public int CreatePost(string title, string content, string[] tags) { var postPoco = new PostPoco { Title = title, Content = content, UserId = Account.Id }; int postId = this.Database.Insert(postPoco); foreach (string tagName in tags) { var tag = this.Database.QueryOne <TagPoco>("SELECT * FROM tags WHERE name=@n;", new NpgsqlParameter("n", tagName)); if (tag == null) { tag = new TagPoco { Name = tagName }; tag.TagId = this.Database.Insert(tag); } int tagId = tag.TagId; var postsTagsPoco = new PostsTagsPoco { PostId = postId, TagId = tagId }; this.Database.Insert(postsTagsPoco); } return(postId); }
public static void EditPostContent(PostPoco post, string content) { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Blog.ConnectionString)) { var database = new Database(conn); var service = new Service(database); service.UpdatePostContent(post, content); } }
public static void EditPostTitle(PostPoco post, string title) { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Blog.ConnectionString)) { var database = new Database(conn); var service = new Service(database); service.UpdatePostTitle(post, title); Console.WriteLine("You succesfully edited this post title!"); } }
private static void DeletePost(PostPoco post) { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { var database = new Database(conn); var service = new Service(database); service.DeletePost(post); } Console.WriteLine("You sucesfully deleted this post!"); }
public List <TagPoco> GetPostTags(PostPoco poco) { string sql = "SELECT tgs.tag_id AS tag_id, AS name FROM posts_tags AS pt INNER JOIN tags AS tgs ON pt.post_id=@i AND pt.tag_id = tgs.tag_id;"; var parametar = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "i", poco.PostId } }; return(this.Database.Query <TagPoco>(sql, parametar)); }
public static void ViewPost(PostPoco post) { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Blog.ConnectionString)) { var database = new Database(conn); var service = new Service(database); var tags = service.GetPostTags(post); Console.WriteLine("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); Console.WriteLine($"Title: {post.Title.Trim()}"); Console.WriteLine("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); Console.WriteLine($"Content: {post.Content.Trim()}"); Console.WriteLine("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); Console.WriteLine($"Tags: {string.Join(", ", tags.Select(t => t.Name)).Trim()}"); Console.WriteLine("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); Blog.CurrentPost = post; } }
private static void DeleteProcess(PostPoco post) { Console.WriteLine("Once you've deleted a post it can't never be restored!"); Console.Write("Are you sure you want to delete this post? (Y/N): "); string option = Console.ReadLine()?.ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); if (option == "y") { Console.WriteLine("This requires your password!"); Console.Write("Your password: "******"Password incorrect returning to the post!"); } } }
public void DeletePost(PostPoco poco) { var parametar = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "i", poco.PostId } }; var comments = this.Database.Query <CommentPoco>("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id=@i;", parametar); var postsTags = this.Database.Query <PostsTagsPoco>("SELECT * FROM posts_tags WHERE post_id=@i;", parametar); foreach (var commentPoco in comments) { this.Database.Delete(commentPoco); } foreach (var postsTagsPoco in postsTags) { this.Database.Delete(postsTagsPoco); } this.Database.Delete(poco); }
public List <CommentPoco> GetPostsAllCommentars(PostPoco poco) { return(this.Database.Query <CommentPoco>("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id=@i;", new NpgsqlParameter("i", poco.PostId))); }
public void UpdatePostTitle(PostPoco post, string title) { post.Title = title; this.Database.Update(post); }
public void UpdatePostContent(PostPoco post, string content) { post.Content = content; this.Database.Update(post); }
private static void AllComments(PostPoco post) { List <CommentPoco> comments; using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { var database = new Database(conn); var service = new Service(database); comments = service.GetPostsAllCommentars(post); } if (comments.Count >= 1) { bool choosingComment = true; while (choosingComment) { for (int i = 0; i < comments.Count; i++) { string shortContent = comments[i].Content.Length > 7 ? comments[i].Content.Substring(0, 7) + "..." : comments[i].Content; Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} | {shortContent} | {comments[i].AuthorName}"); } Console.WriteLine("Choose a comment to view or edit!\n"); Console.Write("You choosed: "); string line = Console.ReadLine() ?? " "; if (line.ToLowerInvariant().Trim() == "return") { choosingComment = false; } else { bool isNumber = int.TryParse(line, out int selectedIndex); selectedIndex--; if (isNumber) { if (selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex <= comments.Count - 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose between view and edit"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'view' to view the whole comment"); Console.WriteLine( "Type 'edit' to edit this comment (Only if you have the right to do it)\n"); Console.Write("You want to: "); string option = Console.ReadLine() ?? " "; if (option.ToLowerInvariant().Trim() == "view") { Console.WriteLine( $"\n{comments[selectedIndex].Content}\n\nAuthor:{comments[selectedIndex].AuthorName}\n"); } else if (option.ToLowerInvariant().Trim() == "edit") { if (comments[selectedIndex].UserId == Account.Id) { EditComment(comments[selectedIndex]); } else { Console.WriteLine("You dont have permission to edit this comment!"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Please choose between 1 and {comments.Count}\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("You need to type a number!\n"); } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("They aren't any comments on this post!"); } }
private static void PostInterface(PostPoco post) { if (Account.Id == post.UserId) { Console.WriteLine("DISCLAIMER: You can edit this post!"); Console.WriteLine("Type: edit help to see how to edit!"); } Console.WriteLine("Type 'all comments' to see all comments on this post! (If any)"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'my comments' to see your comments on this post! (If any)"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'comment post' to comment on this post!"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'return' to return to the blog!"); Console.WriteLine("Type 'refresh' to view again this post!\n"); while (true) { Console.Write("Blog -->#Post: "); string line = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim().ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { if (line == "return") { break; } switch (line) { case "clear": Console.Clear(); break; case "refresh": Post.ViewPost(CurrentPost); break; case "commentpost": CreateCommentInterface(); break; case "mycomments": ShowUserComments(); break; case "allcomments": Blog.AllComments(CurrentPost); break; case "delete": Blog.DeleteProcess(post); break; case "edithelp": CommandPrinter.ShowPostEdits(); break; case "edittitle": Console.Write("New title: "); Post.EditPostTitle(CurrentPost, Console.ReadLine() ?? " "); break; case "editcontent": EditPostContentInterface(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Your command was invalid!"); break; } } } }
public static void ChoosePost(PostPoco post) { Post.ViewPost(post); PostInterface(post); }