static void Main(string[] args) { Blockbuster.CheckOut(); //List<string> vhsScenes = new List<string>(); //vhsScenes.Add("The sand scene"); //vhsScenes.Add("The lot scene"); //vhsScenes.Add("The baseball scene"); //VHS v = new VHS("The Sandlot", "Drama", 90, vhsScenes); //v.Play(); //v.PrintScenes(); //List<string> dumbAndDumber = new List<string>(); //dumbAndDumber.Add("The most annoying sound in the world"); //dumbAndDumber.Add("The scene where he got his tongue stuck on an icy pole"); //dumbAndDumber.Add("The Pretty Bird Scene"); //DVD dumbum = new DVD("Dumnb and DUmber", "Comedy", 80, dumbAndDumber); //dumbum.Play(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to GC Blockbuster"); Blockbuster b = new Blockbuster(); Movie m = b.CheckOut(); Console.Write("\nWould you like to watch the movie (Y/N): "); char check = Console.ReadLine()[0]; Console.WriteLine(); while (char.ToUpper(check) == 'Y') { if (char.ToUpper(check) == 'Y') { m.Play(); } Console.Write("\nWatch another scene (Y/N): "); check = Console.ReadLine()[0]; Console.WriteLine(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Blockbuster.CheckOut(); }