public static void Process() { const string heroesPortrait = @"Heroes of the Storm\Heroes\Portrait\"; const string heroesLandscape = @"Heroes of the Storm\Heroes\Portrait\"; const string heroesRound = @"Heroes of the Storm\Heroes\Round\"; const string heroesBanner = @"Heroes of the Storm\Heroes\Banner\"; const string talents = @"Heroes of the Storm\Talents\"; const string ui = @"Heroes of the Storm\UI\"; string[] directories = { heroesPortrait, heroesLandscape, heroesRound, heroesBanner, talents, ui }; Helper.BuildDirectoryTree(directories); // Get the path of the source INIFile ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); string sourcePath = ini.INIReadValue("Game Paths", "Heroes of the Storm"); // Get the source // string[] filters = { "*portrait*", "*-unit-*.dds", "*-building-*.dds", "*-ability-*.dds", "*-armor-*.dds", "*-upgrade-*.dds", "*icon-*" }; string gameData = Path.Combine(sourcePath, @"HeroesData"); string destinationPath = Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, "Source", "Heroes of the Storm"); var cascView = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "CascView.exe", Arguments = $" \"{gameData}\" \"*.dds\" \"{destinationPath}\" /fp", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; cascView.Start(); while (!cascView.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { string standardOutputLine = cascView.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(standardOutputLine); } // Copy the rest of the source assets // Copy jobs take the form { string output path, { string start path, bool recursion flag, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } } List<CopyJob> copyJobs = new List<CopyJob> { new CopyJob(heroesPortrait, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Heroes of the Storm"), true, "*", null) }; Helper.BatchFileCopy(copyJobs); // Rename all the things Helper.BatchFileRename("Heroes of the Storm"); // Scale all the things // Scaling jobs take the form { string start path, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } List<ScalingJob> scalingJobs = new List<ScalingJob> { new ScalingJob(heroesPortrait, "*.dds") }; Helper.BatchIMScale(scalingJobs); }
public static void Process() { const string heroes = @"Heroes of Newerth\Heroes\"; const string abilities = @"Heroes of Newerth\Abilities\"; const string items = @"Heroes of Newerth\Items\"; string[] directories = { heroes, abilities, items }; Helper.BuildDirectoryTree(directories); // Get the path of the source INIFile ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); string sourcePath = ini.INIReadValue("Game Paths", "Heroes of Newerth"); // Get the source string resourcePath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, @"game\textures.s2z"); string extractPath = Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, "Source", "Heroes of Newerth"); Regex[] filters = { new Regex(@"00000000/items/[\w/]*icon*.dds"), new Regex(@"00000000/heroes/[\w]*/hero.*.dds"), new Regex(@"00000000/heroes/[\w]*/ability.*icon.*.dds"), new Regex(@"00000000/heroes/[\w]*/icon.*.dds") }; ZipFile zf = null; try { FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(resourcePath); zf = new ZipFile(fs); foreach (ZipEntry zipEntry in zf) { string entryFileName = zipEntry.Name; foreach (var filter in filters) { if (filter.IsMatch(entryFileName)) { Console.WriteLine("Extracting {0}", entryFileName); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; Stream zipStream = zf.GetInputStream(zipEntry); string fullZipToPath = Path.Combine(extractPath, entryFileName); string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullZipToPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName); } using (FileStream streamWriter = File.Create(fullZipToPath)) { StreamUtils.Copy(zipStream, streamWriter, buffer); } } } } } finally { if (zf != null) { zf.IsStreamOwner = true; zf.Close(); } } // // Make the filenames somewhat sane foreach (string textureFile in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, "Source", "Heroes of Newerth"), "*.dds", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList()) { int counter = 0; List<string> pathLeaves = new List<string>(); var directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(textureFile); if (directoryName != null) { string[] leaves = directoryName.Split('\\'); Array.Reverse(leaves); do { counter++; string leaf = leaves[counter - 1]; pathLeaves.Add(leaf); } while (!pathLeaves.Contains("heroes") && !pathLeaves.Contains("items")); } pathLeaves = pathLeaves.Where(item => !item.Contains("heroes") && !item.Contains("items") && !item.Contains("icons") && !item.Contains("icon")).ToList(); pathLeaves.Reverse(); string leafString = string.Join("_", pathLeaves.ToArray()).Replace(' ','_').ToLower(); string newName = leafString + Path.GetExtension(textureFile); if (!string.Equals(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(textureFile), "icon", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { newName = leafString + '_' + Path.GetFileName(textureFile); } Console.WriteLine("Renaming {0} to {1}", textureFile, newName); File.Move(textureFile, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(textureFile), newName)); } // Copy the rest of the source assets // Copy jobs take the form { output path = string, { string start path, bool recursion flag, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } } string destination = Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, "Source" ,"Heroes of Newerth"); List<CopyJob> copyJobs = new List<CopyJob> { new CopyJob(abilities, Path.Combine(destination, @"00000000\heroes\"), true, "*ability*.dds", null), new CopyJob(heroes, Path.Combine(destination, @"00000000\heroes\"), true, "*.dds", "*ability*.dds"), new CopyJob(items, Path.Combine(destination, @"00000000\items\"), true, "*.dds", null) }; Helper.BatchFileCopy(copyJobs); // Rename all the things Helper.BatchFileRename("Heroes of Newerth"); // Scale all the things // Scaling jobs take the form { string start path, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } List<ScalingJob> scalingJobs = new List<ScalingJob> { new ScalingJob(heroes, "*.dds"), new ScalingJob(abilities, "*.dds"), new ScalingJob(items, "*.dds") }; Helper.BatchIMScale(scalingJobs); }
public static void Process() { const string heroesMini = @"Dota 2\Heroes\Mini\"; const string heroesLandscape = @"Dota 2\Heroes\Landscape\"; const string heroesPortrait = @"Dota 2\Heroes\Portrait\"; const string items = @"Dota 2\Items\"; const string spells = @"Dota 2\Spells\"; string[] directories = { heroesMini, heroesLandscape, heroesPortrait, items, spells }; Helper.BuildDirectoryTree(directories); // Get the path of the source INIFile ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); string sourcePath = ini.INIReadValue("Game Paths", "Dota 2"); string vpkPath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, @"dota\pak01_dir.vpk"); const string archivePrepend = @"resource/flash3/images/{0}"; // Get the source string[] valvePackages = {"heroes", @"heroes\selection", "miniheroes", "spellicons", "items"}; foreach(string valvePackage in valvePackages) { var valveArchive = new VpkArchive(); valveArchive.Load(vpkPath); foreach (var directory in valveArchive.Directories) { string rootDirectory = string.Format(archivePrepend, valvePackage); if (directory.ToString().Contains(rootDirectory)) { foreach (var entry in directory.Entries) { string destPath = Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dota 2", entry.ToString().Replace("resource/flash3/images/","")); FileInfo destInfo = new FileInfo(destPath); string destDirectory = destInfo.Directory.ToString(); if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirectory); Console.WriteLine("Creating directory {0}", destDirectory); } if (Directory.Exists(destDirectory)) { Console.WriteLine("Extracting {0}", destPath); File.WriteAllBytes(destPath, entry.Data); } } } } } // Copy the rest of the source assets // Copy jobs take the form { string output path, { string start path, bool recursion flag, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } } List<CopyJob> copyJobs = new List<CopyJob> { new CopyJob(heroesPortrait, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dota 2\heroes\selection"), true, "npc_dota_hero_*.png", null), new CopyJob(heroesLandscape, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dota 2\heroes"), false, "*.png", null), new CopyJob(heroesMini, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dota 2\miniheroes"), true, "*.png", null), new CopyJob(spells, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dota 2\spellicons"), true, "*.png", null), new CopyJob(items, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dota 2\items"), true, "*.png", null) }; Helper.BatchFileCopy(copyJobs); // Rename all the things Helper.BatchFileRename("Dota 2"); // Scale all the things // Scaling jobs take the form { string start path, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } List<ScalingJob> scalingJobs = new List<ScalingJob> { new ScalingJob(heroesLandscape, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(heroesMini, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(heroesPortrait, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(items, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(spells, "*.png") }; Helper.BatchIMScale(scalingJobs); }
public static void Process() { const string abilities = @"Dawngate\Abilities\"; const string items = @"Dawngate\Items\"; const string shapersPortrait = @"Dawngate\Shapers\Portrait\"; const string shapersSquare = @"Dawngate\Shapers\Square\"; const string sparks = @"Dawngate\Sparks\"; const string spells = @"Dawngate\Spells\"; const string spiritstones = @"Dawngate\Spiritstones\"; string[] directories = { abilities, items, shapersPortrait, shapersSquare, sparks, spells, spiritstones }; Helper.BuildDirectoryTree(directories); // Get the path of the source INIFile ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); string sourcePath = ini.INIReadValue("Game Paths", "Dawngate"); // Get the source string quickBmsSnapFile = Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Home, @"lib\quickbms_snap.txt"); string[] sourcePackages = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(sourcePath, "data"), "*.snap", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach(string sourcePackage in sourcePackages) { var quickBms = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "quickbms.exe", Arguments = $" -o -. -Y -f \"*,*,*\" \"{quickBmsSnapFile}\" \"{sourcePackage}\" \"{Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate")}\"", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; quickBms.Start(); while (!quickBms.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { string standardOutputLine = quickBms.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(standardOutputLine); } } var stragglingQuickBms = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "quickbms.exe", Arguments = $" -o -. -Y -f \"*advanced_*.dds,*basic_*.dds,*legendary_*.dds,*consumable_*.dds,*Spell_*.dds,*inventory_perk_shape_*.dds,*perk_gem_*.dds\" \"{quickBmsSnapFile}\" \"{Path.Combine(sourcePath, @"Data\UI_Icons.snap")}\" \"{Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate")}\"", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; stragglingQuickBms.Start(); while (!stragglingQuickBms.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { string line = stragglingQuickBms.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(line); } // Copy the rest of the source assets // Copy jobs take the form { output path = string, { string start path, bool recursion flag, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } } List<CopyJob> copyJobs = new List<CopyJob> { new CopyJob(abilities, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate\heroes"), true, "*", null), new CopyJob(items, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate\UI\Icons\ShopIcons\textures"), true, "*.dds", "Spell_*.dds"), new CopyJob(shapersPortrait, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate\heroes"), true, "*", "*_*"), new CopyJob(shapersSquare, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate\heroes"), true, "*", null), new CopyJob(sparks, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate\UI\Icons\GemIcons\textures"), true, "perk_gem_*.dds", null), new CopyJob(spells, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate\UI\Icons\ShopIcons\textures"), true, "Spell_*.dds", null), new CopyJob(spiritstones, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Dawngate\UI\Icons\ShapeIcons\textures"), true, "inventory_perk_shape_*.dds", null) }; Helper.BatchFileCopy(copyJobs); // Rename all the things Helper.BatchFileRename("Dawngate"); // Scale all the things // Scaling jobs take the form { string start path, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } List<ScalingJob> scalingJobs = new List<ScalingJob> { new ScalingJob(abilities), new ScalingJob(items), new ScalingJob(shapersPortrait), new ScalingJob(shapersSquare), new ScalingJob(sparks), new ScalingJob(spells), new ScalingJob(spiritstones) }; Helper.BatchIMScale(scalingJobs); }
public static void Process() { const string championsSquare = @"League of Legends\Champions\Square\"; const string championsPortrait = @"League of Legends\Champions\Portrait\"; const string championsLandscape = @"League of Legends\Champions\Landscape\"; const string abilities = @"League of Legends\Abilities\"; const string items = @"League of Legends\Items\"; const string spells = @"League of Legends\Spells\"; const string masteries = @"League of Legends\Masteries\"; const string runes = @"League of Legends\Runes\"; const string wards = @"League of Legends\Wards\"; string[] directories = { championsSquare, championsPortrait, championsLandscape, abilities, items, spells, masteries, runes, wards }; Helper.BuildDirectoryTree(directories); // Get the path of the source var ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); var sourcePath = ini.INIReadValue("Game Paths", "League of Legends"); // Get the source string[] neededSwFs = {"ImagePack_spells.swf", "ImagePack_masteryIcons.swf", "ImagePack_items.swf"}; foreach ( var neededSwf in Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath, "ImagePack_*.swf", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(f => neededSwFs.Contains(Path.GetFileName(f), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .ToList()) { File.Copy(neededSwf, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, "Source", "League of Legends", Path.GetFileName(neededSwf)), true); Console.WriteLine("Copying {0}", neededSwf); } // Extract the SWFs foreach ( var swfFile in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, "Source", "League of Legends"), "*.swf", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList()) { string outputPath = null; switch (Path.GetFileName(swfFile)) { case "ImagePack_items.swf": outputPath = items; break; case "ImagePack_spells.swf": outputPath = spells; break; case "ImagePack_masteryIcons.swf": outputPath = masteries; break; default: break; } var swf = new SwfFile(swfFile); if (outputPath != null) swf.ExtractImages(Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, outputPath, "Source")); } // Copy the rest of the source assets // Copy jobs take the form { output path = string, { string start path, bool recursion flag, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } } const string sourceReleases = @"RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases"; var sourceVersion = Directory.GetDirectories(Path.Combine(sourcePath, sourceReleases))[0]; var sourceAssets = Path.Combine(sourcePath, sourceReleases, sourceVersion, @"deploy\assets"); var copyJobs = new List<CopyJob> { new CopyJob(championsPortrait, Path.Combine(sourceAssets, @"images\champions"), false, "*_0.jpg", "*_S*_*.jpg"), new CopyJob(championsLandscape, Path.Combine(sourceAssets, @"images\champions"), false, "*_Splash_0.jpg", null), new CopyJob(championsSquare, Path.Combine(sourceAssets, @"images\champions"), false, "*_Square_0.png", null), new CopyJob(abilities, Path.Combine(sourceAssets, @"images\abilities"), false, "*.png", null), new CopyJob(runes, Path.Combine(sourceAssets, @"images\runes"), true, "*.png", null), new CopyJob(wards, Path.Combine(sourceAssets, @"images\misc\wards"), false, "wardImage_*.png", null) }; Helper.BatchFileCopy(copyJobs); // Rename all the things Helper.BatchFileRename("League of Legends"); // Scale all the things // Scaling jobs take the form { string start path, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } var scalingJobs = new List<ScalingJob> { new ScalingJob(championsLandscape, "*.jpg"), new ScalingJob(championsPortrait, "*.jpg"), new ScalingJob(championsSquare, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(abilities, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(items, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(spells, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(masteries, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(runes, "*.png"), new ScalingJob(wards, "*.png") }; Helper.BatchIMScale(scalingJobs); }
/// <summary> /// Validates and stores the installation paths for games to be processed /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTitle">The name of the game to validate</param> public static void ValidateINI(string gameTitle) { const string iniSection = "Game Paths"; GameInfo game = GameInfo.GetGamebyProp(gameTitle); INIFile ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); if (!File.Exists(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile)) { InitINI(); } if (!Directory.Exists(ini.INIReadValue(iniSection, game.Title))) { Console.WriteLine("Finding {0}", game.Title); foreach (string drive in Globals.Paths.Drives) { Parallel.ForEach(EnumerateFiles(drive, game.Binary, SearchOption.AllDirectories), matchedFile => { Console.WriteLine("Found {0}", matchedFile); string leafPath = matchedFile; for (int i = 0; i < game.Leaf; ++i) { leafPath = Directory.GetParent(leafPath).ToString(); } ini.INIWriteValue(iniSection, game.Title, leafPath + @"\"); Console.WriteLine("Storing {0}", leafPath + @"\"); }); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a preconfigured INI file according to Kurouzu.Defaults /// </summary> public static void InitINI() { Console.Write("This is your first time running Kurouzu. Configuring."); const string iniSection = "Game Paths"; INIFile ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); Parallel.ForEach(Globals.Games, game => { ini.INIWriteValue(iniSection, game.Title, game.Source); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> dimension in game.Dimensions) { ini.INIWriteValue(game.Title, dimension.Key, dimension.Value); } }); Console.WriteLine(".Done! :)"); }
/// <summary> /// Processes scaling jobs to scale image assets /// </summary> /// <param name="scalingJobs">The jobs to be processed</param> public static void BatchIMScale(List<ScalingJob> scalingJobs) { var options = new Options(); if (Parser.Default.ParseArgumentsStrict(Globals.Paths.Arguments, options) && options.Scale) { foreach (var scalingJob in scalingJobs) { string[] filePathInfo = (scalingJob.Path).Split('\\'); string game = filePathInfo[0]; string category = filePathInfo[1]; if (filePathInfo.Length > 3) { category += @"\" + filePathInfo[2]; } // Get the images to scale string[] inputImages; string startPath = Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, scalingJob.Path, "Source"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scalingJob.ExcludePattern)) { inputImages = Directory.GetFiles(startPath, scalingJob.SearchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories); } else { string excludePattern = scalingJob.ExcludePattern; Regex r = new Regex($"^{excludePattern.Replace("*", ".*")}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); inputImages = (Directory.GetFiles(startPath, scalingJob.SearchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(f => !r.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(f)))).ToArray(); } //Get the desired image sizes if (File.Exists(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile)) { INIFile ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); string[] outputDimensions = (ini.INIReadValue(game, category).Split(',')); foreach (string outputDimension in outputDimensions) { //Create a destination directory string outputWidth = outputDimension.Split('x')[0]; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, scalingJob.Path, outputWidth)); foreach (string inputImage in inputImages) { // Get the extension so we only have to use IM identify when necessary string imageExtension = Path.GetExtension(inputImage); string inputDimensions = null; if (imageExtension == ".dds" || imageExtension == ".tga") { var imageMagickIdentify = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "identify.exe", Arguments = $" -format %wx%h {inputImage}", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; imageMagickIdentify.Start(); inputDimensions = imageMagickIdentify.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); } else { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(inputImage); inputDimensions = $"{bitmap.Width}x{bitmap.Height}"; bitmap.Dispose(); } string outputName = $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputImage)}.png"; string destinationPath = Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, scalingJob.Path, outputWidth, outputName); // Only convert when the sizes are different otherwise just copy if (inputDimensions != outputDimension) { string imageMagickSettings = null; // Take care of the numerous cases switch (scalingJob.Path) { // Dota 2 Items case @"Dota 2\Items\": imageMagickSettings += "-gravity west -crop "; switch (inputDimensions) { case "128x64": imageMagickSettings += "87x64+0+0"; break; case "124x62": imageMagickSettings += "86x62+0+0"; break; case "128x128": imageMagickSettings += "128x128+0+0"; break; case "124x64": imageMagickSettings += "88x64+0+0"; break; } imageMagickSettings += " +repage"; break; // Smite Abilities case @"Smite\Abilities\": imageMagickSettings += "-alpha off"; switch (inputDimensions) { // Ability Banners case "256x128": imageMagickSettings += "-gravity center -crop 128x128+0+0 +repage"; break; default: break; } break; // Smite Gods case @"Smite\Gods\Portrait\": imageMagickSettings += "-alpha off -gravity west -crop 388x512+0+0 +repage"; break; default: // StarCraft II Upgrades and Abilities if ((scalingJob.Path == @"StarCraft II\Upgrades\") || (scalingJob.Path == @"StarCraft II\Abilities\")) { imageMagickSettings += "-shave 7x7 +repage"; } // Heroes of Newerth if (scalingJob.Path.StartsWith("Heroes of Newerth")) { imageMagickSettings += "-flip"; } break; } // Console.WriteLine("Scaling {0} from {1} to {2}", Path.GetFileName(inputImage), inputDimensions, outputDimension); var imageMagickMagick = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "magick.exe", Arguments = $" \"{inputImage}\" -colorspace RGB -size \"{inputDimensions}\" +sigmoidal-contrast 11.6933 -define filter:filter=Sinc -define filter:window=Jinc -define filter:lobes=3 {imageMagickSettings} -resize \"{outputDimension}\"! -sigmoidal-contrast 11.6933 -colorspace sRGB \"{destinationPath}\"", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = false, CreateNoWindow = true } }; imageMagickMagick.Start(); } else { File.Copy(inputImage, destinationPath, true); Console.WriteLine("Copying {0} to {1}", Path.GetFileName(inputImage), outputDimension); } } } } } } }
public static void Process() { const string unitsPortrait = @"StarCraft II\Units\Portrait\"; const string unitsSquare = @"StarCraft II\Units\Square\"; const string buildings = @"StarCraft II\Buildings\"; const string abilities = @"StarCraft II\Abilities\"; const string upgrades = @"StarCraft II\Upgrades\"; const string ui = @"StarCraft II\UI\"; string[] directories = { unitsPortrait, unitsSquare, buildings, abilities, upgrades, ui }; Helper.BuildDirectoryTree(directories); // Get the path of the source INIFile ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); string sourcePath = ini.INIReadValue("Game Paths", "StarCraft II"); // Get the source string[] filters = { "*portrait*", "*-unit-*.dds", "*-building-*.dds", "*-ability-*.dds", "*-armor-*.dds", "*-upgrade-*.dds", "*icon-*" }; string[] packages = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(sourcePath, @"Mods"), "Base.SC2Assets", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach(string package in packages) { string pathLeaf = (Directory.GetParent(package).Name).Replace(".SC2Mod", ""); string destination = Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets,"Source","StarCraft II",pathLeaf); foreach (string filter in filters) { var mpqEditor = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "MPQEditor.exe", Arguments = $" e \"{package}\" \"{filter}\" \"{destination}\" /fp", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; mpqEditor.Start(); while (!mpqEditor.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { string standardOutputLine = mpqEditor.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(standardOutputLine); } } } // Copy the rest of the source assets // Copy jobs take the form { string output path, { string start path, bool recursion flag, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } } List<CopyJob> copyJobs = new List<CopyJob> { new CopyJob(unitsPortrait, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\StarCraft II"), true, "*", null), new CopyJob(unitsSquare, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\StarCraft II"), true, "btn-unit-*.dds", null), new CopyJob(buildings, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\StarCraft II"), true, "btn-building-*.dds", null), new CopyJob(abilities, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\StarCraft II"), true, "btn-ability-*.dds", null), new CopyJob(abilities, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\StarCraft II"), true, "btn-armor-*.dds", null), new CopyJob(upgrades, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\StarCraft II"), true, "btn-upgrade-*.dds", null), new CopyJob(ui, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\StarCraft II"), true, "icon-*", null), new CopyJob(ui, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\StarCraft II"), true, "icon-supply*", null) }; Helper.BatchFileCopy(copyJobs); // Rename all the things Helper.BatchFileRename("StarCraft II"); // Scale all the things // Scaling jobs take the form { string start path, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } List<ScalingJob> scalingJobs = new List<ScalingJob> { new ScalingJob(unitsPortrait, "*.dds"), new ScalingJob(unitsSquare, "*.dds"), new ScalingJob(buildings, "*.dds"), new ScalingJob(abilities, "*.dds"), new ScalingJob(upgrades, "*.dds"), new ScalingJob(ui, "*.dds") }; Helper.BatchIMScale(scalingJobs); }
public static void Process() { const string abilities = @"Smite\Abilities\"; const string godsPortrait = @"Smite\Gods\Portrait\"; const string godsSquare = @"Smite\Gods\Square"; const string items = @"Smite\Items\"; string[] directories = { abilities, items, godsPortrait, godsSquare }; Helper.BuildDirectoryTree(directories); // Get the path of the source var ini = new INIFile(Globals.Paths.ConfigurationFile); string sourcePath = ini.INIReadValue("Game Paths", "Smite"); // Get the source string[] smitePackages = { "GodSkins_Cards.upk", "GodSkins_Portraits_and_Icons.upk", "Icons.upk", "Portraits.upk" }; foreach (string packageName in smitePackages) { string package = Path.Combine(sourcePath, @"BattleGame\CookedPC\GUI\Icons", packageName); var umodel = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "umodel.exe", Arguments = $" -export -uncook -groups -nomesh -noanim -nostat -out=\"{Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Smite")}\" \"{Path.GetFileName(package)}\" -path=\"{Path.Combine(sourcePath, @"BattleGame\CookedPC\GUI\Icons")}\"", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; umodel.Start(); while (!umodel.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { string standardOutputLine = umodel.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(standardOutputLine); } } // Copy the rest of the source assets // Copy jobs take the form { string output path, { string start path, bool recursion flag, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } } List<CopyJob> copyJobs = new List<CopyJob> { new CopyJob(abilities, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Smite\icons\abilities"), true, "*.tga", null), new CopyJob(abilities, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Smite\icons\abilitybanners"), true, "Icons_Agni_A01.tga", null), new CopyJob(abilities, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Smite\icons\abilitybanners"), true, "Icons_Ymir_GlacialStrike.tga", null), new CopyJob(godsPortrait, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Smite\GodSkins_Cards"), false, "*_Default_Card.tga", null), new CopyJob(godsSquare, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Smite\GodSkins_Portraits_and_Icons"), true, "*_Default_Icon.tga", null) // new CopyJob(items, Path.Combine(Globals.Paths.Assets, @"Source\Smite\icons\items_delete"), true, "*.tga", null) }; Helper.BatchFileCopy(copyJobs); // Rename all the things Helper.BatchFileRename("Smite"); // Scale all the things // Scaling jobs take the form { string start path, string search pattern, string exclude pattern } List<ScalingJob> scalingJobs = new List<ScalingJob> { new ScalingJob(abilities, "agni-q.tga", null), new ScalingJob(abilities, "ymir-w.tga", null), new ScalingJob(abilities, "*.tga", "agni-q.tga"), new ScalingJob(abilities, "*.tga", "ymir-w.tga"), new ScalingJob(godsPortrait, "*.tga", null), new ScalingJob(godsSquare, "*.tga", null), new ScalingJob(items, "*.tga", null) }; Helper.BatchIMScale(scalingJobs); }