コード例 #1
        public override void Translate(MemberAccessExpression model, TranslationContext context)
            if (HandleEnumMember(model, context) ||
                HandleExtensionMethod(model, context))

            var hasExpression = false;
            var hasMember     = false;
            var length        = context.Length;

            // write the member access expression
            if (context.Length > length)
                // check if any text was actually written.
                hasExpression = true;
                length        = context.Length;

            // get a placeholder to the dot position
            var dotWriter = context.CreatePositionalWriter();

            // account for making explicit base calls.
            if (model.Expression as BaseExpression != null)
                context.UsingExplicitCall = true;

            // write the member name

            // check again if any text was written.
            if (context.Length > length)
                hasMember = true;

            // if the member access wrote text for both the
            // expression and member, add a dot between them
            if (hasExpression && hasMember)