private static void Main(string[] args) { // Configure console window settings Console.Title = "♠ Blackjack Game" + new string(' ', 11) + " Konstantin Tarkus ([email protected])"; Console.BufferWidth = Console.WindowWidth = 70; Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight = 26; Console.CursorVisible = false; // Initialize and configure a new game var game = new Game(); game.Player.BalanceChanged += OnBalanceChanged; game.LastStateChanged += OnLastStateChanged; game.AllowedActionsChanged += OnAllowedActionsChanged; game.Dealer.Hand.Changed += OnHandChanged; game.Player.Hand.Changed += OnHandChanged; game.Play(balance: 500, bet: 5); while (true) { var key = Console.ReadKey(true); switch (key.Key) { case ConsoleKey.Add: case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: game.Player.Bet += 5; break; case ConsoleKey.Subtract: case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: game.Player.Bet -= 5; break; case ConsoleKey.Enter: if ((game.AllowedActions & GameAction.Deal) == GameAction.Deal) { game.Deal(); } else { game.Stand(); } break; case ConsoleKey.Spacebar: if ((game.AllowedActions & GameAction.Deal) == GameAction.Deal) { game.Deal(); } else { game.Hit(); } break; } } }
static int Play(Game bj) { const int minBet = 10; const int maxBet = 6000; int credits = bj.Credits(); Console.WriteLine($"Current Credits: $ {credits.ToString("N0")} | Minimum Bet: $ {minBet.ToString("N0")} | Maximum Bet: $ {maxBet.ToString("N0")}\n"); if (credits >= minBet) { bj.FillDeck(); // Console.WriteLine(bj.Deck()); int bet = 0; do { Console.Write("Place Your Bet: $ "); try { bet = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch { } }while (bet < minBet || bet > credits || bet > maxBet); Console.Clear(); bj.SaveCredits(credits -= bet); bool fDouble = (credits < bet) ? true : false; // checks if the player has enough credits to double. Console.Write(bj.Deal(credits, bet)); if (bj.valueP != 21 && bj.valueD != 21 || bj.valueP != 21 && bj.cardsD[0].Face == "A") { credits += bj.Insurance(credits, bet); if (bj.valueD == 21) // dealer had a blackjack. { bj.Lose(); } else { fDouble = (credits < bet) ? true : false; // re-checks if the player has enough credits to double. string ans; List <string> opt = new List <string> { "double", "stand", "hit", "fold" }; bool fHit = false; do { Console.WriteLine(); do { Console.Write("Choice ["); if (!fDouble && !fHit) { Console.Write("double/"); } Console.Write("stand/hit"); if (!fHit) { Console.Write("/fold"); } Console.Write("]: "); ans = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); ans = ans switch { "d" => "double", "s" => "stand", "h" => "hit", "f" => "fold", _ => ans }; }while (!opt.Contains(ans) || fHit && ans == "double" || fDouble && ans == "double" || fHit && ans == "fold"); Console.Clear(); if (ans == "double") { bj.SaveCredits(credits -= bet); bj.Hit(ans); } else if (ans == "hit") { fHit = true; bj.Hit(ans); } }while (ans != "double" && ans != "stand" && ans != "fold" && bj.valueP != 21); credits += bj.Result(bet, ans); } } else { if (bj.valueP == 21 && bj.valueD != 21) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.WriteLine("\nBLACKJACK!"); Console.ResetColor(); credits += (bet * 2) + (bet / 2); // pays 3 to 2. } else if (bj.valueP == bj.valueD) { bj.Push(); credits += bet; } else { bj.Lose(); } } } else { throw new Exception("Out Of Credits!"); } return(credits); }
// Draw a card. private async void HitButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { await blackjackInstance.Hit(views, totals, notifications, buttons); }