public void Run() { BBUtil _util; using (var nav = new Navigator()) using (var ctx = new Context(ContextType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT)) using (var win = new Window(ctx)) { _util = new BBUtil(ctx); Egl.QuerySurface(_util.Display, _util.Surface, Egl.WIDTH, out viewportWidth); Egl.QuerySurface(_util.Display, _util.Surface, Egl.HEIGHT, out viewportHeight); Console.WriteLine("viewportWidth: " + viewportWidth); Console.WriteLine("viewportHeight: " + viewportHeight); this.OnLoad(_util); nav.OnExit += () => { Console.WriteLine("I am asked to shutdown!?!"); PlatformServices.Shutdown(0); }; PlatformServices.Run(null); } }
public void Run() { using (var nav = new Navigator()) using (var ctx = new Context(ContextType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT)) using (var win = new Window(ctx)) { win.Usage = UsageFlagType.SCREEN_USAGE_NATIVE; win.CreateBuffers(2); var bufs = win.Buffers; var pic = bufs[0]; var brush = bufs[1]; Blits.Fill(ctx, pic, 64441078); Blits.Fill(ctx, brush, 0xffff0000 ); win.Render(pic); nav.OnSwipeDown += (() => Dialog.Alert ("#MonoBerry", "Another Event Loop", new Button ("Ack"))); ctx.OnFingerTouch += (x, y) => { Blits.Blit(ctx, brush, pic, 0, 0, 10, 10, Math.Max(x - 5, 0), Math.Max(y - 5, 0)); win.Render(pic); }; ctx.OnFingerMove = ctx.OnFingerTouch; ctx.OnFingerRelease = ctx.OnFingerTouch; nav.OnExit += () => { Console.WriteLine("I am asked to shutdown!?!"); PlatformServices.Shutdown(0); }; PlatformServices.Run(null); } }
public void Run() { using (var nav = new Navigator()) using (var ctx = new Context(ContextType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT)) using (var win = new Window(ctx, WindowType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_WINDOW)) { string groupName = "TheTeam"; win.CreateWindowGroup(groupName); win.CreateBuffers(10); win.Identifier = "parent"; var r = new Random(); foreach (var b in win.Buffers) { Blits.Fill(ctx, b, (uint)r.Next()); win.Render(b); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); } Window childWindow = new Window(ctx, WindowType.SCREEN_CHILD_WINDOW); childWindow.JoinWindowGroup(groupName); childWindow.CreateBuffer(); childWindow.Identifier = "child"; Blits.Fill(ctx, childWindow.Buffers[0], 50); childWindow.Render(childWindow.Buffers[0]); SoundPlayer sp = new SoundPlayer(SoundPlayer.SystemSounds.EventDeviceUntether); sp.PlaySound(); VirtualKeyboard kb = new VirtualKeyboard(); Orientation or= new Orientation(); var run = true; string message=string.Format("Monoberry Runtime!. BPS Version: {0} Direction: {1}",PlatformServices.GetVersionBPS().ToString(), or.CurrentDirection.ToString()); while (run) { Dialog.Alert("CLOSE ME!", message, //new Button ("Timer", Timer), //new Button ("Camera", Cam), //new Button ("Messages", () => nav.Invoke ("messages://")), //new Button("Show Keyboard", () => kb.Show()), new Button("Play Random Sound", () => this.PlaySound(sp, r)), new Button("Badge", () => nav.HasBadge = true), new Button("Browser", () => nav.Invoke("")), new Button("Close", () => run = false)); } } }
private Window CreateBackgroundWindow(string groupName, Context ctx) { Window wind = new Window(ctx); wind.CreateWindowGroup(groupName); wind.IsVisible = false; int color = unchecked((int)13493586); wind.Color = color; wind.CreateBuffer(); wind.SetDimensions(700, 500); wind.Identifier = "ID500"; return wind; }
public void Run() { _ctx = new Context(BlackberryPlatformServices.Screen.Types.ContextType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT); PlatformServices.Initialize(); using (var win = new Window(_ctx, WindowType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_WINDOW)) { _util = new BBUtil(_ctx); this.Initialize(); string groupName = "TheTeam"; win.CreateWindowGroup(groupName); win.CreateBuffer(); while (true) { this.Draw(); } } }
public void Run() { using (var nav = new Navigator()) using (var ctx = new Context(ContextType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT)) using (var win = new Window(ctx)) { _util = new BBUtil(ctx); this.Initialize(); nav.RotationLock = false; bool exit_application = false; nav.OnExit = () => { Console.WriteLine("I am asked to shutdown!?!"); PlatformServices.Shutdown(0); exit_application = true; }; //while (!exit_application) //{ //Event e = null; //for (; ; ) //{ // PlatformServices.GetEvent(out e, 0); // if (e != null) // { // int domain = PlatformServices.GetDomainByEvent(e.Handle); // if (domain == Screen.GetDomain()) // this.handleScreenEvent(e); // else if (domain == nav.Domain && (int)e.Code == (int)Navigator.EventType.NAVIGATOR_EXIT) // exit_application = true; // } // else // break; //} this.Render(); //} PlatformServices.Run(this.Render); _util.Dispose(); } }
public void Run() { _rateOfRotationPS = new float[] { 30, 45, 60 }; _rot = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; BBUtil _util; using (var nav = new Navigator()) using (var ctx = new Context(ContextType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT)) using (var win = new Window(ctx)) { _util = new BBUtil(ctx); Egl.QuerySurface(_util.Display, _util.Surface, Egl.WIDTH, out _viewportWidth); Egl.QuerySurface(_util.Display, _util.Surface, Egl.HEIGHT, out _viewportHeight); this.OnLoad(_util); nav.OnExit += () => { Console.WriteLine("I am asked to shutdown!?!"); PlatformServices.Shutdown(0); }; } }
internal void UnregisterWindow(Window win) { _windows.Remove(win.Handle); }
internal void RegisterWindow(Window win) { _windows.Add(win.Handle, win); }
public ScreenEffect(Window win) { _window = win; }
public void ShareDisplayBuffers(Window win, int count=0) { if (screen_share_display_buffers(win.Handle, _handle, count) != 0) throw new Exception("Unable to share buffers."); }