static void Main(string[] args) { // Create a Card class, that has a color and a value // Create a constructor for setting those values // Card should be represented as string in this format: // 9 Hearts // Jack Diamonds // Create a Deck class, that has a list of cards in it // Create a constructor that takes a whole number as parameter // The constructor should fill the list with the number of different cards using at least 4 different colors (except if the number given is smaller than four, than all cards should have different colors) // We should be able to shuffle the deck, which randomly orders the cards // We should be able to draw the top card which returns the drawn card and also removes it from the deck // Deck should be represented as string in this format: // 12 cards - 3 Clubs, 3 Diamonds, 3 Hearts, 3 Spades Deck deck = new Deck(12); Console.WriteLine(); deck.ShuffleDeck(); var topCard = deck.DrawTopCard(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(topCard.GetCard()); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var card in deck.DeckOfCards) { Console.Write(card.GetCard() + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); deck.PrintOutDeck(); Console.ReadLine(); }