void formularioListaMenores_ModificarRegistro(object sender, IdentidadEventArgs fe) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait; frmMenor objMenorWindow = new frmMenor(); objMenorWindow.IdFamilia = 0; objMenorWindow.IdSeleccionado = fe.id; objMenorWindow.TipoAccion = TipoAccion.Edicion; objMenorWindow.Owner = this; objMenorWindow.ShowDialog(); objMenorWindow = null; this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; }
void formularioListaMadres_DetallesRegistro(object sender, IdentidadEventArgs fe) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait; frmMadre objMadreWindow = new frmMadre(); objMadreWindow.IdFamilia = 0; objMadreWindow.IdSeleccionado = fe.id; objMadreWindow.TipoAccion = TipoAccion.Detalle; objMadreWindow.Owner = this; objMadreWindow.ShowDialog(); objMadreWindow = null; this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; }
// This will be the starting point of our event-- it will create FireEventArgs // and then raise the event, passing FireEventArgs. private void OnModificarRegistro(Int64 id) { if (ModificarRegistro != null) { IdentidadEventArgs IdentidadArgs = new IdentidadEventArgs(id); // Now, raise the event by invoking the delegate. Pass in // the object that initated the event (this) as well as FireEventArgs. // The call must match the signature of FireEventHandler. ModificarRegistro(this, IdentidadArgs); } }
void formularioListaTutores_DetallesRegistro(object sender, IdentidadEventArgs fe) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait; frmTutor objTutorWindow = new frmTutor(); objTutorWindow.IdFamilia = 0; objTutorWindow.IdSeleccionado = fe.id; objTutorWindow.TipoAccion = TipoAccion.Detalle; objTutorWindow.Owner = this; objTutorWindow.ShowDialog(); objTutorWindow = null; this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; }
// This will be the starting point of our event-- it will create FireEventArgs // and then raise the event, passing FireEventArgs. private void OnSeleccionarRegistro(Int64 id) { if (SeleccionarRegistro != null) { IdentidadEventArgs IdentidadArgs = new IdentidadEventArgs(id); // Now, raise the event by invoking the delegate. Pass in // the object that initated the event (this) as well as FireEventArgs. // The call must match the signature of FireEventHandler. SeleccionarRegistro(this, IdentidadArgs); } }