public XPathStream(XmlReader reader, Encoding encoding, SchemaMetaData schemaMetaData,IBaseMessageContext context)
            m_context = context;

            m_schemaMetaData = schemaMetaData;

            xPathCollection = new XPathCollection();

            foreach (var item in m_schemaMetaData.Properties)

            m_bodyPath = new LinkedList<string>();

            m_outputStream = new MemoryStream();

            this.m_reader = new XPathReader(reader, xPathCollection);

            this.m_writer = XmlWriter.Create(this.m_outputStream);

        private static void ProcessPropertySchemas(XmlSchema schema, SchemaMetaData schemaMetaData)
            XmlSchemaAnnotation annotation = null;

            if (schema != null && schemaMetaData != null)
                if (schema.Items[0] is XmlSchemaAnnotation)
                    annotation = (XmlSchemaAnnotation)schema.Items[0];

                IEnumerator enumerator = (IEnumerator)annotation.Items.GetEnumerator();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    if (enumerator.Current is XmlSchemaAppInfo)
                        XmlNode[] markup = ((XmlSchemaAppInfo)enumerator.Current).Markup;
                        for (int index = 0; index < markup.Length; ++index)
                            if (markup[index].NamespaceURI == "" && string.Compare(markup[index].LocalName, "imports", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                                XmlNode imports = markup[index];
                                foreach (XmlNode import in imports.ChildNodes)
                                    XmlNode uri      = import.Attributes.GetNamedItem("uri");
                                    XmlNode location = import.Attributes.GetNamedItem("location");

                                    Schema propSchema = GetPropertySchema(location.InnerText, uri.InnerText);

                                    foreach (DictionaryEntry item in propSchema.Properties)
                                        foreach (var prop in schemaMetaData.Properties)
                                            if (prop.Value.Namespace == propSchema.TargetNameSpace)
                                                if (item.Key.ToString().EndsWith("." + prop.Value.Name))
                                                    prop.Value.TypeCode = TypeFromXmlSchemaType(item.Value.ToString());

                                            if (schemaMetaData.IsComplete)
        /*  public static XmlSchema GetSchema(string SchemaStrongName)
         * {
         * ####not used
         *    string ass = SchemaStrongName.Substring(SchemaStrongName.IndexOf(',') + 1).TrimStart();
         *    string ass_class = SchemaStrongName.Substring(0, SchemaStrongName.IndexOf(',')).TrimEnd();
         *    Assembly schema_ass = null;
         *    try
         *    {
         *        schema_ass = Assembly.Load(ass);
         *    }
         *    catch (FileNotFoundException)
         *    {
         *        throw new ArgumentException("Schema assembly not found!");
         *    }
         *    Type type = schema_ass.GetType(ass_class);
         *    if (type == null)
         *        throw new ArgumentException("Schema type not found!");
         *    dynamic dyn_schema = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
         *    string schema_data = null;
         *    try
         *    {
         *        schema_data = dyn_schema.XmlContent;
         *    }
         *    catch (RuntimeBinderException)
         *    {
         *        throw new ArgumentException("Schema content could not be loaded!");
         *    }
         *    XmlSchema schema = XmlSchema.Read(new StringReader(schema_data), null);
         *    return schema;
         * }*/

        public static SchemaMetaData GetSchemaMetaData(string SchemaStrongName)
            //AssemblyFullName does not use the first space
            //AssemblyFullName BizTalkComponents.PipelineComponents.Schema_Transform_Source, BizTalkComponents.PipelineComponents.XSLTransform.Schema, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=47190f56632fbc76
            //FullName used in Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM BizTalkComponents.PipelineComponents.Schema_Transform_Source,BizTalkComponents.PipelineComponents.XSLTransform.Schema, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=47190f56632fbc76
            SchemaStrongName = SchemaStrongName.Remove(SchemaStrongName.IndexOf(" "), 1);

            SchemaMetaData _propSchema = null;

            lock (_propertySchemaCache)
                if (_propertySchemaCache.TryGetValue(SchemaStrongName, out _propSchema))

            //Check schema assembly name when run in BTS if there is any space between class and assembly
            Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.Schema schema = GetSchema(SchemaStrongName);

            if (schema == null)

            XmlSchema xmlSchema = XmlSchema.Read(new StringReader(schema.XmlContent), null);

            _propSchema = CreateSchemaMetaData(xmlSchema, schema);

            if (_propSchema != null)
                ProcessPropertySchemas(xmlSchema, _propSchema);

                lock (_propertySchemaCache)
                    _propertySchemaCache.Add(SchemaStrongName, _propSchema);

コード例 #4
        public IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
            string name = String.Empty;
            string ns   = String.Empty;

             * for (int i = 0; i < pInMsg.Context.CountProperties; i++)
             * {
             *  object obj = pInMsg.Context.ReadAt(i, out name, out ns);
             * }

            Stream orig_stream = pInMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();

            if (orig_stream == null)

            var assembly = pInMsg.Context.Read("SchemaStrongName", ns_system);

            if (assembly == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Schema StrongName is not promoted!");

            SchemaMetaData schemaMetaData = SchemaRetriever.GetSchemaMetaData((string)assembly);

            if (schemaMetaData != null)
                pInMsg.BodyPart.Data = new XPathStream(orig_stream, schemaMetaData, pInMsg.Context);

 public XPathStream(XmlReader reader, SchemaMetaData schemaMetaData,IBaseMessageContext context)
     : this(reader, Encoding.UTF8, schemaMetaData,context)
 public XPathStream(Stream stream, SchemaMetaData schemaMetaData, IBaseMessageContext context)
     : this(XmlReader.Create(stream), Encoding.UTF8, schemaMetaData,context)
        private static SchemaMetaData CreateSchemaMetaData(XmlSchema xmlSchema, Schema Schema)
            SchemaMetaData _propSchema = null;

            if (xmlSchema != null)
                _propSchema          = new SchemaMetaData();
                _propSchema.FullName = Schema.AssemblyQualifiedName;

                XmlQualifiedName[] namespaces = xmlSchema.Namespaces.ToArray();

                IEnumerator enumerator = (IEnumerator)xmlSchema.Items.GetEnumerator();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    if (enumerator.Current is XmlSchemaElement)
                        XmlSchemaElement elm = (XmlSchemaElement)enumerator.Current;
                        if (elm.Name != Schema.RootName)

                        XmlNode appInfo = GetAppInfoXmlNode(elm);

                        if (appInfo == null)

                        foreach (XmlNode property in appInfo.ChildNodes)
                            XmlNode name  = property.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name");
                            XmlNode xpath = property.Attributes.GetNamedItem("xpath");

                            string[] _name = name.InnerText.Split(new char[] { ':' });

                            for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.Length; i++)
                                XmlQualifiedName qn = namespaces[i];
                                if (qn.Name == _name[0])
                                    if (_propSchema.Properties.ContainsKey(xpath.InnerText) == false)
                                        SchemaMetaDataProperty dataProperty = new SchemaMetaDataProperty();
                                        dataProperty.Name      = _name[1];
                                        dataProperty.Namespace = qn.Namespace;

                                        _propSchema.Properties.Add(xpath.InnerText, dataProperty);

