private Controller BindToDefinition(ControllerDefinition def, IDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> allbinds, IDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Config.AnalogBind>> analogbinds) { var ret = new Controller(def); Dictionary<string, string> binds; if (allbinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out binds)) { foreach (var cbutton in def.BoolButtons) { string bind; if (binds.TryGetValue(cbutton, out bind)) { ret.BindMulti(cbutton, bind); } } } Dictionary<string, Config.AnalogBind> abinds; if (analogbinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out abinds)) { foreach (var cbutton in def.FloatControls) { Config.AnalogBind bind; if (abinds.TryGetValue(cbutton, out bind)) { ret.BindFloat(cbutton, bind); } } } return ret; }
public Controller(ControllerDefinition definition) { _type = definition; for (int i = 0; i < _type.FloatControls.Count; i++) { _floatButtons[_type.FloatControls[i]] = _type.FloatRanges[i].Mid; _floatRanges[_type.FloatControls[i]] = _type.FloatRanges[i]; } }
public ControllerDefinition(ControllerDefinition source) : this() { Name = source.Name; BoolButtons.AddRange(source.BoolButtons); FloatControls.AddRange(source.FloatControls); FloatRanges.AddRange(source.FloatRanges); AxisConstraints.AddRange(source.AxisConstraints); }
public MovieZone(IMovie movie, int start, int length, string key = "") { Bk2LogEntryGenerator lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance() as Bk2LogEntryGenerator; lg.SetSource(Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter); targetController = new Bk2ControllerAdapter(); targetController.Type = Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition; targetController.LatchFromSource(targetController); // Reference and create all buttons if (key == "") key = lg.GenerateLogKey(); key = key.Replace("LogKey:", "").Replace("#", ""); key = key.Substring(0, key.Length - 1); _inputKey = key; Length = length; _log = new string[length]; // Get a IController that only contains buttons in key. string[] keys = key.Split('|'); ControllerDefinition d = new ControllerDefinition(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { if (Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Contains(keys[i])) d.BoolButtons.Add(keys[i]); else d.FloatControls.Add(keys[i]); } controller = new Bk2ControllerAdapter() { Type = d }; Bk2LogEntryGenerator logGenerator = new Bk2LogEntryGenerator(""); logGenerator.SetSource(controller); logGenerator.GenerateLogEntry(); // Reference and create all buttons. string movieKey = logGenerator.GenerateLogKey().Replace("LogKey:", "").Replace("#", ""); movieKey = movieKey.Substring(0, movieKey.Length - 1); if (key == movieKey) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) _log[i] = movie.GetInputLogEntry(i + start); } else { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { controller.LatchFromSource(movie.GetInputState(i + start)); _log[i] = logGenerator.GenerateLogEntry(); } } }
private static AutofireController BindToDefinitionAF(ControllerDefinition def, IEmulator emulator, IDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> allbinds) { var ret = new AutofireController(def, emulator); Dictionary<string, string> binds; if (allbinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out binds)) { foreach (var cbutton in def.BoolButtons) { string bind; if (binds.TryGetValue(cbutton, out bind)) { ret.BindMulti(cbutton, bind); } } } return ret; }
private void CheckPads(IEnumerable <PadSchema> schemas, BizHawk.Emulation.Common.ControllerDefinition def) { HashSet <string> analogs = new HashSet <string>(def.FloatControls); HashSet <string> bools = new HashSet <string>(def.BoolButtons); foreach (var schema in schemas) { foreach (var button in schema.Buttons) { HashSet <string> searchset = null; switch (button.Type) { case PadSchema.PadInputType.AnalogStick: case PadSchema.PadInputType.FloatSingle: case PadSchema.PadInputType.TargetedPair: // analog searchset = analogs; break; case PadSchema.PadInputType.Boolean: searchset = bools; break; case PadSchema.PadInputType.DiscManager: searchset = bools; searchset.UnionWith(analogs); break; } if (!searchset.Contains(button.Name)) { MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format("Schema warning: Schema entry '{0}':'{1}' will not correspond to any control in definition '{2}'", schema.DisplayName, button.Name, def.Name), "Dev Warning"); } } } }
public GPGXControlConverter(LibGPGX.InputData input) { Console.WriteLine("Genesis Controller report:"); foreach (var e in input.system) Console.WriteLine("S:{0}", e); foreach (var e in Console.WriteLine("D:{0}", e); int player = 1; ControllerDef = new ControllerDefinition(); ControllerDef.BoolButtons.Add("Power"); ControllerDef.BoolButtons.Add("Reset"); for (int i = 0; i < LibGPGX.MAX_DEVICES; i++) { switch ([i]) { case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_PAD3B: AddToController(i, player, Genesis3); player++; break; case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_PAD6B: AddToController(i, player, Genesis6); player++; break; case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_MOUSE: AddToController(i, player, Mouse); DoMouseAnalog(i, player); player++; break; case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_NONE: break; case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_LIGHTGUN: // supports menacers and justifiers AddToController(i, player, Lightgun); DoLightgunAnalog(i, player); player++; break; case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_PAD2B: case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_PADDLE: case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_SPORTSPAD: case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_TEREBI: throw new Exception("Master System only device? Something went wrong."); case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_ACTIVATOR: AddToController(i, player, Activator); player++; break; case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_XE_A1P: AddToController(i, player, XEA1P); DoXEA1PAnalog(i, player); player++; break; case LibGPGX.INPUT_DEVICE.DEVICE_PICO: // PICO isn't finished on the unmanaged side either throw new Exception("Sega PICO not implemented yet!"); default: throw new Exception("Unknown Genesis control device! Something went wrong."); } } ControllerDef.Name = "GPGX Genesis Controller"; }
static AppleII() { AppleIIController = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "Apple IIe Keyboard" }; AppleIIController.BoolButtons.AddRange(RealButtons); AppleIIController.BoolButtons.AddRange(ExtraButtons); }
public AutofireController(ControllerDefinition definition) { On = Global.Config.AutofireOn < 1 ? 0 : Global.Config.AutofireOn; Off = Global.Config.AutofireOff < 1 ? 0 : Global.Config.AutofireOff; _type = definition; }
/// <summary> /// this controller's definition changes to that of source /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> public void CopyFrom(IController source) { this.def = source.Type; buttons.Clear(); foreach (var k in def.BoolButtons) buttons.Add(k, source.IsPressed(k) ? 1.0f : 0); foreach (var k in def.FloatControls) { if (buttons.Keys.Contains(k)) throw new Exception("name collision between bool and float lists!"); buttons.Add(k, source.GetFloat(k)); } }
public void HardReset() { cpu = new MOS6502X(); cpu.SetCallbacks(ReadMemory, ReadMemory, PeekMemory, WriteMemory); cpu.BCD_Enabled = false; cpu.OnExecFetch = ExecFetch; ppu = new PPU(this); ram = new byte[0x800]; CIRAM = new byte[0x800]; // wire controllers // todo: allow changing this ControllerDeck = ControllerSettings.Instantiate(ppu.LightGunCallback); // set controller definition first time only if (ControllerDefinition == null) { ControllerDefinition = new ControllerDefinition(ControllerDeck.GetDefinition()); ControllerDefinition.Name = "NES Controller"; // controls other than the deck ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("Power"); ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("Reset"); if (Board is FDS) { var b = Board as FDS; ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("FDS Eject"); for (int i = 0; i < b.NumSides; i++) ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("FDS Insert " + i); } } // don't replace the magicSoundProvider on reset, as it's not needed // if (magicSoundProvider != null) magicSoundProvider.Dispose(); // set up region switch (_display_type) { case Common.DisplayType.PAL: apu = new APU(this, apu, true); ppu.region = PPU.Region.PAL; CoreComm.VsyncNum = 50; CoreComm.VsyncDen = 1; cpuclockrate = 1662607; cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_PAL; _display_type = DisplayType.PAL; break; case Common.DisplayType.NTSC: apu = new APU(this, apu, false); ppu.region = PPU.Region.NTSC; CoreComm.VsyncNum = 39375000; CoreComm.VsyncDen = 655171; cpuclockrate = 1789773; cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_NTSC; break; // this is in bootgod, but not used at all case Common.DisplayType.DENDY: apu = new APU(this, apu, false); ppu.region = PPU.Region.Dendy; CoreComm.VsyncNum = 50; CoreComm.VsyncDen = 1; cpuclockrate = 1773448; cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_NTSC; _display_type = DisplayType.DENDY; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown displaytype!"); } if (magicSoundProvider == null) magicSoundProvider = new MagicSoundProvider(this, (uint)cpuclockrate); BoardSystemHardReset(); //check fceux's PowerNES and FCEU_MemoryRand function for more information: //relevant games: Cybernoid; Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen; Huang Di; and maybe mechanized attack for(int i=0;i<0x800;i++) if((i&4)!=0) ram[i] = 0xFF; else ram[i] = 0x00; SetupMemoryDomains(); //in this emulator, reset takes place instantaneously cpu.PC = (ushort)(ReadMemory(0xFFFC) | (ReadMemory(0xFFFD) << 8)); cpu.P = 0x34; cpu.S = 0xFD; }
public SnesSaveController() { this.def = null; }
public SnesSaveController(ControllerDefinition def) { this.def = def; }
/// <summary>don't do this</summary> public void ForceType(ControllerDefinition newtype) { _type = newtype; }
public Bk2ControllerDefinition(ControllerDefinition source) : base(source) { }
public ControlAdapter(ControllerDefinition Type, Controller Left, Controller Right, Action<IController, InputState> Convert) { this.Type = Type; this.Left = Left; this.Right = Right; this.Convert = Convert; }
/// <summary> /// Adds an axis to the receiver <see cref="ControllerDefinition"/>, and returns it. /// The new axis will appear after any that were previously defined. /// </summary> /// <param name="constraint">pass only for one axis in a pair, by convention the X axis</param> /// <returns>identical reference to <paramref name="def"/>; the object is mutated</returns> public static ControllerDefinition AddAxis(this ControllerDefinition def, string name, Range <int> range, int neutral, bool isReversed = false, AxisConstraint constraint = null) { def.Axes.Add(name, new AxisSpec(range, neutral, isReversed, constraint)); return(def); }
private void ReSetLog() { // Get a IController that only contains buttons in key. string[] keys = _inputKey.Split('|'); ControllerDefinition d = new ControllerDefinition(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { if (Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Contains(keys[i])) d.BoolButtons.Add(keys[i]); else d.FloatControls.Add(keys[i]); } Bk2ControllerAdapter newController = new Bk2ControllerAdapter() { Type = d }; Bk2LogEntryGenerator logGenerator = new Bk2LogEntryGenerator(""); logGenerator.SetSource(newController); logGenerator.GenerateLogEntry(); // Reference and create all buttons. // Reset all buttons in targetController (it may still have buttons that aren't being set here set true) Bk2LogEntryGenerator tC = new Bk2LogEntryGenerator(""); tC.SetSource(targetController); targetController.SetControllersAsMnemonic(tC.EmptyEntry); for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++) { controller.SetControllersAsMnemonic(_log[i]); LatchFromSourceButtons(targetController, controller); newController.LatchFromSource(targetController); _log[i] = logGenerator.GenerateLogEntry(); } controller = newController; }
/// <summary> /// Adds an X/Y pair of axes to the receiver <see cref="ControllerDefinition"/>, and returns it. /// The new axes will appear after any that were previously defined. /// </summary> /// <param name="nameFormat">format string e.g. <c>"P1 Left {0}"</c> (will be used to interpolate <c>"X"</c> and <c>"Y"</c>)</param> /// <returns>identical reference to <paramref name="def"/>; the object is mutated</returns> public static ControllerDefinition AddXYPair(this ControllerDefinition def, string nameFormat, AxisPairOrientation pDir, Range <int> rangeBoth, int neutralBoth, AxisConstraint constraint = null) => def.AddXYPair(nameFormat, pDir, rangeBoth, neutralBoth, rangeBoth, neutralBoth, constraint);
public MovieZone(string fileName) { if (!File.Exists(fileName)) return; string[] readText = File.ReadAllLines(fileName); // If the LogKey contains buttons/controls not accepted by the emulator, // tell the user and display the macro's controller name and player count _inputKey = readText[0]; Bk2LogEntryGenerator lg = Global.MovieSession.LogGeneratorInstance() as Bk2LogEntryGenerator; lg.SetSource(Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter); string key = lg.GenerateLogKey(); key = key.Replace("LogKey:", "").Replace("#", ""); key = key.Substring(0, key.Length - 1); string[] emuKeys = key.Split('|'); string[] macroKeys = _inputKey.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < macroKeys.Length; i++) { if (!emuKeys.Contains(macroKeys[i])) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The selected macro is not compatible with the current emulator core." + "\nMacro controller: " + readText[1] + "\nMacro player count: " + readText[2], "Error"); return; } } // Settings string[] settings = readText[3].Split(','); Overlay = Convert.ToBoolean(settings[0]); Replace = Convert.ToBoolean(settings[1]); _log = new string[readText.Length - 4]; readText.ToList().CopyTo(4, _log, 0, _log.Length); Length = _log.Length; Start = 0; Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); // Adapters targetController = new Bk2ControllerAdapter(); targetController.Type = Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition; targetController.LatchFromSource(targetController); // Reference and create all buttons string[] keys = _inputKey.Split('|'); ControllerDefinition d = new ControllerDefinition(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { if (Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Contains(keys[i])) d.BoolButtons.Add(keys[i]); else d.FloatControls.Add(keys[i]); } controller = new Bk2ControllerAdapter() { Type = d }; }
public SaveController(ControllerDefinition def) { Definition = def; }
/// <summary> /// Adds an X/Y/Z triple of axes to the receiver <see cref="ControllerDefinition"/>, and returns it. /// The new axes will appear after any that were previously defined. /// </summary> /// <param name="nameFormat">format string e.g. <c>"P1 Tilt {0}"</c> (will be used to interpolate <c>"X"</c>, <c>"Y"</c>, and <c>"Z"</c>)</param> /// <returns>identical reference to <paramref name="def"/>; the object is mutated</returns> public static ControllerDefinition AddXYZTriple(this ControllerDefinition def, string nameFormat, Range <int> rangeAll, int neutralAll) => def.AddAxis(string.Format(nameFormat, "X"), rangeAll, neutralAll) .AddAxis(string.Format(nameFormat, "Y"), rangeAll, neutralAll) .AddAxis(string.Format(nameFormat, "Z"), rangeAll, neutralAll);
public Atari7800Control(MachineBase mac) { var l = mac.InputState.LeftControllerJack; var r = mac.InputState.RightControllerJack; foreach (var a in Adapters) { if (a.Left == l && a.Right == r) { Convert = a.Convert; ControlType = a.Type; return; } } throw new Exception(string.Format("Couldn't connect Atari 7800 controls \"{0}\" and \"{1}\"", l.ToString(), r.ToString())); }
public AutofireController(ControllerDefinition definition, IEmulator emulator) { On = Global.Config.AutofireOn < 1 ? 0 : Global.Config.AutofireOn; Off = Global.Config.AutofireOff < 1 ? 0 : Global.Config.AutofireOff; _type = definition; _emulator = emulator; }