コード例 #1
        Shader CreateShader(bool cg, ShaderType type, string source, string entry, bool required)
            var sw = new ShaderWrapper();

            if (cg)
                var cgc     = new CGC();
                var results = cgc.Run(source, entry, type == ShaderType.FragmentShader ? "glslf" : "glslv", false);

                if (!results.Succeeded)
                    Console.WriteLine("CGC failed");
                    return(new Shader(this, null, false));

                source             = results.Code;
                sw.MapCodeToNative = results.MapCodeToNative;
                sw.MapNativeToCode = results.MapNativeToCode;

            int  sid = GL.CreateShader(type);
            bool ok  = CompileShaderSimple(sid, source, required);

            if (!ok)
                sid = 0;

            sw.sid = sid;

            return(new Shader(this, sw, ok));
コード例 #2
ファイル: IGL_SlimDX9.cs プロジェクト: jespirit/BizHawk
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"><paramref name="required"/> is <see langword="true"/> and compilation error occurred</exception>
        public Shader CreateVertexShader(bool cg, string source, string entry, bool required)
                ShaderWrapper sw = new ShaderWrapper();
                if (cg)
                    var cgc     = new CGC();
                    var results = cgc.Run(source, entry, "hlslv", true);
                    source = results.Code;
                    entry  = "main";
                    if (!results.Succeeded)
                        if (required)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(results.Errors);
                            return(new Shader(this, null, false));

                    sw.MapCodeToNative = results.MapCodeToNative;
                    sw.MapNativeToCode = results.MapNativeToCode;

                string errors = null;
                d3d9.ShaderBytecode bytecode = null;

                    //cgc can create shaders that will need backwards compatibility...
                    string profile = "vs_1_1";
                    if (cg)
                        profile = "vs_3_0";                         //todo - smarter logic somehow
                    bytecode = d3d9.ShaderBytecode.Compile(source, null, null, entry, profile, ShaderFlags.EnableBackwardsCompatibility, out errors);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error compiling shader: {errors}", ex);

                sw.vs       = new VertexShader(dev, bytecode);
                sw.bytecode = bytecode;

                Shader s = new Shader(this, sw, true);
                sw.IGLShader = s;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (required)
                var s = new Shader(this, null, false);
                s.Errors = ex.ToString();
コード例 #3
ファイル: IGL_SlimDX9.cs プロジェクト: SaxxonPike/BizHawk
		public Shader CreateVertexShader(bool cg, string source, string entry, bool required)
				ShaderWrapper sw = new ShaderWrapper();
				if (cg)
					var cgc = new CGC();
					var results = cgc.Run(source, entry, "hlslv", true);
					source = results.Code;
					entry = "main";
					if (!results.Succeeded)
						if (required) throw new InvalidOperationException(results.Errors);
						else return new Shader(this, null, false);

					sw.MapCodeToNative = results.MapCodeToNative;
					sw.MapNativeToCode = results.MapNativeToCode;

				string errors = null;
				d3d9.ShaderBytecode bytecode = null;

					//cgc can create shaders that will need backwards compatibility...
					string profile = "vs_1_1";
					if (cg)
						profile = "vs_3_0"; //todo - smarter logic somehow

					bytecode = d3d9.ShaderBytecode.Compile(source, null, null, entry, profile, ShaderFlags.EnableBackwardsCompatibility, out errors);
				catch (Exception ex)
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Error compiling shader: " + errors, ex);

				sw.vs = new VertexShader(dev, bytecode);
				sw.bytecode = bytecode;

				Shader s = new Shader(this, sw, true);
				sw.IGLShader = s;
				return s;
			catch(Exception ex)
				if (required)
				var s = new Shader(this, null, false);
				s.Errors = ex.ToString();
				return s;
コード例 #4
ファイル: IGL_TK.cs プロジェクト: CadeLaRen/BizHawk
		Shader CreateShader(bool cg, ShaderType type, string source, string entry, bool required)
			var sw = new ShaderWrapper();
			if (cg)
				var cgc = new CGC();
				var results = cgc.Run(source, entry, type == ShaderType.FragmentShader ? "glslf" : "glslv", false);
				if (!results.Succeeded)
					return new Shader(this, null, false);

				source = results.Code;
				sw.MapCodeToNative = results.MapCodeToNative;
				sw.MapNativeToCode = results.MapNativeToCode;

			int sid = GL.CreateShader(type);
			bool ok = CompileShaderSimple(sid, source, required);
				sid = 0;

			sw.sid = sid;

			return new Shader(this, sw, ok);
コード例 #5
ファイル: IGL_SlimDX9.cs プロジェクト: henke37/BizHawk
		public Shader CreateFragmentShader(bool cg, string source, string entry, bool required)
				ShaderWrapper sw = new ShaderWrapper();
				if (cg)
					var cgc = new CGC();
					var results = cgc.Run(source, entry, "hlslf", true);
					source = results.Code;
					entry = "main";
					if (!results.Succeeded)
						if (required) throw new InvalidOperationException(results.Errors);
						else return new Shader(this, null, false);

					sw.MapCodeToNative = results.MapCodeToNative;
					sw.MapNativeToCode = results.MapNativeToCode;

				string errors = null;
				d3d9.ShaderBytecode bytecode = null;

					//cgc can create shaders that will need backwards compatibility...
					string profile = "ps_1_0";
					if (cg)
						profile = "ps_3_0"; //todo - smarter logic somehow

					//ShaderFlags.EnableBackwardsCompatibility - used this once upon a time (please leave a note about why)
					bytecode = d3d9.ShaderBytecode.Compile(source, null, null, entry, profile, ShaderFlags.UseLegacyD3DX9_31Dll, out errors);
				catch (Exception ex)
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Error compiling shader: " + errors, ex);

				sw.ps = new PixelShader(dev, bytecode);
				sw.bytecode = bytecode;

				Shader s = new Shader(this, sw, true);
				sw.IGLShader = s;

				return s;
				if (required)
				else return new Shader(this, null, false);
コード例 #6
ファイル: IGL_SlimDX9.cs プロジェクト: TechnoTaff/BizHawk
		public Shader CreateFragmentShader(bool cg, string source, string entry, bool required)
			ShaderWrapper sw = new ShaderWrapper();
			if (cg)
				var cgc = new CGC();
				var results = cgc.Run(source, entry, "hlslf");
				source = results.Code;
				entry = "main";
				if (!results.Succeeded)
					if (required) throw new InvalidOperationException(results.Errors);
					else return new Shader(this, null, false);

				sw.MapCodeToNative = results.MapCodeToNative;
				sw.MapNativeToCode = results.MapNativeToCode;

			string errors = null;
			d3d9.ShaderBytecode bytecode = null;

				//cgc can create shaders that will need backwards compatibility...
				bytecode = d3d9.ShaderBytecode.Compile(source, null, null, entry, "ps_3_0", ShaderFlags.EnableBackwardsCompatibility, out errors);
			catch(Exception ex)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Error compiling shader: " + errors, ex);

			sw.ps = new PixelShader(dev, bytecode);
			sw.bytecode = bytecode;

			Shader s = new Shader(this, sw, true);
			sw.IGLShader = s;
			return s;