public BizDataBaseListColumn(string name, BizDataBaseColumnMap[] columnsMap, BizDataBaseObject templateObject, bool isDetail) { = name; this.parentColumnsMap = columnsMap; this.templateObject = templateObject; this.templateObject.arrays.Clear();// Clear arrays from templates to prevent recursive references this.isDetail = isDetail; }
public void add(BizDataBaseObject dbObject, int index) { if (objects == null) objects = new ArrayList(); objects.Insert(index, dbObject); setParent(dbObject); if (parent != null && parent.parent != null && parent.parent.getState() != BizDataBaseObject.NEW) parent.parent.internalSetState(BizDataBaseObject.MODIFIED); }
/* * Assign values and all internal properties from one object to another. */ public void assign(BizDataBaseListColumn dbArrayColumn) { array = new BizDataBaseObjectList(); array.parent = this; if (templateObject==null) templateObject = dbArrayColumn.getTemplateObject().newInstance(); if (dbArrayColumn != null) { array.assign(dbArrayColumn.getArray()); } }
// // Used by XML serialization // public void copy(BizDataBaseListColumn dbArrayColumn) { array = new BizDataBaseObjectList(); if (dbArrayColumn != null) { array.copy(dbArrayColumn.getArray()); } array.parent = this; name =; isDetail = dbArrayColumn.isDetail; if (dbArrayColumn.templateObject!=null) templateObject = dbArrayColumn.getTemplateObject().newInstance(); else templateObject = new BizDataBaseObject(); parentColumnsMap = dbArrayColumn.parentColumnsMap; }
public BizDataBaseObjectList Query(BizDataBaseObject tempateDbObject, bool limitedOutput) { Object OWNER_Query = new StringBuilder("OWNER_Query"); SessionStart(OWNER_Query); // // Start Query // DataView objDataView = null; string stmt = ""; try { // // limit output // bool doLimitOutput = false; if (limitedOutput) { Int64 rowCount = GetCount(tempateDbObject, tempateDbObject.CURRENT_WHERE); if (debugEvents) Console.WriteLine("BizDataAccess: No of Items (" + tempateDbObject.view + ") = " + rowCount.ToString()); if (MAX_LIMIT_FOR_NEXT_QUERY > 0) { //AddUserInfo("Display Top " + MAX_LIMIT_FOR_NEXT_QUERY.ToString() + " " + tempateDbObject.displayName + "!"); doLimitOutput = true; } else if (rowCount > MAX_LIMIT) { AddEndUserInfo("Display Top " + MAX_LIMIT.ToString() + " " + tempateDbObject.displayName + "(s)!"); doLimitOutput = true; } } //Columns string columnsStr = ""; ArrayList attributes = tempateDbObject.attributes; bool isFirst = true; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)attributes[i]; if (column.isNonPersistant) continue; if (!isFirst) columnsStr = columnsStr + ","; if (column.function != null && column.function.Length > 0) columnsStr = columnsStr + column.function + " AS [" + + "]"; else columnsStr = columnsStr + "[" + + "]"; isFirst = false; } string strLimitOutput = ""; if (doLimitOutput) { if (MAX_LIMIT_FOR_NEXT_QUERY > 0) strLimitOutput = "TOP " + MAX_LIMIT_FOR_NEXT_QUERY.ToString(); else strLimitOutput = "TOP " + MAX_LIMIT.ToString(); } if (columnsStr != null && columnsStr.Length > 0) { stmt = "SELECT " + strLimitOutput + " " + columnsStr + " FROM " + tempateDbObject.view; } else { throw new Exception("No columns selected!"); } // Where string where = tempateDbObject.CURRENT_WHERE; tempateDbObject.CURRENT_WHERE = null; // Reset if (where != null && where.Length > 0) stmt = stmt + " WHERE " + where; if (where != null && where.Length > 0 && tempateDbObject.defaultWhere != null && tempateDbObject.defaultWhere.Length > 0) stmt = stmt + " AND " + tempateDbObject.defaultWhere; else if (tempateDbObject.defaultWhere != null && tempateDbObject.defaultWhere.Length > 0) stmt = stmt + " WHERE " + tempateDbObject.defaultWhere; string groupBy = tempateDbObject.CURRENT_GROUP_BY; tempateDbObject.CURRENT_GROUP_BY = null; // Reset if (groupBy != null && groupBy.Length > 0) stmt = stmt + " GROUP BY " + groupBy; string orderBy = tempateDbObject.CURRENT_ORDER_BY; tempateDbObject.CURRENT_ORDER_BY = null; // Reset if (orderBy != null && orderBy.Length > 0) stmt = stmt + " ORDER BY " + orderBy; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(stmt, SESSION.SqlConn, SESSION.SqlTrans); SqlDataAdapter objDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = cmd; DataSet objDataSet; objDataSet = new DataSet(tempateDbObject.view); objDataAdapter.Fill(objDataSet); objDataView = new DataView(objDataSet.Tables[0]); SessionClose(OWNER_Query, false); } catch (BizDataAccessException e) { SessionClose(OWNER_Query, false); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { SessionClose(OWNER_Query, false); throw new BizDataAccessException("Error - Object [ " + tempateDbObject.displayName + "]", e.Message, e); } finally { MAX_LIMIT_FOR_NEXT_QUERY = -1; } // try { // Result record (Master) string debugResultRecords = ""; BizDataBaseObjectList dbObjects = new BizDataBaseObjectList(); for (int i = 0; i < objDataView.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseObject dbObject = tempateDbObject.newInstance(); DataRowView row = objDataView[i]; for (int j = 0; j < row.Row.Table.Columns.Count; j++) { System.Data.DataColumn dataColumn = row.Row.Table.Columns[j]; BizDataBaseColumn column = dbObject.findColumn(dataColumn.ColumnName); if (column != null) { if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.CLOB) { Encoding u16LE = Encoding.Unicode; if (row[j] != null && row[j].GetType() != typeof(System.DBNull)) column.setValue(u16LE.GetString((byte[])row[j], 0, ((byte[])row[j]).Length)); else column.setValue(null); } else column.setValue(row[j]); } } dbObject.setState(BizDataBaseObject.QUERY); dbObjects.add(dbObject); } // Fetch Detail Records for (int i = 0; i < dbObjects.count(); i++) { BizDataBaseObject dbObject = dbObjects.getObjectAt(i); QueryDetailArray(tempateDbObject, dbObject, limitedOutput); dbObject.setState(BizDataBaseObject.QUERY); } return dbObjects; } catch (Exception ee) { throw new BizDataAccessException("Error - Object [ " + tempateDbObject.displayName + " ]", ee.Message, ee); } }
public Int64 GetCount(BizDataBaseObject baseDbObject, String where) { try { Int64 count = 0; string stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + baseDbObject.view; if (where != null && where.Length > 0) stmt = stmt + " WHERE " + where; if (where != null && where.Length > 0 && baseDbObject.defaultWhere != null && baseDbObject.defaultWhere.Length > 0) stmt = stmt + " AND " + baseDbObject.defaultWhere; else if (baseDbObject.defaultWhere != null && baseDbObject.defaultWhere.Length > 0) stmt = stmt + " WHERE " + baseDbObject.defaultWhere; DataTable resultTable = ExecuteStmt(stmt); DataView result = new DataView(resultTable); DataRowView row = result[0]; System.Data.DataColumn dataColumn = row.Row.Table.Columns[0]; try { count = Int64.Parse(row[0].ToString()); } catch { count = 0; } return count; } catch (BizDataAccessException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BizDataAccessException("Error - Object [ " + baseDbObject.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } }
public BizDataBaseObject Get(BizDataBaseObject condition) { try { string keyValue = ""; if (condition == null) throw new BizDataAccessException("Error Fetching Data", "NULL object pass to Get() method!"); string where = " "; bool isFirst = true; for (int i = 0; i < condition.attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)condition.attributes[i]; if (column.isKey) { if (column.getValue() == null) throw new BizDataAccessException("Error Fetching [" + condition.displayName + "]", "Not all keys specified for Get()"); if (!isFirst) { where = where + " and "; keyValue = keyValue + ","; } if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.STRING) where = where + "[" + + "]= N'" + column.getValue() + "'"; else where = where + "[" + + "]= '" + column.getValue() + "'"; keyValue = keyValue + column.getValue(); isFirst = false; } } condition.CURRENT_WHERE = where; BizDataBaseObjectList dbObjects = Query(condition, false); if (dbObjects != null && dbObjects.count() > 0) return dbObjects.getObjectAt(0); else throw new BizDataAccessException("Error - Object [" + condition.displayName + "]", condition.displayName + " does not exist or removed by another user. ID=[" + keyValue + "]"); } catch (BizDataAccessException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BizDataAccessException("Error - Object [ " + condition.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } }
public bool Exist(BizDataBaseObject baseDbObject) { string stmt = ""; try { if (baseDbObject != null) { stmt = "SELECT 1 FROM " + baseDbObject.view; string keyValue = ""; string where = " "; bool isFirst = true; for (int i = 0; i < baseDbObject.attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)baseDbObject.attributes[i]; if (column.isKey) { if (column.getValue() == null) throw new BizDataAccessException("Error - Object [ " + baseDbObject.displayName + " ]", "Not all keys specified for Exist()"); if (!isFirst) { where = where + " AND "; keyValue = keyValue + ","; } if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.STRING) where = where + "[" + + "]= N'" + column.getValue() + "'"; else where = where + "[" + + "]= '" + column.getValue() + "'"; keyValue = keyValue + column.getValue(); isFirst = false; } } stmt = stmt + " WHERE " + where; DataTable resultTable = ExecuteStmt(stmt); DataView result = new DataView(resultTable); DataRowView row = null; if (result.Count > 0) { row = result[0]; } int value = 0; try { value = int.Parse(row[0].ToString()); } catch { } // Check result if (value == 1) return true; else return false; } return false; } catch (BizDataAccessException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BizDataAccessException("Error - Object [ " + baseDbObject.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } }
private void Remove(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { string strCommandText = ""; try { OnRemoveObject(dbObject); string debugRecordStr = dbObject.debug(""); strCommandText = "DELETE FROM " + dbObject.table; strCommandText = strCommandText + " WHERE "; bool isFirst = true; ArrayList attributes = dbObject.attributes; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)attributes[i]; if (column.isKey & column.isSet) { if (!isFirst) strCommandText = strCommandText + " and "; if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.STRING) strCommandText = strCommandText + + "= N'" + column.getValue() + "'"; else strCommandText = strCommandText + + "= '" + column.getValue() + "'"; isFirst = false; } } SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strCommandText, SESSION.SqlConn, SESSION.SqlTrans); objCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); addDebugItem(new BizDataAccessDebugItem("Server Call : Remove( " + dbObject.table + " )", strCommandText + "\n\n" + debugRecordStr)); } catch (Exception e) { addDebugItem(new BizDataAccessDebugItem("Error: Server Call : Remove( " + dbObject.table + " )", strCommandText + "\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString())); throw new BizDataAccessException("Error Saving [ " + dbObject.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } }
private void Insert(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { string strCommandText = ""; try { string debugRecordStr = dbObject.debug(""); strCommandText = "INSERT INTO [" + dbObject.table + "] ("; ArrayList attributes = dbObject.attributes; bool addSeperator = false; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)attributes[i]; if (column.useSysDate && BizDataBaseColumn.DATE.Equals(column.type)) { // Only set System date if the value is null. Otherwise keep the value that client set if (column.getValue() == null) { column.setValue(GetSystemDate()); } } if (column.isSystemGenerated) { } else { if (column.isDerrived) continue; if (!column.isSet) continue; } if (addSeperator) { strCommandText = strCommandText + ","; } strCommandText = strCommandText + "[" + + "]"; addSeperator = true; } strCommandText = strCommandText + ") VALUES("; addSeperator = false; for (int i = 0; i < dbObject.attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)attributes[i]; if (column.isSystemGenerated) { } else { if (column.isDerrived || column.isNonPersistant) continue; if (!column.isSet) continue; } if (addSeperator) { strCommandText = strCommandText + ","; } String columnValue = null; if ("timestamp")) { columnValue = "NULL"; // NULL for OBJ_VERSION } else if (column.isSystemGenerated) { string key = GetNextKey(dbObject, column); columnValue = "'" + key + "'"; column.setValue(key); } else if (column.getValue() != null) { string strValue = column.getValue().ToString(); if (column.isUpperCase) strValue = myTI.ToUpper(strValue); if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.STRING) { String value = strValue.Replace("'", "''"); columnValue = "N'" + value + "'"; } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.INTEGER) columnValue = column.getValue().ToString(); else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.DECIMAL) columnValue = column.getValue().ToString(); else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.DATE) { String value = ((DateTime)column.getValue()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); columnValue = "'" + value + "'"; } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.BOOL) { if ((bool)column.getValue() == true) columnValue = "1"; else columnValue = "0"; } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.BINARY) { columnValue = "0x" + ToHexString((byte[])column.getValue()); } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.CLOB) { Encoding u16LE = Encoding.Unicode; byte[] byteValue = (byte[])u16LE.GetBytes((string)column.getValue()); columnValue = "0x" + ToHexString(byteValue); } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.IMAGE) { columnValue = "0x" + ToHexString((byte[])column.getValue()); } else throw new BizDataAccessException("Not supported Data Type:" + column.type); } else { columnValue = "null"; } strCommandText = strCommandText + columnValue; addSeperator = true; } strCommandText = strCommandText + ")"; validateBeforSave(dbObject); SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strCommandText, SESSION.SqlConn, SESSION.SqlTrans); objCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { if (e.Number == 2627) { throw new BizDataAccessException("Cannot Insert duplicate [" + dbObject.displayName + "] Key:" + dbObject.getKeyValue()); } throw new BizDataAccessException("Error Saving [ " + dbObject.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BizDataAccessException("Error Saving [ " + dbObject.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } }
public BizDataBaseObjectList(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { add(dbObject); }
private void setParent(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { if (dbObject != null && this.parent != null) dbObject.parent = this.parent.parent; }
public void removeObject(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { if (dbObject != null) { objects.Remove(dbObject); dbObject.parent = null; } }
// // Used by XML serialization (Internal Only) // public void copy(BizDataBaseObjectList dbObjectArray) { if (objects == null) objects = new ArrayList(); if (objects != null) { objects.Clear(); if (dbObjectArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dbObjectArray.count(); i++) { BizDataBaseObject fromObject = (BizDataBaseObject)dbObjectArray.getObjectAt(i); BizDataBaseObject toObject = new BizDataBaseObject(); toObject.copy(fromObject); this.add(toObject); } } } }
public BizDataBaseObjectList getArray() { if (this.array == null) { this.array = new BizDataBaseObjectList(); this.array.parent = this; } return this.array; }
// // Handler specific methods // public void Save(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { Save(new BizDataBaseObjectList(dbObject)); }
public void SaveDetailArray(BizDataBaseObject parentDbObject) { if (parentDbObject != null) { // Find Arrays for (int i = 0; i < parentDbObject.arrays.Count; i++) { if (parentDbObject.getState() == BizDataBaseObject.REMOVED) { BizDataBaseListColumn arrayCol = (BizDataBaseListColumn)parentDbObject.arrays[i]; // Only remove details if (arrayCol.isDetail) { // Always get the template record to make parent key isolate BizDataBaseObject detailObject = arrayCol.getTemplateObject(); // Clear is there any values in the keys for (int j = 0; j < detailObject.attributes.Count; j++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)detailObject.attributes[j]; if (column.isKey) { column.setValue(null); column.isSet = false; } } setDetailWhere(parentDbObject, arrayCol, detailObject); detailObject.setState(BizDataBaseObject.REMOVED); Save(detailObject); } } else { BizDataBaseListColumn arrayCol = (BizDataBaseListColumn)parentDbObject.arrays[i]; BizDataBaseObjectList array = arrayCol.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j < array.count(); j++) { BizDataBaseObject detailObject = array.getObjectAt(j); if (detailObject.getState() != BizDataBaseObject.QUERY) { setDetailWhere(parentDbObject, arrayCol, detailObject); Save(detailObject); } } } } } }
public virtual BizDataBaseObject newInstance() { BizDataBaseObject dbObject = new BizDataBaseObject(); dbObject.copy(this); ArrayList attributes = dbObject.attributes; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn attr = (BizDataBaseColumn)attributes[i]; attr.value = null; attr.setDirty(false); attr.isSet = false; } for (int i = 0; i < dbObject.arrays.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseListColumn array = (BizDataBaseListColumn)dbObject.arrays[i]; array.getArray().removeAll(); } dbObject.table = this.table; dbObject.view = this.view; dbObject.displayName = this.displayName; dbObject.defaultWhere = this.defaultWhere; return dbObject; }
private void OnRemoveObject(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { if (OnRemove != null) { OnRemove(dbObject, new EventArgs()); } }
/* * Assign values and all internal properties from one object to another. */ public void assign(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { assign(dbObject, true); }
private void Update(BizDataBaseObject dbObject) { string strCommandText = ""; try { string debugRecordStr = dbObject.debug(""); strCommandText = "UPDATE " + dbObject.table + " SET "; ArrayList attributes = dbObject.attributes; bool isFirst = true; bool updatedAttributeFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)attributes[i]; if (column.isDirty()) { if (column.isDerrived || column.isKey) continue; if (!isFirst) strCommandText = strCommandText + " , "; // Column strCommandText = strCommandText + "[" + + "]= "; // Value String columnValue = null; if (column.getValue() != null) { if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.STRING) { String value = column.getValue("").ToString().Replace("'", "''"); columnValue = "N'" + value + "'"; } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.INTEGER) columnValue = column.getValue().ToString(); else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.DECIMAL) columnValue = column.getValue().ToString(); else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.DATE) { String value = ((DateTime)column.getValue()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); columnValue = "'" + value + "'"; } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.BOOL) { if ((bool)column.getValue() == true) columnValue = "1"; else columnValue = "0"; } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.BINARY) { columnValue = "0x" + ToHexString((byte[])column.getValue()); } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.CLOB) { Encoding u16LE = Encoding.Unicode; byte[] byteValue = (byte[])u16LE.GetBytes((string)column.getValue()); columnValue = "0x" + ToHexString(byteValue); } else if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.IMAGE) { columnValue = "0x" + ToHexString((byte[])column.getValue()); } else throw new BizDataAccessException("Not supported Data Type:" + column.type); } else { columnValue = "null"; } strCommandText = strCommandText + columnValue; isFirst = false; updatedAttributeFound = true; } } // Return (No modified data found) if (!updatedAttributeFound) return; // strCommandText = strCommandText + " WHERE "; isFirst = true; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn column = (BizDataBaseColumn)attributes[i]; if (column.isKey & column.isSet) { if (!isFirst) strCommandText = strCommandText + " and "; if (column.type == BizDataBaseColumn.STRING) strCommandText = strCommandText + "[" + + "]= N'" + column.getValue() + "'"; else strCommandText = strCommandText + "[" + + "]= '" + column.getValue() + "'"; isFirst = false; } } // Check Object Version first object oldObjVersion = GetObjectVersion(dbObject); if (oldObjVersion != null) { string oldVersion = Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])oldObjVersion); if (dbObject.OBJ_VERSION.getValue() == null) throw new BizDataAccessException("Object [" + dbObject.displayName + "] has empty OBJECT_VERSION!"); string currentVersion = Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])dbObject.OBJ_VERSION.getValue()); if (!oldVersion.Equals(currentVersion)) throw new BizDataAccessException("Object [" + dbObject.displayName + "] has been changed by another user!"); } validateBeforSave(dbObject); // Update record SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strCommandText, SESSION.SqlConn, SESSION.SqlTrans); objCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); addDebugItem(new BizDataAccessDebugItem("Server Call : Update( " + dbObject.table + " )", strCommandText + "\n\n" + debugRecordStr)); } catch (SqlException e) { addDebugItem(new BizDataAccessDebugItem("Error: Server Call : Update( " + dbObject.table + " )", strCommandText + "\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString())); if (e.Number == 8152) { throw new BizDataAccessException("Trying to insert large text! Object [" + dbObject.displayName + "] Key:" + dbObject.getKeyValue()); } throw new BizDataAccessException("Error Saving [ " + dbObject.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } catch (BizDataAccessException e) { addDebugItem(new BizDataAccessDebugItem("Error: Server Call : Update( " + dbObject.table + " )", strCommandText + "\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString())); throw new BizDataAccessException("Error Saving [ " + dbObject.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } catch (Exception e) { addDebugItem(new BizDataAccessDebugItem("Error: Server Call : Update( " + dbObject.table + " )", strCommandText + "\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString())); throw new BizDataAccessException("Error Saving [ " + dbObject.displayName + " ]", e.Message, e); } }
/* * Assign values and all internal properties from one object to another. */ public void assign(BizDataBaseObject dbObject, bool assignObjVersion) { if (dbObject != null) { if (this.view==null) this.view = dbObject.view; if (this.table==null) this.table = dbObject.table; if (this.displayName==null) this.displayName = dbObject.displayName; if (this.defaultWhere==null) this.defaultWhere = dbObject.defaultWhere; ArrayList fromAttributes = dbObject.attributes; for (int i = 0; i < fromAttributes.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseColumn fromAttr = (BizDataBaseColumn)fromAttributes[i]; BizDataBaseColumn toAttr = findColumn(; if (toAttr != null && toAttr!=OBJ_VERSION) { toAttr.setValue(fromAttr.getValue()); toAttr.isSet = fromAttr.isSet; } } for (int i = 0; i < dbObject.arrays.Count; i++) { BizDataBaseListColumn fromArray = (BizDataBaseListColumn)dbObject.arrays[i]; BizDataBaseListColumn toArray = findArrayColumn(; if (toArray != null) { toArray.assign(fromArray); } } state = dbObject.state; } }