public static Transition Create(XElement element, KeyMapping keyMapping) { var transition = new Transition(); transition.Load(element, keyMapping); return(transition); }
public static Node Create(XElement element, KeyMapping keyMapping) { var node = new Node(); node.Load(element, keyMapping); return(node); }
public override void Load(XElement element, KeyMapping keyMapping) { base.Load(element, keyMapping); var dataElements = element .Elements(XName.Get("data", element.GetDefaultNamespace().NamespaceName)) .ToArray(); var initialElem = dataElements .Where(x => (string)x.Attribute("key") == keyMapping.InitialStateId) .FirstOrDefault(); var finalElem = dataElements .Where(x => (string)x.Attribute("key") == keyMapping.FinalStateId) .FirstOrDefault(); IsInitial = ParsingUtility.ElementContentToBoolean(initialElem, keyMapping.InitialStateDefaultValue); IsFinal = ParsingUtility.ElementContentToBoolean(finalElem, keyMapping.FinalStateDefaultValue); if (IsFinal) { if (Description == null) { Description = "[FINAL]"; } } CheckIdProperty(element); CheckDescriptionProperty(element); }
public static Graph CreateFromRootXml(XElement root) { if (root == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(root)); } var km = new KeyMapping(root); var graphElement = root .Elements(XName.Get("graph", root.GetDefaultNamespace().NamespaceName)) .FirstOrDefault(); return(Create(graphElement, km)); }
public static Graph Create(XElement element, KeyMapping keyMapping) { if (element == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element)); } if (keyMapping == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keyMapping)); } var graph = new Graph(); graph.Load(element, keyMapping); return(graph); }
public override void Load(XElement element, KeyMapping keyMapping) { base.Load(element, keyMapping); CheckIdProperty(element); Source = (string)element.Attribute("source"); Target = (string)element.Attribute("target"); if (Source != null) { Source = Source.Trim(); } if (Target != null) { Target = Target.Trim(); } }
public virtual void Load(XElement element, KeyMapping keyMapping) { if (element == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element)); } if (keyMapping == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keyMapping)); } Identifier = (string)element.Attribute("id"); if (Identifier != null) { Identifier = Identifier.Trim(); } var dataElements = element .Elements(XName.Get("data", element.GetDefaultNamespace().NamespaceName)); var descriptionContent = dataElements .Where(x => (string)x.Attribute("key") == keyMapping.NodeDescrionId || (string)x.Attribute("key") == keyMapping.GraphDescrionId || (string)x.Attribute("key") == keyMapping.EdgeDescrionId) .FirstOrDefault(); if (descriptionContent != null && descriptionContent.FirstNode != null) { if (descriptionContent.FirstNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA) { Description = ((XCData)descriptionContent.FirstNode).Value; } else if (descriptionContent.FirstNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) { Description = ((XText)descriptionContent.FirstNode).Value; } } if (Description != null) { Description = Description.Trim(); } }
public override void Load(XElement element, KeyMapping keyMapping) { base.Load(element, keyMapping); Nodes = element .Elements(XName.Get("node", element.GetDefaultNamespace().NamespaceName)) .Select(x => Node.Create(x, keyMapping)) .ToArray(); Transitions = element .Elements(XName.Get("edge", element.GetDefaultNamespace().NamespaceName)) .Select(x => Transition.Create(x, keyMapping)) .Distinct(new TransitionEqualityComparer()) .ToArray(); var initialNodes = Nodes .Where(n => n.IsInitial) .ToArray(); if (initialNodes.Length == 1) { InitialNode = initialNodes[0]; } else if (initialNodes.Length > 1) { throw new FormatException("Several nodes are declared as initial, however there can be at most one."); } // find not properly connected transitions foreach (var t in Transitions) { if (Nodes.Any(n => n.Identifier == t.Source) == false) { throw new FormatException(string.Format("Source of transition '{0}' is invalid.", t.Description)); } if (Nodes.Any(n => n.Identifier == t.Target) == false) { throw new FormatException(string.Format("Target of transition '{0}' is invalid.", t.Description)); } if (t.Description == null) { t.UpdateDescription(Nodes.First(n => n.Identifier == t.Target).Description); } } //foreach (var grp in Transitions.GroupBy(t => t.Description)) //{ // var orderedTransitions = grp.OrderBy(t => t.Source).ToArray(); // for (int i = 0; i < orderedTransitions.Length - 1; i++) // { // if (orderedTransitions[i].Source == orderedTransitions[i + 1].Source) // { // var from = Nodes.Single(x => x.Identifier == orderedTransitions[i].Source).Description; // var to1 = Nodes.Single(x => x.Identifier == orderedTransitions[i].Target).Description; // var to2 = Nodes.Single(x => x.Identifier == orderedTransitions[i + 1].Target).Description; // throw new FormatException(string.Format("Illegal transitions from '{0}' to '{1}' and '{2}'.", from, to1, to2)); // } // } //} }