BytesToHexString() public static method

Returns the given byte array hex encoded.
public static BytesToHexString ( byte bytes ) : string
bytes byte
return string
コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a human readable debug string.
 /// </summary>
 public override string ToString()
     if (IsCoinBase)
         return("TxIn: COINBASE");
     return("TxIn from tx " + Outpoint + " (pubkey: " + Utils.BytesToHexString(ScriptSig.PubKey) + ") script:" + ScriptSig);
コード例 #2
        public override string ToString()
            var b = new StringBuilder();

            b.Append(" priv:").Append(Utils.BytesToHexString(_priv.ToByteArray()));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the program opcodes as a string, for example "[1234] DUP HAHS160"
        /// </summary>
        public override string ToString()
            var buf = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var chunk in _chunks)
                if (chunk.Length == 1)
                    string opName;
                    var    opcode = chunk[0];
                    switch (opcode)
                    case OpDup:
                        opName = "DUP";

                    case OpHash160:
                        opName = "HASH160";

                    case OpCheckSig:
                        opName = "CHECKSIG";

                    case OpEqualVerify:
                        opName = "EQUALVERIFY";

                        opName = "?(" + opcode + ")";
                    buf.Append(" ");
                    // Data chunk
                    buf.Append(" ");
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes message to to the output stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="IOException"/>
        public void Serialize(Message message, Stream @out)
            string name;

            if (!_names.TryGetValue(message.GetType(), out name))
                throw new Exception("BitcoinSerializer doesn't currently know how to serialize " + message.GetType());

            var header = new byte[4 + _commandLen + 4 + (_usesChecksumming ? 4 : 0)];

            Utils.Uint32ToByteArrayBe(_params.PacketMagic, header, 0);

            // The header array is initialized to zero so we don't have to worry about
            // NULL terminating the string here.
            for (var i = 0; i < name.Length && i < _commandLen; i++)
                header[4 + i] = (byte)name[i];

            var payload = message.BitcoinSerialize();

            Utils.Uint32ToByteArrayLe((uint)payload.Length, header, 4 + _commandLen);

            if (_usesChecksumming)
                var hash = Utils.DoubleDigest(payload);
                Array.Copy(hash, 0, header, 4 + _commandLen + 4, 4);


            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                _log.DebugFormat("Sending {0} message: {1}", name, Utils.BytesToHexString(header) + Utils.BytesToHexString(payload));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Message.cs プロジェクト: skironDotNet/BitSharper
        /// <exception cref="ProtocolException"/>
        internal Message(NetworkParameters @params, byte[] msg, int offset, uint protocolVersion = NetworkParameters.ProtocolVersion)
            ProtocolVersion = protocolVersion;
            Params          = @params;
            Bytes           = msg;
            Cursor          = Offset = offset;
            // Useful to ensure serialize/deserialize are consistent with each other.
            if (GetType() != typeof(VersionMessage))
                var msgbytes = new byte[Cursor - offset];
                Array.Copy(msg, offset, msgbytes, 0, Cursor - offset);
                var reserialized = BitcoinSerialize();
                if (!reserialized.SequenceEqual(msgbytes))
                    throw new Exception("Serialization is wrong: " + Environment.NewLine +
                                        Utils.BytesToHexString(reserialized) + " vs " + Environment.NewLine +
            Bytes = null;
コード例 #6
 public override string ToString()
コード例 #7
ファイル: Transaction.cs プロジェクト: deivatsi/BitSharper
        /// <summary>
        /// Once a transaction has some inputs and outputs added, the signatures in the inputs can be calculated. The
        /// signature is over the transaction itself, to prove the redeemer actually created that transaction,
        /// so we have to do this step last.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is similar to SignatureHash in script.cpp
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="hashType">This should always be set to SigHash.ALL currently. Other types are unused. </param>
        /// <param name="wallet">A wallet is required to fetch the keys needed for signing.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ScriptException"/>
        public void SignInputs(SigHash hashType, Wallet wallet)
            Debug.Assert(_inputs.Count > 0);
            Debug.Assert(_outputs.Count > 0);

            // I don't currently have an easy way to test other modes work, as the official client does not use them.
            Debug.Assert(hashType == SigHash.All);

            // The transaction is signed with the input scripts empty except for the input we are signing. In the case
            // where addInput has been used to set up a new transaction, they are already all empty. The input being signed
            // has to have the connected OUTPUT program in it when the hash is calculated!
            // Note that each input may be claiming an output sent to a different key. So we have to look at the outputs
            // to figure out which key to sign with.

            var signatures  = new byte[_inputs.Count][];
            var signingKeys = new EcKey[_inputs.Count];

            for (var i = 0; i < _inputs.Count; i++)
                var input = _inputs[i];
                Debug.Assert(input.ScriptBytes.Length == 0, "Attempting to sign a non-fresh transaction");
                // Set the input to the script of its output.
                input.ScriptBytes = input.Outpoint.ConnectedPubKeyScript;
                // Find the signing key we'll need to use.
                var connectedPubKeyHash = input.Outpoint.ConnectedPubKeyHash;
                var key = wallet.FindKeyFromPubHash(connectedPubKeyHash);
                // This assert should never fire. If it does, it means the wallet is inconsistent.
                Debug.Assert(key != null, "Transaction exists in wallet that we cannot redeem: " + Utils.BytesToHexString(connectedPubKeyHash));
                // Keep the key around for the script creation step below.
                signingKeys[i] = key;
                // The anyoneCanPay feature isn't used at the moment.
                const bool anyoneCanPay = false;
                var        hash         = HashTransactionForSignature(hashType, anyoneCanPay);
                // Set the script to empty again for the next input.
                input.ScriptBytes = TransactionInput.EmptyArray;

                // Now sign for the output so we can redeem it. We use the keypair to sign the hash,
                // and then put the resulting signature in the script along with the public key (below).
                using (var bos = new MemoryStream())
                    bos.Write((byte)(((int)hashType + 1) | (anyoneCanPay ? 0x80 : 0)));
                    signatures[i] = bos.ToArray();

            // Now we have calculated each signature, go through and create the scripts. Reminder: the script consists of
            // a signature (over a hash of the transaction) and the complete public key needed to sign for the connected
            // output.
            for (var i = 0; i < _inputs.Count; i++)
                var input = _inputs[i];
                Debug.Assert(input.ScriptBytes.Length == 0);
                var key = signingKeys[i];
                input.ScriptBytes = Script.CreateInputScript(signatures[i], key.PubKey);

            // Every input is now complete.
コード例 #8
 public override string ToString()
     return("Unknown message [" + _name + "]: " + (Bytes == null ? "" : Utils.BytesToHexString(Bytes)));
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a message from the given InputStream and returns it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ProtocolException"/>
        /// <exception cref="IOException"/>
        public Message Deserialize(Stream @in)
            // A BitCoin protocol message has the following format.
            //   - 4 byte magic number: 0xfabfb5da for the testnet or
            //                          0xf9beb4d9 for production
            //   - 12 byte command in ASCII
            //   - 4 byte payload size
            //   - 4 byte checksum
            //   - Payload data
            // The checksum is the first 4 bytes of a SHA256 hash of the message payload. It isn't
            // present for all messages, notably, the first one on a connection.
            // Satoshi's implementation ignores garbage before the magic header bytes. We have to do the same because
            // sometimes it sends us stuff that isn't part of any message.
            // Now read in the header.
            var header     = new byte[_commandLen + 4 + (_usesChecksumming ? 4 : 0)];
            var readCursor = 0;

            while (readCursor < header.Length)
                var bytesRead = @in.Read(header, readCursor, header.Length - readCursor);
                if (bytesRead == -1)
                    // There's no more data to read.
                    throw new IOException("Socket is disconnected");
                readCursor += bytesRead;

            var cursor = 0;

            // The command is a NULL terminated string, unless the command fills all twelve bytes
            // in which case the termination is implicit.
            var mark = cursor;

            for (; header[cursor] != 0 && cursor - mark < _commandLen; cursor++)
            var commandBytes = new byte[cursor - mark];

            Array.Copy(header, mark, commandBytes, 0, commandBytes.Length);
            for (var i = 0; i < commandBytes.Length; i++)
                // Emulate ASCII by replacing extended characters with question marks.
                if (commandBytes[i] >= 0x80)
                    commandBytes[i] = 0x3F;
            var command = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(commandBytes, 0, commandBytes.Length);

            cursor = mark + _commandLen;

            var size = Utils.ReadUint32(header, cursor);

            cursor += 4;

            if (size > Message.MaxSize)
                throw new ProtocolException("Message size too large: " + size);

            // Old clients don't send the checksum.
            var checksum = new byte[4];

            if (_usesChecksumming)
                // Note that the size read above includes the checksum bytes.
                Array.Copy(header, cursor, checksum, 0, 4);

            // Now try to read the whole message.
            readCursor = 0;
            var payloadBytes = new byte[size];

            while (readCursor < payloadBytes.Length - 1)
                var bytesRead = @in.Read(payloadBytes, readCursor, (int)(size - readCursor));
                if (bytesRead == -1)
                    throw new IOException("Socket is disconnected");
                readCursor += bytesRead;

            // Verify the checksum.
            if (_usesChecksumming)
                var hash = Utils.DoubleDigest(payloadBytes);
                if (checksum[0] != hash[0] || checksum[1] != hash[1] ||
                    checksum[2] != hash[2] || checksum[3] != hash[3])
                    throw new ProtocolException("Checksum failed to verify, actual " +
                                                Utils.BytesToHexString(hash) +
                                                " vs " + Utils.BytesToHexString(checksum));

            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                _log.DebugFormat("Received {0} byte '{1}' message: {2}",

                return(MakeMessage(command, payloadBytes));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ProtocolException("Error deserializing message " + Utils.BytesToHexString(payloadBytes) + Environment.NewLine + e.Message, e);