public static string GetSummaryText(string filePath) { try { DebugWriter.WriteInfo("Opening a streamreader at location " + filePath); var streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath); DebugWriter.WriteInfo("Converting text file to IEnumerable<IShape>"); var shapes = ShapeFactory.TextFileToShapes(streamReader); return(GetSummaryText(shapes)); } catch (Exception err) { DebugWriter.WriteException(err); return("+++++Abort+++++"); } }
public static string GetSummaryText(IList <IShape> shapes) { try { DebugWriter.WriteInfo($"Creating output text for { shapes.Count } shapes"); var result = lineBreak + "Bill of Materials\n" + lineBreak; foreach (var shape in shapes) { result += shape.GetOutput(); } result += lineBreak; return(result); } catch (Exception err) { DebugWriter.WriteException(err); return("+++++Abort+++++"); } }