protected override IList<City> GetCities() { var result = new List<City>(); var doc = XDocument.Load("Assets/nextbike-cities.xml"); foreach (var xctry in doc.Descendants("country")) { var countryName = (string)xctry.Attribute("country_name"); var country = countryName ?? DomainNameToCountry((string)xctry.Attribute("domain")); var serviceName = (string)xctry.Attribute("name"); foreach (var xcity in xctry.Descendants("city")/*.ToList()*/) { var city = new City() { CityName = (string)xcity.Attribute("name"), Country = country, ServiceName = serviceName, UrlCityName = (string)xcity.Attribute("alias"), UID = (string)xcity.Attribute("uid"), Latitude = (double)xcity.Attribute("lat"), Longitude = (double)xcity.Attribute("lng"), Provider = Instance }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(city.UrlCityName)) city.UrlCityName = city.CityName; result.Add(city); } } return result; }
protected override IList<City> GetCities() { var result = new List<City>(); string dataJson = ""; var csr = App.GetResourceStream(new Uri("Assets/", UriKind.Relative)).Stream; var uz = new UnZipper(csr); using (var fs = uz.GetFileStream(uz.FileNamesInZip.FirstOrDefault())) { var sr = new StreamReader(fs); dataJson = sr.ReadToEnd(); } var allServices = dataJson.FromJson<List<AboProvider>>(); foreach (var abo in allServices) { if (abo.Abo == null || abo.Abo.Terminals == null) continue; var serviceName = abo.Abo.Name; var grouppedTerminals = from term in abo.Abo.Terminals where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(term.City) group term by term.City into byCity select new { City = byCity.Key, Country = DomainNameToCountry(byCity.First().Country), Terminals = byCity.ToList() }; foreach (var xcity in grouppedTerminals) { // todo: find an existing city and append the service name; eg: "SwissPass, Bulle" var city = (from c in result where string.Equals(c.CityName, xcity.City, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (city == null) { city = new City() { CityName = xcity.City, Country = DomainNameToCountry(xcity.Country), ServiceName = serviceName, UrlCityName = xcity.City, Latitude = abo.Abo.Lat, Longitude = abo.Abo.Lng, //UID = (string)xcity.Attribute("uid"), Provider = Instance }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(city.UrlCityName)) city.UrlCityName = city.CityName; result.Add(city); } else if (city.ServiceName.IndexOf(serviceName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) < 0) { city.ServiceName += ", " + serviceName; if (!string.Equals(serviceName, "SwissPass", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { city.Latitude = abo.Abo.Lat; city.Longitude = abo.Abo.Lng; } } } } return result; }
public SystemConfigViewModel(IEventAggregator events, SystemConfig config, CityContextViewModel cityContext) { = events; this.config = config; this.cityContext = cityContext; this.Cities = new List<City>(); Cities.Add(new City() { CityName = " - automatic - " }); Cities.AddRange(BikeServiceProvider.GetAllCities().OrderBy(c => c.Country + c.CityName)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.City)) selectedCity = Cities[0]; else selectedCity = Cities.Where(c => config.City.Equals(c.UrlCityName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); }
public void SetCity(City newCity) { if (newCity == return; var saveCity =; if (saveCity != null) ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance.Schedule(() => { SaveToDB(saveCity); }); = newCity; if (city != null) { if (city.Coordinate != null && !city.Coordinate.IsUnknown) IoC.Get<Bicikelj.Model.Analytics.IAnalyticsService>().SetLocation(city.Coordinate); } subCity.OnNext(; }
public void SaveToDB(City saveCity) { if (saveCity == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveCity.UrlCityName) || saveCity.Favorites == null || saveCity.Stations == null) return; if (saveCity is CityNetwork) { foreach (var nCity in (saveCity as CityNetwork).Cities) SaveToDB(nCity); return; } saveCity.Favorites.Apply(f => { if (f != null) f.City = saveCity.UrlCityName; }); var cityJson = saveCity.ToJson(); using (var myIsolatedStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { if (!myIsolatedStorage.DirectoryExists("Cities")) myIsolatedStorage.CreateDirectory("Cities"); var cityFile = "Cities\\" + saveCity.UrlCityName; using (var fileStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(cityFile, FileMode.Create, myIsolatedStorage)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream)) { writer.Write(cityJson); } } }
public bool GetCityForStation(StationLocation station, out City scity) { scity = GetCityForStation(station); return scity != null; }