private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox3.Text.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("As of this version, Please fill in all the information", "Error"); } if (textBox4.Text.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("As of this version, Please fill in all the information", "Error"); } if (textBox5.Text.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("As of this version, Please fill in all the information", "Error"); } if (textBox6.Text.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("As of this version, Please fill in all the information", "Error"); } String seperation = "♥"; String collect = textBox3.Text.ToString() + seperation + textBox4.Text.ToString() + seperation + textBox5.Text.ToString() + seperation + textBox6.Text.ToString(); string createText = mb.Encrypt(collect); File.WriteAllText(localLocation + "//vote.db", createText); RegistrationSettings rs = new RegistrationSettings(); rs.Show(); rs.sendData(localLocation); this.Hide(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Register Person String localLocation = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "//Registrations"; if (File.Exists(localLocation)) { } else { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(localLocation); } bool detectEmpty = false; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lblName.Text)) { detectEmpty = true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txbSurname.Text)) { detectEmpty = true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupVal.Text)) { detectEmpty = true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txfID.Text)) { detectEmpty = true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txfEligible.Text)) { detectEmpty = true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txfGender.Text)) { detectEmpty = true; } string path = localLocation + "//" + lblName.Text.ToString().Trim() + " " + txbSurname.Text.ToString().Trim() + ".db"; String seperation = "♥"; String storageData = lblName.Text.ToString().Trim() + seperation + txbSurname.Text.ToString().Trim() + seperation + groupVal.Text.ToString() + seperation + txfID.Text.ToString().Trim() + seperation + txfEligible.Text.ToString() + seperation + txfGender.Text.ToString(); if (detectEmpty == true) { MessageBox.Show("Error, Please make sure all data is filled in", "Error"); detectEmpty = false; } else { if (!File.Exists(path)) { File.Create(path).Dispose(); using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(path)) { tw.WriteLine(mb.Encrypt(storageData)); MessageBox.Show(lblName.Text.ToString().Trim() + " " + txbSurname.Text.ToString().Trim() + " Has been Registered Successfully", "Success"); } } else if (File.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show("Error, Please Not\n" + lblName.Text.ToString().Trim() + " " + txbSurname.Text.ToString().Trim() + " Already Exists In The System", "Error"); } } }
private void button26_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String totalNames = ""; if (btn1 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button1.Text + "♥"; } if (btn2 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button2.Text + "♥"; } if (btn3 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button3.Text + "♥"; } if (btn4 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button4.Text + "♥"; } if (btn5 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button5.Text + "♥"; } if (btn6 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button6.Text + "♥"; } if (btn7 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button7.Text + "♥"; } if (btn8 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button8.Text + "♥"; } if (btn9 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button9.Text + "♥"; } if (btn10 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button10.Text + "♥"; } if (btn11 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button11.Text + "♥"; } if (btn12 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button12.Text + "♥"; } if (btn13 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button13.Text + "♥"; } if (btn14 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button14.Text + "♥"; } if (btn15 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button15.Text + "♥"; } if (btn16 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button16.Text + "♥"; } if (btn17 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button17.Text + "♥"; } if (btn18 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button18.Text + "♥"; } if (btn19 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button19.Text + "♥"; } if (btn20 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button20.Text + "♥"; } if (btn21 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button21.Text + "♥"; } if (btn22 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button22.Text + "♥"; } if (btn23 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button23.Text + "♥"; } if (btn24 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button24.Text + "♥"; } if (btn25 == true) { totalNames = totalNames + button25.Text + "♥"; } totalNames = totalNames.Substring(0, totalNames.Length - 1); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("Votes"); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("Results"); String localLocation = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "//Results"; String[] names = totalNames.Split('♥'); for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { if (File.Exists(localLocation + "//" + names[i] + ".db")) { string readText = File.ReadAllText(localLocation + "//" + names[i] + ".db"); int counter = int.Parse(readText); counter++; File.WriteAllText(localLocation + "//" + names[i] + ".db", mb.Encrypt(counter.ToString())); } else { string createText = "1"; File.WriteAllText(localLocation + "//" + names[i] + ".db", mb.Encrypt(createText)); } VotingFormMainUI vfmUI = new VotingFormMainUI(); vfmUI.Show(); this.Hide(); } }