public void Initialize() { _c.ResetParser(); _c.SetTimeout(_defaultTimeout); this.SetSpeedMode(PTSpeedControlMode.Independent); this.SetCommandMode(PTCommandMode.Immediate); _panResolution = this.GetPanPositionResolutionArcs(); _tiltResolution = this.GetTiltPositionResolutionArcs(); _panStepMode = this.GetPanStepMode(); _tiltStepMode = this.GetTiltStepMode(); _limitsMode = this.GetPositionLimitsMode(); }
/// <summary>Tests the specified serial port to see if there is a PTU controller attached. This method is blocking, but throws if the unit is unresponsive (2000ms timeout).</summary> public static PTFirmwareInfo GetFirmwareInfo(String portName) { PTFirmwareInfo ret; using (PTConnection c = new PTConnection(portName)) { try { c.ResetParser(); c.SetTimeout(500); String firmware = c.GetLine(PTCommand.GetFirmwareVersion); ret = PTFirmwareInfo.FromString(firmware); c.SetTimeout(_defaultTimeout); } catch (TimeoutException) { return(null); } } return(ret); }