コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This one does many things, which essentially boil down to translating the geometry + performance measures into a spk instance.
        /// This instance subsequently gets json-ed out to a file
        /// </summary>

        public static System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject translateGeometry(List <System.Object> inputObjects, List <string> guids, String name, IGH_Component component)
            dynamic myInstance = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            myInstance.metadata           = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            myInstance.metadata.verion    = "1.0";
            myInstance.metadata.type      = "Object";
            myInstance.metadata.generator = "Instance Export";

            // super important - name will link it to the correct group in three js
            myInstance.metadata.name       = name;
            myInstance.metadata.properties = new List <String>();

            foreach (IGH_Param param in component.Params.Input[1].Sources)
                var myprop = getPanelNameAndVal(param);
                if (myprop != null)

            myInstance.geometries = new List <System.Object>();

            int k = 0;

            foreach (System.Object myObj in inputObjects)
                if (myObj != null)
                    string myguid = "000";

                    if (name != "staticGeo")
                        myguid = guids[k];


                    if (myObj is GH_Mesh)
                        GH_Mesh   tempers = (GH_Mesh)myObj;
                        SuperMesh mesh    = new SuperMesh(tempers, myguid);
                    else if ((myObj is GH_Curve))
                        GH_Curve tempers = (GH_Curve)myObj;
                        Curve    myCrv   = tempers.Value;

                        if (myCrv.Degree == 1)
                            Polyline      tempP; myCrv.TryGetPolyline(out tempP);
                            SuperPolyline polyline = new SuperPolyline(tempP, false, myguid);
                        else if ((myCrv.Degree == 2) || (myCrv.Degree == 3))
                            bool   isClosed = myCrv.IsClosed;
                            int    mainSegmentCount = 0, subSegmentCount = 1;
                            double maxAngleRadians = 0, maxChordLengthRatio = 0, maxAspectRatio = 0, tolerance = 0.1, minEdgeLength = 0, maxEdgeLength = 0;
                            bool   keepStartPoint = true;

                            PolylineCurve p = myCrv.ToPolyline(mainSegmentCount, subSegmentCount, maxAngleRadians, maxChordLengthRatio, maxAspectRatio, tolerance, minEdgeLength, maxEdgeLength, keepStartPoint);
                            Polyline      pp; p.TryGetPolyline(out pp);
                            myInstance.geometries.Add(new SuperPolyline(pp, isClosed, myguid));
                    else if (myObj is Point3d)
                        GH_Point   tempers = (GH_Point)myObj;
                        SuperPoint point   = new SuperPoint(tempers, myguid);
                    else if ((myObj is GH_Brep) || (myObj is GH_Surface))
                        Mesh[] myMeshes;

                        Brep myFutureBrep = null;

                        GH_Convert.ToBrep(myObj, ref myFutureBrep, GH_Conversion.Primary);

                        if (myFutureBrep != null)
                            myMeshes = Mesh.CreateFromBrep(myFutureBrep, MeshingParameters.Smooth);

                            if (myMeshes == null || myMeshes.Length == 0)
                                // TODO throw an error

                            Mesh brep_mesh = new Mesh();
                            foreach (Mesh tempmesh in myMeshes)

                            GH_Mesh temporal = new GH_Mesh(brep_mesh);

                            SuperMesh mesh = new SuperMesh(temporal, myguid);
                    else if (myObj is GH_Circle)
                        GH_Circle myCircle = myObj as GH_Circle;
                        //NurbsCurve mycrv = myCircle.Value.ToNurbsCurve();
                        NurbsCurve mycrv = NurbsCurve.CreateFromCircle(myCircle.Value);

                        int    mainSegmentCount = 30, subSegmentCount = 1;
                        double maxAngleRadians = 0, maxChordLengthRatio = 0, maxAspectRatio = 0, tolerance = 0.1, minEdgeLength = 0, maxEdgeLength = 0;
                        bool   keepStartPoint = true;

                        if (mycrv != null)
                            PolylineCurve p = mycrv.ToPolyline(mainSegmentCount, subSegmentCount, maxAngleRadians, maxChordLengthRatio, maxAspectRatio, tolerance, minEdgeLength, maxEdgeLength, keepStartPoint);

                            Polyline pp; p.TryGetPolyline(out pp);
                            if (pp != null)
                                myInstance.geometries.Add(new SuperPolyline(pp, true, myguid));
                                myInstance.geometries.Add("Circle error");
                            myInstance.geometries.Add("Circle error 2");
                    else if (myObj is GH_Line)
                        GH_Line myLine = myObj as GH_Line;
                        myInstance.geometries.Add(new SuperPolyline(myLine, myguid));
                        myInstance.geometries.Add("error - undefined type");
