// private string GetHexEncoded(byte[] bytes) // { // bytes = Hex.Encode(bytes); // // char[] chars = new char[bytes.Length]; // // for (int i = 0; i != bytes.Length; i++) // { // chars[i] = (char)bytes[i]; // } // // return new string(chars); // } private static PemObject CreatePemObject( object obj, string algorithm, char[] password, SecureRandom random) { if (obj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); } if (algorithm == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("algorithm"); } if (password == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("password"); } if (random == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("random"); } if (obj is AsymmetricCipherKeyPair) { return(CreatePemObject(((AsymmetricCipherKeyPair)obj).Private, algorithm, password, random)); } string type = null; byte[] keyData = null; if (obj is AsymmetricKeyParameter) { AsymmetricKeyParameter akp = (AsymmetricKeyParameter)obj; if (akp.IsPrivate) { string keyType; keyData = EncodePrivateKey(akp, out keyType); type = keyType + " PRIVATE KEY"; } } if (type == null || keyData == null) { // TODO Support other types? throw new PemGenerationException("Object type not supported: " + BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.GetTypeName(obj)); } string dekAlgName = BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.ToUpperInvariant(algorithm); // Note: For backward compatibility if (dekAlgName == "DESEDE") { dekAlgName = "DES-EDE3-CBC"; } int ivLength = BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.StartsWith(dekAlgName, "AES-") ? 16 : 8; byte[] iv = new byte[ivLength]; random.NextBytes(iv); byte[] encData = PemUtilities.Crypt(true, keyData, password, dekAlgName, iv); IList headers = BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.CreateArrayList(2); headers.Add(new PemHeader("Proc-Type", "4,ENCRYPTED")); headers.Add(new PemHeader("DEK-Info", dekAlgName + "," + Hex.ToHexString(iv))); return(new PemObject(type, headers, encData)); }
/** * Read a Key Pair */ private object ReadPrivateKey(PemObject pemObject) { // // extract the key // Debug.Assert(BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.EndsWith(pemObject.Type, "PRIVATE KEY")); string type = pemObject.Type.Substring(0, pemObject.Type.Length - "PRIVATE KEY".Length).Trim(); byte[] keyBytes = pemObject.Content; IDictionary fields = BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.CreateHashtable(); foreach (PemHeader header in pemObject.Headers) { fields[header.Name] = header.Value; } string procType = (string)fields["Proc-Type"]; if (procType == "4,ENCRYPTED") { if (pFinder == null) { throw new PasswordException("No password finder specified, but a password is required"); } char[] password = pFinder.GetPassword(); if (password == null) { throw new PasswordException("Password is null, but a password is required"); } string dekInfo = (string)fields["DEK-Info"]; string[] tknz = dekInfo.Split(','); string dekAlgName = tknz[0].Trim(); byte[] iv = Hex.Decode(tknz[1].Trim()); keyBytes = PemUtilities.Crypt(false, keyBytes, password, dekAlgName, iv); } try { AsymmetricKeyParameter pubSpec, privSpec; Asn1Sequence seq = Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(keyBytes); switch (type) { case "RSA": { if (seq.Count != 9) { throw new PemException("malformed sequence in RSA private key"); } RsaPrivateKeyStructure rsa = RsaPrivateKeyStructure.GetInstance(seq); pubSpec = new RsaKeyParameters(false, rsa.Modulus, rsa.PublicExponent); privSpec = new RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters( rsa.Modulus, rsa.PublicExponent, rsa.PrivateExponent, rsa.Prime1, rsa.Prime2, rsa.Exponent1, rsa.Exponent2, rsa.Coefficient); break; } case "DSA": { if (seq.Count != 6) { throw new PemException("malformed sequence in DSA private key"); } // TODO Create an ASN1 object somewhere for this? //DerInteger v = (DerInteger)seq[0]; DerInteger p = (DerInteger)seq[1]; DerInteger q = (DerInteger)seq[2]; DerInteger g = (DerInteger)seq[3]; DerInteger y = (DerInteger)seq[4]; DerInteger x = (DerInteger)seq[5]; DsaParameters parameters = new DsaParameters(p.Value, q.Value, g.Value); privSpec = new DsaPrivateKeyParameters(x.Value, parameters); pubSpec = new DsaPublicKeyParameters(y.Value, parameters); break; } case "EC": { ECPrivateKeyStructure pKey = ECPrivateKeyStructure.GetInstance(seq); AlgorithmIdentifier algId = new AlgorithmIdentifier( X9ObjectIdentifiers.IdECPublicKey, pKey.GetParameters()); PrivateKeyInfo privInfo = new PrivateKeyInfo(algId, pKey.ToAsn1Object()); // TODO Are the keys returned here ECDSA, as Java version forces? privSpec = PrivateKeyFactory.CreateKey(privInfo); DerBitString pubKey = pKey.GetPublicKey(); if (pubKey != null) { SubjectPublicKeyInfo pubInfo = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(algId, pubKey.GetBytes()); // TODO Are the keys returned here ECDSA, as Java version forces? pubSpec = PublicKeyFactory.CreateKey(pubInfo); } else { pubSpec = ECKeyPairGenerator.GetCorrespondingPublicKey( (ECPrivateKeyParameters)privSpec); } break; } case "ENCRYPTED": { char[] password = pFinder.GetPassword(); if (password == null) { throw new PasswordException("Password is null, but a password is required"); } return(PrivateKeyFactory.DecryptKey(password, EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.GetInstance(seq))); } case "": { return(PrivateKeyFactory.CreateKey(PrivateKeyInfo.GetInstance(seq))); } default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown key type: " + type, "type"); } return(new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(pubSpec, privSpec)); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new PemException( "problem creating " + type + " private key: " + e.ToString()); } }