private static void DeleteCategory(Deleter deleter, Reader reader) { if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to delete a category by CategoryID")) { int catId = Lawyer.GetInt("What is the Category Id you want to delete?"); while (!(reader.DoesCategoryIdExist(catId))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry that category does not exist, try again."); catId = Lawyer.GetInt("What is the Category Id you want to delete? "); } string categoryName = reader.GetCategoryName(catId); if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to delete this category " + categoryName)) { deleter.DeleteCategoryById(catId); } } else if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to delete a category by Name")) { string category = Lawyer.GetResponse("What is the Name of the Category you want to delete?"); while (!(reader.DoesCategoryNameExist(category))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry that category does not exist, try again."); category = Lawyer.GetResponse("What is the Name of the Category you want to delete?"); } if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to delete this category :" + category)) { deleter.DeleteCategoryByName(category); } } }
private static void UpdateCategory(Updater updater, Reader reader) { if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to update a category name using its name?")) { string currentName = Lawyer.GetResponse("What is the category you want to rename?"); while (!(reader.DoesCategoryNameExist(currentName))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry but that there is no category by that name, try again."); currentName = Lawyer.GetResponse("What is the category you want to rename?"); } string newName = Lawyer.GetResponse("What do you want to rename the category?"); while (reader.DoesCategoryNameExist(newName)) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry but that category name already exists, try again."); newName = Lawyer.GetResponse("What do you want to rename the category?"); } if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to rename the category: " + currentName + " to " + newName + "?")) { updater.UpdateCategoryByName(currentName, newName); } } else if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to update a category name using its id?")) { int catid = Lawyer.GetInt("What is the category id name you want to rename?"); while (!(reader.DoesCategoryIdExist(catid))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry but that category id does not exist, try again."); catid = Lawyer.GetInt("What is the category id name you want to rename?"); } string currentName = reader.GetCategoryName(catid); string newName = Lawyer.GetResponse("What do you want to rename the category?"); while (reader.DoesCategoryNameExist(newName)) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry but that name already exist, try again."); newName = Lawyer.GetResponse("What do you want to rename the category?"); } if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to rename the category: " + currentName + " to " + newName + "?")) { updater.UpdateCategoryById(catid, newName); } } else if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to update a product's price using its current price?")) { decimal productPrice = Lawyer.GetDecimal("What is the price fo products you want to change?"); while (!(reader.DoesProductPriceExist(productPrice))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry there is no products with that price, try again."); productPrice = Lawyer.GetDecimal("What is the price fo products you want to change?"); } decimal newPrice = Lawyer.GetDecimal("What price would you like to change the products of price :" + productPrice + " to be?"); if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to change products with price " + productPrice + " to be " + newPrice + "?")) { updater.UpdateProductPriceByPrice(productPrice, newPrice); } } }