コード例 #1
ファイル: Zeroconf.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		private void LoadConfiguration (Config config)
			if (config == null)
				config = Conf.Get (Conf.Names.NetworkingConfig);

			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (name))
				// Whats a good default value ?
				name = config.GetOption (Conf.Names.ServiceName, String.Empty);

			// Check to see if our enabled status hasn't changed
                        if (enabled != config.GetOption (Conf.Names.ServiceEnabled, enabled)) {
                                enabled = config.GetOption (Conf.Names.ServiceEnabled, enabled);
                                if (enabled) {
					try {
						Publish ();
					} catch (ClientException) {
						Log.Error ("Could not start avahi");
				} else
					Unpublish ();
                                Logger.Log.Info ("Zeroconf: Index sharing is {0}", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");

                        // Handle index name changes
                        if (String.Compare (name, config.GetOption (Conf.Names.ServiceName, name)) != 0)
				Update ();
コード例 #2
		private void ReadConf (Config config)
			if (config == null || config.Name != "GoogleBackends")

			username = config.GetOption ("GMailUsername", null);
			search_folder = config.GetOption ("GMailSearchFolder", null);

			string password_source = config.GetOption ("GMailPasswordSource", "conf-data");
			password_source = password_source.ToLower ();
			switch (password_source) {
			case "conf-file":
				password = config.GetOption ("GMailPassword", null);

			case "gnome-keyring":
				Log.Error ("GMailPasswordSource: gnome-keyring is not supported yet");

			case "kdewallet":
				try {
					password = KdeUtils.ReadPasswordKDEWallet ("beagle", username);
				} catch (Exception e) {
					Log.Error (e, "Error in reading password in KDE wallet");

				Log.Error ("GMailPasswordSource should be one of 'kdewallet,gnome-keyring,conf-file");


			valid_account = (
				! String.IsNullOrEmpty (username) &&
				! String.IsNullOrEmpty (password) &&
				! String.IsNullOrEmpty (search_folder));

			if (! valid_account)
				Log.Warn ("GMail account information not set. Search is disabled.");
				Log.Debug ("GMail account information successfully read.");

			domain = config.GetOption ("GoogleAppDomainName", null);
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (domain))
				domain = GMAIL_DOMAIN;
				// Google Apps domain is of form
				// a/mydomain.name
				domain = ("a/" + domain);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Search.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		private void SetKeyBindings (Config config)
			string tip_text = Catalog.GetString ("Desktop Search");
			string binding = config.GetOption ("KeyBinding", null);
			Console.WriteLine ("new binding {0}", binding);

			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (binding)) {
				// Move old preference value to new
				bool binding_ctrl = config.GetOption (Conf.Names.KeyBinding_Ctrl, false);
				bool binding_alt = config.GetOption (Conf.Names.KeyBinding_Alt, false);
				string binding_key = config.GetOption (Conf.Names.KeyBinding_Key, "F12");
				KeyBinding show_binding = new KeyBinding (binding_key, binding_ctrl, binding_alt);

				binding = show_binding.ToString ();

			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (binding)) {
				tip_text += String.Format (" ({0})", binding);
				keybinder.UnbindAll ();
				keybinder.Bind (binding, OnTrayActivated);

			tray.TooltipText = tip_text;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Zeroconf.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		private void OnConfigurationChanged (Config config)
			if (config == null || config.Name != Conf.Names.NetworkingConfig)

			LoadConfiguration (config);
コード例 #5
		private void OnConfigurationChanged (Config config)
			if (config == null || config.Name != Conf.Names.FilesQueryableConfig)

			bool clear_fs_state = false;

			List<string[]> values = config.GetListOptionValues (Conf.Names.ExcludeSubdirectory);
			if (values != null) {
				ArrayList subdirs = new ArrayList (values.Count);
				foreach (string[] value in values) {
					string dir = GetExcludeDirectory (value [0]);
					if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (dir))
						subdirs.Add (dir);

				IList excludes_wanted = subdirs;
				IList excludes_to_add, excludes_to_remove;

				ArrayFu.IntersectListChanges (excludes_wanted, 
						      	      out excludes_to_add, 
						      	      out excludes_to_remove);

				// Process any excludes we think we should remove
				foreach (string path in excludes_to_remove)
					RemoveExcludeDir (path);

				// Process any excludes we found to be new
				foreach (string path in excludes_to_add)
					AddExcludeDir (path);

			values = config.GetListOptionValues (Conf.Names.ExcludePattern);
			if (values != null) {
				ArrayList patterns = new ArrayList (values.Count);
				foreach (string[] value in values)
					patterns.Add (value [0]);

				IList excludes_wanted = patterns;
				IList excludes_to_add, excludes_to_remove;

				ArrayFu.IntersectListChanges (excludes_wanted, 
						      	      out excludes_to_add, 
						      	      out excludes_to_remove);

				// Process any excludes we think we should remove
				foreach (string pattern in excludes_to_remove) {
					clear_fs_state = true;
					RemoveExcludePattern (pattern);

				// Process any excludes we found to be new
				foreach (string pattern in excludes_to_add)
					AddExcludePattern (pattern);

				exclude_regex = StringFu.GetPatternRegex (exclude_patterns);

			// If an exclude pattern is removed, we need to recrawl everything
			// so that we can index those files which were previously ignored.
			if (clear_fs_state)
				queryable.RecrawlEverything ();
コード例 #6
ファイル: Search.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		private void OnConfigurationChanged (Config config)
			SetKeyBindings (config);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		// Use this method to send in the xml for a config, and the original config
		// and the changes from the original to the xml will be added to the original config
		// Returns false if the read xml does not correspond to the same config as that
		// was passed, in which case please note that the passed config COULD BE IN A
		// modified state and should be discarded!
		public static bool ReadSectionXml (Config config, TextReader reader)
			if (config == null)
				throw new ArgumentException ("config", "config cannot be null");

			Config new_config = (Config) conf_ser.Deserialize (reader);

			foreach (Option new_option in new_config.Options.Values) {
				Option option = config [new_option.Name] as Option;
				if (option == null || (option.Type != new_option.Type))
					return false;

				switch (option.Type) {
				case OptionType.Bool:
					BoolOption option_bool = (BoolOption) option;
					BoolOption new_option_bool = (BoolOption) new_option;
					option_bool.Value = new_option_bool.Value;

				case OptionType.String:
					StringOption option_str = (StringOption) option;
					StringOption new_option_str = (StringOption) new_option;
					option_str.Value = new_option_str.Value;

				case OptionType.List:
					ListOption option_list = (ListOption) option;
					ListOption new_option_list = (ListOption) new_option;
					if (option_list.NumParams != new_option_list.NumParams)
						return false;

					option_list.Values = new_option_list.Values;

			return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		/* External clients can use the following two xml based methods to read/write xml */

		// Use this method to write the config in its xml format.
		public static void WriteSectionXml (Config config, TextWriter writer)
			if (config == null)

			// serialize will not serialize global options,
			// so temporarily make every option global
			Dictionary<Option, bool> global_options = new Dictionary<Option, bool> ();
			foreach (Option option in config.Options.Values) {
				global_options [option] = option.Global;
				option.Global = false;

			conf_ser.Serialize (writer, config);

			foreach (Option option in config.Options.Values)
				option.Global = global_options [option];
コード例 #9
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		public static void SaveTo (Config config, string path)
			if (config == null)

			bool to_save = false;
			foreach (Option option in config.Options.Values)
				if (! option.Global)
					to_save = true;

			if (! to_save)

			using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (path)) {
				conf_ser.Serialize (writer, config);
				Console.WriteLine ("Done writing to " + path);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		public static void Save (Config config)
			if (config == null)

			bool to_save = false;
			foreach (Option option in config.Options.Values)
				if (! option.Global)
					to_save = true;

			if (! to_save)

			bool watching_for_updates_current = watching_for_updates;
			watching_for_updates = false;

			string filename = Path.Combine (configs_dir, (config.Name + ".xml"));

			using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (filename)) {
				conf_ser.Serialize (writer, config);
				Log.Debug ("Done writing to " + filename);

			watching_for_updates = watching_for_updates_current;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		public static Config LoadNew (string name)
			Config config = new Config ();
			config.Name = name;
			return config;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		private static void NotifySubscribers (Config config, string name)
			ArrayList callbacks = (ArrayList) subscriptions [name];

			if (callbacks == null)

			foreach (ConfigUpdateHandler callback in callbacks)
				callback (config);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: ArsenShnurkov/beagle-1
		private void ConfigUpdateHandler (Config config)
			if (config == null || config.Name != Conf.Names.NetworkingConfig)

			bool to_webinterface = config.GetOption ("WebInterface", false);
			Log.Debug ("WebInterface option changed to {0}", to_webinterface);
			if (to_webinterface)
				StartWebserver ();
				StopWebserver ();
コード例 #14
		private void OnConfigurationChanged (Config config)
			if (config == null || config.Name != Conf.Names.FilesQueryableConfig)

			List<string[]> values = config.GetListOptionValues (Conf.Names.Roots);
			if (values == null)
				values = new List<string[]> (0);

			ArrayList roots_wanted = new ArrayList (values.Count);
			foreach (string[] root in values)
				roots_wanted.Add (root [0]);
			if (config.GetOption (Conf.Names.IndexHomeDir, true))
				roots_wanted.Add (PathFinder.HomeDir);

			IList roots_to_add, roots_to_remove;
			ArrayFu.IntersectListChanges (roots_wanted, Roots, out roots_to_add, out roots_to_remove);

			foreach (string root in roots_to_remove)
				RemoveRoot (root);

			foreach (string root in roots_to_add)
				AddRoot (root);