public void SendCommandToHit(Unit source, IDamageable target, int damage = -1) { Damage _damage = new Damage(damage, true); if (damage == -1) { _damage = DamageCalculator.CalculateDamage(source, target); } if (Global.instance.matchType == MatchTypes.Online) { int targetX = Mathf.RoundToInt(target.GetMyPosition().x); int targetZ = Mathf.RoundToInt(target.GetMyPosition().z); photonView.RPC ("RPCHitTarget", RpcTarget.All, source.currentPosition.bottomLeftCorner.position.x, source.currentPosition.bottomLeftCorner.position.z, targetX, targetZ, _damage.baseDamage, _damage.isHit); } else { source.HitTarget(target, _damage); } }
public override IEnumerator MoveTo(MultiTile newPosition) { finalPosition = newPosition; Queue <MultiTile> path = Pathfinder.instance.GetPathFromTo(myUnit, newPosition); if (myUnit.IsExittingCombat(newPosition)) { myUnit.ExitCombat(); int health = myUnit.statistics.healthPoints; foreach (Tile neighbour in myUnit.currentPosition.closeNeighbours) { if (myUnit.IsAlive() && neighbour.GetMyObject <Unit>() != null && myUnit.IsEnemyOf(neighbour.GetMyObject <Unit>())) { int damage = DamageCalculator.CalculateDamage(neighbour.GetMyObject <Unit>(), myUnit, 1.5f); neighbour.GetMyObject <Unit>().Backstab(myUnit, damage); health -= damage; } } if (health > 0) { //THe attacks will not kill us, cause calculated :P } else { //rip, abort. yield break; } } BattlescapeGraphics.ColouringTool.UncolourAllTiles(); PlayMovementAnimation(); int tileCount = path.Count; for (int i = 0; i < tileCount; ++i) { MultiTile temporaryGoal = path.Dequeue(); myUnit.OnMove(myUnit.currentPosition, temporaryGoal); myUnit.TryToSetMyPositionTo(temporaryGoal); //I am aware, that for now we are still just turning into a direction in one frame. If we ever want it any other way, it needs a bit of work to set it otherwise so im not doing it now :D. //if we want to slowly turn, we need to ask if we already turned, and if not we turn and if yes we move here. TurnTowards(; while (Vector3.Distance(myUnit.transform.position, > 0.0001f) { myUnit.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(myUnit.transform.position,, visualSpeed * Time.deltaTime); yield return(null); } temporaryGoal.SetMyObjectTo(myUnit); } StopMovementAnimation(); PlayerInput.instance.isInputBlocked = false; if (newPosition.IsProtectedByEnemyOf(myUnit)) { myUnit.statistics.movementPoints = 0; } else { myUnit.statistics.movementPoints -= tileCount - 1; } BattlescapeGraphics.ColouringTool.ColourLegalTilesFor(myUnit); }
//this should play on attacked unit when it is time it should receive DMG public void OnHit(Unit source) { //Currently (in old code system) we should check right now if damage is dealt at all - maybe the attack is a miss (and just reduces Defence). int damage = DamageCalculator.CalculateDamage(source, this); if (AttackEvent != null) { AttackEvent(source, this, damage); } ReceiveDamage(damage); }