コード例 #1
        static void evaluateWeaponAttackOnVehicle(float expectedDamage, Weapon w, ref DamageExpectationRecord damageExpectationRecord, Vector3 attackerPosition, Vehicle targetVehicle, Vector3 targetPosition, Quaternion targetRotation)
            // use hit table to figure out where this will go
            Dictionary <VehicleChassisLocations, float> locations = GetLocationDictionary(attackerPosition, targetVehicle, targetPosition, targetRotation);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <VehicleChassisLocations, float> locKVP in locations)
                VehicleChassisLocations loc = locKVP.Key;
                float probability           = locKVP.Value;

                DamageExpectationRecord locRecord = new DamageExpectationRecord();
                damageExpectationRecord.AddChildRecord(probability, locRecord);

                float existingArmor          = targetVehicle.ArmorForLocation((int)loc);
                float armorThatWillBeRemoved = Mathf.Min(existingArmor, expectedDamage);
                float damageRemaining        = expectedDamage - existingArmor;
                locRecord.AddVehicleArmorDamage(armorThatWillBeRemoved, loc);

                if (damageRemaining > 0)
                    // some goes in to the structure
                    float currentStructure = targetVehicle.GetCurrentStructure(loc);

                    float structureDamage = Mathf.Min(damageRemaining, currentStructure);
                    //float damageAfterStructure = damageRemaining - structureDamage;

                    locRecord.AddVehicleStructureDamage(structureDamage, loc);
コード例 #2
        static void evaluateWeaponAttackOnMech(float expectedDamage, Weapon w, ref DamageExpectationRecord damageExpectationRecord, Vector3 attackerPosition, Mech targetMech, Vector3 targetPosition, Quaternion targetRotation)
            // use hit table to figure out where this will go
            Dictionary <ArmorLocation, float> locations = GetLocationDictionary(attackerPosition, targetMech, targetPosition, targetRotation);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ArmorLocation, float> locKVP in locations)
                ArmorLocation loc         = locKVP.Key;
                float         probability = locKVP.Value;

                DamageExpectationRecord locRecord = new DamageExpectationRecord();
                damageExpectationRecord.AddChildRecord(probability, locRecord);

                float existingArmor          = targetMech.ArmorForLocation((int)loc);
                float armorThatWillBeRemoved = Mathf.Min(existingArmor, expectedDamage);
                float damageRemaining        = expectedDamage - existingArmor;
                locRecord.AddArmorDamage(armorThatWillBeRemoved, loc);

                ChassisLocations sLoc = MechStructureRules.GetChassisLocationFromArmorLocation((ArmorLocation)loc);

                // there's a chance this hit will be a critical hit
                if (!targetMech.IsLocationDestroyed(sLoc))
                    float critChance = targetMech.Combat.CritChance.GetCritChance(targetMech, sLoc, w);

                    if (critChance > 0)
                        DamageExpectationRecord critRecord = new DamageExpectationRecord();
                        locRecord.AddChildRecord(critChance, critRecord);

                        // iterate over components, apply one point of damage to each location.

                        Dictionary <ComponentLocator, float> componentDict = getComponentDictionary(targetMech, sLoc);

                        float probOfHittingAmmo = 0.0f;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <ComponentLocator, float> componentKVP in componentDict)
                            ComponentLocator compLoc              = componentKVP.Key;
                            MechComponent    component            = compLoc.GetComponent();
                            float            componentProbability = componentKVP.Value;

                            DamageExpectationRecord componentRecord = new DamageExpectationRecord();
                            critRecord.AddChildRecord(componentProbability, componentRecord);

                            componentRecord.AddComponentDamage(1.0f, compLoc);

                            // if this component is ammo, there's a chance we could lose this location and all child locations
                            if (component.componentType == ComponentType.AmmunitionBox)
                                AmmunitionBox abComponent   = component as AmmunitionBox;
                                int           remainingAmmo = abComponent.CurrentAmmo;
                                int           capacity      = abComponent.ammunitionBoxDef.Capacity;
                                float         percentage    = ((float)remainingAmmo) / ((float)capacity);

                                if (percentage > 0.5f)
                                    probOfHittingAmmo += componentProbability;
                        if (probOfHittingAmmo > 0.0f)
                            DamageExpectationRecord ammoBlownRecord = new DamageExpectationRecord();
                            locRecord.AddChildRecord(probOfHittingAmmo, ammoBlownRecord);

                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ComponentLocator, float> componentKVP in componentDict)
                                ComponentLocator compLoc = componentKVP.Key;
                                ammoBlownRecord.AddComponentDamage(2.0f, compLoc);

                if (damageRemaining > 0)
                    // some goes in to the structure
                    float currentStructure = targetMech.GetCurrentStructure(sLoc);

                    float structureDamage      = Mathf.Min(damageRemaining, currentStructure);
                    float damageAfterStructure = damageRemaining - structureDamage;

                    locRecord.AddStructureDamage(structureDamage, sLoc);

                    if (damageAfterStructure > 0)
                        // some hits a component
                        Dictionary <ComponentLocator, float> componentDict = getComponentDictionary(targetMech, sLoc);

                        float probOfHittingAmmo = 0.0f;

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <ComponentLocator, float> componentKVP in componentDict)
                            ComponentLocator compLoc              = componentKVP.Key;
                            MechComponent    component            = compLoc.GetComponent();
                            float            componentProbability = componentKVP.Value;

                            DamageExpectationRecord componentRecord = new DamageExpectationRecord();
                            locRecord.AddChildRecord(componentProbability, componentRecord);

                            componentRecord.AddComponentDamage(1.0f, compLoc);

                            // if this component is ammo, there's a chance we could lose this location and all child locations
                            if (component.componentType == ComponentType.AmmunitionBox)
                                AmmunitionBox abComponent   = component as AmmunitionBox;
                                int           remainingAmmo = abComponent.CurrentAmmo;
                                int           capacity      = abComponent.ammunitionBoxDef.Capacity;
                                float         percentage    = ((float)remainingAmmo) / ((float)capacity);

                                if (percentage > 0.5f)
                                    probOfHittingAmmo += componentProbability;

                        if (probOfHittingAmmo > 0)
                            DamageExpectationRecord ammoBlownRecord = new DamageExpectationRecord();
                            locRecord.AddChildRecord(probOfHittingAmmo, ammoBlownRecord);

                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ComponentLocator, float> componentKVP in componentDict)
                                ComponentLocator compLoc = componentKVP.Key;
                                ammoBlownRecord.AddComponentDamage(2.0f, compLoc);
コード例 #3
        static public DamageExpectationRecord EvaluateAttack(AbstractActor attacker, Vector3 attackerPosition, ICombatant target, Vector3 targetPosition, Quaternion targetRotation, List <Weapon> weapons, MeleeAttackType attackType)
            // for all weapons in an attack

            // figure out the locations that are likely to be hit
            // use HitTable to figure this out

            // for each location, figure out the chance to
            // - do criticals (without breaching armor?)
            // - breach armor
            // - do structural damage
            // - do component damage (weapons get damaged, then destroyed)
            // - trigger ammo explosion
            // - lose the location
            // - lose sub-locations
            // - kill the mech

            // types.cs ConsolidateCriticalHitInfo
            // Mech.cs CheckForCrit
            // CombatCritChance GetCritChance

            DamageExpectationRecord root = new DamageExpectationRecord();

            for (int weaponIndex = 0; weaponIndex < weapons.Count; ++weaponIndex)
                Weapon w = weapons[weaponIndex];

                // figure out chance to hit the target
                AbstractActor targetActor      = target as AbstractActor;
                bool          targetIsEvasive  = (targetActor != null) && (targetActor.IsEvasive);
                float         toHitProbability = w.GetToHitFromPosition(target, 1, attackerPosition, targetPosition, true, targetIsEvasive);

                DamageExpectationRecord weaponDamageExpectationRecord = new DamageExpectationRecord();
                root.AddChildRecord(toHitProbability, weaponDamageExpectationRecord);

                float expectedDamage = w.ShotsWhenFired * w.DamagePerShotFromPosition(attackType, attackerPosition, target);

                Mech     targetMech     = target as Mech;
                Vehicle  targetVehicle  = target as Vehicle;
                Turret   targetTurret   = target as Turret;
                Building targetBuilding = target as Building;
                if (targetMech != null)
                    evaluateWeaponAttackOnMech(expectedDamage, w, ref weaponDamageExpectationRecord, attackerPosition, targetMech, targetPosition, targetRotation);
                else if (targetVehicle != null)
                    evaluateWeaponAttackOnVehicle(expectedDamage, w, ref weaponDamageExpectationRecord, attackerPosition, targetVehicle, targetPosition, targetRotation);
                else if (targetTurret != null)
                    evaluateWeaponAttackOnTurret(expectedDamage, w, ref weaponDamageExpectationRecord, attackerPosition, targetTurret, targetPosition, targetRotation);
                else if (targetBuilding != null)
                    evaluateWeaponAttackOnBuilding(expectedDamage, w, ref weaponDamageExpectationRecord, attackerPosition, targetBuilding, targetPosition, targetRotation);
            consolidateDamageExpectationRecord(ref root, target);
