public void TestMediumPlayfieldGetCellMethodShouldProperlyReturnSymbol() { var playfield = new MediumPlayfield(); var rng = new RandomNumberGenerator(); playfield.FillPlayfield(rng); playfield.SetCell(0, 0, "@"); string actual = playfield.GetCell(0, 0); string expected = "@"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "At position 0,0 the symbol should be @"); }
public void TestMediumPlayfieldSetCellMethodUsingIPositionShouldProperlySetSymbolInGridAndGetMethodShouldReturnIt() { var playfield = new MediumPlayfield(); IPosition position = new Position(0, 0); var rng = new RandomNumberGenerator(); playfield.FillPlayfield(rng); playfield.SetCell(position.Row, position.Col, "@"); string actual = playfield.GetCell(position.Row, position.Col); string expected = "@"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "At position 0,0 the symbol should be @"); }