コード例 #1
 public void Deconstruct(out UpgradePrefab prefab, out UpgradeCategory category, out int level)
     prefab   = Prefab;
     category = Category;
     level    = Level;
コード例 #2
 public PurchasedUpgrade(UpgradePrefab upgradePrefab, UpgradeCategory category, int level = 1)
     Category = category;
     Prefab   = upgradePrefab;
     Level    = level;
コード例 #3
        //static because we may need to instantiate the campaign if it hasn't been done yet
        public static void ClientRead(IReadMessage msg)
            bool   isFirstRound         = msg.ReadBoolean();
            byte   campaignID           = msg.ReadByte();
            UInt16 updateID             = msg.ReadUInt16();
            UInt16 saveID               = msg.ReadUInt16();
            string mapSeed              = msg.ReadString();
            UInt16 currentLocIndex      = msg.ReadUInt16();
            UInt16 selectedLocIndex     = msg.ReadUInt16();
            byte   selectedMissionIndex = msg.ReadByte();
            bool   allowDebugTeleport   = msg.ReadBoolean();
            float? reputation           = null;

            if (msg.ReadBoolean())
                reputation = msg.ReadSingle();

            Dictionary <string, float> factionReps = new Dictionary <string, float>();
            byte factionsCount = msg.ReadByte();

            for (int i = 0; i < factionsCount; i++)
                factionReps.Add(msg.ReadString(), msg.ReadSingle());

            bool forceMapUI = msg.ReadBoolean();

            int  money = msg.ReadInt32();
            bool purchasedHullRepairs  = msg.ReadBoolean();
            bool purchasedItemRepairs  = msg.ReadBoolean();
            bool purchasedLostShuttles = msg.ReadBoolean();

            byte missionCount = msg.ReadByte();
            List <Pair <string, byte> > availableMissions = new List <Pair <string, byte> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < missionCount; i++)
                string missionIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                byte   connectionIndex   = msg.ReadByte();
                availableMissions.Add(new Pair <string, byte>(missionIdentifier, connectionIndex));

            UInt16?storeBalance = null;

            if (msg.ReadBoolean())
                storeBalance = msg.ReadUInt16();

            UInt16 buyCrateItemCount           = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <PurchasedItem> buyCrateItems = new List <PurchasedItem>();

            for (int i = 0; i < buyCrateItemCount; i++)
                string itemPrefabIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                int    itemQuantity         = msg.ReadRangedInteger(0, CargoManager.MaxQuantity);
                buyCrateItems.Add(new PurchasedItem(ItemPrefab.Prefabs[itemPrefabIdentifier], itemQuantity));

            UInt16 purchasedItemCount           = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <PurchasedItem> purchasedItems = new List <PurchasedItem>();

            for (int i = 0; i < purchasedItemCount; i++)
                string itemPrefabIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                int    itemQuantity         = msg.ReadRangedInteger(0, CargoManager.MaxQuantity);
                purchasedItems.Add(new PurchasedItem(ItemPrefab.Prefabs[itemPrefabIdentifier], itemQuantity));

            UInt16          soldItemCount = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <SoldItem> soldItems     = new List <SoldItem>();

            for (int i = 0; i < soldItemCount; i++)
                string itemPrefabIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                UInt16 id       = msg.ReadUInt16();
                bool   removed  = msg.ReadBoolean();
                byte   sellerId = msg.ReadByte();
                soldItems.Add(new SoldItem(ItemPrefab.Prefabs[itemPrefabIdentifier], id, removed, sellerId));

            ushort pendingUpgradeCount = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <PurchasedUpgrade> pendingUpgrades = new List <PurchasedUpgrade>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pendingUpgradeCount; i++)
                string          upgradeIdentifier  = msg.ReadString();
                UpgradePrefab   prefab             = UpgradePrefab.Find(upgradeIdentifier);
                string          categoryIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                UpgradeCategory category           = UpgradeCategory.Find(categoryIdentifier);
                int             upgradeLevel       = msg.ReadByte();
                if (prefab == null || category == null)
                pendingUpgrades.Add(new PurchasedUpgrade(prefab, category, upgradeLevel));

            bool          hasCharacterData = msg.ReadBoolean();
            CharacterInfo myCharacterInfo  = null;

            if (hasCharacterData)
                myCharacterInfo = CharacterInfo.ClientRead(CharacterPrefab.HumanSpeciesName, msg);

            if (!(GameMain.GameSession?.GameMode is MultiPlayerCampaign campaign) || campaignID != campaign.CampaignID)
                string savePath = SaveUtil.CreateSavePath(SaveUtil.SaveType.Multiplayer);

                GameMain.GameSession = new GameSession(null, savePath, GameModePreset.MultiPlayerCampaign, mapSeed);
                campaign             = (MultiPlayerCampaign)GameMain.GameSession.GameMode;
                campaign.CampaignID  = campaignID;

            //server has a newer save file
            if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(saveID, campaign.PendingSaveID))
                campaign.PendingSaveID = saveID;

            if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(updateID, campaign.lastUpdateID))
                campaign.SuppressStateSending = true;
                campaign.IsFirstRound         = isFirstRound;

                //we need to have the latest save file to display location/mission/store
                if (campaign.LastSaveID == saveID)
                    campaign.ForceMapUI = forceMapUI;

                    UpgradeStore.WaitForServerUpdate = false;

                    campaign.Map.SetLocation(currentLocIndex == UInt16.MaxValue ? -1 : currentLocIndex);
                    campaign.Map.SelectLocation(selectedLocIndex == UInt16.MaxValue ? -1 : selectedLocIndex);
                    campaign.Map.AllowDebugTeleport = allowDebugTeleport;
                    if (storeBalance.HasValue)
                        campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.StoreCurrentBalance = storeBalance.Value;

                    foreach (var(identifier, rep) in factionReps)
                        Faction faction = campaign.Factions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Prefab.Identifier.Equals(identifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                        if (faction?.Reputation != null)
                            faction.Reputation.Value = rep;
                            DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Received an update for a faction that doesn't exist \"{identifier}\".");

                    if (reputation.HasValue)
                        campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Reputation.Value = reputation.Value;

                    foreach (var availableMission in availableMissions)
                        MissionPrefab missionPrefab = MissionPrefab.List.Find(mp => mp.Identifier == availableMission.First);
                        if (missionPrefab == null)
                            DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Error when receiving campaign data from the server: mission prefab \"{availableMission.First}\" not found.");
                        if (availableMission.Second < 0 || availableMission.Second >= campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections.Count)
                            DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Error when receiving campaign data from the server: connection index for mission \"{availableMission.First}\" out of range (index: {availableMission.Second}, current location: {campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Name}, connections: {campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections.Count}).");
                        LocationConnection connection = campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections[availableMission.Second];
                        campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.UnlockMission(missionPrefab, connection);


                bool shouldRefresh = campaign.Money != money ||
                                     campaign.PurchasedHullRepairs != purchasedHullRepairs ||
                                     campaign.PurchasedItemRepairs != purchasedItemRepairs ||
                                     campaign.PurchasedLostShuttles != purchasedLostShuttles;

                campaign.Money = money;
                campaign.PurchasedHullRepairs  = purchasedHullRepairs;
                campaign.PurchasedItemRepairs  = purchasedItemRepairs;
                campaign.PurchasedLostShuttles = purchasedLostShuttles;

                if (shouldRefresh)

                if (myCharacterInfo != null)
                    GameMain.Client.CharacterInfo = myCharacterInfo;

                campaign.lastUpdateID         = updateID;
                campaign.SuppressStateSending = false;
コード例 #4
        public void PurchaseUpgrade(UpgradePrefab prefab, UpgradeCategory category)
            if (!CanUpgradeSub())
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Cannot upgrade when switching to another submarine.");

            int price        = prefab.Price.GetBuyprice(GetUpgradeLevel(prefab, category), Campaign.Map?.CurrentLocation);
            int currentLevel = GetUpgradeLevel(prefab, category);

            if (currentLevel + 1 > prefab.MaxLevel)
                DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Tried to purchase \"{prefab.Name}\" over the max level! ({currentLevel + 1} > {prefab.MaxLevel}). The transaction has been cancelled.");

            if (price < 0)
                Location?location = Campaign.Map?.CurrentLocation;
                LogError($"Upgrade price is less than 0! ({price})",
                         new Dictionary <string, object?>
                    { "Level", currentLevel },
                    { "Saved Level", GetRealUpgradeLevel(prefab, category) },
                    { "Upgrade", $"{category.Identifier}.{prefab.Identifier}" },
                    { "Location", location?.Type },
                    { "Reputation", $"{location?.Reputation?.Value} / {location?.Reputation?.MaxReputation}" },
                    { "Base Price", prefab.Price.BasePrice }

            if (Campaign.Money > price)
                if (GameMain.NetworkMember == null || GameMain.NetworkMember.IsServer)
                    // only make the NPC speak if more than 5 minutes have passed since the last purchased service
                    if (lastUpgradeSpeak == DateTime.MinValue || lastUpgradeSpeak.AddMinutes(5) < DateTime.Now)
                        UpgradeNPCSpeak(TextManager.Get("Dialog.UpgradePurchased"), Campaign.IsSinglePlayer);
                        lastUpgradeSpeak = DateTime.Now;

                Campaign.Money -= price;
                spentMoney     += price;

                PurchasedUpgrade?upgrade = FindMatchingUpgrade(prefab, category);

                DebugLog($"CLIENT: Purchased level {GetUpgradeLevel(prefab, category) + 1} {category.Name}.{prefab.Name} for ${price}", GUI.Style.Orange);

                if (upgrade == null)
                    PendingUpgrades.Add(new PurchasedUpgrade(prefab, category));
                // tell the server that this item is yet to be paid for server side
                PurchasedUpgrades.Add(new PurchasedUpgrade(prefab, category));
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Tried to purchase an upgrade with insufficient funds, the transaction has not been completed.\n" +
                                        $"Upgrade: {prefab.Name}, Cost: {price}, Have: {Campaign.Money}");
コード例 #5
        public void ServerRead(IReadMessage msg, Client sender)
            UInt16 currentLocIndex  = msg.ReadUInt16();
            UInt16 selectedLocIndex = msg.ReadUInt16();

            byte       selectedMissionCount   = msg.ReadByte();
            List <int> selectedMissionIndices = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < selectedMissionCount; i++)

            bool purchasedHullRepairs  = msg.ReadBoolean();
            bool purchasedItemRepairs  = msg.ReadBoolean();
            bool purchasedLostShuttles = msg.ReadBoolean();

            UInt16 buyCrateItemCount           = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <PurchasedItem> buyCrateItems = new List <PurchasedItem>();

            for (int i = 0; i < buyCrateItemCount; i++)
                string itemPrefabIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                int    itemQuantity         = msg.ReadRangedInteger(0, CargoManager.MaxQuantity);
                buyCrateItems.Add(new PurchasedItem(ItemPrefab.Prefabs[itemPrefabIdentifier], itemQuantity));

            UInt16 purchasedItemCount           = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <PurchasedItem> purchasedItems = new List <PurchasedItem>();

            for (int i = 0; i < purchasedItemCount; i++)
                string itemPrefabIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                int    itemQuantity         = msg.ReadRangedInteger(0, CargoManager.MaxQuantity);
                purchasedItems.Add(new PurchasedItem(ItemPrefab.Prefabs[itemPrefabIdentifier], itemQuantity));

            UInt16          soldItemCount = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <SoldItem> soldItems     = new List <SoldItem>();

            for (int i = 0; i < soldItemCount; i++)
                string itemPrefabIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                UInt16 id       = msg.ReadUInt16();
                bool   removed  = msg.ReadBoolean();
                byte   sellerId = msg.ReadByte();
                soldItems.Add(new SoldItem(ItemPrefab.Prefabs[itemPrefabIdentifier], id, removed, sellerId));

            ushort purchasedUpgradeCount = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <PurchasedUpgrade> purchasedUpgrades = new List <PurchasedUpgrade>();

            for (int i = 0; i < purchasedUpgradeCount; i++)
                string        upgradeIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                UpgradePrefab prefab            = UpgradePrefab.Find(upgradeIdentifier);

                string          categoryIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                UpgradeCategory category           = UpgradeCategory.Find(categoryIdentifier);

                int upgradeLevel = msg.ReadByte();

                if (category == null || prefab == null)
                purchasedUpgrades.Add(new PurchasedUpgrade(prefab, category, upgradeLevel));

            ushort purchasedItemSwapCount = msg.ReadUInt16();
            List <PurchasedItemSwap> purchasedItemSwaps = new List <PurchasedItemSwap>();

            for (int i = 0; i < purchasedItemSwapCount; i++)
                UInt16 itemToRemoveID = msg.ReadUInt16();
                Item   itemToRemove   = Entity.FindEntityByID(itemToRemoveID) as Item;

                string     itemToInstallIdentifier = msg.ReadString();
                ItemPrefab itemToInstall           = string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemToInstallIdentifier) ? null : ItemPrefab.Find(string.Empty, itemToInstallIdentifier);

                if (itemToRemove == null)

                purchasedItemSwaps.Add(new PurchasedItemSwap(itemToRemove, itemToInstall));

            if (!AllowedToManageCampaign(sender))
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Client \"" + sender.Name + "\" does not have a permission to manage the campaign");

            Location location            = Map.CurrentLocation;
            int      hullRepairCost      = location?.GetAdjustedMechanicalCost(HullRepairCost) ?? HullRepairCost;
            int      itemRepairCost      = location?.GetAdjustedMechanicalCost(ItemRepairCost) ?? ItemRepairCost;
            int      shuttleRetrieveCost = location?.GetAdjustedMechanicalCost(ShuttleReplaceCost) ?? ShuttleReplaceCost;

            if (purchasedHullRepairs != this.PurchasedHullRepairs)
                if (purchasedHullRepairs && Money >= hullRepairCost)
                    this.PurchasedHullRepairs = true;
                    Money -= hullRepairCost;
                else if (!purchasedHullRepairs)
                    this.PurchasedHullRepairs = false;
                    Money += hullRepairCost;
            if (purchasedItemRepairs != this.PurchasedItemRepairs)
                if (purchasedItemRepairs && Money >= itemRepairCost)
                    this.PurchasedItemRepairs = true;
                    Money -= itemRepairCost;
                else if (!purchasedItemRepairs)
                    this.PurchasedItemRepairs = false;
                    Money += itemRepairCost;
            if (purchasedLostShuttles != this.PurchasedLostShuttles)
                if (GameMain.GameSession?.SubmarineInfo != null &&
                    GameMain.Server.SendDirectChatMessage(TextManager.FormatServerMessage("ReplaceShuttleDockingPortOccupied"), sender, ChatMessageType.MessageBox);
                else if (purchasedLostShuttles && Money >= shuttleRetrieveCost)
                    this.PurchasedLostShuttles = true;
                    Money -= shuttleRetrieveCost;
                else if (!purchasedItemRepairs)
                    this.PurchasedLostShuttles = false;
                    Money += shuttleRetrieveCost;

            if (currentLocIndex < Map.Locations.Count && Map.AllowDebugTeleport)

            Map.SelectLocation(selectedLocIndex == UInt16.MaxValue ? -1 : selectedLocIndex);
            if (Map.SelectedLocation == null)
                Map.SelectRandomLocation(preferUndiscovered: true);
            if (Map.SelectedConnection != null)

            CheckTooManyMissions(Map.CurrentLocation, sender);

            List <PurchasedItem> currentBuyCrateItems = new List <PurchasedItem>(CargoManager.ItemsInBuyCrate);

            currentBuyCrateItems.ForEach(i => CargoManager.ModifyItemQuantityInBuyCrate(i.ItemPrefab, -i.Quantity));
            buyCrateItems.ForEach(i => CargoManager.ModifyItemQuantityInBuyCrate(i.ItemPrefab, i.Quantity));

            CargoManager.SellBackPurchasedItems(new List <PurchasedItem>(CargoManager.PurchasedItems));
            CargoManager.PurchaseItems(purchasedItems, false);

            // for some reason CargoManager.SoldItem is never cleared by the server, I've added a check to SellItems that ignores all
            // sold items that are removed so they should be discarded on the next message
            CargoManager.BuyBackSoldItems(new List <SoldItem>(CargoManager.SoldItems));

            foreach (var(prefab, category, _) in purchasedUpgrades)
                UpgradeManager.PurchaseUpgrade(prefab, category);

                // unstable logging
                int price = prefab.Price.GetBuyprice(UpgradeManager.GetUpgradeLevel(prefab, category), Map?.CurrentLocation);
                int level = UpgradeManager.GetUpgradeLevel(prefab, category);
                GameServer.Log($"SERVER: Purchased level {level} {category.Identifier}.{prefab.Identifier} for {price}", ServerLog.MessageType.ServerMessage);

            foreach (var purchasedItemSwap in purchasedItemSwaps)
                if (purchasedItemSwap.ItemToInstall == null)
                    UpgradeManager.PurchaseItemSwap(purchasedItemSwap.ItemToRemove, purchasedItemSwap.ItemToInstall);
            foreach (Item item in Item.ItemList)
                if (item.PendingItemSwap != null && !purchasedItemSwaps.Any(it => it.ItemToRemove == item))
                    item.PendingItemSwap = null;