protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { if (character.LockHands) { Abandon = true; return; } targetItem = character.Inventory.FindItemByTag(gearTag, true); if (targetItem == null && gearTag == LIGHT_DIVING_GEAR) { targetItem = character.Inventory.FindItemByTag(HEAVY_DIVING_GEAR, true); } if (targetItem == null || !character.HasEquippedItem(targetItem, slotType: InvSlotType.OuterClothes | InvSlotType.Head | InvSlotType.InnerClothes) && targetItem.ContainedItems.Any(i => i.HasTag(OXYGEN_SOURCE) && i.Condition > 0)) { TryAddSubObjective(ref getDivingGear, () => { if (targetItem == null && character.IsOnPlayerTeam) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogGetDivingGear"), null, 0.0f, "getdivinggear", 30.0f); } return(new AIObjectiveGetItem(character, gearTag, objectiveManager, equip: true) { AllowStealing = HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(character.CurrentHull, out _), AllowToFindDivingGear = false, AllowDangerousPressure = true, EquipSlotType = InvSlotType.OuterClothes | InvSlotType.Head | InvSlotType.InnerClothes, Wear = true }); }, onAbandon: () => Abandon = true, onCompleted: () => { RemoveSubObjective(ref getDivingGear); if (gearTag == HEAVY_DIVING_GEAR && HumanAIController.HasItem(character, LIGHT_DIVING_GEAR, out IEnumerable <Item> masks, requireEquipped: true)) { foreach (Item mask in masks) { if (mask != targetItem) { character.Inventory.TryPutItem(mask, character, CharacterInventory.anySlot); } } } }); } else { float min = GetMinOxygen(character); if (targetItem.OwnInventory != null && targetItem.OwnInventory.AllItems.None(it => it != null && it.HasTag(OXYGEN_SOURCE) && it.Condition > min)) { TryAddSubObjective(ref getOxygen, () => { if (character.IsOnPlayerTeam) { if (HumanAIController.HasItem(character, OXYGEN_SOURCE, out _, conditionPercentage: min)) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("dialogswappingoxygentank"), null, 0, "swappingoxygentank", 30.0f); if (character.Inventory.FindAllItems(i => i.HasTag(OXYGEN_SOURCE) && i.Condition > min).Count == 1) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("dialoglastoxygentank"), null, 0.0f, "dialoglastoxygentank", 30.0f); } } else { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogGetOxygenTank"), null, 0, "getoxygentank", 30.0f); } } return(new AIObjectiveContainItem(character, OXYGEN_SOURCE, targetItem.GetComponent <ItemContainer>(), objectiveManager, spawnItemIfNotFound: character.TeamID == CharacterTeamType.FriendlyNPC) { AllowToFindDivingGear = false, AllowDangerousPressure = true, ConditionLevel = MIN_OXYGEN, RemoveExisting = true }); }, onAbandon: () => { getOxygen = null; int remainingTanks = ReportOxygenTankCount(); // Try to seek any oxygen sources, even if they have minimal amount of oxygen. TryAddSubObjective(ref getOxygen, () => { return(new AIObjectiveContainItem(character, OXYGEN_SOURCE, targetItem.GetComponent <ItemContainer>(), objectiveManager, spawnItemIfNotFound: character.TeamID == CharacterTeamType.FriendlyNPC) { AllowToFindDivingGear = false, AllowDangerousPressure = true, RemoveExisting = true }); }, onAbandon: () => { Abandon = true; if (remainingTanks > 0 && !HumanAIController.HasItem(character, OXYGEN_SOURCE, out _, conditionPercentage: 0.01f)) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("dialogcantfindtoxygen"), null, 0, "cantfindoxygen", 30.0f); } }, onCompleted: () => RemoveSubObjective(ref getOxygen)); }, onCompleted: () => { RemoveSubObjective(ref getOxygen); ReportOxygenTankCount(); }); int ReportOxygenTankCount() { if (character.Submarine != Submarine.MainSub) { return(1); } int remainingOxygenTanks = Submarine.MainSub.GetItems(false).Count(i => i.HasTag(OXYGEN_SOURCE) && i.Condition > 1); if (remainingOxygenTanks == 0) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogOutOfOxygenTanks"), null, 0.0f, "outofoxygentanks", 30.0f); } else if (remainingOxygenTanks < 10) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogLowOnOxygenTanks"), null, 0.0f, "lowonoxygentanks", 30.0f); } return(remainingOxygenTanks); } } } }
protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { var currentHull = character.AnimController.CurrentHull; bool needsDivingGear = HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(currentHull); bool needsDivingSuit = needsDivingGear && (currentHull == null || currentHull.WaterPercentage > 90); bool needsEquipment = false; if (needsDivingSuit) { needsEquipment = !HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(character); } else if (needsDivingGear) { needsEquipment = !HumanAIController.HasDivingMask(character); } if (needsEquipment) { TryAddSubObjective(ref divingGearObjective, () => new AIObjectiveFindDivingGear(character, needsDivingSuit, objectiveManager), onAbandon: () => searchHullTimer = Math.Min(1, searchHullTimer)); } else { if (divingGearObjective != null && divingGearObjective.IsCompleted()) { // Reset the devotion. Priority = 0; divingGearObjective = null; } if (currenthullSafety < HumanAIController.HULL_SAFETY_THRESHOLD) { searchHullTimer = Math.Min(1, searchHullTimer); } if (searchHullTimer > 0.0f) { searchHullTimer -= deltaTime; } else { searchHullTimer = SearchHullInterval; previousSafeHull = currentSafeHull; currentSafeHull = FindBestHull(); if (currentSafeHull == null) { currentSafeHull = previousSafeHull; } if (currentSafeHull != null && currentSafeHull != currentHull) { if (goToObjective?.Target != currentSafeHull) { goToObjective = null; } TryAddSubObjective(ref goToObjective, constructor: () => new AIObjectiveGoTo(currentSafeHull, character, objectiveManager, getDivingGearIfNeeded: true) { AllowGoingOutside = HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(character) }, onAbandon: () => unreachable.Add(goToObjective.Target as Hull)); } else { goToObjective = null; } } if (goToObjective != null) { if (goToObjective.IsCompleted()) { objectiveManager.GetObjective <AIObjectiveIdle>()?.Wander(deltaTime); } Priority = 0; return; } if (currentHull == null) { return; } //goto objective doesn't exist (a safe hull not found, or a path to a safe hull not found) // -> attempt to manually steer away from hazards Vector2 escapeVel = Vector2.Zero; // TODO: optimize foreach (FireSource fireSource in HumanAIController.VisibleHulls.SelectMany(h => h.FireSources)) { Vector2 dir = character.Position - fireSource.Position; float distMultiplier = MathHelper.Clamp(100.0f / Vector2.Distance(fireSource.Position, character.Position), 0.1f, 10.0f); escapeVel += new Vector2(Math.Sign(dir.X) * distMultiplier, !character.IsClimbing ? 0 : Math.Sign(dir.Y) * distMultiplier); } foreach (Character enemy in Character.CharacterList) { if (enemy.IsDead || enemy.IsUnconscious || enemy.Removed || HumanAIController.IsFriendly(enemy)) { continue; } if (HumanAIController.VisibleHulls.Contains(enemy.CurrentHull)) { Vector2 dir = character.Position - enemy.Position; float distMultiplier = MathHelper.Clamp(100.0f / Vector2.Distance(enemy.Position, character.Position), 0.1f, 10.0f); escapeVel += new Vector2(Math.Sign(dir.X) * distMultiplier, !character.IsClimbing ? 0 : Math.Sign(dir.Y) * distMultiplier); } } if (escapeVel != Vector2.Zero) { float left = currentHull.Rect.X + 50; float right = currentHull.Rect.Right - 50; //only move if we haven't reached the edge of the room if (escapeVel.X < 0 && character.Position.X > left || escapeVel.X > 0 && character.Position.X < right) { character.AIController.SteeringManager.SteeringManual(deltaTime, escapeVel); } else { character.AnimController.TargetDir = escapeVel.X < 0.0f ? Direction.Right : Direction.Left; character.AIController.SteeringManager.Reset(); } } else { Priority = 0; objectiveManager.GetObjective <AIObjectiveIdle>()?.Wander(deltaTime); } } }
protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { if (followControlledCharacter) { if (Character.Controlled == null) { abandon = true; return; } Target = Character.Controlled; } if (Target == character) { character.AIController.SteeringManager.Reset(); abandon = true; return; } waitUntilPathUnreachable -= deltaTime; if (!character.IsClimbing) { character.SelectedConstruction = null; } if (Target is Entity e) { if (e.Removed) { abandon = true; } else { character.AIController.SelectTarget(e.AiTarget); } } bool isInside = character.CurrentHull != null; bool insideSteering = SteeringManager == PathSteering && PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && !PathSteering.IsPathDirty; var targetHull = Target is Hull h ? h : Target is Item i ? i.CurrentHull : Target is Character c ? c.CurrentHull : character.CurrentHull; bool targetIsOutside = (Target != null && targetHull == null) || (insideSteering && PathSteering.CurrentPath.HasOutdoorsNodes); if (isInside && targetIsOutside && !AllowGoingOutside) { abandon = true; } else if (waitUntilPathUnreachable < 0) { if (SteeringManager == PathSteering && PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && PathSteering.CurrentPath.Unreachable) { if (repeat) { SteeringManager.Reset(); } else { abandon = true; } } } if (abandon) { #if DEBUG DebugConsole.NewMessage($"{character.Name}: Cannot reach the target: {Target.ToString()}", Color.Yellow); #endif if (objectiveManager.CurrentOrder != null) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogCannotReach"), identifier: "cannotreach", minDurationBetweenSimilar: 10.0f); } character.AIController.SteeringManager.Reset(); } else { Vector2 currTargetSimPos = Vector2.Zero; currTargetSimPos = Target.SimPosition; // Take the sub position into account in the sim pos if (SteeringManager != PathSteering && character.Submarine == null && Target.Submarine != null) { currTargetSimPos += Target.Submarine.SimPosition; } else if (character.Submarine != null && Target.Submarine == null) { currTargetSimPos -= character.Submarine.SimPosition; } else if (character.Submarine != Target.Submarine) { if (character.Submarine != null && Target.Submarine != null) { Vector2 diff = character.Submarine.SimPosition - Target.Submarine.SimPosition; currTargetSimPos -= diff; } } character.AIController.SteeringManager.SteeringSeek(currTargetSimPos); if (SteeringManager != PathSteering) { SteeringManager.SteeringAvoid(deltaTime, lookAheadDistance: 5, weight: 1, heading: VectorExtensions.Forward(character.AnimController.Collider.Rotation)); } if (getDivingGearIfNeeded) { Character followTarget = Target as Character; bool needsDivingGear = HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(targetHull) || mimic && HumanAIController.HasDivingMask(followTarget); bool needsDivingSuit = needsDivingGear && (targetHull == null || targetIsOutside || targetHull.WaterPercentage > 90) || mimic && HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(followTarget); bool needsEquipment = false; if (needsDivingSuit) { needsEquipment = !HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(character); } else if (needsDivingGear) { needsEquipment = !HumanAIController.HasDivingMask(character); } if (needsEquipment) { TryAddSubObjective(ref findDivingGear, () => new AIObjectiveFindDivingGear(character, needsDivingSuit, objectiveManager)); } } } }
protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { var currentHull = character.AnimController.CurrentHull; if (HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(currentHull) && divingGearObjective == null) { bool needsDivingSuit = currentHull == null || currentHull.WaterPercentage > 90; bool hasEquipment = needsDivingSuit ? HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(character) : HumanAIController.HasDivingGear(character); if (!hasEquipment) { divingGearObjective = new AIObjectiveFindDivingGear(character, needsDivingSuit); } } if (divingGearObjective != null) { divingGearObjective.TryComplete(deltaTime); if (divingGearObjective.IsCompleted()) { divingGearObjective = null; Priority = 0; } else if (divingGearObjective.CanBeCompleted) { // If diving gear objective is active and can be completed, wait for it to complete. return; } else { divingGearObjective = null; // Reset the timer so that we get a safe hull target. searchHullTimer = 0; } } if (unreachableClearTimer > 0) { unreachableClearTimer -= deltaTime; } else { unreachableClearTimer = clearUnreachableInterval; unreachable.Clear(); } if (searchHullTimer > 0.0f) { searchHullTimer -= deltaTime; } else if (currenthullSafety < HumanAIController.HULL_SAFETY_THRESHOLD) { var bestHull = FindBestHull(); if (bestHull != null && bestHull != currentHull) { if (goToObjective != null) { if (goToObjective.Target != bestHull) { // If we need diving gear, we should already have it, if possible. goToObjective = new AIObjectiveGoTo(bestHull, character, getDivingGearIfNeeded: false) { AllowGoingOutside = HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(character) }; } } else { goToObjective = new AIObjectiveGoTo(bestHull, character, getDivingGearIfNeeded: false) { AllowGoingOutside = HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(character) }; } } searchHullTimer = SearchHullInterval; } if (goToObjective != null) { goToObjective.TryComplete(deltaTime); if (!goToObjective.CanBeCompleted) { if (!unreachable.Contains(goToObjective.Target)) { unreachable.Add(goToObjective.Target as Hull); } goToObjective = null; HumanAIController.ObjectiveManager.GetObjective <AIObjectiveIdle>().Wander(deltaTime); //SteeringManager.SteeringWander(); } } else if (currentHull != null) { //goto objective doesn't exist (a safe hull not found, or a path to a safe hull not found) // -> attempt to manually steer away from hazards Vector2 escapeVel = Vector2.Zero; foreach (FireSource fireSource in currentHull.FireSources) { Vector2 dir = character.Position - fireSource.Position; float distMultiplier = MathHelper.Clamp(100.0f / Vector2.Distance(fireSource.Position, character.Position), 0.1f, 10.0f); escapeVel += new Vector2(Math.Sign(dir.X) * distMultiplier, !character.IsClimbing ? 0 : Math.Sign(dir.Y) * distMultiplier); } foreach (Character enemy in Character.CharacterList) { //don't run from friendly NPCs if (enemy.TeamID == Character.TeamType.FriendlyNPC) { continue; } //friendly NPCs don't run away from anything but characters controlled by EnemyAIController (= monsters) if (character.TeamID == Character.TeamType.FriendlyNPC && !(enemy.AIController is EnemyAIController)) { continue; } if (enemy.CurrentHull == currentHull && !enemy.IsDead && !enemy.IsUnconscious && (enemy.AIController is EnemyAIController || enemy.TeamID != character.TeamID)) { Vector2 dir = character.Position - enemy.Position; float distMultiplier = MathHelper.Clamp(100.0f / Vector2.Distance(enemy.Position, character.Position), 0.1f, 10.0f); escapeVel += new Vector2(Math.Sign(dir.X) * distMultiplier, !character.IsClimbing ? 0 : Math.Sign(dir.Y) * distMultiplier); } } if (escapeVel != Vector2.Zero) { //only move if we haven't reached the edge of the room if ((escapeVel.X < 0 && character.Position.X > currentHull.Rect.X + 50) || (escapeVel.X > 0 && character.Position.X < currentHull.Rect.Right - 50)) { character.AIController.SteeringManager.SteeringManual(deltaTime, escapeVel); } else { character.AnimController.TargetDir = escapeVel.X < 0.0f ? Direction.Right : Direction.Left; character.AIController.SteeringManager.Reset(); } } else { character.AIController.SteeringManager.Reset(); } } }
protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { if (followControlledCharacter) { if (Character.Controlled == null) { Abandon = true; return; } Target = Character.Controlled; } if (Target == character) { // Wait character.AIController.SteeringManager.Reset(); return; } waitUntilPathUnreachable -= deltaTime; if (!character.IsClimbing) { character.SelectedConstruction = null; } if (Target is Entity e) { if (e.Removed) { Abandon = true; } else { character.AIController.SelectTarget(e.AiTarget); } } var targetHull = Target is Hull h ? h : Target is Item i ? i.CurrentHull : Target is Character c ? c.CurrentHull : character.CurrentHull; if (!followControlledCharacter) { // Abandon if going through unsafe paths. Note ignores unsafe nodes when following an order or when the objective is set to ignore unsafe hulls. bool containsUnsafeNodes = HumanAIController.CurrentOrder == null && !HumanAIController.ObjectiveManager.CurrentObjective.IgnoreUnsafeHulls && PathSteering != null && PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && PathSteering.CurrentPath.Nodes.Any(n => HumanAIController.UnsafeHulls.Contains(n.CurrentHull)); if (containsUnsafeNodes || HumanAIController.UnreachableHulls.Contains(targetHull)) { Abandon = true; SteeringManager.Reset(); return; } } bool insideSteering = SteeringManager == PathSteering && PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && !PathSteering.IsPathDirty; bool isInside = character.CurrentHull != null; bool targetIsOutside = (Target != null && targetHull == null) || (insideSteering && PathSteering.CurrentPath.HasOutdoorsNodes); if (isInside && targetIsOutside && !AllowGoingOutside) { Abandon = true; } else if (waitUntilPathUnreachable < 0) { if (SteeringManager == PathSteering && PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && PathSteering.CurrentPath.Unreachable && !PathSteering.IsPathDirty) { if (repeat) { SteeringManager.Reset(); } else { Abandon = true; } } } if (Abandon) { #if DEBUG DebugConsole.NewMessage($"{character.Name}: Cannot reach the target: {Target.ToString()}", Color.Yellow); #endif if (objectiveManager.CurrentOrder != null && objectiveManager.CurrentOrder.ReportFailures) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogCannotReach"), identifier: "cannotreach", minDurationBetweenSimilar: 10.0f); } SteeringManager.Reset(); } else { if (getDivingGearIfNeeded && !character.LockHands) { Character followTarget = Target as Character; bool needsDivingSuit = targetIsOutside; bool needsDivingGear = needsDivingSuit || HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(character, targetHull, out needsDivingSuit); if (!needsDivingGear && mimic) { if (HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(followTarget)) { needsDivingGear = true; needsDivingSuit = true; } else if (HumanAIController.HasDivingMask(followTarget)) { needsDivingGear = true; } } bool needsEquipment = false; if (needsDivingSuit) { needsEquipment = !HumanAIController.HasDivingSuit(character, AIObjectiveFindDivingGear.lowOxygenThreshold); } else if (needsDivingGear) { needsEquipment = !HumanAIController.HasDivingGear(character, AIObjectiveFindDivingGear.lowOxygenThreshold); } if (needsEquipment) { TryAddSubObjective(ref findDivingGear, () => new AIObjectiveFindDivingGear(character, needsDivingSuit, objectiveManager), onAbandon: () => Abandon = true, onCompleted: () => RemoveSubObjective(ref findDivingGear)); return; } } if (repeat && IsCloseEnough) { OnCompleted(); return; } if (SteeringManager == PathSteering) { Func <PathNode, bool> nodeFilter = null; if (isInside && !AllowGoingOutside) { nodeFilter = node => node.Waypoint.CurrentHull != null; } PathSteering.SteeringSeek(character.GetRelativeSimPosition(Target), 1, startNodeFilter, endNodeFilter, nodeFilter); } else { SteeringManager.SteeringSeek(character.GetRelativeSimPosition(Target), 10); } if (!insideSteering) { SteeringManager.SteeringAvoid(deltaTime, lookAheadDistance: 5, weight: 1); } } }
protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { if (FollowControlledCharacter) { if (Character.Controlled == null) { return; } Target = Character.Controlled; } if (Target == character) { character.AIController.SteeringManager.Reset(); return; } waitUntilPathUnreachable -= deltaTime; if (!character.IsClimbing) { character.SelectedConstruction = null; } if (Target != null) { character.AIController.SelectTarget(Target.AiTarget); } Vector2 currTargetPos = Vector2.Zero; if (Target == null) { currTargetPos = targetPos; } else { currTargetPos = Target.SimPosition; //if character is inside the sub and target isn't, transform the position if (character.Submarine != null && Target.Submarine == null) { currTargetPos -= character.Submarine.SimPosition; } } if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(currTargetPos, character.SimPosition) < CloseEnough * CloseEnough) { character.AIController.SteeringManager.Reset(); character.AnimController.TargetDir = currTargetPos.X > character.SimPosition.X ? Direction.Right : Direction.Left; } else { bool targetIsOutside = (Target != null && Target.Submarine == null) || (SteeringManager == PathSteering && PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && PathSteering.CurrentPath.HasOutdoorsNodes); if (targetIsOutside && character.CurrentHull != null && !AllowGoingOutside) { cannotReach = true; } else { character.AIController.SteeringManager.SteeringSeek(currTargetPos); if (getDivingGearIfNeeded) { if (targetIsOutside || Target is Hull h && HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(h) || Target is Item i && HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(i.CurrentHull) || Target is Character c && HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(c.CurrentHull)) { if (findDivingGear == null) { findDivingGear = new AIObjectiveFindDivingGear(character, true); AddSubObjective(findDivingGear); } else if (!findDivingGear.CanBeCompleted) { abandon = true; } } } } } }
protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { if (character.LockHands) { Abandon = true; return; } targetItem = character.Inventory.FindItemByTag(gearTag, true); if (targetItem == null || !character.HasEquippedItem(targetItem, slotType: InvSlotType.OuterClothes | InvSlotType.Head | InvSlotType.InnerClothes) && targetItem.ContainedItems.Any(i => i.HasTag(OXYGEN_SOURCE) && i.Condition > 0)) { TryAddSubObjective(ref getDivingGear, () => { if (targetItem == null && character.IsOnPlayerTeam) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogGetDivingGear"), null, 0.0f, "getdivinggear", 30.0f); } return(new AIObjectiveGetItem(character, gearTag, objectiveManager, equip: true) { AllowStealing = HumanAIController.NeedsDivingGear(character.CurrentHull, out _), AllowToFindDivingGear = false, AllowDangerousPressure = true, EquipSlotType = InvSlotType.OuterClothes | InvSlotType.Head | InvSlotType.InnerClothes, Wear = true }); }, onAbandon: () => Abandon = true, onCompleted: () => RemoveSubObjective(ref getDivingGear)); } else { // Seek oxygen that has at least 10% condition left, if we are inside a friendly sub. // The margin helps us to survive, because we might need some oxygen before we can find more oxygen. // When we are venturing outside of our sub, let's just suppose that we have enough oxygen with us and optimize it so that we don't keep switching off half used tanks. float min = character.Submarine != Submarine.MainSub ? 0.01f : MIN_OXYGEN; if (targetItem.OwnInventory != null && targetItem.OwnInventory.AllItems.None(it => it != null && it.HasTag(OXYGEN_SOURCE) && it.Condition > min)) { TryAddSubObjective(ref getOxygen, () => { if (character.IsOnPlayerTeam) { if (HumanAIController.HasItem(character, "oxygensource", out _, conditionPercentage: min)) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("dialogswappingoxygentank"), null, 0, "swappingoxygentank", 30.0f); } else { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogGetOxygenTank"), null, 0, "getoxygentank", 30.0f); } } return(new AIObjectiveContainItem(character, OXYGEN_SOURCE, targetItem.GetComponent <ItemContainer>(), objectiveManager, spawnItemIfNotFound: character.TeamID == CharacterTeamType.FriendlyNPC) { AllowToFindDivingGear = false, AllowDangerousPressure = true, ConditionLevel = MIN_OXYGEN, RemoveExisting = true }); }, onAbandon: () => { getOxygen = null; int remainingTanks = ReportOxygenTankCount(); // Try to seek any oxygen sources, even if they have minimal amount of oxygen. TryAddSubObjective(ref getOxygen, () => { return(new AIObjectiveContainItem(character, OXYGEN_SOURCE, targetItem.GetComponent <ItemContainer>(), objectiveManager, spawnItemIfNotFound: character.TeamID == CharacterTeamType.FriendlyNPC) { AllowToFindDivingGear = false, AllowDangerousPressure = true, RemoveExisting = true }); }, onAbandon: () => { Abandon = true; if (remainingTanks > 0 && !HumanAIController.HasItem(character, "oxygensource", out _, conditionPercentage: 0.01f)) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("dialogcantfindtoxygen"), null, 0, "cantfindoxygen", 30.0f); } }, onCompleted: () => RemoveSubObjective(ref getOxygen)); }, onCompleted: () => { RemoveSubObjective(ref getOxygen); ReportOxygenTankCount(); }); int ReportOxygenTankCount() { if (character.Submarine != Submarine.MainSub) { return(1); } int remainingOxygenTanks = Submarine.MainSub.GetItems(false).Count(i => i.HasTag("oxygensource") && i.Condition > 1); if (remainingOxygenTanks == 0) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogOutOfOxygenTanks"), null, 0.0f, "outofoxygentanks", 30.0f); } else if (remainingOxygenTanks < 10) { character.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogLowOnOxygenTanks"), null, 0.0f, "lowonoxygentanks", 30.0f); } return(remainingOxygenTanks); } } } }